European Union external relations
Recent papers in European Union external relations
The September 2021 edition of the IRMO Brief deals with energy security of the Balkans and the upcoming changes in the energy security of the region. Year 2023 could bring a dramatic overhaul on the energy map of the Western Balkans... more
In June 2016, the European Union launched its new ‘Global Strategy for Foreign and Security Policy’. In less unusual times, it would have been received as merely the latest iteration of the main tenets and ambitions of EU external action,... more
This publication - The Balkan Human Corridor - is a collection of essays from scholars and opinion makers in Southeast Europe. Contributing authors explore some of the thorniest issues concerning national capacity and security. Our... more
In this article for Just Security, the authors explain how the EU institutions (European Commission and External Action Service) and the US are pressing forward with a package assembled by Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi, which... more
'Critical security studies' has come to occupy a prominent place within the lexicon of International Relations and security studies over the past two decades. While disagreement exists about the boundaries of this sub-discipline or indeed... more
Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Abdruck oder vergleichbare Verwendung von Arbeiten der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik ist auch in Auszügen nur mit vorheriger schriftlicher Genehmigung gestattet. SWP-Studien unterliegen einem... more
European Union Member States have committed themselves, individually and collectively, to the fight against impunity for serious international crimes. The record is, however, ambiguous: support for the current investigations of the... more
This dissertation will examine the military intervention conducted by NATO in Kosovo in 1999. By examining the pre-existing situation, the justifications given, the methods used, and the results of the intervention, it will be determined... more
This article focuses on the way the European Union acted as a negotiating party during the international negotiations leading to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (1998–2000). Starting from a principal–agent model,... more
This article addresses the question whether the European Union defaulted on the ‘strict observance’ of international law and ‘respect’ for the UN Charter, which are now express objectives of the EU following the Lisbon reform, in the... more
Les partisans de la construction européenne ont toujours avancé que celle-ci avait amené la paix. Pourtant, aucune étude scientifique n’a jamais développé une approche critique d’une telle prétention. Pour remédier à cette surprenante... more
The European Union (EU) is widely recognized to be a major actor in international development cooperation. First, this chapter discusses key issues and debates on EU development policy. Secondly, the uniqueness of this policy domain,... more
Kazamias drew a distinction between immediate and underlying causes of Kotzias's resignation. He said "Kotzias' resignation underscores the already weak position of the Tsipras Government" and exposes shortcomings within its core... more
Late 2014 and early 2015 have seen new developments in the Court of Justice’s case-law on the relationship between international agreements and EU law, as well as their invocability when the validity of secondary EU legislation is... more
This article argues that Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations have a positive legal story worth recounting as to the effects of the negotiations upon the EU legal order. The paper explores the negotiation of... more
"Only Duroselle was vindicated" - Ahrweiler, Megalommatis and the Greek Disease Republication from the currently inactive blog 'The Greeks of the Orient' First republished on 7th August 2021 here:... more
Hardcover ▶ 99,99 € | £90.00 | $129.00 ▶ *106,99 € (D) | 109,99 € (A) | CHF 133.50 eBook For individual purchases buy at a lower price on
The political evolution of Russia led by Putin is a recreation of the pure ideals of Socialist former USSR, this connection to its loyal to the former Soviet Union fruit of having full military service by socialist land, provides the... more
In: M. Cremona and A. Thies (eds.), The European Court of Justice and External Relations Law
Using objective measures of investor protections in 170 countries, I establish that the level of investor protection matters for cross-country differences in GDP growth: countries with stronger protections tend to grow faster than those... more
