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""En Filipo II y el Arte de la Guerra tendremos la oportunidad de conocer en profundidad a uno de los más grandes reyes de la antigua Macedonia. Gracias a su habilidad como estratega, diplomático, político y soldado, heredó un reino... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
Studio e ricostruzione di una giacca di cuoio di età augustea rinvenuta negli scavi di Pisa ed esposta nel Museo delle Navi Antiche di Pisa. Study an reconstruction of an augustan age leather jacket found in Pisa Shipyard excavation and... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyLeatherworkingArcheologia ClassicaArcheologia Romana
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    • Archeologia Navale
Since ancient times the rivers and inland waterways have played a vital role in the social, political and economic development in China. The intensification of trade relations with Korea and Japan led to an increasing development of naval... more
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      Japanese StudiesArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyChinese Studies
A visionary emperor, an immense fleet, a suicide mission, a providential typhoon. In 1281 the invasion fleet of Kubilai Khan was devoured by the waves, hit by a terrible typhoon along the coast of Japan. Here is the report of one of the... more
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      Naval ArchitectureJapanese StudiesArchaeologyMaritime Archaeology
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      GraffitiUnderwater ArchaeologyArcheologia NavaleMedieval Archaeology, Maritime and Naval Archaeologt
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyClassicsArcheologia Navale
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      Archeologia SubacqueaArcheologia Navale
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      CartographyArchaeologyGeoarchaeologyQuaternary Geology
Il volume riassume le conoscenze sulla pesca e il consumo nell’antichità del tonno e delle specie affini, presentandole con la terminologia propria della disciplina archeologica, ma con lo sforzo di usare un linguaggio narrativo più... more
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      Underwater ArchaeologyMediterranean Underwater ArchaeologyFishingAncient Fishing
Elementi di cantieristica e carpenteria navale antica alcune riflessioni Ciro Piccolo I tanti " cantieri da spiaggia" di fine '800 e fino alla metà del secolo scorso, consistevano in una serie di scivoli di legno fissati sull'arenile che... more
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    • Archeologia Navale
Nel 1963, durante i lavori di scavo dei canali per l'allevamento di pesci nel Pantano Longarini, furono rinvenute molte e grandi travi di legno. Alcuni legni furono portati a Marzamemi per venderli e qui l'Archeologo marino tedesco Gerald... more
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      ArchaeologyArcheologia medievaleArcheologia SicilianaArcheologia Bizantina
Préparé sous la direction d'Arthur MULLER et Giorgos SANIDAS Septembre 2015 À mamie et à Michel AVANT-PROPOS C'est tout d'abord à Arthur Muller et Giorgos Sanidas, mes directeurs de recherche que j'adresse mes remerciements les plus... more
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      Economic HistoryArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyMaritime History
Quaderni di archeologia fenicio-punica/CM 03] [The so-called "Kothon" at Motya] The sacred pool of Baal 'Addir/Poseidon in the light of recent archaeological investigations by Rome «La Sapienza» University -2005-2013 Stratigraphy,... more
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      ArchaeologyPhoeniciansLevantine ArchaeologyPhoenician
Il paesaggio è il frutto di una serie di pro-cessi concatenati, lenti o improvvisi, che ne creano la forma e l’aspetto che oggi co-nosciamo; è il risultato di azioni naturali e antropiche che, insieme, determinano la sua... more
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      ArcheologiaCartografiaArcheologia dei paesaggiGeologia
Mycenae culture became due to its own merits, the most important one in continental Greece for more than four centuries all along the II Millennium B.C. Its commercial importance due to the fact they took advantage of the minoans exchange... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
Il fenomeno della globalizzazione non è una novità del nostro tempo, infatti, l'età romana si è caratterizzata proprio per questa tendenza. Per il mondo romano si è parlato di globalizzazione culturale ed economica 1 .
