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Introduction Painting the enemy with Love and admiration: D’Aleccios frescoes and Turks Matteo Perez D’Aleccio’s frescoes, painting and copper gravures are the most important visual witnesses of the Great Siege of 1565. They are very much... more
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      Ottoman HistoryMedieval MaltaOttoman Military HistoryOttoman art and architecture
Riccardo Pasqualin, L’ultimo crociato di Louis de Wohl [Recensione], in, 29/03/2021: L’ultimo crociato -
Louis de Wohl - Recensione libro (
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      LepantoThe Battle of Lepanto and the Great Siege of MaltaBattle of Lepanto HistoriographyRomanzo Storico
Malta Türk Şehitliği Osmanlılar tarafından Türkiye dışında yapılan şehitliklerden ilklerinden olmasına rağmen Türkiye de hakkında herhangi bir yayın yapılmamıştır. Bildirimizde Malta’daki şehitliğin bir tanıtımı yapılacak ve burada... more
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesFirst World WarMalta
This essay attempts to recount a somewhat neglected aspect of the Great Siege of 1565. Departing from the traditional military account which most of the literature concerning this event narrates, this paper aims to delve into more... more
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      Social SciencesMediterranean StudiesHistory of the MediterraneanMaltese History
Polish: W proponowanej książce odnajdą Państwo próbę przeanalizowania listów polskiego dyplomaty Jerzego z Tyczyna do Marcina Kromera pod kątem zagrożenia tureckiego. Sekretarz królewski, a także dyplomata-wykonawca reprezentował dwór... more
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      Ottoman HistoryModern History of CyprusLetters & DocumentsOsmanlı Türkçesi
Nella millenaria storia della "Serenissima" Repubblica di Venezia la battaglia di Lepanto (7 ottobre 1571) costituisce uno degli eventi più conosciuti e celebrati. Meno nota oggigiorno è, invece, la tradizione che lega la vittoria di... more
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      History of VeniceThe Battle of Lepanto and the Great Siege of Malta
Perandoria Osmane kishte një ndikim të madh në Evropë, Lindje të mesme e në Afrikën veriore, në kulmin e fuqis së saj midis viteve 1453-1699, kjo perandori na paraqitet si pushtuse e Kostandinopjën, dhe si perandori që troket në dyert e... more
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      European HistoryEastern European StudiesOttoman HistoryBalkan History
Πρακτικά της Επιστημονικής Συνάντησης: Η απήχηση της ναυμαχίας της Ναυπάκτου στον ευρωπαϊκό κόσμο (Ναύπακτος, 13 Οκτωβρίου 2012), ed. Κ. Γ. Τσικνάκης (Συνέδρια – 16), Αθήνα – Βενετία, Ελληνικό Ινστιτούτο Βυζαντινών και Μεταβυζαντινών... more
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      Venetian HistoryOttoman-Venetian relationsVenetian possessions in the Eastern MediterraneanIonian Islands
Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου: Δύμη: Φραγκοκρατία – Βενετοκρατία – Α΄ Τουρκοκρατία 1-2 Οκτωβρίου 2005, ed. Ελένη Γ. Σαράντη, Πάτρα, Δήμος Δύμης, 2012, 217-236 (in Greek with summary in English).
