Great Siege of Malta
Recent papers in Great Siege of Malta
As Malta celebrates the 450 anniversary of the Great Siege attention is being focused again on the unfinished restoration project of the important Perez d`Aleccio cycle painting at the Palace.
War is arguably the most extreme scenario for the exertion of violence. All warring parties suffer in one way or another but those who suffer most are usually those who least deserve it—the common folk. The paper will take as a case study... more
This review addresses the questionable practice of adding a subtitle to an author’s work after his death, "Clash of Cultures: Christian Knights Defend Western Civilization Against the Moslem Tide," and questions the terms employed in this... more
After the loss of Rhodes in 1522, the Knights of the Order of St. John were left without a home. In 1530, the Order accepted with reluctance Charles V's offer to create their new base on Malta. In fact, at the request of the Pope, the... more
THE OBJECTIVE of this essay is to give a short description of the types of arms and armour used by Hospitaller knights and their adversaries, the Ottoman Turks. The inventory of the Palace Armoury of Malta is an important collection... more
Una visione più ravvicinata delle vicende dell'Ordine dei Cavalieri di s. Giovanni di Gerusalemme permette di avere un quadro più articolato dei rapporti correnti sulle acque del Mediterraneo fra Europei, Turchi e Barbareschi. I Cavalieri... more
This study aims to scan aspects of sixteenth century Maltese history, focussing around the saga of the 1565 Great Siege, against the background of a much larger context - the epic clash between the superpowers of the time, Spain and the... more
Настоящата работа представя приложението на математическия анализ като начин за четене на фолклора, аргументира значимостта му като метод за изучаване на историческите извори и показва града, описан в българските народни песни с мотив... more
The complete analysis of the Bulgarian folk song with a motif “A virgin rescues Malta” shows that it was created in the year 1645 CE by an unknown author. Every element in the song relates to the circumstances, places and people of two... more
A study of the ways in which the Great Siege of 1565 has become integrated itself in the Maltese national psyche through, among other, its verbal and visual inclusion in Maltese History texbooks and in other popular texts.
This article is included in a volume (in Italian) commemorating the fifth centenary of the birth of the naturalist philosopher Bernardino Telesio (Cosenza, 1509 – 1588), "the first of the moderns" (according to Francis Bacon) who... more
Българските народни песни поставят девойката спасителка на Малта в пряка кръвно-родствена връзка с най-силния и власт имащ човек сред рицарите. Използваната лексика характеризира доста точно позицията на Великия магистър и лаконично... more
If there are a few episodes in Maltese history and collective mentality which have been invoked, remoulded, and applied to a multitude of circumstances faced by the Maltese across the centuries, the 1565 Siege of Malta deserves to be one... more
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This book is the second of a two-volume collection of essays published on the occasion of the 450 th anniversary of the Great Siege of Malta Editorial
Roma, Viella, 2013, 256 pagine, 26 €
Following the siege of 1565, news of the victory of the Knights over the Turks in Malta spread, and in the decade that followed Europe was made aware of the Order's exploits through the vast amounts of literature published on the subject.... more
A discussion of Knight Ginori's publication entitled 'Sopra la morte del Valletta' (Florence, 1569).
- by William Zammit
- Maltese History, Hospitaller Order of St John, Great Siege of Malta, Templiers, The Military Religious Orders of the Middle Ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic Knights, and Others, Knights Templar, Military History, Histoire Et Archéologie Du Haut Moyen-âge, and 3 More
Trascrizione della "causa" disputata nel 1565 fra Paolo Paruta e Angelo Dolfin sul ruolo della Repubblica di Venezia durante l'Assedio di Malta (1565).
GOD'S SOLDIERS 2x52min / 1x91min In the mid-16th Century, a long running conflict between two of the most powerful world religions is building up to a climactic battle in the Mediterranean for the very soul of Europe. Facing each other... more