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      Naval ArchitectureNaval HistoryByzantine StudiesLate Antiquity
This paper presents the results of a multidisciplinary investigation of the wreck of a riverine flatbottom sewn barge dated to the fifth century AD. The wreck was recovered west of the city of Comacchio (Ferrara, North Italy), near the... more
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      Vegetation History and ArchaeobotanyGeoarchaeology and Paleoenvironmental ReconstructionsArcheologia Navale
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      Archeolgia SubacqueaArcheologia NavaleNavigazione Antica
En el S. XVI mares y océanos se habían convertido en ajetreadas zonas de paso, confrontación, exploración, etc. por las que pululaban armadas, corsarios, piratas, comerciantes y aventureros tanto de coronas europeas como de reinos... more
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      Ocean EngineeringNaval EngineeringNaval ArchitectureReligion
L'area archeologica di Santa Maria in Padovetere, poco distante dal centro storico di Comacchio (FE), prende nome dal rinvenimento negli anni '50 del XX secolo da parte di Nereo Alfieri di strutture di culto ritenute pertinenti all'antica... more
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      Naval ArchitectureNaval HistoryArcheologiaArcheologia medievale
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    • Archeologia Navale
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      Maritime HistoryNaval Architecture (History)Maritime and Underwater ArchaeologyArchitettura Medievale
Sui sistemi idrografici si sono basate la vita, le economie e le culture dell’antichità; lo testimoniano gli sforzi per adattarli alle necessità umane: attività che erano praticate molto più intensamente di quanto oggi sia possibile... more
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      Roman HistoryMediterranean StudiesHistory of the MediterraneanRoman social history
In the recent years, harbours and anchorages have suffered an important research renewal effort. New methods and techniques allows us to a better analysis of the different realities that conform the harbor contexts. Since the classical... more
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyLate AntiquityNautical ArchaeologyArcheologia medievale
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      Underwater ArchaeologyArcheologia SubacqueaArcheologia Navale
Highlights: The "mosquito fleet" has a specific page in the WWI naval wars. Based on a specific ship, it is missing detailed documentation, the survey of the last one can highlight that episode. The digital survey of the Eothen has a... more
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      ArchaeologyFirst World WarArcheologiaLondon
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      ArcheologiaTecnologiaArcheologia della produzione e del commercioArcheologia Classica
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural History
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMaritime HistoryNaval HistoryNautical Archaeology
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      Archeologia SubacqueaArcheologia Navale
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      Underwater ArchaeologyMediterranean Underwater ArchaeologyArcheologia medievaleArcheologia Siciliana
Rassegna periodica di studi, notizie e documentazione edita dalllEPT di Trapani Anno XI11n. 44 lo semestre 1981
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      Underwater ArchaeologyArcheologia medievaleArcheologia SicilianaArcheologia Subacquea
"For the reconstruction of the military Mycenaean world scarcely we possess the information extracted from diverse slats written in Linear B, as well as the remains of some pictorial representations and scanty archaeological remains... more
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      Naval EngineeringNaval ArchitectureReligionHistory
Kaukana is the name of an ancient Roman village near Punta Secca, a small town in the Ragusa province of southeastern Sicily. The main objective of this project is the assessment, inventory, and study of underwater archaeological sites of... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyUnderwater ArchaeologyNautical Archaeology
Introduzione alla sezione degli atti del II Convegno nazionale di Archeologia, Storia, Etnologia Navale, dedicata al patrimonio marittimo italiano, con una riflessione sulla difficoltà di riconoscere, e dunque lavorare e salvaguardare... more
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      Archeologia NavaleMarineriapatrimonio marittimo
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      ArchaeologyNaval HistoryArcheologia NavaleRoman Archaeology
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      Naval ArchitectureMaritime ArchaeologyMaritime HistoryNaval History
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      Naval EngineeringNaval ArchitectureReligionHistory
In marine archaeology, many artifacts made of metallic or organic material are found in different state of conservation depending of the environment in which they are discovered. Once brought to the surface for study or display purposes,... more
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      EngineeringArchaeologyComputer ScienceUnderwater Archaeology
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      Naval EngineeringNaval ArchitectureHistoryAncient History
The remains of a wooden hull were exposed in 2012 near Precenicco, Italy, beside the Stella River. In 2014 it was exacavated and recovered as a single unit. Radiocarbon dated to the 11th-13th century AD, it has a flat bottom with no keel,... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyNautical ArchaeologyArcheologia medievale
Un racconto "imperfetto". Note e suggestioni su un anello sigillo bizantino rinvenuto a Porto Cesareo (LE)
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      Nautical ArchaeologyShipwrecksArcheologia medievaleShipbuilding
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    • Archeologia Navale
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyArcheologia
This paper presents both archaeological evidence and technical features that allows the identification of two of the wooden objects discovered in 2001 at the site of a 1st-century-AD shipyard in Olbia, Sardinia, as masts. The structure... more
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    • Archeologia Navale
Dapprima furono principi ed eroi poi divennero predoni e nemici dell'umanità
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      Roman HistoryGreek colonies in Magna GraeciaEtruscanGreek/Roman History
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      Underwater ArchaeologyMediterranean Underwater ArchaeologyMaritime and Underwater ArchaeologyArcheologia Subacquea
Il 15 agosto 1281 un tifone distrusse centinaia di navi partite dal porto cinese di Quanzhou per conquistare il vicino Giappone. Le aveva inviate il Khan dei mongoli. Una missione archeologica italo-nipponica ha scoperto dov'erano finite.... more
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      Japanese StudiesArchaeologyChinese StudiesJapanese History