Troy Studies
Recent papers in Troy Studies
Introduction in the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey. Study of Atlantic authors De Grave, Cailleux, Gideon, Wilkens, Vinci. New discoveries and proves of the Atlantic Theory.
Continuation of the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey (part 1: Atlantic Troy; part 2: Atlantic Ismaros-Kikones). Odysseus' wanderings after his departure from Troy: Route Brittany-Senegal. Study of Atlantic authors De Grave,... more
Continuation of the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey (part 1: Atlantic Troy). Odysseus' wanderings after his departure from Troy. Study of Atlantic authors De Grave, Cailleux, Gideon, Wilkens, Vinci. Identification of Ismaros... more
Continuation of the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey (part 1: Atlantic Troy; part 2: Atlantic Ismaros-Kikones; part 3: Atlantic Kuthera-Lotophages; part 4: Atlantic Land of the Cyclopes; part 5: Atlantic Aiolia). Odysseus'... more
NOTES ON THE DATING, AUTHORSHIP AND CULTURAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MEDIEVAL LATIN «HYSTORIA TROIANORUM» The paper examines the so-called «Hystoria Troianorum» – the medieval Latin story of the Trojan War that was published (1998) in «The... more
This article seeks to demonstrate how the myth of Troy is still relevant to modern-day European culture and identity, drawing on Gregor Feindt et al.’s concept of “entangled memory” as a theoretical foundation. In order to support this... more
ABSTRACT: This documentary response sheet contains a series of 112 sequential questions drawn from the video, PBS: Helen of Troy (115 minutes; presented by Bettany Hughes). The documentary examines what we know about Helen of Troy from... more
Kotsonas, A. 2015. Showcasing new Trojan Wars: Archaeological exhibitions and the politics of appropriation of ancient Troy, Z. Theodoropoulou Polychroniadis and D. Evely (eds), Aegis: Essays in Mediterranean Archaeology presented to... more
For over three thousand years people have heard about Troy and the Trojan War which was waged between the Spartans and the Trojans, as well as their allies. The poet Homer wrote about this war from the Greek point of view, the Greek... more
"Zanggers Wegweiser nach Atlantis löst das Geheimnis gleichsam in Luft auf. Seiner Meinung nach ist die Platon-Erzählung nichts anderes als eine 'verzerrte Erinnerung' an das große Troja, jene antike Metropole am Hellespont (Dardanellen),... more
Continuation of the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey part 4: Atlantic Theory of Homer (Part 1: Odysseus' first voyage; part 2: Odysseus' second voyage; part 3: Atlantic Geography)
Continuation of the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey part 4: Atlantic Theory of Homer (Part 1: Odysseus' first voyage; part 2: Odysseus' second voyage; part 3: Atlantic Geography)
A 2012 study by Göran Henriksson raised the possibility that a solar eclipse was described in the Iliad of Homer. If so then it would be one of the earliest dateable eclipses and of value to astronomers and geophysicists to determine the... more
Historia de la destrucción de Troya (Lat.FvIV.5), Libro de Estudios, Coedición Biblioteca Nacional de Rusia, San Petersburgo / Orbis Mediaevalis, Madrid, 2016, 174 p. ISBN: 978-84-942509-2-7
Questo volume è dedicato al terzo libro dell'Iliade, e riunisce insieme tre elementi: il testo dell’Iliade, una traduzione interlineare rigorosamente letterale ed un commentario. Non sono a conoscenza di un altro testo in cui tutti questi... more
A new solution is offered to a difficulty posed by Homer’s Iliad: Hippothoos, the leader of Troy’s Pelasgian allies, fought against the Greeks and died far from his home in Larissa. However, soldiers from the distant Larissas familiar to... more
This essay takes into consideration some of the literary intertexts of the medieval fairy tale-like poem 'Asinarius' in order to arrive at a comic-parodic reading. Among these are Simon Aurea Capra's 'Ylias', Vergil's 'Aeneid', Nigel of... more
Vpád morských národov do priestoru starovekého sveta neustále láka pozornosť bádateľov. Je to jeden z najpozoruhodnejších a najtragickejších komplexov udalostí v dejinách ľudstva. Nešlo iba o inváziu bojovníkov na dané územie. Do pohybu... more
The Dendra panoply was originally discovered by Professor Paul Åström and Dr Nicolaos Verdelis, in tomb 12 in Argolis/Greece, near Midea citadel and is dated on LHIIB period. Since it is considered the first complete set of body armor... more
The paper analyzes the design principles involved in the construction of the 13th century BC Lions Gate at Mycenae. It is shown that this design involves Basic Geometry, namely three circles, an isosceles (quite possibly meant to be... more
Özet Çanakkale’nin marka imajı oluşturulurken hedef kitlesi tarafından nasıl algılanacağına ilişkin bir marka kimliği yaratmada; dünya çapında bilinen Troya Müzesi ve Ören Yeri’nin rolü büyük olacaktır. Troya, markalama stratejisi... more
Obwohl llias und Odysee keine historiographischen Texte sind, sondem 'Heldenepik', also eine spezielle Form von Literatur, werden diese Texte häufig mit dem bzw. einem Troianischen Krieg in Verbindung gebracht. Wer das tut, setzt voraus,... more
in Roman times an aqueduct brought water to Ilion from a source in the mountainous interior of the Troad. This article describes the physical remains of the water system and proposes a course for the aqueduct between 20 and 30 km long.... more
Esperimento di traduzione dell'Iliade di Omero. Libro XIII: 'La battaglia alle navi'. Traduzione interlineare con vocabolario essenziale in linea. La traduzione è accompagnata da commenti e note grammaticali. Il testo dell'Iliade è quello... more
Reviews the catalogue which accompanied the exhibition 'Troy: City, Homer and Turkey' in Amsterdam
SUMMARY: Lecture 19-a provides an overview on the city of Troy, the Trojan War, and other aspects of this settlement, its peoples, and their role in the Late Bronze Age and later periods. This lecture is designed mainly as an educational... more
The death of an individual leaves a corpse that constitutes a problem that can be solved by burial or cremation. The graves offer extensive information on funeral solutions which vary greatly in different cultures. What role does ritual... more
Simpson, E., ed. The Adventure of the Illustrious Scholar: Papers Presented to Oscar White Muscarella. Leiden: Brill, 2018. The Adventure of the Illustrious Scholar: Papers Presented to Oscar White Muscarella, edited by Elizabeth... more
Questo volume è dedicato all'ottavo libro dell'Iliade, e riunisce insieme tre elementi: il testo dell’Iliade, una traduzione interlineare rigorosamente letterale ed un commentario. Non sono a conoscenza di un altro testo in cui tutti... more
Pınarbaşı-Kumkale plain which resides in the northwest of Troad Region was known as the plain of Troy in ancient times. Ancient Troy resides in the middle of the plain, which has Aegean Sea and Hellespont in the east and it’s north side,... more
Lo studio dei poemi omerici obbliga i critici ad occuparsi di un arco cronologico molto esteso, corrispondente a circa dieci secoli, quelli che intercorrono tra il XVI ed il VI secolo a.C. Perché? Prima di tutto occorre considerare che il... more
Estudio sobre la relación pederástica entre Aquiles y Patroclo como precedente histórico de los erástes y erómenos en Grecia
Ecco l'ultimo passo - tradotto e commentato - che condivido dal libro 14 dell'Iliade: si tratta della ripresa dei combattimenti tra Greci e Troiani dopo la scena dell'inganno a Zeus. Il Sonno lascia la cima del Gargaro (il Monte Ida),... more