CONVENIOS INTERNACIONALES.—Competencia exclusiva de la UE.—Convenio de La Haya sobre los aspectos civiles de la sustracción internacional de menores.—Aceptación de la adhesión de nuevos Estados parte. Arts. 3.2, 218.1, 218.11, 258 TFUE;... more
L'arrêt 130/10 de la Cour de Justice de l'Union européenne est l'héritier d'un débat politique qui se retrouve transposé au niveau du droit européen. Il est relatif aux compétences de l'Union en matière de lutte contre le terrorisme, que... more
Una de las tantas transformaciones a las que se enfrenta el sistema mundial en la actualidad, y que tiene consecuencias directas en la región iberoamericana ver con las formas de cooperación internacional. Ya sea en calidad de país... more
Die EU versucht, nicht-europäische Staaten in die europäischen Migrationskontrollen einzubinden und die eigenen Ziele zu vorgeblich gemeinsamen Zielen zu machen. Ein Beispiel dafür sind die "Mobilitätspartnerschaften", deren Konzept 2007... more
This contribution addresses the scope of the Member States’ duty of “sincere cooperation” towards the Union. It notes that the goals of this duty are not limited to those listed in Article 3 TEU. They can relate to the interests of the... more
In dit fraai geschreven boek beschrijft Lotte Jensen negen vredesverdragen tussen 1648 en 1815. De Vrede van Münster vormt het startpunt. Nadat de Republiek door Spanje werd erkend als zelfstandige staat, werden er tal van lofdichten... more
En el marco del Proyecto de Cooperación Interuniversitaria (pci) financiado por la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (aecid) realizado durante 2010, este manual se elaboró como resultado del trabajo conjunto... more
No está en duda que la Unión Europea es uno de los grandes actores de la diplomacia climática. Sin embargo, la estrategia e influencia de la llamada diplomacia climática europea ha pasado por diferentes etapas históricas en donde se... more
This article expresses a note of caution regarding the general enthusiasm surrounding the duty of sincere cooperation in the external relations of the European Union. It argues that according to the recent case law of the European Court... more
The book presents selected aspects of the emergence, development and functioning of the European Union, taking into account the legal status as of 1999, when the book was published. It covers such issues as: (1) the history of European... more
Since the beginning of the Ukrainian crisis, sanctions and counter-sanctions are a lively subject of public discussion. With all the differences in assessments, the general view boils down to the fact that sanctions are a double-edged... more
Il processo di costruzione di una politica estera dell'Unione Europea (UE), distinta da quella dei suoi paesi membri, è stato lungo e faticoso e, come dimostra l'impotenza dell'UE di fronte alle crisi recenti -in Ucraina piuttosto che in... more
Criza din Ucraina a deteriorat relațiile dintre Uniunea Europeană și Rusia, ajungîndu-se la sancțiuni reciproce, precum și la acuze aduse de către Bruxelles Moscovei. Astfel, aceasta din urmă ar folosi mass-media și centrele sale... more
This paper identifies a global trend towards hardened, militarised borders through the use of military technologies, hardware and personnel. In contrast to claims of waning state sovereignty, drawing on detailed case studies from the... more
Książka jest aktualnym i kompleksowym opracowaniem przedstawiającym główne komponenty wspólnej polityki handlowej (WPH). Przedstawiono w niej istotę i ewolucję WPH, proces zarządzania nią, instrumentarium oraz strategiczne priorytety jej... more
This chapter analyses the participation and contribution of the EU to international environmental negotiations. It gives an overview of the EU’s status as a partner in these negotiations and as a party to multilateral environmental... more
Evcr s ince the launch ing ofrvhat is now theCommor Securiry and Defence policv (CSDP) ofthe European Union (LU) in rhe late 1990s, dcrcrmnringhow ir relares ro the Norrh Adanrlc'l rcary Organisrttun (NATO) has been a prioritv, ifnot c... more
Este artículo analiza el papel que las triangulaciones juegan en la política internacional, con especial atención a la política exterior española y, muy en concreto, a la triangulación España-UE-América Latina, que España ha impulsado con... more
How do EU law and international law interact? Is the relationship between EU law and international law different from the relationship between general international law and one of its specialised legal orders, for example the relationship... more