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OBJECT Surgical transposition of the ulnar nerve to alleviate entrapment may cause otherwise normal structures to become new sources of nerve compression. Recurrent or persistent neuropathy after anterior transposition is commonly... more
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      NeurosurgerySkeletal muscle biologyMedicineAnatomy
The chromosomal location of the histone genes was determined in seven species of the Drosophila obscura group by in situ hybridization. Histone enes occur on more than one site per genome and on non-homologous chromosome elements. In... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologyBiologyPhylogeny
Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 31 juillet 2019. La revue Transposition est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution-Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 4.0 International.
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      PharmacologyBiochemistryBioinformaticsEvolutionary Biology
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Transposition for their support throughout the writing and publication process. Special acknowledgment goes to the musical voices that populate this essay: first and foremost, Yōsuke Yamashita, but also Kiyoshi Awazu, Cole Porter, Ella... more
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Dans ce bref exposé, je tenterais de définir l'approche comparatiste qui semble dominer mes recherches et ce, à travers l'exploitation du préfixe trans-, morphème prétexte à de nombreuses déclinaisons disciplinaires.
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      American LiteratureComparative LiteratureFrench LiteratureLiterature
Edición crítica del guión teatral de Jorge Curi y Mercedes Rein, adaptado del libro de Rodolfo Walsh.
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      Literatura LatinoamericanaLiteratura argentinaTeatro LatinoamericanoTransposition
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SITUS INVERSUS TOTALIS is a congenital positional anomaly characterized by transposition of abdominal viscera associated with a right sided heart (Dextrocardia) .It was Mathew Baillie who first described situs inversus totalis in early... more
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Graph Theory is one of the significant and important areas in Mathematics, which is used in Network Security. Cryptography is art of science to achieving security by encoding message to make it non-readable (secretive) to unintended... more
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      CryptographyTranspositionAsymmetricAdjacent Matrix
Lotman explicitly affirms that his methodological wager is an attempt to join the formal- -structural paradigm of Roman Jacobson and the contextual-dialogical paradigm of Mikhail Bakhtin. Lotman conceives the structure of the text as... more
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      SemioticsMimesisHeterotopiaHybrid Systems
El carácter transpositivo de Maléfica (2014), la película de los Estudios Disney que pretende reinterpretar el personaje de Maleficent, la villana de la Bella Durmiente (1959), no puede ser analizado sin tener en cuenta la naturaleza y la... more
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      SemioticsFilm StudiesNarratologyDisney
La traduction intersémiotique est mieux acceptée aujourd’hui dans les études traductologiques. Cependant, il semblerait que l’ampleur de ce phénomène sémiotique resterait encore à être démontré pour les traductologues qui le considèrent... more
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      SemioticsCultural StudiesTranslation StudiesTranslation theory
The collective work focuses on the study of lexical semantic derivation from a typological perspective. Based on the languages of different structures (English, German, French, Czech, Polish, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Russian, Turkish), the... more
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      SemanticsTerminologyCzechGerman Language
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      Congenital Heart DefectsHeartTranspositionClinical Sciences
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      Islamic EducationQur'anic StudiesQuranic StudiesIslamic Studies
Transposition and Modulation to Translate Tourism Texts from English into Indonesian Budi Purnomo Department of Tourism, Sahid Tourism Institute of Surakarta Solo City, Central Java, Indonesia Abstract This study attempts to evaluate... more
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Gabrieli’s Sonata pian e forte presents performers with two problems: what pitch should it be performed at and which instruments should be used? By considering the clefs and ranges of the parts, the nomenclature of instruments and advice... more
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      Performance PracticeInstrumental MusicTranspositionViolin performance practice
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      PhysiologyCongenital Heart DefectsHeartTransposition
El presente trabajo se propone analizar la trasposición al cine, realizada por el director Luchino Visconti de la novela La muerte en Venecia de Thomas Mann. La hipótesis principal es que el desplazamiento más importante que opera el... more
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      Literature and cinemaItalian CinemaCinemaCinema Studies
This dissertation aims to make known some themes related to the eschatological theology present in the works of Clive Staples Lewis. In this sense, the exposed themes are the virtue of Hope; the lewisian concept of Transposition, which... more
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      Fantasy LiteratureImaginationEschatologyMythopoesis
The dramaturgical principle of montage has a crucial importance in the mechanism of transposition from the novel to the staging and also includes the operations of quotation and translation. Heiner Müller's transposition of the Liaisons... more
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      AestheticsTranslation StudiesDramaturgyDrama
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      Art HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesRestoration18th Century France
Delayed diagnosis and referral of Pediatric Cardiac patients in addition to inability of parents to financially undertake pediatric cardiac surgery have resulted in several patients becoming inoperable. Improved survival after early... more
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The term hypertextuality refers to any form of adaptation; therefore, in literature, this term expresses the relations between texts. The novel Frankenstein in Baghdad written by Ahmed Saadawi, an Iraqi novelist, is influenced by Mary... more
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      TransformationFrankensteinHypertextualityMary Shelley
Cryptography is an art and science of converting original message into non readable form. There are two techniques for converting data into no readable form:1)Transposition technique 2)Substitution technique. Caesar cipher is an example... more
