Papers by Ayşe Ö M Ü R Atmaca
The 1990s marked a significant turning point in international politics and Turkish foreign policy... more The 1990s marked a significant turning point in international politics and Turkish foreign policy. İsmail Cem served as Türkiye's longest-serving foreign minister from 1997 to 2002 during this period of great change and transformation. Cem's historical perspective and realistic approach, which was peaceful but also based on interests, stood out from the first day he took office. He aimed to change the static structure of traditional Turkish foreign policy. During this period, İsmail Cem's vision shaped Türkiye's relations with its neighbours and allies, and this multidimensional foreign policy approach became a key motivation for Türkiye's post-Cold War foreign policy. This study will examine the foreign policy dynamics during İsmail Cem's tenure and his intellectual influence on Turkish foreign policy. It is argued that Cem aimed to create a multidimensional and realistic understanding of foreign policy, but his vision of Turkey's post-Cold War geopolitical posture differed from other visions, such as "neo-Ottomanism" or "Eurasianism", which excluded the West.
İzmir Journal of Economics, 2023
The Soviet and Baath regimes enjoyed a consensual relationship between the 1940s and the 1980s. T... more The Soviet and Baath regimes enjoyed a consensual relationship between the 1940s and the 1980s. The nature of this relationship was shaped both by the need for an alliance in a period of Cold War bipolarity and by shared common ideological worldviews such as anti-imperialism and socialism. These relations were not free from pragmatism to a certain extent, as the degree of commitment to socialism and Pan-Arabism within the Baath Party sometimes fluctuated. Nevertheless, the generally close relationship between Syria and the USSR cannot be seen as a purely pragmatic strategy; rather, this relationship's ideational, institutional, and material dimensions must be considered as a whole. In this context, this article examines Soviet-Syrian relations from the perspective of neo-Gramscian hegemony to develop a framework for understanding these three key factors behind this alliance.
İsrail: Bir Ülkenin Akademik Anatomisi, 2023
Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 2022
In the last two decades, Turkish foreign policy has undergone a remarkable transformation and Eur... more In the last two decades, Turkish foreign policy has undergone a remarkable transformation and Eurasianism, with its anti-Western and pro-Russian rhetoric, has become more visible in the foreign policy practices/activities of the JDP (Justice and Development Party) government. This article identifies Europeanization/de-Europeanization, Neo-Ottomanism and Eurasianism as geopolitical visions that have shaped Turkish foreign policy goals and instruments during the JDP government era. The article argues that Eurasianism is a result of necessity as Europeanization is off the agenda and neo-Ottomanism is not producing positive results. Overall, however, the evolution of geopolitical visions can be accounted for not only by foreign policy concerns. Domestic political goals and economic interests also matter.
Uluslararası İlişkiler, 2018
This study analyzes the perpetuation of US hegemony through its overseas military bases. It takes... more This study analyzes the perpetuation of US hegemony through its overseas military bases. It takes a Marxist-Gramscist hegemony approach as its theoretical basis and discusses the political processes, ideological debates, security perceptions; economic goals and hegemony seeking attempts when these bases are deployed. The study claims that the US used all its military deployments towards achieving its goals, with many military invasions being launched through the bases to perpetuate the hegemonic order in favor of US interests. In short, the US overseas military base structure forms part of its hegemonic expansion and is a reflection of hegemony " s coercion component.
Öz: Filistin-İsrail sorunu Orta Doğu'nun en önemli ve karmaşık sorunlarından birisi olarak kabul ... more Öz: Filistin-İsrail sorunu Orta Doğu'nun en önemli ve karmaşık sorunlarından birisi olarak kabul edilmektedir. Şüphesiz Filistin siyasetinin ve Filistin-İsrail çatışmasının Tunus'ta 2010 yılının sonlarında halkın özgürlük ve adalet talepleriyle başlayan "Arap Baharı"' dalgasından etkilenmemesi mümkün değildir. Bu çerçevede bu çalışmada Arap Baharı'nın Filistin topraklarındaki yansımaları, Filistin yönetiminin uluslararasılaşma stratejisi sonucunda Filistin'in BM'de gözlemci devlet olarak tanınması ve tüm bu gelişmelerin Filistin-İsrail sorununa etkisi incelenecektir.
