Naval Architecture (History)
Recent papers in Naval Architecture (History)
1,419 references on the subject of Ancient Egyptian Shipbuilding and Navigation. Updated 12.07.2022.
General alphabetical list is followed by a list of recent publications (2018-2022).
General alphabetical list is followed by a list of recent publications (2018-2022).
Occasionally the archaeological ship reconstructor is fortunate enough to encounter the remains of a vessel on which shipwrights' design marks have been preserved. La Belle (1684) has the most extensive and complete set of such marks... more
Книга посвящена истории становления российского военно-морского флота при Петре I и приурочена к открытию выставки «Как царь Петр море полюбил», которая прошла в МГОМЗ с 25 мая по 10 сентября 2017 г. The book was published for the... more
Riksäpplet deals with a shipwreck that has a neglected position in the grand narrative of the history of the Swedish navy. The story of its destiny and the missing accounts in scholarly and popular works in history says something about... more
The writings that most closely belong to the discipline of history, and in particular the history of shipbuilding, are papers containing arguments quite different from each other, or very informative or very specialized. The scientist is... more
Not a paper so much as an image this time. These drawings depict the quarter galleries of the frigate L'Indien, built by Arie Staats en Co. in Amsterdam in 1778-1780. Later renamed South Carolina, this was the largest warship to fly... more
""En Filipo II y el Arte de la Guerra tendremos la oportunidad de conocer en profundidad a uno de los más grandes reyes de la antigua Macedonia. Gracias a su habilidad como estratega, diplomático, político y soldado, heredó un reino... more
Longtemps ignorée, on reconnaît aujourd’hui l’existence d’une tradition de construction navale propre à la côte méditerranéenne de la péninsule Ibérique. Plusieurs épaves en témoignent et mettent en évidence une forte influence... more
This article discusses several minor refinements to Titanic's design based on experience with some specific riveted joints on Olympic (similar changes were then incorporated into Olympic and Britannic). It is a greatly expanded version... more
Manuel Vicente Nunes is without doubt, one of the most important shipbuilders of Portuguese 18th century Naval History, regarding the several aspects that marked his life and work. On one hand, he is the perfect example of the changes in... more
À l’époque de la Renaissance, la construction navale méditerranéenne, en particulier celle des États italiens, était réputée pour sa qualité. Mais elle reste encore aujourd’hui largement méconnue en raison de sources écrites ténues... more
When working on a conservation assessment of the Revolutionary War gunboat Philadelphia for the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History, Peter Fix and I had the opportunity to closely examine the remains of the... more
Presentation made during the Third International Congress of Eurasian Maritime History - Istanbul, 10/05/2018 The last quarter of the 17th century witnessed the transformation of the Ottoman navy from an oared into a sailing battlefleet.... more
S eit Jahrzehnten ist bekannt, dass die in den "Souvenirs de Marine" als LA COURONNE gezeigte Grafik nicht dieses Schiff repräsentiert [1]. An diesem Punkt wird meist der Weg verfolgt, welches Schiff der Flotte Richelieus es denn dann... more
Im 20. Jahrhundert wurden historische Schiffsmodelle nicht als eigenständige Quelle anerkannt. In Betrachtungen wurden auch zeitgenössische Erwartungen, die mit den Modellen nichts gemeinsam haben, transportiert.
