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      HistoryEconomic HistoryArchaeologyEconomics
A complete edition of all known Latino (and Graeco)-Punic inscriptions along with a detailed, comparative grammatical analysis, esp. with regard to phonology and orthographic practice. Several texts are presented here for the first time.... more
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      PhilologyHistorical LinguisticsSemitic languagesPhoenicians
Le Dictionnaire des bijoux de l’Afrique du Nord, publié par Paul Eudel en 1906, est une source notable à plusieurs titres. Il nous offre une matière riche en illustrations et en descriptions des bijoux de cette aire culturelle. L’esprit... more
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      Middle East & North AfricaEthnographyMaterial Culture StudiesMorocco
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      HistoryArchaeologyNorth Africa StudiesSecond World War
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyLibyan Heritage (Architecture)Roman North Africa (Archaeology)
Monthly international webinar.
Link on demand at : [email protected]
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      Medieval Maghreb historyArabic/Persian Manuscripts, codicology, Islamic philosophy, early Islamic history and thoughtsLibyan StudiesTripolitania
È dal 1995 che la missione archeologica dell'Università Roma Tre conduce ricognizioni nel territorio di Leptis Magna (Libia). Ad oggi sono stati indagati oltre 100 km2 e documentati oltre 450 siti. Sulla base di tale ingente corpus... more
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      African StudiesArchaeologyIslamic ArchaeologyMedieval History
Synopsis of my PhD thesis
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      Ottoman HistoryHistory of SlaveryMamluk StudiesOttoman Studies
Quaderno n. 7 –– Conferenze 2001, stampato per conto del Circolo da De Bastiani ed., Vittorio Veneto, febbraio 2002 –– Sommario: (1) IMPERIO Loredana, 1688: un misterioso duello sul ponte del Cragno, in quel di Serravalle pp. 1-30; (2)... more
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      Decline and Fall of the Western EmpireGiuseppe VerdiTripolitaniaSerravalle di Vittorio Veneto
L'opera si articola in due distinte parti: nella prima si presenta lo studio dell'Anfiteatro di Sabratha mentre nella seconda si propone un nuovo catalogo degli anfiteatri della provincia dell'Africa proconsolare. L'anfiteatro di... more
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      Roman North Africa (Archaeology)Libyan archaeologyRoman ArchitectureAmphitheatres
This paper deals with the location of the springs of the river Cinyps (or Cynips) in Tripolitania, by comparing literary sources with topographic and archaeological data provided by explorers and by geoarchaeological studies carried out... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyClassics
Year: 2017
Series: Monografie di Archeologia Libica, 39
ISBN: 978-88-913-0889-4
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 212, 98 ill. Col., 12 tav. f.t
Size: 21,5 x 29 cm
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      Classical ArchaeologyNorth African prehistory (Archaeology)Libyan archaeologyRoman Provincial Archaeology
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      Roman AmphoraeTripolitania
Günümüzde Libya olarak isimlendirilen Trablusgarp, Osmanlı Devleti’nin Kuzey Afrika eyaletlerinden biri olarak yaklaşık dört asır Türk hâkimiyetinde kalmıştır. Fakat bu dört asırlık hâkimiyet, şimdiye kadar akademik anlamda yeteri kadar... more
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      Ottoman History16th Century (History)LibyaTripolitania
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      Archival StudiesArchivesConflict ArchaeologyArchaeology of Cyrenaica
The paper will focus on the suburban and periurban area of Lepcis Magna (Libya), one of the most iconic cities of Roman Africa. Although the core of the city has been deeply analyzed, its periphery has been, up to now, poorly studied and... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyLandscape UrbanismRoman North Africa (Archaeology)
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      Roman PotteryRoman EconomyRoman North Africa (Archaeology)Amphorae (Archaeology)
in Orienti, a cura di Maria Grazia Chiappori, Ariccia RM, Aracne, 2016.