This chapter focuses on Turkey-US relations, which have taken on new dimensions during the Obama ... more This chapter focuses on Turkey-US relations, which have taken on new dimensions during the Obama period. It begins by reframing the relationship under the vision of a ‘model partnership’, during the Obama Administration. Reflecting on the period’s new policy direction, the analysis is twofold: first, the changes and continuities in the alliance in the period between 2009 and 2013 are examined, and then, sources of divergences and distrust that emerged in the context of the post-Arab uprisings are studied to understand why the long-standing alliance has weakened in recent years. The chapter concludes that the strategic quality of the relationship can no longer be taken for granted, especially after 2013, due to changes inside Turkey, and each country’s differing geopolitical priorities regarding the Middle East.
There is a causal link between the incidents that occurred in the late 19th, early 20th century O... more There is a causal link between the incidents that occurred in the late 19th, early 20th century Ottoman Balkans, and the policies of the Committee of Union and Progress in the Middle East. The members of the Committee who would become the Ottoman ruling elite from the Second Constitutional period onwards had gone through a tragic and traumatizing experience in the era of Balkan nationalisms. Serving as young officers and the bureaucrats of the Sultan they lived through one of the worst episodes of their lives and careers which caused them to look at the Ottoman subjects in the remaining Ottoman territories. The political outcome of the era of Balkan nationalisms was a distrust towards the non-Muslim and in particular non-Turkish Ottoman subjects in the Middle East and the consequential introduction of centralism and an identity politics which evolved gradually from Ottomanism to Islamism and finally to Turkish nationalism. The aim of this study is to analyze the main factors shaping the emergence of the early CUP ideology in the era of Balkan nationalisms and to discuss the outcome of the Balkan trauma on policies of the Committee of Union on the Arab subjects of the empires remaining territories in the Middle East. Öz Geç 19. yüzyıl ve erken 20. yüzyılda Balkanlar'da tezahür eden olaylar ve İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti'nin Orta Doğu'daki politikaları arasında bir nedensellik ilişkisi mevcuttur. İkinci Meşrutiyet ve takip eden yıllarda Osmanlı yönetici sınıfını teşkil edecek olan Cemiyet üyeleri Balkan milliyetçilikleri döneminde trajik ve travmatik bir dizi deneyim yaşamışlardır. Padişahın genç subay ve bürokratları olarak hizmet ettikleri bölgede hayatlarının ve kariyerlerinin en zor dönemlerinden birini yaşamış olan Cemiyet üyeleri, bu deneyim neticesinde İmparatorluğun geriye kalan topraklarındaki tebaaya kuşkuyla yaklaşmışlardır. Balkan milliyetçilikleri döneminin etkileri, Orta Doğu'daki Arap tebaaya karşı da bir güvensizlik şeklinde tezahür etmiş, merkezîleştirici ve ilerleyen zamanda Osmanlıcılıktan, İslamcılığa ve en son da Türk milliyetçiğine evirilen bir kimlik siyasetinin
The Center for Foreign Policy and Peace Research was created under the auspices of the İhsan Doğr... more The Center for Foreign Policy and Peace Research was created under the auspices of the İhsan Doğramacı Peace Foundation.
