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This article aims to provide a retrospective view of the Peace Corps in Turkey. It is based on a number of books and articles written by returned Peace Corps Volunteers as well as personal and email interviews and correspondence with some... more
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      Cultural StudiesVoluntary AssociationsIntercultural Communication and Public DiplomacyTurkish-American Relations
Özellikle Trump'ın, Türkiye'yi tehdit eden terör örgütlerine karşı muhtemel tavrı ve Ortadoğu'da izlemesi beklenen siyasete dair çok sayıda analizle karşılaşıyoruz. Ancak maalesef bunların büyük kısmında, ABD'deki siyasi süreç gerekli... more
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      American PoliticsAmerican Foreign PolicyTurkish-American RelationsUSA - EU Relations
The American Passport in Turkey explores the diverse meanings and values that people outside of the United States attribute to U.S. citizenship.
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      American PoliticsTransnationalismGlobal CitizenshipTurkish-American Relations
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    • Turkish-American Relations
Allies such as the United States should not base their policy toward Turkey solely on the current state of relations. A broader perspective that panoramically sees the past and the glimpses of the future would provide a more accurate... more
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      Turkish-American RelationsUS-Turkey RelationsUsa and Turkey RelationsTurkey and the USA
Bu çalışma 1960’ların Türkiye’sinde, yirmili yaşları-nın başında İngilizce öğretmeni, hemşire/sağlık uzmanı ve “kırsal kalkınma uzmanı” olarak bulunan bazı Barış Gönüllüleri’nin değişim süreçlerini gönüllülerin yazarla sözlü... more
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      Cultural StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesU.S. Foreign PolicyTurkish-American Relations
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      Turkish and Middle East StudiesTurkish Foreign PolicyMustafa Kemal AtatürkTurkish-American Relations
ÖZET 20. yüzyılın ortalarından itibaren siyasi konjonktürün de etkisiyle aynı kutupta yer alan Türkiye ve ABD arasındaki ilişkiler hep aynı düzlemde ilerlememiş, farklı değişkenler ilişkilerin seyrini etkilemiştir. Türk-Amerikan... more
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      HistoryInternational RelationsTurkish-American RelationsJohn F. Kennedy
The 19 th century Romanian writer Dimitrie Bolintineanu (1824-1872), who spent some time in Paris and Constantinople as a political exile, made several journeys in what was then called, with a quite inaccurate, even abusive term,... more
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureCultural StudiesAmerican Studies
Stalin'in II. Dünya Savaşı'ndan sonra Türkiye'den Kars - Ardahan'ı isteyip istemediği tartışma  konusudur. Yazar bu konuyu tartışıyor.
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      Cold WarTurkish-American RelationsKars and ArdahanStalin
LONDRA TÜRK SEFARET ARŞİVİ’NİN OSMANLI TARİH ÇALIŞMALARI AÇISINDAN ÖNEM VE KAPSAMI Nejdet Gök Özet Bu makale esas olarak Şubat-Mart 2001 döneminde Londra Türk Büyükelçiliği Arşivi’nde yapmış olduğum araştırma ve incelemelere... more
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      Ottoman HistoryTurkish and Middle East StudiesLate Ottoman PeriodOttoman and England
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      Cultural StudiesTravel WritingTransnationalismTurkish-American Relations
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      NATOTurkish-American RelationsTürk Siyasi TarihiTürkiye (1950-1960)
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      History of EducationAmerican Missionaries, Evangelism, and the Middle EastTurkish-American RelationsSmyrna
Özet ABD Başkanı Lyndon Johnson’ın Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Başbakanı İsmet İnönü’ye yazdığı 5 Haziran 1964 tarihli mektup, Türk-Amerikan ilişkilerinde bir dönüm noktası olarak kabul edilmiştir. Türkiye’nin, Kıbrıs’ta yaşanan gelişmeler... more
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      Turkish Foreign PolicyTurkish-American RelationsTürkiye Dış Politikası
Türkiye, Sovyetler Birliği, İngiltere ve ABD gibi ülkeler tarafından çeşitli nedenlerle II.Dünya Savaşı’na çekilmeye çalışılmıştır. Fakat bu çabalar bir sonuç vermemiş, dönemin Türk hükümeti tarafsız kalmayı tercih edip, denge politikası... more
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      Turkish Foreign PolicyTurkish-American RelationsTurk Amerikan Ilişkileri
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureCultural StudiesMedia Sociology
