Technical Images
Recent papers in Technical Images
Práca pojednáva o fenoméne technického obrazu a jeho vzťahu k umeleckej grafike v stredoeurópskom priestore. Skúma fenomény súvisiace s novými formami grafiky, prípadne s modifikáciou tradičných grafických techník v... more
Referencia de este artículo Vives-Ferrándiz Sánchez, Luis (2021). La verdad es hija de la imagen: reflexiones sobre la posverdad en los tiempos del giro visual. En: adComunica.
Piotr Zawojski: Człowiek i aparat. Viléma Flussera filozofia fotografii
No existe certeza de la fecha exacta en que se programó esa imagen computacional, tan sólo sabemos que fue hacia fines de los 50. Lo cierto es que el registro data de 1959. Se trata apenas de la fotografía polaroid a una pantalla de... more
Aller Kunstfertigkeit des Photographen und aller Planmäßigkeit in der Haltung seines Modells zum Trotz fühlt der Beschauer unwiderstehlich den Zwang, in solchem Bild das winzige Fünkchen Zufall, Hier und Jetzt, zu suchen, mit dem die... more
Tekst był publikowany w: Vilém Flusser i kultura mediów. O dialogu między słowem, pismem i obrazem. Red. Przemysław Wiatr, Marcin Sanakiewicz. Projekt: Media. Lublin 2021.
Photo and video stitching have drawn a lot of intrest in the research field in the past years. Image stitching is a process in which different scenes images are overlapped together to form a new single one view image with high resolution.... more
I analyse five forms of images: electronic, digital, interactive, networked and living, all of which challenge traditional descriptions and expectations. I analyse them from the technical-ontological, phenomenological and cultural... more
Co-Author: Jochen Hennig, in: The Technical Image. A History of Styles within Scientific Imagery, ed. by Horst Bredekamp, Birgit Schneider, Vera Dünkel, copublished with the Bard Graduate Center, Chicago 2015, p. 70-74. Anthology... more
Ponencia en la Maestría Académica de Filosfoía donde hablo del esquema de mi investigación y el avance de capítulo cuo título es Técnica.
Post-History of Vilém Flusser - Genesis-Anatomy-Developments aims at a presentation of the Czech-Brazilian philosopher's work, in which his concept of "post-history" underpins all his reflection on the contemporary media and society. The... more
Philosopher Vilém Flusser has summarized the history of Western Culture in the following itinerary: First, we left a “four-dimensional Lebenswelt”, creating three-dimensional objects and thus stepping into culture; Then, we “stepped... more
As it is widely known, Vilém Flusser was an almost compulsive letter writer, having written, across his life, probably some thousands of letters of various sizes and formats, directed to many different receivers. Besides short texts,... more
Walter Benjamin´s "Work of art in the age of its mechanical reproduction" and Vilem Flusser´s Filosofia da caixa preta have defined photography as a key problem towards developing a philosophy of technology. I´ll discuss their concepts... more
Review of Peter Geimer's study
"Inadvertent Images. A History of Photographic Apparitions", Chicago University Press 2018
"Inadvertent Images. A History of Photographic Apparitions", Chicago University Press 2018
Central Saint Martins, 2014.
Philosopher Vilém Flusser has summarized the history of Western Culture in the following itinerary: First, we left a “four-dimensional Lebenswelt”, creating three-dimensional objects and thus stepping into culture; Then, we “stepped back... more
Text was published in: „Flusser Studies” 2019, no 27.
Standing in the street market the Congolese immigrant told me the messenger mask he was selling me was supposed to establish a connection between different worlds. He repeated "before we had internet and cell phones, we had only such... more
E stamos enrascados! e o pior é que a maioria de nós sequer tem consciência disso. ou quando tem consciência, não está ciente de todas as consequências desse fato. uma explicação não alarmista para essa realidade remete à etimologia do... more
El documento resume una investigación de maestría en filosofía donde se estudia la relación entre la imagen y el concepto en el pensamiento flussereano, cuyos tránsitos entre uno y otro no son meramente formales o estructurales; los... more
The biblical account begins by stating that on Earth a single language was spoken, with the same words and for this matter we are going to take for granted that also the same code which outcome into characters. According to the passage,... more
In the 2006 essay “What is an apparatus?”, philosopher Giorgio Agamben describes how the “gestures ... of individuals have been reshaped from top to toe” (2006: 15-16) by the mobile phone. The following year multinational technology... more
A morte de George Floyd, em Minneapolis no dia 25 de maio de 2020, vítima de violência policial, é mais um triste episódio da história do racismo na sociedade norte americana e da perpetuação do abuso de poder e da violência sistêmica... more
A partir del diagnóstico benjaminiano sobre la politicidad de los medios técnicos de reproducción de imágenes, y desde una consideración crítica de la tecnocultura, querríamos mostrar que es con las imágenes técnicas y no contra ellas... more
In this philosophical research, I will focus on the relationship between image and concept in Vilém Flusser’s thought. Such relationship will not be regarded here as merely formal or structural, but rather as creative. The latter... more
Para el filósofo de la comunicación Vilém Flusser los aparatos digitales incorporan en su programación una lógica interna de funcionamiento, de manera que no es el usuario quien circunscribe el uso del dispositivo, sino que es el propio... more
Harun Farocki é um nome conhecido no cinema e na arte contemporânea. Enveredou por ambos os campos, associado a filmes de diferentes durações e videoinstalações em película, vídeo e imagem computadorizada. Guerra, política e economia são... more
With a view to compliment of the superficiality of tecnoimages of the Vilém Flüsser, trespassed by the critique to the modern technique’s scientificism, undertaken by Martin Heidegger, seeks to better understand the meaning of the images... more