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      Ottoman-Venetian relationsPeloponneseVenetian possessions in the Eastern MediterraneanVenetian Stato da mar
Come e perché ricordiamo e celebriamo alcuni momenti del passato mentre scegliamo di dimenticarne altri? Per quale motivo alcuni passati trionfano mentre altri falliscono? Le celebrazioni in ogni epoca articolano a modo loro i nessi tra... more
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      Early Modern HistoryModern Italian HistoryHistory and MemoryMediterranean Studies
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      History of the Low CountriesLepantoFelipe IINOBLEZA EDAD MODERNA
En el S. XVI mares y océanos se habían convertido en ajetreadas zonas de paso, confrontación, exploración, etc. por las que pululaban armadas, corsarios, piratas, comerciantes y aventureros tanto de coronas europeas como de reinos... more
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      Ocean EngineeringNaval EngineeringNaval ArchitectureReligion
From the early sixteenth century printed city views often claim to offer a reliable likeness or ‘true portrait’ (‘vero ritratto’, ‘vray pourtrait’, etc.) of the city they depict – a claim sometimes reinforced by the explicit statement... more
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      Print CultureArt HistoryUrban HistoryHistory of Cartography
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      Italian Renaissance ArtBaroque art and architectureItalian Baroque artDecapitation
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      Cultural HeritageHeritage StudiesHeritage TourismPainting
In December of 1569, Giorgio Vasari (1511-74) was called to Rome by Pope Pius V (r. 1566-72) to design and decorate three chapels dedicated to Saints Stephen, Peter Martyr, and Michael the Archangel in the Vatican's Torre Pia. For Pius's... more
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      Art HistoryCrusadesReligious HistoryDante Alighieri
This essay is intended to be read as an overview of the insufficiently-known 17th century Mediterranean history, perceived from the perspective of contemporaneous history of Malta. The preceding 16th century had been dominated by the... more
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      Historical DemographyVenetian HistorySpainCrete
En el enfrentamiento cristiano-musulmán en el Mediterráneo durante el siglo XVI, en el que la Monarquía Hispánica jugó un papel protagonista, el elemento clave fueron las galeras. Estos buques se reinventaron para adaptarse a las nuevas... more
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      Naval WarfareNaval HistoryEarly Modern EuropeEarly modern Spain
RESUMEN: La batalla de Lepanto ha suscitado un gran interés entre los especialistas de la Historia Militar, que han debatido durante siglos sobre la trascendencia estratégica de la batalla y sus consecuencias en la guerra del Mediterráneo... more
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      IconographyEarly Modern HistoryHistory of ArtHistoria del Arte
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      HistoryMaritime HistoryMediterraneanVenetian History
Este trabajo analiza la problemática habida durante el reinado de Felipe II en torno a la jefatura de la maestranza de la fábrica de galeras de Barcelona. En pleno auge en la lucha contra los musulmanes por el control del Mediterráneo, el... more
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      Naval WarfareNaval HistoryEarly Modern EuropeNaval Architecture (History)
A Venezia, nel 1572, venne pubblicata una "Oratione funebre" per i patrizi veneziani morti durante la Battaglia di Lepanto. Il suo autore, Paolo Paruta (1540-1598), era in quel momento pressoché sconosciuto; tale testo continua a rivelare... more
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      Ottoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
The Mediterranean in the period 1560-1620 has traditionally been viewed as a theatre of arms in which something went wrong. This paper sets out to challenge this view. There was not a single 'Mediterranean system of warfare at sea' but at... more
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      Ottoman HistoryCrusadesNaval HistoryMilitary Revolution
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryHistory of SculptureSculpture
Επιμέλεια Κώστας Γ. Τσικνάκης, Αθήνα – Βενετία, Ελληνικό Ινστιτούτο Βυζαντινών και Μεταβυζαντινών Σπουδών Βενετίας – Ίδρυμα Δημητρίου και Αίγλης Μπότσαρη, 2013, σ. 264.
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      Venetian HistoryOttoman-Venetian relationsVenetian possessions in the Eastern MediterraneanIonian Islands
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      Naval Tactics (Military Science)Ottoman HistoryModern Italian HistoryMaritime History
Giornata Internazionale di Studi, 10 dicembre 2021, villa Gallarati Scotti a Fontaniva (PD)
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      Architectural HistoryHistory of ArtHistory of architecturethe Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta
A quattrocentocinquant’anni dalla battaglia di Lepanto, il seminario, curato da Serena Di Nepi e Massimo Moretti, si propone di riflettere su uno degli eventi più raccontati, rappresentati e celebrati del XVI secolo europeo. L’assedio e... more
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      Ottoman HistoryLepantoThe Battle of Lepanto and the Great Siege of MaltaPio V Ghislieri