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    • Turkish-American Relations
Since the 1980’s one of the key questions which has been repeatedly asked about the September 12, 1980 coup in Turkey is the nature of the relation of Carter administration to the military takeover in Turkey. The focus of the questions... more
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      Middle East StudiesDemocratizationModern Middle East HistoryMiddle Eastern Studies
This Turkish article deals with the analysis of the current Turkish Foreign Policy towards the Middle Eastern countries, such as Israel, Syria, Iran and Iraq within the theory of Hegemonic Stability. According to this approach, a... more
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      ReligionMiddle East StudiesConstructivismPolitics
Özet Türk-Amerikan ilişkileri tarihinin, üzerindeki bilinmezlik perdesi kalkmamış çok merak edilen problematiklerinden biri, 12 Eylül askeri darbesiyle dönemin Amerikan yönetimi arasındaki bağlantıdır. Bu çalışmada, gizlilik derecesine... more
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      American Foreign PolicyHistory of American Foreign RelationsTurkish-American RelationsUS-Turkey Relations
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    • Turkish-American Relations
We are delighted to introduce the recent report of USAK Center for American Studies, “Turkey-U.S. Relations: Towards a Multidimensional Partnerhip” that examines Turkey-U.S. relations with regard to key actors in U.S. domestic policy and... more
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      Turkish Foreign PolicyU.S. Foreign PolicyTurkish-American RelationsUS-Turkey Relations
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      Cold War and CultureJazz HistoryLouis ArmstrongTurkish Modernisation
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      Turkish Foreign PolicyHistory of Modern TurkeyTurkish politicsTurkish-American Relations
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      TurkeyTurkish Foreign PolicyTurkish-American RelationsTürkiye Dış Politikası
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      Military HistoryOttoman HistoryTurkish and Middle East StudiesTurkish History
'Safe zone' is a transnational concept, including a moral understanding. This article departs from the idea that with the onset of the post-Cold War period, the concept of ‘safe zone’ has been a critical point of fluctuation, whereby... more
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      Middle East StudiesIraqi HistoryAmerican Foreign PolicySyrian Studies
Özet: Avrupa Birliği (AB) ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri (ABD), Türkiye’nin 1923’ten bu yana sürdürmeye çalıştığı Batılılaşmaya yönelik dış politikasının iki temel unsurudur. Ancak bu unsurların Türk Dış Politikası’ndaki yeri, önemi ve... more
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      Turkish and European Union RelationsTurkish Foreign PolicyTurkish-American Relations
Öz Mevcut literatüre göre, Türk-Amerikan ilişkileri pek çok araştırmacı tarafından ele alınmıştır. Bu bilgilere göre, Türk-Amerikan ilişkilerinin siyasi, ekonomik ve askeri yönünün hayli zengin materyale sahip olduğu söylenebilir.... more
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      Cultural HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of EducationTurkish and Middle East Studies
For the purposes of this paper, the aims of British Studies are designed to answer the question “What we are teaching it for;” the objectives focus on “why we are teaching it.” The first section looks at the aims of British Studies... more
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureCultural StudiesAmerican Studies
Turkish public opinion equates “transatlantic” relations with the US. The public debate about transatlantic relations in Turkey has mostly evolved around Turkish-American relations, and was affected from the ups and downs of that... more
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      Transatlantic relationsPublic Opinion (Political Science)Public Opinion ResearchTurkish Foreign Policy
Despite the significance assigned to the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople by official and popular narratives of Turkish history, the Turkish government in 1953 chose to minimize the scope of the event’s 500th anniversary celebrations.... more
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      History and MemoryCold WarTurkeyMemory Studies
ÖZ Dış politikanın ve Türk-Amerikan ittifakının kamuoyunda algılanış biçiminde Türk basını önemli bir unsur olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. 1950'lerde pozitif yönde gelişen Türkiye ile Amerika Birleşik Devletleri (ABD) arasındaki ilişkilerde,... more
