Early modern Ottoman History
Recent papers in Early modern Ottoman History
In: Piltz, Eric/Schwerhoff, Gerd (Hrsg.), Gottlosigkeit und Eigensinn. Religiöse Devianz im konfessionellen Zeitalter (ZHF Beiheft 51), Berlin 2015, S. 387-411 (Auszug)
This study concerns itself with the first Imperial Envoy Gerard Veltwijck (ca. 1500—1555), who negotiated with the Ottoman Sultan Süleymān. Using newly discovered as well as recently published sources, it will focus on the part this... more
I, the undersigned, Müberra Kapusuz, candidate for the MA degree in Comparative History, with a specialization in Late Antique, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies, with a specialization in Interdisciplinary Medieval Studies declare... more
The First of the Modern Ottomans blends biography with intellectual history. On the one hand, it is the story of an Ottoman life – the life of the scribe, ambassador, and prolific historian Ahmed Vâsıf (ca. 1735-1806), a man who... more
Albanian version of "Hicri 835 tarihli suret-i defter-i sancak-i Arvanid", published in Ankara by Halil Inalcik and transtlated into albanian language by Mykerem Janina. Albanian translation of register edited by Eduart Caka
A 2017 Choice Outstanding Academic Title In this volume, Elisabeth Fraser shows that artists and the works they created in the Mediterranean during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries were informed by mutual dependence... more
Articles on a variety of Ottoman Jewish communities and rabbis
First and foremost purpose of this study, is to prove that most of Albanian population has been converted to orthodox rite and has changed names to Greek-Byzantine Christian. Smaller part of this population has managed to keep their... more
A Military History of the Ottomans isimli kitabın genişletilmiş Türkçe tercümesi
OSMANLI İMPARATORLUĞU’NUN TOPLUMSAL YAPISI ÜZERİNE: PARADİGMALAR VE ARAŞTIRMALAR [“On the Social Structure of the Ottoman Empire: Paradigms and Research,” From Empire to Republic: Essays on Ottoman and Turkish Social History, Isis Press,... more
Hikâyeye göre, Sarı Selim olarak da bilinen Sultan II. Selim henüz hayatta iken, Saruhan sancağında vazifeli oğlu Şehzade Murad, tuhaf bir rüya gördü. Şehzade'nin rüyası, tabir edilmek üzere derhal civardaki sâlih ve âlim zatlara... more
Osmanlı’da Strateji ve Askeri Güç İstanbul: Timaş Yayınevi, 2012, s. 213-266.
ÖZ Osmanlı İmparatorluğu, geniş beşeri ve iktisadi kaynakları, askeri gücü ve deniz gücü sayesinde bir süper güçtü. Bu güce ancak İspanya, Venedik ve onların müttefiklerinin birleşik kuvvetleri meydan okuyabilirdi. 1571 yılındaki İnebahtı... more
Istanbul: The Glorious City of Imperial Changes, Antik Çağ’dan Günümüze Büyük İstanbul Tarihi, Çoşkun Yılmaz (ed.), (İstanbul: İBB Kültür AŞ ve İSAM, 2015), 118-181
Öz: Çaldıran Savaşı'ndan kısa bir süre sonra Osmanlı hâkimiyetine giren Varto bölgesi, Hınıs ve Handırıs ile birlikte Bitlis sancağına bağlandı. 1540 yılına kadar Bitlis sancağına bağlı kalan Varto, Erzurum eyaletinin teşkili ve Hınıs'ın... more
This thesis analyzes an anonymous portrait painting of the Ottoman Sultan Mahmud II (r. 1808-1839), called by its descriptive title Seated Portrait of Mahmud II, within the context of the extensive portrait campaign commissioned by the... more
In the tenth/sixteenth century six treatises on physiognomy (ʿilm-i firāsat)—a science widely considered able to predict inner moral dispositions (aḫlāq-i bāṭina) based on external appearances (aḥwāl-i ẓāhira)—were written for the Ottoman... more
« Je n'étois envoyé qu'auprès du prince de transylvanie » la mission de Jacques de Boissimène à la cour du sultan ahmet iii (1717)(1718) Cet article traite de la mission secrète confiée à Jacques de Boissimène, envoyé officiel du roi... more
Heath W Lowry nin Serez’deki Selçuk Sultan Câmi ve Erken Dönem Osmanlı Mimarisindeki Yeri - Kitabı Hakkında Bir Değerlendirme Yazısı - Bora Demirci
Although European travelers to the Ottoman Empire often noted the inhabitants’ “fatalism,” historians have never seriously examined this intellectual phenomenon. Whether or not we can credit such sources, the testimony of seventeenth- and... more
Collection of essays edited and introduced jointly with Andreas Puth. The papers examine the historical, cultural, religious and artistic impact exerted by the expansion of the Ottoman Empire into South East and East Central Europe from... more
Dalam tradisi Islam, ada sejarah singkat terjadinya polarisasi pengertian tradisional ʿilm, 'pengetahuan', bergeser menjadi ʿilm yang merujuk sains dan dīn, 'agama'. Munculnya konflik antara 'ilm dan dīn dapat ditelusuri kembali pada... more
Journal of Global History 12/3 (2017): 433-34
Za vrijeme osmanske vlasti u Slavoniji (1526.-1691.) ta je pokrajina bila rijetko naseljeno i izrazito šumovito područje ; može se pretpostaviti da je više od 70% Slavonije u to vrijeme bilo prekriveno šumom. Blizina habsburško-osmanske... more
Bu eserde Fatih Sultan Mehmed’in bugüne kadar hiç yazılmamış hayat hikâyesini okuyacaksınız. Başarıları yanında başarısızlıkları, bugün bizleri çokça şaşırtacak uygulamaları, evlilikleri, yiyip içtikleri, ilginç merakları, tarihe ve... more
“Geografía sagrada islámica en dos atlas náuticos tunecinos del siglo XVI”, en MediterráneoS: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Cultures of the Mediterranean Sea [= edición colectiva de las Actas de las Jornadas Internacionales de... more