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      Mediterranean StudiesMediterraneanLibiaROMAN LYBIA
Presentazione del memoriale di Nunzio Lanza, funzionario postale nella Libia italiana dal 1919 al 1943, che operò in diversi uffici e rivestì ruoli dirigenziali. Particolare attenzione è data alle vicende relative alla guerra in Cirenaica... more
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      Postal HistoryLibyaLibiaTripolitania
Since 1995 the Archaeological Mission to Libya of Roma Tre University has carried out several surveys in the territory and suburbs of Lepcis Magna. Besides the survey of the archaeological and historical sites, the Roma Tre team has also... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyPeace and Conflict StudiesConflict Archaeology
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyRoman North Africa (Archaeology)LibyaNorth Africa
Cave mosques in western Gebel Nafusa (Lybia) During the last studies pursued in the Libyan Gebel Nafusa, conceived by Wadi Adrar Foundation, several architectural types such as fortified granaries, marabouts, oil-presses, mosques were... more
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      Libyan archaeologyMosque ArchitectureLibyaLibyan history and archaeology
Colloque international sur la Libye antique à l'occasion du 45e anniversaire de la mission archéologique française en Libye
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      ArchaeologySaharan ArchaeologyGreek ArchaeologyArchaeology of Cyrenaica
This article discuss a visiting of Roman emperor Septimius Severus(193-211 A.D) to his birthplace Tripolitania region by an analysis study to the reliefs of the Sabratha Theater. So, the subjects of this reliefs is vary in regard of... more
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      Romani StudiesSeptimius SeverusRoman ArtArqueología romana / Roman archeology
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      Ottoman HistoryNorth Africa Studies18th CenturyAlgeria
This volume is focused on the cataloging of glass conserved in the Archaeological Museum of Tripoli. This is an unpublished corpus of objects identified from investigations into the necropolis and other burials in Tripoli and its suburbs,... more
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      GlassAncient GlassRoman GlassROMAN LYBIA
Yeni bir devlet olarak uluslararası siyaset sahnesine çıkan Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin (ABD) Osmanlı Devletiyle ilk karşılaşması, devletin Kuzey Afrika’daki topraklarında gerçekleşmiştir. Burada yapılan antlaşmalar ve savaşlar,... more
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      American HistoryOttoman HistoryNorth Africa StudiesLibya
CBDC, the Coming Disruption Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is digital version of central bank money that families and companies may use for making transactions and retaining value. It is the national unit's digital money. So, it... more
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      Mediterranean and North AfricaLibyaCentral BanksDigital Economy
Il libro prende in esame la partecipazione dei reparti del Regio Corpo Truppe Coloniali dell’Eritrea a tutte le campagne di guerra che si sono svolte in Libia dal 1912 al 1933. La ricerca si è basata sulla documentazione d’archivio dello... more
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The article focuses on the numismatic exhibition at the Museum of the Red Castle in Tripoli, which has about 2000 specimens. It was possible to record in detail the ancient part of this exhibition in 2009, before the “Arab Spring”. The... more
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      Archeologia Fenicio-PunicaCoin CirculationTripolitaniaCoins Hoards
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      ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyLibyan archaeologyArchaeological survey
The fall of Gaddafi’s regime in 2011 has had a significant impact on the development and implementation of different social and political reforms in Libya. During the period of 1969-2010, the Libyan regime, its political system and... more
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      Middle East & North AfricaNorth Africa StudiesPoliticsMediterranean and North Africa
حقيقة واقع اليوم انه لا وجود إلى مفهوم الدولة/النظام (الشعب + الإقليم + المنظومة = التشريعية-التنفيذية/الحكومة المحلية/الإدارة الذاتية –القضائية)، وإنما بقايا أجهزة إدارية منقسمة بين الحكومات الانتقالية المؤقتة المبعثرة العبثية (إما... more
