Review Article
Vikas Kohli* and Raja Joshi**
From the: Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist*, Consultant Paediatric Cardiology Surgeon**, Paediatric Cardiology and
Cardiac Surgery Unit, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi 110 076, India.
Correspondence to: Dr. Vikas Kohli, Consultant, Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Unit,
Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi 110 076, India.
[email protected]
Delayed diagnosis and referral of Pediatric Cardiac patients in addition to inability of parents to financially
undertake pediatric cardiac surgery have resulted in several patients becoming inoperable. Improved survival
after early repair has also resulted in earlier age of surgery. Several procedures are now feasible in the
neonatal period and in addition reparative procedures which required an addition palliative surgery are now
performed in a single step. The objective of this article is to review contemporary recommendations for
timing for surgery and interventions.
Key words: ASD, Cardiac Surgery, Neonate, Transposition, VSD.
THE timing of surgery of any cardiac defect is an integral of a
variety of factors that are related to the child's defect and
those related to the outcomes that can be provided in a
pediatric cardiac unit. Optimal results can best be obtained
in dedicated pediatric units with high volume. To provide
results parallel to those published from Centers of
Excellence in developed countries, several variables have to
be optimized: early accurate diagnosis, pre-operative
stabilization (occasionally with interventions like balloon
septostomy), intra-operative management, post-operative
management. Once these are optimized, surgery performed
at appropriate time can result in excellent surgical results
with no long term issues in majority of cases. This chapter
focuses on the timing for intervention, surgical and catheter
based, in congenital cardiac lesions.
Atrial septal defects / partial anomalous
Pulmonary venous return (ASD/PAPVR)
Atrial septal defects are usually operated at 2 years of
age or anytime after that when they have been diagnosed.
Very rarely (approximately 10%) an isolated atrial septal
defect may require closure in infancy due to difficult to
control CHF [1].
Contemporary surgical outcome of this lesion is 100%.
Time related survival of patients operated for ASD or
PAPVC during the first few years of life is that of the
matched general population implying there is no late
attrition of these patients and survival continues in the
second decade and beyond. Sinus venosus ASD is the lesion
in this group associated with late morbidity.
Features to follow carefully would be RV diastolic
dimensions, (especially if the closure was preformed at an
older age), atrial arrhythmia and in case of PAPVR, return
of draining pulmonary segments. Those with atrial
arrhythmias especially atrial fibrillation run the risk of
thrombo-embolism and therefore need anticoagulation.
A recently published study looking at long-term
outcome of sinus venosus ASD (SVASD) noted outcomes
which require attention. The authors reviewed outcomes of
115 patients (mean age 34 years) with SVASD who had
repair. Complete follow-up was available in 95% patients at
144+/-99 months. Symptomatic deterioration was noted in
17 patients (16%). At follow-up, 7 (6%) of 108 patients had
sinus node dysfunction, a permanent pacemaker, or both,
and 15 (14%) of 108 patients had atrial fibrillation. Older
age at repair was predictive of postoperative atrial
fibrillation. In conclusion a significant percent of patients
required electrical management of the heart [2].
Ventricular septal defects
Ventricular septal defects are the commonest cardiac
lesion. Unfortunately this lesion is dealt with most
inappropriately as regards timing for surgery resulting in
irreversible pulmonary hypertension. Patients that are
diagnosed in early infancy are most likely due to large
unrestrictive defects. This subset will present with early
onset, refractory congestive heart failure and severe failure
Apollo Medicine, Vol. 2, No. 4, December 2005
Review Article
to thrive. Such lesions should be closed within the first 3-4
months of life or when diagnosed. Presence of coarctation
or aortic interruption will require neonatal surgical
intervention. Moderate sized defects need careful follow up
and should be offered closure based on the merit of
symptomatology. The timing most often should be within
the first two years of life. Special circumstances that need
careful serial echocardiographic evaluation for early
surgery are development of progressive pulmonary
hypertension, new onset aortic or tricuspid insufficiency,
secondary infundibular stenosis (Gassul’s effect) or an
episode of infective endocarditis. Defects in anatomic
locations that are less likely to close spontaneously (inlet
defects, subpulmonary lesions) should be offered early
surgery. Presence of Trisomy 21 enhances the risk for early
development of pulmonary vascular disease and therefore
need closure within the first 9 months.