Ortadoğu siyaseti, askeri faaliyetlerdeki motive edici rolünden dolayı, cihat söylemi ile iştigal... more Ortadoğu siyaseti, askeri faaliyetlerdeki motive edici rolünden dolayı, cihat söylemi ile iştigal edilmiştir. Cihat Kur'ani bir kavramdır, bu da kutsal kitapta tanımı yapılan terimin İslami kurallara göre yeniden yorumlanmaya mevzu bahis olmaması anlamına gelmektedir. Kur'an'daki açık anlamına rağmen siyasi aktörler terimi farklı politik koşullara göre uyarlamaktadırlar. Klasik cihat anlayışından farklı olarak, günümüz radikal İslami hareketler cihatçı söylemi var olan uluslararası sistemi yıkmak, Müslüman toplumlar arasındaki sınırları yok etmek ve şeriat kurallarını yeniden kurmak amacıyla kullanmaktadırlar. Cihat'tan cihatçılığa doğru gelişen söylemsel dönüşüm ise Ortadoğu'da İslam'ın siyasi bir araç olarak nasıl manipüle edildiğini göstermektedir. Çalışma, zaman ve mekanın tarihsel bağlamları içerisinde cihadın farklı anlamlarını incelemektedir. Çalışmada cihat kavramının tarih boyunca bir devlet politikası, bir doktrin aracı ve onlarca savaş, işgal, fetih ve direnişe sebep olan bir enstrüman olmak üzere çok çeşitli biçimlerde kullanıldığını ileri sürülmektedir.
Labor Zionism, which dominated the politics and organizational structure of the Jewish community ... more Labor Zionism, which dominated the politics and organizational structure of the Jewish community in Palestine during the pre-state period, became the main component of the founding ideology of the State of Israel. Most members of the Second and the Third Aliyahs were affected by socialism in the sense that they believed the realization of a just society could only be achieved through the idea of equality. The idea of the emancipation of Jews with the help of the Jewish socialist state ZDV RQH RI WKH PRVW VLJQLÀFDQW PRWLYDWLRQV IRU WKH LQGHSHQGHQFH ,Q this period, the pioneers of Labor Zionism, who were also the founding fathers of the State of Israel, separated Jewish from Arab economy, DQG HVWDEOLVKHG LQVWLWXWLRQV DQG SROLWLFDO SDUWLHV WKDW DUH VWLOO LQÁXHQWLDO today. This article aimed to investigate the socialist roots of Zionism, especially before the independence of the State of Israel in 1948. From D FRQVWUXFWLYLVW SRLQW RI YLHZ LQ WKLV VWXG\ =LRQLVP LV GHÀQHG DV WKH ideology providing the people of the nation-state with a feeling of belonging. It is argued that the idea of socialism was the most important part of national identity and of Jewish nationalism especially during the pre-state period. The economic and political institutions founded by the pioneers of the Second and Third Aliyahs helped create both a uni-ÀHG -HZLVK HFRQRP\ DQG D EDVLV IRU SROLWLFDO OLIH LQ ,VUDHO :KLOH /DERU =LRQLVP ZDV GRPLQDQW DIWHU LQGHSHQGHQFH XQWLO WKH V PDQ\ RI WKH ideas of the early Labor Zionists have not been realized. The socialist ideals that had been the symbol of the new society lost their political LQÁXHQFH DIWHU WKH 6L['D\ :DU RI DQG ZHUH UHSODFHG ZLWK 5HYLsionist Zionism. ĈċoL 6L\RQL]PLQLQ .