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      Computer ScienceCryptographyTranspositionSubstitution
Summary The paper starts from the analysis of Michelangelo's Creation of Adam that Arnheim offers in his book: "Art and visual perception". According to the basic conception of Gestalt theory, Arnheim illustrates the “structural... more
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      Art HistoryGestalt PsychologyMichelangelo BuonarrotiGestalt Theory
Este artículo presenta una tipología posible de las publicaciones impresas no periódicas que tienen como objetivo construir una representación de los artefactos culturales-materiales de memoria articulados socialmente bajo el nombre común... more
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      Print CultureBook HistoryCultural SemioticsHistory and Memory
In the 1560s Alessandro Striggio composed monumental works such as his Missa sopra Ecco si beato giorno à 40 and a 40-voice motet, both of which can be proven to have been performed in Munich in 1567 and 1568. Analysis of the performing... more
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      Renaissance musicOrlando di LassoTranspositionAlessandro Striggio
Der wissenschaftlichen Literatur über Holocaust-Überlebende und ihre Nachfahren zufolge neigen die Kinder und Enkel von traumatisierten Überlebenden des Nazi-Terrors dazu, Sequenzen aus dem Leben ihrer Eltern und Großeltern im eigenen... more
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      PsychoanalysisHistory and MemoryNational SocialismTrauma
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      TranspositionGramàtica EspanolaAdverbialsMarcadores Discursivos
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The text with the tautological title “The two scenes: scene within a scene” examines repetition. Here repetition is considered not as a rhetorical figure, but as a metafigure. The two possible aspects of the term metafigure are: first, as... more
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      GestureLiterary TheoryRepetitionMirrors
The dramaturgical principle of montage has a crucial importance in the mechanism of transposition from the novel to the staging and also includes the operations of quotation and translation. Heiner Muller’s transposition of the Liaisons... more
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      AestheticsTranslation StudiesDramaturgyDrama
The most extensively employed paradigm for the analysis of relational behavior is the transposition task. Nevertheless, it has two important limitations for its use in humans. The first one is the "ceiling effect" reported in linguistic... more
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      PerceptionGestalt PsychologyExperimental Analysis of BehaviorHuman behavior
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Brunel, M., Bouchardon S. (2020). « Enseignement de la littérature numérique dans le secondaire français : une étude exploratoire », R2LMM (Revue de recherches en littératie médiatique multimodale), vol.11, sept. 2020,... more
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      Didactique Du FrançaisLecture LittéraireTranspositionLitterature Numerique
This article examines the editorial technique of large-scale transpositions through three case studies from the Hebrew Bible. There is documented evidence from various textual witnesses that Josh 8:30–35, 1 Kgs 22:41–51, and the oracles... more
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      Literary CriticismTextual CriticismSeptuagintSeptuaginta Text
Правотворча діяльність щодо зближення законодавства України із законодавством ЄС вимагає чіткого визначення обсягу і змісту поняття «транспозіція» права. Метою цієї статті є визначення співвідношення поняття «транспозіція» права у сфері... more
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      EU External Relations LawEuropean Neighbourhood PolicyTransposition
Piwi interacting RNAs (piRNAs) are small (∼25 to ∼30 nucleotide) and are expressed in the germline. piRNAs bind to the Piwi subclade of Argonaute proteins and form the core ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) of piRNPs. We describe a method for the... more
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      Deep SequencingPIWIHigh Throughput SequencingTransposition
Our firm belief is that the broad notion of the text has mainly come about thanks to semiotics. Τhis crucial move by semiotics resulted, among others, in bringing translation studies closer to semiotics. The implications of general sign... more
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      SemioticsCultural StudiesTranslation StudiesFilm Studies
The purpose of this scientific approach is to analyse the transposition into Romanian language of the Greco-Latin mythological proper names from the text "Istoriia lui Numa Pompilie, al doilea craiu al Romii" [The... more
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      MythologyProper NamesAncient Greek MythologyTransposition
Transposition activity in bacteria is generally maintained at a low level. The activity of mobile DNA elements can be controlled by bacterially encoded global regulators. Regulation of transposition of Tn4652 in Pseudomonas putida is one... more
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      MicrobiologyRegulationMultidisciplinaryNegative Affect
This paper situates the British Columbia Treaty Process within a brief discussion of the role of land in genocidal processes and transitional justice. It does so as a means to highlight the potential destructiveness of colonial land... more
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      SociologyGenocide StudiesSettler Colonial StudiesGenocide
Automatic extraction of information from music data is an important and challenging issue in the field of content-based music retrieval. As part of the research effort, this study presents a technique that automatically identifies cover... more
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      Information RetrievalMusical acousticsInformation ExtractionSimilarity
Études mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 32 | 2001 L'épopée orale turque d' Asie centrale. Contes épiques nanaïs La vengeance clanique dans les contes épiques nanaïs Essai d'interprétation à partir de conceptions... more
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The presence of integrons was assessed in gut bacteria isolated from wild-caught prawns. A pseudomonad was recovered that contained a Tn402-like class 1 integron with a complete transposition module and two gene cassettes. One cassette... more
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      MultidisciplinaryAppliedApplied Environmental MicrobiologyBacteria
Transposable elements (TE) induce structural and epigenetic alterations in their host genome, with major evolutionary implications. These alterations are examined here in the context of allopolyploid speciation, on the recently formed... more
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      HybridizationInvasive SpeciesTransposable ElementsEpigenetics