Archaeology Of Troy
Recent papers in Archaeology Of Troy
Vpád morských národov do priestoru starovekého sveta neustále láka pozornosť bádateľov. Je to jeden z najpozoruhodnejších a najtragickejších komplexov udalostí v dejinách ľudstva. Nešlo iba o inváziu bojovníkov na dané územie. Do pohybu... more
in Roman times an aqueduct brought water to Ilion from a source in the mountainous interior of the Troad. This article describes the physical remains of the water system and proposes a course for the aqueduct between 20 and 30 km long.... more
Nearly all archaeologists identify the remains of Troy with Hisarlik. This article in contrast looks at some alternative suggested locations and finding them to be implausible suggests a Bronze Age site-Yenibademli Höyük-on the North... more
my theory about the trip of Aeneas in Scandinavia
- by Valentina Nasi
- Homer, Aeneid, Iliad, Troas
Esperimento di traduzione dell'Iliade di Omero. Libro dodicesimo : L'assalto al muro. Traduzione interlineare, con note grammaticali e vocabolario essenziale in linea. La traduzione è accompagnata da tavole sinottiche e commenti.
Le tappe dei primi versi dell'Eneide di Virgilio sul viaggio di Aeneas pero collocato in Sud Scandinavia.
- by Valentina Nasi
- Homer, Iliad, OMERO, Ilium
Anthropomorphic figurines, observed in the world since the Upper Palaeolithic, and their earliest appearance in Anatolia is in the Neolithic. Figurines shaped in different forms and made of various raw materials (baked clay, stone, bone,... more
The paper considers the claim that Hittite texts help to confirm the historicity of the Trojan War, particularly in two aspects which affect the discussion: the political geography of Anatolia, and the date of the principal relevant texts.
This paper uses ancient geographical, mythological, and literary information to expand the interpretation of the reverse design of a small ancient bronze coin type issued by Ophrynion in Troas. The evidence indicates that the coin shows... more
Katalog der Ausstellung aus den Sammlungen des Museums für Vor- und Frühgeschichte in Berlin /// Katalog wystawy ze zbiorów Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte w Berlinie.
SUMMARY: Lecture 8 provides a brief summary on the geographic setting and the findings from Early Bronze Age II-III Troy (Hisarlik). This lecture is designed mainly as an educational resource for college students (i.e., normally posted... more
SUMMARY: Lecture 7 summarizes the Early Bronze Age in Anatolia, beginning with the Secondary Products Revolution, copper working, and the nature of EB I-II and EB III occupation across different parts of Anatolia. This lecture is designed... more
Homeros'utı //iada destanmda an-'" ai'll §ı yerleşim evresi Troi~'nın üst
Mitolojik Europe'nin öyküsü Avrupa ile yaşamaya devam ediyor. Bizanslılar için ülkeleri yeryüzünün ortasındaydı.
Troas Bölgesi, İlk Tunç Çağı'ndan itibaren stratejik konumu nedeniyle farklı bölgelerden gelen kültürlerin göç hareketiyle karşı karşıya kalmıştır, ancak bölgenin siyasi ve kültürel olarak yazılı belgelerle tanımlanması ise Son Tunç Çağı... more
An up-to-date overview of the archaeology of Troy from 3,000 BC to AD 600 in the light of the new excavations, with an extensive bibliography.
«In order to unearth the world of Homer». Gaetano Chierici and Heinrich Schliemann The close relationship between Heinrich Schliemann (1822-1890) and the wider Italian scientific comunity is still scarcely investigated, despite the rapid... more
Über Schliemanns Ausgrabungen in Hisarlık wurde sowohl während seiner Lebenszeit als auch nach seinem plötzlichen Tod im Jahre 1890 in Neapel viel geschrieben und diskutiert. Besonders über den ›Schatz des Priamos‹ folgte nach Schliemanns... more
Ancient Coin Found to Commemorate Trojan War Hero Pandaros Robert M. Cutler, 2016 Abstract: An ancient bronze coin reverse of the city-state of Zeleia in Troas shows a geometrical design, sometimes called a monogram, whose significance... more