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      Maritime HistoryOttoman NavyLepantoOttoman Maritime History
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      Italian artNobilityItalian Renaissance ArtPatronage (History)
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryEarly Modern HistoryIstrian history
Premessa. Cap. I. Lo storico e il profeta. L’età di Savonarola nella visione di Guicciardini (1. Dal dubbio al silenzio. 2. De futuris contingentibus ». 3. «Pertinacia» e «ostinazione»). Cap. II. Un’orazione per i posteri. Della Casa e... more
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      Italian StudiesRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismRenaissance
Project description (English/Deutsch)
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      Material Culture StudiesEighteenth Century HistoryManuscripts & Material CultureAufklärung
Motovunska šuma važan je izvor drvene građe za izgradnju galija, proizvodnju velikih vesala dugačkih i do 7 metara za čije je upravljanje bilo potrebno od trojice do sedmero muškaraca. Mletačke vlasti za svoje galije naređuju regrutiranje... more
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      LepantoLesson learnt of Battle of Lepanto 1571The Battle of Lepanto and the Great Siege of MaltaBatlle of Lepanto
Michele Surian (1519-1574) was an authoritative Venetian diplomat. He was ambassador to Vienna (several times), to the court of Philip II and to the court of France. As ambassador to Rome, at the court of Pius V, from 1568 to 1571, he had... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryJesuit historyRepublic of Venice16th century Venice
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryCultural Heritage17th-Century Studies
Roma, Viella, 2013, 256 pagine, 26 €
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      Modern HistoryEarly Modern History16th Century (History)History of Political Thought
Mnogi su vjernici kršćansku pobjedu kod Lepanta 1571. godine pripisivali činjenici da se taj oltarić nalazio na brodu Don Juana od Austrije i da je na njemu neposredno prije same bitke služena sveta misa. Taj se dragocjeni oltarić u... more
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      IstraIstriaThe Battle of Lepanto and the Great Siege of MaltaBattle of Lepanto Historiography
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      Art HistoryConservationCultural Heritage ConservationItalian art
A quattrocentocinquant’anni dalla battaglia di Lepanto, il seminario, curato da Serena Di Nepi e Massimo Moretti, si propone di riflettere su uno degli eventi più raccontati, rappresentati e celebrati del XVI secolo europeo. L’assedio e... more
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      Ottoman EmpireLepantoThe Battle of Lepanto and the Great Siege of MaltaEuropa E Turchia : Scontro
Maria Teresa Sorrenti - Sante Guido (a cura di ), UN PONTE TRA LA CALABROA E MALTA. Il Cavaliere Mattia Preti e il Gran Maestro Gregorio Carafa, catalogo della mostra, Reggio Calabria, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 20 ottobre - 12... more
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      Art HistoryArtHistory of ArtBaroque art and architecture
Trascrizione della "causa" disputata nel 1565 fra Paolo Paruta e Angelo Dolfin sul ruolo della Repubblica di Venezia durante l'Assedio di Malta (1565).
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      Italian Renaissance literatureDigital EditionItalian RenaissanceHistory of Malta
Foto: Statens maritima museer I och kring Medelhavet samlades på 1500-talet riken, stater, och regeringar, strategier, arméer, tekniker och taktiker, soldater och officerare i mängder som aldrig förr hade skådats. Det sena 1400-talets... more
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      Ottoman EmpireEarly modern Ottoman HistoryHistory of the MediterraneanSpain (History)
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      Ottoman HistoryWar StudiesOttoman EmpireSpain (History)
A cura di Marco Giani ( ) Versione 1.0 (ultimo aggiornamento: 22 luglio 2014)
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      Early Modern HistoryVenetian HistoryEarly modern Ottoman HistoryOttoman-Venetian relations
“Duró el ímpetu grande de la batalla cerca de cuatro horas y fue tan sangrienta y horrenda que parecía que la mar y el fuego fuese todo uno, viendo dentro de la misma agua arderse muchas galeras turquescas y dentro de la mar, que toda... more
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      LepantoPoesía épicaJoan PujolThe Battle of Lepanto and the Great Siege of Malta
El propósito de este trabajo es acercar al lector actual la figura del Juan de Austria en la forma mitificada y heroica como lo retrata Vélez de Guevara en El águila del agua, una obra concebida para ser representada durante la... more
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      Early Modern HistoryJoseph CampbellHeroesBaroque Art and Literature
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      Art HistoryArtConservationMalta (Archaeology)
A cura di Marco Giani ( ) Versione 1.0 (ultimo aggiornamento: 22 luglio 2014) AVVERTENZE AL LETTORE Quella che segue è la trascrizione della Oratione funebre in laude de' morti nella vittoriosa... more
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      Renaissance HistoryRenaissance StudiesOttoman StudiesOratory