Ventricular septal defect is one of the lesions where the
long term outcome is excellent if no residual lesion has been
left behind [3]. Premature late death occurs in less than
2.5% of patients provided the pulmonary resistance was
preoperatively judged to be low. Patient who had high
preoperative pulmonary vascular resistance may die from
progressive pulmonary vascular disease. Thus it must be
emphasized that closure during the first year of life is
curative. If timely closure is done the physical growth
becomes normal for weight, length and head circumference
by age of one year.
Symptomatic lesions with failure to thrive should be
closed irrespective of the age or weight of the child. Patients
with milder symptoms can be timed for closure at around 3
months of age. Asymptomatic children may be offered
closure to prevent possible infective endocarditis.
Extremely low birth weight babies with PDA who are
ventilator dependent should have PDA ligation (especially
if failed/contraindicated pharmacological therapy) early
before the onset of end organ dysfunction.
Life expectancy is normal after closure of an
uncomplicated PDA in infancy or childhood. With older
age at operation or preoperative high pulmonary vascular
resistance late deaths may result from progression of
pulmonary hypertension.
Elective surgical closure of the complete forms of
AVSD should be done between 3-6 months of life or earlier
if severe failure to thrive / CHF. Partial and transitional
forms of this lesion will need closure within the first two
years of life. Early intervention is required in the subset of
patients who have severe mitral incompetence or left
Apollo Medicine, Vol. 2, No. 4, December 2005
ventricular outflow tract obstruction.
Most long term survivors (88%) are in excellent NYHA
status. These defects once repaired and are beyond the early
hazard phase (which is steep for the initial 6-9 months after
surgery) show a very small but appreciable constant hazard
phase. This means that these patients need regular followup even in the long term.
The main reasons for concern are left AV valve
dysfunction (regurgitation/stenosis), left ventricular outflow tract obstruction (more after a partial AV septal defect
repair than complete), residual pulmonary hypertension,
and rarely complete heart blocks or supra ventricular
arrhythmias. It should be noted that presence of Trisomy 21
does not adversely effect the outcome of these defects.
Incidentally a study published in 1995 with follow up of 203
patients concluded that mortality has decreased over the
decades from 19% before 1980 to 3% after 1990. The 10
year survival is 90% and all patients are in NYHA Class I or
II. Late reoperation was required in only 8/203 patients and
their results indicate that complete atrioventricular septal
defects can be repaired with low mortality and good
intermediate to long-term results [4].
CoA presenting in the neonatal period is a duct
dependent lesion requiring initial stabilization with
prostaglandin E1 followed by neonatal repair. Neonates
presenting with renal and mesenteric dysfunction (ductal
shock) and those with severe LV dysfunction may require
urgent salvage angioplasty followed by surgical repair.
CoA presenting later should preferably be intervened
within the first year of life or when diagnosed. In older
children with borderline resting gradients across the CoA, a
stress test may unmask an abnormal blood pressure
response in the brachio-cephalic arteries.
In isolated coarctation of aorta long term survival is
excellent. Long term issues include resting and exercise
induced hypertension. Recurrence of coarctation has to be
sought for actively. Commonly associated bicuspid aortic
valve may show signs of stenosis by the 2nd or 3rd decade
of life and may also be a source to infective endocarditis.
New or late onset subaortic stenosis is also an issue to be
looked for. If patch aortoplasty was performed care should
be taken to evaluate for aneurysm formation in the long run.
Cerebrovascular accidents are more common in patients
with persistant hypertension and in those with Berry
In a late follow up of upto 50 years after coarctation
repair, surprisingly 18% (45/274) patients died at a mean
age of 34 years. Predictors of survival were age at operation
and blood pressure at the first postoperative visit. The
Review Article
authors noted long-term survival is significantly affected by
age at operation, with the lowest mortality rates observed in
patients who underwent surgery between 1 and 5 years of
age. More than one-third of the survivors developed
significant late cardiovascular abnormalities [5].
Truncus arterisus/aorto-pulmonary window
These cono-truncal septal defects should undergo repair
within the neonatal period. Some patients who present later
should be operated as early as possible after careful
assessment of pulmonary vascular resistance.
Since a valved conduit is used for repair during early
infancy, issues related to the valve necessitate reoperation
or intervention or both. Pulmonary vascular disease often
develops and progresses in older infants and children who
did not undergo repair and therefore adversely affect
survival in the long run. A recent single center review of 16
cases on intermediate term follow up indicate conduit and
valve failure at mean follow up of 2.5 years in 67% of the
patients [6].
Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF)
TOF with pulmonary stenosis that presents in very early
infancy with cyanotic spell may undergo a palliative BT
shunt. Patients presenting without a history of spell should
be operated between 6-8 months of life or earlier if
saturations are approaching 75%.
TOF with pulmonary atresia presenting in the newborn
period with cyanosis is most likely a duct dependent lesion
and hence will require stabilization with prostaglandin E1
followed by a palliative BT shunt. Other variables requiring
objective assessment are the sources of pulmonary blood
flow, degree of cyanosis or congestive heart failure and size
and continuity of central pulmonary arteries. Based on
the above stage unifocalization can be performed within
the first year of life. In all cases of TOF with pulmonary
atresia, complete repair is aimed at the age of 18-24
TOF with pulmonary stenosis a heterogeneous group of
patients that behave in a variety of ways in long term follow
up. To answer the difficult question regarding “Surgical
Cure” of Tetralogy we take lessons learnt from a large metaanalysis. This infers that time related survival of most
patients after repair of TOF with pulmonary stenosis under
proper circumstances is excellent, approaching that of
general population, but the risk of death throughout life in
“slightly greater” than general population.
During follow up of these patients important points to be
noted are RV function, RV outflow tract aneurysms,
pulmonary insufficiency (specially if a transannular patch
Apollo Medicine, Vol. 2, No.4, December 2005
has been placed during the repair) residual right ventricular
outflow tract (RVOT) obstruction and recurrent / residual
VSDs, late aortic insufficiency, tricuspid valve competence
and ventricular or supra ventricular arrhythmias.
Progressive RV dilatation and dysfunction (preferably
documented by MRI) should be sought for early. An ECG
with QRS duration >180 ms puts these patients on a higher
risk for sudden death from ventricular arrhythmias.
A recent study evaluated 95 patients with TOF on long
term follow up for their RV function. Despite a large
number of reoperations, this cohort of patients remained
well with low incidence of sudden death with normal good
RV and LV function. Aggressive intervention for rightsided hemodynamic abnormalities may have contributed to
this outcome. Preserved ventricular function may herald a
favorable long-term outlook in this group, the authors
concluded [7].
In another multi-center study, 793 patients with
Tetralogy were reviewed for late arrhythmia complications.
Thirty-three patients developed sustained monomorphic
ventricular tachycardia, 16 died suddenly, and 29 had newonset sustained atrial flutter or fibrillation. Pulmonary
regurgitation was the main underlying hemodynamic lesion
for patients with ventricular tachycardia and sudden death,
whereas tricuspid regurgitation was for those with atrial
flutter/fibrillation [8].
This terminology comprises a wide variety of diagnosis.
These patients have to be placed on what in termed as a
single ventricle or FONTAN palliation protocol. Patients
with effective single ventricle have varied presentations. A
large group presents with severe cyanosis and will need a
palliative shunt preferably in the newborn period. Second
subgroup presents with congestive heart failure and very
mild or imperceptible cyanosis and will require neonatal
pulmonary artery banding. The third subgroup presents
with neonatal systemic shock and require initial stabilization with prostaglandin E1 followed by construction of an
unobstructed systemic outflow path and a BT shunt.
All these groups of palliated patients then will require
a bidirectional GLENN (Superior cavo-pulmonary
anastomosis) at the age of 6 months. The final surgical
palliation involves routing the inferior vena caval blood into
the pulmonary arteries called the FONTAN operation
which is performed between 2-4 years of age.
The long term survival issues cannot be simplified
because of the heterogeneity of the primary diagnosis for
which a FONTAN pathway was offered. With the latest
modifications in the staged palliation towards FONTAN
operation mid term survival is approaching and exceeding
Review Article
90%. There is present the late slow rising phase of the
hazard curve. One modification is to fenestrate the
baffle and this leads to some degree of acceptable cyanosis.
During the follow up important facts to review and
expect are development of supra-ventricular tachyarrhythmias, ventricular dysfunction, protein losing enteropathy, serous cavity effusions, thromboembolic and neurological complication (specially if a fenestrated FONTAN is
done). Development of AV valve regurgitation is detrimental and needs to be evaluated. Systemic hypertension
and semi lunar valve incompetence promote load on the
ventricle and need prompt attention. Obstruction to the
FONTAN pathway and baffle leaks should also be looked
into. These adolescents self learn to cope up with mild
exercise intolerance.
In a recent review of 225 patients of double inlet single
left ventricle (DILV) who underwent FONTAN operation
in Mayo Clinic between 1974 to 2001, median age at
operation was 9 years and median follow up was 12 years.