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      Civil SocietyTamazightTripolitania
Lo studio architettonico del tempio di Roma e Augusto a Leptis Magna fa parte dell’edizione dei tre templi che chiudono da nord-ovest il Foro Vecchio di Leptis Magna, rimasti quasi del tutto inediti a più di 70 anni dallo scavo. Così,... more
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      Libyan archaeologyRoman ArchitectureLEPTIS MAGNATripolitania
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      African StudiesArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyIslamic Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyArchival StudiesMuseum StudiesDatabase Systems
Das Kastell Gholaia/Bu Njem wurde im Jahr 201 im östlichen Tripolitanien von einer Vexillation der legio III Augusta aus Lambaesis erbaut. Als Befehlshaber des Kastells sind bis 238 legionare centuriones inschriftlich bezeugt, nach... more
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      Roman ArmyRoman North Africa (Archaeology)Frontiers of the Roman EmpireRoman North Africa
The talk aims to shed light both to the topographic aspects linked to the distribution of the mausolea within the Lepcis Magna extra-urban landscape and, where possible, to their typological and architectural features. The recent survey... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyLibyan archaeologyNorth African ArchaeologyRoman Architecture
D awal ɣef amezruy n Tamezgida n Meqqer seg tira tiqdimin nnes d tarratin timezruyanin n Infusen. Tamezgida d azal alsan I tmura n At Mεan d weẓru n Yefren, ass-a Tamezgida texxs irray d txuddma n tkennawt d useḥrez s wannal yiwdan n tmura.
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      ArchaeologyCultural HeritageDatabase SystemsHeritage Conservation
Il saggio approfondisce la multiforme attività architettonica di Alessandro Limongelli (1890-1932): dalla progettazione di edifici commemorativi, scenografica e magniloquente, direttamente ispirata alle antichità romane ed egizie,... more
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      ColonialismArchitectural HistoryCyrenaicaROMAN LYBIA
Lo studio architettonico del tempio di Roma e Augusto a Leptis Magna fa parte dell’edizione dei tre templi che chiudono da nord-ovest il Foro Vecchio di Leptis Magna, rimasti quasi del tutto inediti a più di 70 anni dallo scavo. Così,... more
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      Libyan archaeologyRoman ArchitectureLEPTIS MAGNATripolitania
In October-November 2010, a pilot survey was carried out along the coastal landscape west of Lepcis Magna from the Villa of the Odeon. Intensive new building activities, in particular the development of tourist villages and luxury villas,... more
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      ArchaeologyCoastal and Island ArchaeologyRoman VillaeRoman Economy
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      Italian colonialismContemporary LibyaColonial LibyaLibyan Studies
Il Centro di Studi per la Storia dell’Architettura ha organizzato il Congresso del 2007 dedicandolo a “L’altra modernità. Città e architettura”, tema suggerito da una consapevolezza critica che vede la necessità di superare visioni del... more
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      ColonialismArchitectural HistoryModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)Modern Architecture
In October-November 2010, a pilot survey was carried out along the coastal landscape west of Lepcis Magna from the Villa of the Odeon. Intensive new building activities, in particular the development of tourist villages and luxury villas,... more
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      Coastal and Island ArchaeologyRoman VillaeRoman EconomyRoman North Africa (Archaeology)
À partir des dossiers épigraphiques de Gigthis et de Lepcis Magna, l’étude propose d’analyser, dans l’espace et dans le temps, les formules et le vocabulaire épigraphiques qui renvoient à des interventions d’acteurs socio-politiques dans... more
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      Latin EpigraphyRoman History, Roman institutionsLEPTIS MAGNALepcis Magna
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationTripolitaniaCritical Heritage Studies
Nel corso delle ultime campagne di ricerca nell’areale del Gebel Nefusa occidentale, rese possibili grazie al supporto logistico della Fondazione Wadi Adrar, sono state indagate e censite numerose opere architettoniche, sia costruite in... more
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      TripolitaniaInsediamenti rupestriMoschee