A survey of naval power at the beginning of the steam era giving brief details of the major warships of all navies with some introductory remarks on each. Notes on the data appear after the bibliography. Third edition with new material on... more
During the period of activity of Ole Judichær (1690-1727), sources in the form of lines plans, ship models and construction documentation are preserved in the Danish National Archives and the Royal Danish Naval Museum. While some of these... more
Domenica 15 maggio 2022, ore 17.30 Parco di Villa Molaroni, Pesaro Zrinka Podhraški Čizmek presenterà il volume Navigli adriatici fra le due sponde nel Settecento, Quaderno n. 24 della collana „Rerum maritimarum” Apertura mostra... more
Evidence for Ancient Egyptian boatbuilding during the Late Period (664-332 BC) is very scarce and thus the description of Herodotus (“Histories” II.96, c.450 BC) of the local Egyptian boat called “baris” is of great interest. Different... more
Much has been written on the use of lead and copper sheathing in post mediaeval shipbuilding, yet evidence for such hull protection by Dutch shipwrights in the 17th and 18th centuries has received little attention. A discussion of the... more
HERITAGE. A Millennium ago, communities of outcasts rejected for obscure reasons appeared in Gascony and Navarra. They were known as Agots or Cagots. Reasons of such an exclusion have been in discussion for more than 500 years and are... more
The many surprising features of Ancient Greek temples are understood as a matter of course if we interpret that temples originated in real warships, not metaphoric ones, overturned and stored upon supports; there are enough ethnographic... more
In 1997, the existence of a manuscript dealing with navigation and shipbuilding in the Mediterranean in the 16th century was revealed in the United States at a Christie's auction.Four years later, in 2001, the contents of this document... more
The essay aims at retracing the tactical evolution in the english approach to naval warfare from the foundation of a standing Navy Royal by king Henry VIII, through the 1588 Armada Campaign and the 1652-54 First Anglo-Dutch War, until the... more
"""Ship 17 of Thonis-Hercaleion is the first vessel from the submerged city of Heracleion-Thonis in Egypt yet excavated. The peculiar constructional features of this ship, which dates to the Late Period (664–332 BC), allow us to argue for... more
MA Thesis in Maritime History (Faculty of Letters, Lisbon University FLUL, 2014) - revised version The present thesis Shipwrecks of the “Carreira da Índia” (1595-1623) – Sources for the Study in Portuguese Maritime History deals with... more
This paper is devoted to the debatable issue of presence versus absence of a keel in the construction of Egyptian ships of the dynastic period. It analyses ship representations and models dating to the 18th-20th dynasties of the New... more
Dissertação orientada pelo Prof. Doutor Francisco Contente Domingues MESTRADO EM HISTÓRIA MARÍTIMA 2009 4 "… para proueyto dos sisudos, e diligentes." Fernando Oliveira, Livro da Fabrica das Naos, BNL -Reservados, cod. 3702, fol.6. No... more
In the XVII century, when one of the naval culture development center was focused mainly in the Mediterranean area, disciplines such as geometry, mathematics, static and hydrodynamics had not yet been studied and early naval architecture... more
SUMMARY: The 84-gun ship Riksäpplet was one of the first ships in Sweden built under supervision of the newly recruited English master. In 1676, the ship came adrift, struck a rock and sank. In 2015 a minor field survey of the wreck was... more
After many years of analyzing only the architectural defenses so called alla moderna of the venetian military power, this paper look at the sea power of the Serenissima and at her naval bases (with the Arsenale at first) as the main... more
The brief description of the Nilotic freighter called baris by Herodotus has long been recognized as being very important for the study of Egyptian shipbuilding in general and for that of the Late Period in particular. New archaeological... more
El presente estudio tiene el propósito de analizar la política industrial desarrollada por la monarquía hispánica para la producción de buques de guerra durante un largo siglo XVIII comprendido entre 1670 y 1834. Su hipótesis fundamental... more
In the 1970s, off the west coast of Sicily, a wreck was discovered with apparent links to the battle at the Egadi Islands between the Punics and the Romans. The preserved section of the ship included Punic language characters that suggest... more
Nesta Edição: Memórias de uma Guerra: A primeira invasão holandesa na Capitania da Paraíba (1631) Leandro Vilar Forçamento do Passo de Humaitá: Um estudo sobre as asserções que os documentos oficiais exibem Aldeir Isael Faxina Barros A... more
Resumen. El objetivo del presente estudio es comprender la etapa formativa de la industria de la construcción naval española en Asia, a partir de la percepción oficial acerca de la riqueza y la utilidad de los recursos madereros... more
In 1744, the Venetian sea captain Gerolamo Maria Balbi (1693– 1761) presented the Senate with a project to build a galea alla ponentina (" galley of Western design ") that would join the Venetian fleet based in Corfu. The Senate approved... more