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As relações entre comunicação e artes vêm se aproximando a cada dia, estabelecendo-se novos padrões e estudos acerca da convergência arte/comunicação permitindo, dessa forma, uma ampliação nos horizontes analíticos da cibercultura. A... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtComputer ArtsHistory of Art
This op-ed style essay examines the wildly exaggerated claims made for Non-Fungible Tokens or NFT artworks. Above all, it questions the NFT's peculiar reversal of digital media's inherent interchangeability by turning back to the... more
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      Art Economics and MarketsHerbert MarcuseAlternative EconomiesDigital Arts
"Bild och natur" is an anthology edited by Peter Bengtsen, Max Liljefors and Moa Petersén. Ten researchers from the Division of Art History and Visual Studies at Lund University, Sweden, have contributed chapters. The ten texts (seven... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesVisual Studies
A Toolkit for Urban Projection Practice in Public Space
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      Public ArtPerformance ArtComputer Art and TechnoculturesUrban Projects
This is an edited version of the Introduction to my book Digital Art, Aesthetic Creation: The Birth of a Medium, published by Routledge in their Advances in Art and Visual Studies series, 2019. In the book, the chapter is entitled... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsVisual StudiesArt History
No existe certeza de la fecha exacta en que se programó esa imagen computacional, tan sólo sabemos que fue hacia fines de los 50. Lo cierto es que el registro data de 1959. Se trata apenas de la fotografía polaroid a una pantalla de... more
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      AlgorithmsComputer Art and TechnoculturesInterfaceFeminism and Technology
This is the first attempt n Italy to deal with art & technology from the point of view of preservation. The most important international scholars, experts and artists are called to reflect on this very important topic. The book include:... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMedia StudiesNew MediaNew Media Arts
The Preservation of Complex Objects Volume 2 Software Art 2012
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      Art HistoryDigital HumanitiesInformation ManagementCross-Cultural Collaborations
There are the complete proceedings of the Art Machines Conference which took place at the School of Creative Media City University Jan 2019.
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      Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningComputer Art and Technocultures
En la actualidad el videojuego es uno de los medios de comunicación más potentes para crear discursos artísticos significativos en las sociedades interconectadas. A partir de la acotación del objeto de estudio y de la determinación de los... more
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      Contemporary ArtVideo GamesComputer Art and TechnoculturesVisual Arts
In which ways glitch art is linked to perturbation? This master's degree research tries to approach definitional and theoretical limits of this new media artistic form. By sketching the glitch art history and by comparing it with some... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryContemporary ArtExperimental Media Arts
<first para> Writing code oneself was a key part of the reception and culture of early home computers; systems such as the BBC, the Spectrums, the TRS-80, the Atari, Commodore and Amiga ranges, and the Sega SC3000. In the 1980s, home... more
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      History Of ComputingAudience StudiesHistory of TechnologyCultural Theory
On first sight, coming with a definition for “AI arts” does not sound hard. AI (an abbreviation for the term Artificial Intelligence) refers to computers being able to perform many human-like cognitive tasks, such as playing games of... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceAestheticsMedia StudiesArt Theory
Pionieri di un utilizzo espressivo del personal computer, proprio quando questo irresistibile strumento del futuro entrava nelle nostre case, la produzione multimediale dei Giovanotti Mondani Meccanici o GMM ha rappresentato la... more
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      Cultural StudiesVisual StudiesMedia StudiesMedia Archaeology
These are the complete proceedings of Art Machines 2 which took place at the School of Creative Media, City University in June 2021
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      Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningComputer Art and Technocultures
What would be the equivalent of the Turing test for an AI system capable of creating new songs, games, music, visual art, design, architecture, films? This looks like a simple question with an easy answer. If a system can automatically... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceAestheticsVisual CulturePsychology of art
An interactive artwork takes on the shape of an event. An artist does not make a final, completed piece of art, instead produces an area of activity for the receivers, whose interactive actions bring to life an artwork-event. Regardless... more
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      Computer VisionInstallation ArtContemporary ArtComputer Networks
This thesis addresses the escalation of interest in the senses, across a range of media technological contexts, dating from the mid 1990s. Much of this discourse has focussed on the experiential, particularly intense, multi-sensory... more
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      Audience StudiesCultural TheoryVideo Game TheoryFan Theory and Culture
This book outlines the environments of loving in contemporary technoculture and explains the changes in the manner of feelings (including the experience of senses, spaces, and temporalities) in technologically mediated relationships.... more
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Volynets A. A., PhD, senior lecturer in social sciences and their teaching methods, Chernihiv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Education named Ushinski (Ukraine, Chernigov), [email protected] Chaotic as an esthetic principle of... more
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      Computer ArtsComputer Art and TechnoculturesChaos/Complexity TheoryChaos
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      Contemporary ArtInteractive ArtsDigital ArtsNew Media Art
Computer-generated aesthetic artefacts and the technology employed to create them have brought serious challenges for art scholarship. How should they be understood, described and categorised in relation to non-computational artworks, and... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyArt HistoryComputer Art and TechnoculturesAlgorithmic Art
Parlare di “aura”, nel Dossier di questa settima annata dell’«Annuario», significa inevitabilmente tornare sul testo più noto di Walter Benjamin, L’opera d’arte nell’epoca della sua riproducibilità tecnica, saggio dalla complessa... more
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      Computer GraphicsContemporary ArtWalter BenjaminComputer Arts
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      Digital HumanitiesInstallation ArtContemporary ArtPerformance Art
forthcoming essay :: 2022
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      AxiologyLouis AlthusserNietzschePolitical Ontology
Une brève histoire des arts numériques à partir de trois numéros hors-série de la revue Art Press International : texte de la conférence donnée à la Chaire de Modélisation des Imaginaires, Paristech Télécom, accessible en ligne à... more
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      Art HistoryComputer Art and TechnoculturesArt and technologyVisual Arts
Exhibition review of the Warhol and the Amiga exhibition at the Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh.