|NHQOHUL 6RV\DOLVW 'ċQFHOHULQ <HQL hONHVL RODUDN ĈVUDLO" Özet )LOLVWLQ·GH GHYOHW |QFHVL G|QHPGH <DKXGL WRSOXPXQXQ VL\DVHWLQH YH |UJWVHO \DS×V×QD HJHPHQ RODQ ĈċoL 6L\RQL]PL ĈVUDLO 'HYOHWL·QLQ NXUXOXċ LGHRORMLVLQLQ WHPHO SDUoDV× KDOLQH JHOPLċWLU ĈNLQFL YH hoQF AliyaODU×Q SHN oRN \HVL DGLO ELU WRSOXPXQ JHUoHNOHċWLULOPHVLQLQ \DOQ×]FD HċLWOLN GċQFHVL LOH EDċDU×ODELOHFHĊLQH RODQ LQDQoODU× GRĊUXOWXVXQGD VRV\D-OL]PGHQ HWNLOHQPLċWLU <DKXGLOHULQ <DKXGL ELU VRV\DOLVW GHYOHW \DUG×P×\OD |]JUOHċPHVL GċQFHVL EDĊ×PV×]O×N LoLQ HQ EHOLUJLQ PRWLYDV\RQODUGDQ ELUL ROPXċWXU %X G|QHPGH D\Q× ]DPDQGD ĈVUDLO 'HYOHWL·QLQ NXUXFXODU× RODQ ĈċoL 6L\RQL]PLQLQ |QFOHUL <DKXGL HNRQRPLVLQL $UDS HNRQRPLVLQ-GHQ D\×UP×ċODU YH JQP]GH KDOD HWNLOL RODQ NXUXPODU YH VL\DVL SDUWLOHU NXUPXċODUG×U %X PDNDOH 6L\RQL]PLQ |]HOOLNOH ĈVUDLO 'HYOHWL·QLQ ·GH EDĊ×PV×] ROPDV×QGDQ |QFH VRV\DOLVW N|NHQOHULQL LQFHOHPHNWLU ĈQċDF× EDN×ċ Do×V×\OD EX PDNDOHGH 6L\RQL]P ELU DLGL\HW GX\JXVX LOH XOXVGHY-OHW KDON× VXQDQ ELU LGHRORML RODUDN WDQ×PODQP×ċW×U dDO×ċPDGD VRV\DOLVW GċQFHQLQ |]HOOLNOH GHYOHW |QFHVL G|QHPGH XOXVDO NLPOLN YH <DKXGL PLOOL\HWoLOLĊLQLQ HQ |QHPOL SDUoDV× ROGXĊX LOHUL VUOPHNWHGLU ĈNLQFL YH hoQF AliyaODU×Q OLGHUOHUL WDUDI×QGDQ NXUXODQ LNWLVDGL YH VL\DVL NXUXPODU KHP ELUOHċLN <DKXGL HNRQRPLVLQLQ KHP GH ĈVUDLO·LQ VL\DVL KD\DW×Q×Q WH-PHOOHULQLQ DW×OPDV×QD \DUG×PF× ROPXċWXU ĈċoL 6L\RQL]PL EDĊ×PV×]O×NWDQ VRQUD ·OHUH NDGDU HWNLQ ROVD GD LON ĈċoL 6L\RQLVWOHULQ ÀNLUOHULQLQ oRĊX JHUoHNOHċWLULOHPHPLċWLU <HQL WRSOXPXQ VHPERO RODQ VRV\DOLVW GċQ-FHOHU $OW× *Q 6DYDċODU× VRQUDV×QGD VL\DVL HWNLVLQL ND\EHWPLċ YH \HULQL 5HYL]\RQLVW 6L\RQL]PH E×UDNP×ċW×U $QDKWDU .HOLPHOHU 6L\RQL]P ĈċoL 6L\RQL]PL Aliya <DKXGL ĈċoL )LOLVWLQ ĈVUDLO 6L\DVHWL 1TVCFQþW 'V×VNGTK
Books by Ayşe Ö M Ü R Atmaca
Congresses Organized by Ayşe Ö M Ü R Atmaca
Kosova, Makedonya, Bulgaristan ve Batı trakya'da internet gazeteciliği Gözde Öztürk (Dokuz Eylül ... more Kosova, Makedonya, Bulgaristan ve Batı trakya'da internet gazeteciliği Gözde Öztürk (Dokuz Eylül university, turkey)/ aynur Özgür (Dokuz Eylül university, turkey) The European Press at its Lowest: The Coverage of the War in Bosnia-Herzegovina Berna Günen (ındependent Researcher, turkey) session 12-B. Education in the Balkans time: 11:30-13:00 Place: room 2 chair: anar somuncuoğlu (Hacettepe university, turkey) War and Education in the 1910s: Robert College of Istanbul and the American College for Girls under War Conditions orlin sabev (ınstitute of Balkan studies, Bulgaria) Minority Education Rights and Identity Preservation: The Case of Western Thrace Turks sebahattin abdurrahman (the centre for Ethnic Minority studies at soas, united Kingdom)
Papers by Ayşe Ö M Ü R Atmaca
Books by Ayşe Ö M Ü R Atmaca
Congresses Organized by Ayşe Ö M Ü R Atmaca