The operative mortality after 1989 has decreased to 3%.
Current health as described by the patients was good or
excellent by 84% of patients, fair by 18%, and poor by 12%.
The authors concluded that, the FONTAN operation for
DILV is now performed with a low operative mortality rate.
Long-term survival has improved, and most patients have
good functional status [9].
TGA can be broadly classified as simple transposition,
TGA with VSD and TGA with VSD with PS. Simple
transposition will require immediate stabilization with
prostaglandin E1 followed by balloon atrial septostomy (if
needed) and arterial switch operation within first 4 weeks of
life. Later presentations will require retraining of the left
ventricle in the form of a PA band and BT shunt.
Presentations beyond the 3 months of life may be offered
atrial switch operation (Senning or Mustard procedure).
TGA with VSD should be corrected within 6 months. TGA
with VSD with PS may require a palliative BT shunt in the
early infancy if the saturations are low and later by the age of
18-24 months should be completely corrected by a Rastelli
Complete transposition of the great arteries is a
relatively common anomaly, which comprises 5 to 7% of all
instances of cardiac malformations. Given the decreasing
mortality rates associated with a neonatal arterial switch
operation and the unacceptable morbidity associated with
atrial baffle operations, this operation has been accepted as
the procedure of choice for the treatment of complete
transposition of the great arteries. It restores the left
ventricle to its natural systemic function. Long-term survival exceeds 90%. Translocation of the coronary arteries
Apollo Medicine, Vol. 2, No. 4, December 2005
remains one of the most difficult aspects of the operation
and late mortality appears to coincide with coronary artery
events with sudden death secondary to acute myocardial
infarction being reported in 1-2% of hospital survivors.
Supravalvar pulmonary stenosis, neoaortic root dilation and
valvar regurgitation and myocardial perfusion abnormalities are aspects which require routine follow up [10].
Death hazard rate is extremely low by 6 to 12 months after
an arterial switch operation and survival declined
minimally after that time.
In the third world countries, where timely referrals are
difficult, there still is a role for the Sennings / Mustard
operations. The cardiac problem to be followed in these
cases will be the failure of systemic right ventricle and
systemic tricuspid valve regurgitation (pronounced more if
repair was for TGA + VSD). Atrial arrhythmias are the next
most long term issue after these types of surgeries. A review
of 40 years of experience of the atrial switch results
highlighted 75% 25 year survival. Late morbidity included
issues mentioned above. Progressive heart failure
necessitating surgery or late sudden death from arrhythmias
are the main etiologies of late death [11].
Obstructed variety of TAPVR is an absolute surgical
emergency and requires immediate correction. Other forms
will require a surgical correction by 3-6 months of life or
whenever diagnosed.
With timely correction this lesion has an excellent long
term outcome. During follow up pulmonary venous
obstruction, supraventricular arrhythmias and sinus node
dysfunction should be sought for Associated heterotaxy
carries very poor prognosis.
Balloon valvuloplasty
Valvuloplasty is usually performed for aortic and the
pulmonary valves. If the diagnosis is made in the newborn
period and associated ventricular dysfunction, valvuloplasty needs to be performed in all these patients.
Indications that the obstruction is critical is that the cardiac
output is compromised or the cardiac function is affected or
if the gradient is very high and the valve opening is limited
to a pin hole [12]. Recent publications support pulmonary
valvuloplasty for gradients of 50 mmHg or more for best
outcomes. These patients carry an excellent long term
prognosis uniformly. Newborn pulmonary stenosis carries
a higher recurrence rate of 10%.
Aortic valvuloplasty becomes emergent when in
neonatal period the ventricular function is depressed due to
Review Article
the obstruction. In non-neonatal period, a gradient above 60
mmHg is taken as an indicator for intervention unless more
than trivial aortic regurgitation is present. Long term
outlook is not as good as pulmonary valve intervention with
50% patients who are intervention free over an 8 year
period [13].
Tamponade usually needs to be drained emergently and
this is also performed in the cath lab or at the bedside.
1. Lammers A, Hager A, Eicken A, Lange R, Hauser M, Hess
J. Need for closure of secundum atrial septal defect in
infancy. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2005; 129(6): 13531357.
Device closure is a preferred modality for closure of
patent ductus arteriosus, atrial septal defect and muscular
ventricular septal defect. For perimembranous ventricular
septal defects, there have been several reports but the
complications continue to be high and procedure
technically challenging.