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      Humanities Computing (Digital Humanities)History Of ComputingDigital HumanitiesComputer Arts
Early uses of computers as artistic means and ends date back to the fifties and sixties. For the pioneers of computer art cybernetics, as the were founded in the forties by Norbert Wiener and Clude Elwood Shannon, were a source of... more
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      CyberneticsGenerative ArtComputer Art and TechnoculturesSecond-Order Cybernetics
Adjunto el primer capítulo de mi libro Érase unas veces: filiaciones narrativas en el arte digital (UOC Press, 2015). “Érase una vez” ha sido la fórmula tradicional para contar una historia desde el principio de los tiempos. Pero, ¿qué... more
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      Human Computer InteractionCommunicationMedia StudiesNew Media
It. Arte digitale; Deut. Digitalkunst; Es. Arte digital; Fr. Art numérique. If Computer art generally refers to any form of art in which the function of the computer is emphasized, in the history of contemporary art it became a specific... more
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      Computer Art and TechnoculturesGlitch ArtMusic, MusicVideo, DigitalArts.
Living Machines is an international conference series concerned with the development of future real-world technologies that harness the principles underlying living systems and the flow of communication signals between living and... more
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      BiomimeticsComputer Art and TechnoculturesBio-Inspired SystemsBiologically Inspired Robotics
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      Computer GraphicsArt HistoryArt and ScienceComputer Art and Technocultures
Our reality is now integrally determined and dependent on information technology. Phenomena such as social media, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, skeuomorphism, cryptocurrencies, the metaverse and related issues of convergence,... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer GraphicsVisual StudiesMedia Studies
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      ArtInstallation ArtInteractive and Digital MediaInternet Art
[Pt-Br] O conceito de arte Pós-Internet e seus desdobramentos foi o que, ao longo deste Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso, procuramos identificar. Primeiramente, com o objetivo de melhor compreender tal conceito, buscamos delinear o... more
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      New MediaDigital MediaContemporary ArtMedia Arts
Storici e teorici dell’arte italiana hanno solitamente trattato il decennio Ottanta con sufficienza, leggendolo attraverso la lente del disimpegno e in funzione di movimenti pittorici fondati sul ritorno alla manualità e alla figurazione... more
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      Visual StudiesMedia StudiesDesignArt Theory
Özet İnsan doğduğu andan itibaren süregelen yıllarda teknoloji ile etkileşim içinde olmuş kendini teknolojinin bir parçası haline getirmesine ve teknolojiye uyum göstererek yaşamasına zemin hazırlamıştır. Çağlar boyunca değiştirme,... more
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      TechnologyTechnocultureContemporary ArtTechnology And Culture
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      Computer GraphicsHistory Of ComputingCzech HistoryVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics)
Review of the "Thinking Machines: Art and Design in the Computer Age, 1959-1989." exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York.
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      Computer GraphicsHistory Of ComputingComputer ArtsComputer Art and Technocultures
In 1969, the newly founded Centro de Estudios de Artes y Comunicación (later the Centro de Arte y Comunicación, CAYC) organized the exhibition Arte y cibernética, in the Galería Bonino in Buenos Aires. This exhibition drew upon a wealth... more
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      CyberneticsComputer Art and TechnoculturesArgentine History, History of Art, Contemporary ArtHistoria Del Arte De Argentina
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      SubculturesYouth SubculturesComputer Art and TechnoculturesHistory of Computing (Computer Science)
An overview of the Victoria and Albert Museum's digital art collection, which started in 1969 and was significantly expanded from the mid-2000s onwards. The text was published in Aesthetica, the catalogue of an exhibition to mark 50 years... more
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      Digital ArtsComputer Art and TechnoculturesAlgorithmic ArtMuseum Collection history
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      InterdisciplinarityContemporary ArtSocial SculptureArt and Science
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      Art HistoryIntermediaMedia ArtMedia Theory
Resumo A vida nas cidades do início do século XXI requer o trânsito entre diversas camadas técnicas que constituem a infraestrutura informacional presente nos espaços urbanos. Os modos de interação e percepção desses espaços são mediados... more
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      Computer Art and TechnoculturesData VisualizationSmart City
The Victoria and Albert's acquisition of major computer art collections is part of an ongoing project to document and preserve the history of this field. The V&A's pioneering work in this area is connected to the Computer Art and... more
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      Digital ArtsComputer Art and TechnoculturesComputer Art
The paper describes the Victoria and Albert Museum’s recent success in acquiring computer-generated artworks, then goes on to highlight issues involved in acquiring, preserving and displaying early computer art, much of which only... more
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      Digital ArchaeologyDigital ArtsComputer Art and TechnoculturesMuseum Collection history
Il computer elettronico è la trasposizione in componenti fisici e virtuali di idee che sono nate insieme al linguaggio stesso. In origine parole e linguaggio erano intimamente connesse con i numeri e con le relazioni che da questi... more
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    • Computer Art and Technocultures
The is the catalogue of the exhibition Art Machines: Past and Present which I curated with Jeffrey Shaw at the Indra and Harry Banga Gallery City University Nov 2020–May 2021
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      Modern ArtModernismComputer Art and TechnoculturesSound Art