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      Turkish Foreign PolicyTurkish-American Relationsturkey and Unıted States
In the 19th century, countries with shipbuilding industry were mainly Britain, France, and Germany. On the other hand, the Ottoman Empire was in a diffucult situation before the I World War, but one of the more interesting and overlooked... more
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      British PoliticsTurkish-American RelationsTurkish-Amercan Relations
Chapter Outline
Historical Beginnings of US-Turkey Relations
Relations during the Cold War and Détente
Relations during the Second Cold War
Reassessing Turkish-American Relations Since the
End of the Cold War
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      Turkish Foreign PolicyTurkish-American RelationsUSA Foreign Policy
1923-1938 Atatürk dönemi dış politikasını bağlantısız bir dış politika diye nitelendirebiliriz. Bu dönemde Türkiye hiçbir büyük güce kendisini bağımlı hissetmemiştir. Zaten dünya ekonomik krizi nedeniyle tüm ülkeler içlerine kapanmak... more
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      International RelationsNATOPolitical ScienceCold War
Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinin 1941 yılında çıkardığı “Ödünç Verme ve Kiralama Anlaşması” (Lend and Lease Agreement) (ÖVKA); İkinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında ABD’nin müttefiklerine yaptığı yardımların resmi çerçevesini çizmiştir. Birinci... more
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      Second World WarTurkish Foreign PolicyTurkish-American Relations
Kurulduğu 1961 yılından bu yana 140 ülkede yaklaşık 210.000 Amerikan Barış Gönüllüsü görev yapmış / hizmet vermiştir. Türkiye’de 1962-1971 yılları arasında 1460 Amerikan Barış Gönüllüsü bulunmuştur. Her ne kadar Amerikan Dışişleri... more
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      Cultural StudiesModern Turkish LiteratureTurkish-American RelationsPeace Corps
Mankind is a single body and each nation a part of that body. We must never say ‘What does it matter to me if some part of the world is ailing?’ If there is such an illness, we must concern ourselves with it as though we were having that... more
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureCultural StudiesAmerican Studies
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    • Turkish-American Relations
The adoption of the Armenian Genocide Resolution in the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, doubled with the highly criticized US policy towards the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) has placed the Incirlik Air Base at the... more
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      NATOWar StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesTurkish-American Relations
This study aims to reexamine the closing of Bursa American Girls’ Lycee and proselytizing incident within the scope of correspondences and reports belong to American missionaries. Initial intention of the study is to shed light on the... more
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      Ottoman HistoryMissionary HistoryOttoman StudiesHistory of Missions
На сегодняшний день оказание помощи наименее развитым государствам служит одним из приоритетных направлений деятельности большинства веду-щих субъектов международных отношений, и Турецкая Республика в этом плане не является исключением.... more
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      TerrorismNATOTransatlantic relationsAfghanistan
Contents Introduction (Mustafa Aydın) Part One: Historical Record and Bilateral Relations During the Cold War 1: Main Trends in the Ottoman-American Relations (Çağrı Erhan) 2: Missionaries and the American Image of the Turks (Justin... more
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      International Relations TheoryAmerican Foreign PolicyLatin American Foreign PolicyTurkish Foreign Policy
The conventional wisdom asserts that anti-Americanism in Turkey started as a result of the Cyprus Crisis in 1964. Yet the roots of anti-Americanism can be traced back to the 1945-1960 period, the rosy years of Turkish-American relations.... more
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      Turkish Foreign PolicyTurkish politicsAnti-AmericanismTurkish-American Relations
УДК 327[(560):(73)]:323.174"1991/2013"(043.3) РЕГІОНАЛЬНИЙ ВИМІР ТУРЕЦЬКО-АМЕРИКАНСЬКИХ ВІДНОСИН В ПОСТБІПОЛЯРНИЙ ПЕРІОД Спеціальність 23.00.04 -політичні проблеми міжнародних систем та глобального розвитку АВТОРЕФЕРАТ дисертації на... more
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      Turkish Foreign PolicyTurkish-American Relations