2. Jost CH, Connolly HM, Danielson GK, Bailey KR, Schaff
HV, Shen WK, Warnes CA, Seward JB, Puga FJ, Tajik AJ.
Sinus venosus atrial septal defect: long-term postoperative
outcome for 115 patients. Circulation 2005;112(13):19531958.
Patent ductus arteriosus closure with devices can be
performed in children 5 Kg and more with a significant level
of ease and comfort without any longterm effects. This has
been substantiated in recent publications.
4. Bando K, Turrentine MW, Sun K, Sharp TG, Ensing GJ,
Miller AP, Kesler KA, Binford RS, Carlos GN, Hurwitz RA,
et al. Surgical management of complete atrioventricular
septal defects. A twenty-year experience. J Thorac
Cardiovasc Surg. 1995; 110(5): 1543-1552.
Atrial Septal Defect closure has been accomplished
with the Amplatzer devices for appropriately selected
ASD’s without complications. Only those ASD’s with the
Aortic rim missing or very large ASD’s with small rims
have a higher embolization of device or late aortic
5. Toro-Salazar OH, Steinberger J, Thomas W, Rocchini AP,
Carpenter B, Moller JH. Long-term follow-up of patients
after coarctation of the aorta repair. Am J Cardiol 2002;
89(5): 541-547.
3. Gersony WM. Long-term follow-up of operated congenital
heart disease. Cardiol Clin 1989; 7(4): 915-923.
6. Ullmann MV, Gorenflo M, Sebening C, Ulmer HE, Hagl S.
Long-term results after repair of truncus arteriosus
communis in neonates and infants. Thorac Cardiovasc
Surg 2003; 51(4): 175-179.
Muscular ventricular septal defects with significant
shunting and moderate pulmonary hypertension require
closure when diagnosed if the child is beyond 8-10 Kg.
Most often, large muscular VSD’s require surgery before
they reach 8-10 kgs. Few patients truly fit the criteria for
device closure of muscular VSD’s. Even multiple muscular
VSD’s can be closed with a single device.
7. Gatzoulis MA, Elliott JT, Guru V, Siu SC, Warsi MA, Webb
GD, Williams WG, Liu P, McLaughlin PR. Right and left
ventricular systolic function late after repair of tetralogy of
Fallot. Am J Cardiol 2000; 86(12): 1352-1357.
8. Gatzoulis MA, Balaji S, Webber SA, Siu SC, Hokanson JS,
Poile C, Rosenthal M, Nakazawa M, Moller JH, Gillette PC,
Webb GD, Redington AN. Risk factors for arrhythmia and
sudden cardiac death late after repair of Tetralogy of Fallot:
a multicentre study. Lancet 2000; 356(9234): 975-981.
Most often indicated emergency intervention is balloon
atrial septostomy. This is usually performed for transposition of great arteries. This is performed in early neonatal period prior to preparation of the arterial switch
In addition several interventions may have to be
performed as an emergency in post operative patients. This
is rare though in contemporary practice but a rare BT shunt
thrombosis, early re-coarctation may have to be intervened
on. Fontan with fenestration may require re-opening of a
closed fenestration in the early post-op period. Similarly,
Glenn operations, a venous shunt, may also thrombose and
require catheter directed thrombolytic therapy.
Finally, embolized devices or central lines may need to
be removed as an emergency. Bleeding collaterals may
need to be closed emergently with coils to stop hemoptysis.
Apollo Medicine, Vol. 2, No.4, December 2005
9. Earing MG, Cetta F, Driscoll DJ, Mair DD, Hodge DO,
Dearani JA, Puga FJ, Danielson GK, O’Leary PW. Longterm results of the Fontan operation for double-inlet left
ventricle. Am J Cardiol 2005; 96(2): 291-298.
10. Massin MM. Midterm results of the neonatal arterial switch
operation. A review. J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino) 1999;
40(4): 517-522.
11. Oechslin E, Jenni R. Forty years after the first atrial switch
procedure in patients with transposition of the great
arteries: long-term results in Toronto and Zurich. Thorac
Cardiovasc Surg 2000 Aug; 48(4): 233-237.
12. Latson LA. Critical pulmonary stenosis. J Interv Cardiol
2001 Jun; 14(3): 345-350.
13. Latiff HA, Sholler GF, Cooper S. Balloon dilatation of aortic
stenosis in infants younger than 6 months of age:
Intermediate outcome. Pediatr Cardiol 2003 Jan-Feb;