Body representations in art, cinema and literature
Recent papers in Body representations in art, cinema and literature
身體痛苦不僅是生理反射和生化過程而已,也是個人主觀感受的原型,使患者陷入不可言喻的孤寂和憂傷。如Elaine Scarry所言,痛苦的經驗難以透過語言適切表達,甚至抗拒和摧毀了語言,使患者回到哭喊和呻吟的原始聲音。面對這種表達困境的挑戰,無論是描寫被蛇纏身的勞孔或釘十字架的耶穌,藝術家一向致力以視覺形式傳遞身體所發出的聲音,表達身體處於危機的樣貌、過程和後果。藝術因而使我們探索痛苦的生理、心理、社會、文化意義。... more
En la posmodernidad el recorrido artístico por el cuerpo tiene todavía bastante de antropomórfico, de orgánico, de referencial, de natural, en línea directa con las prácticas de body art de los años setenta, pero sobretodo es un cuerpo... more
Numa das suas múltiplas referências ao céu na sua poesia, Luís Miguel Nava alerta-nos para a possibilidade de num poema se encontrar o "céu em entrelinhas". A frase corresponde a uma arte poética ilustrativa do desejo de representar a... more
Sophie von La Roche's novel, which now takes pride of place in the canon of eighteenth-century German literature, was published one year before Von der Physiognomik (1772), the essay in which Johann Caspar Lavater laid the groundwork for... more
There are several ways in which to recognise an auto-representational drive in the oeuvre of French artist Yves Klein. The possibility of an autobiographical reading of Klein’s oeuvre is therefore without dispute, especially in the cases... more
Questions and experiences regarding the Ethics of representing "others", especially women's and moderate's voices in art and film, from the perspective and professional life of a feminist artivist mamactivist. I explore three major... more
Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Cinema e Audiovisual da Universidade Federal Fluminense para obtenção do título de Mestra em Cinema e Audiovisual. Orientadora: Marina Cavalcanti Tedesco Linha de Pesquisa:... more
In the course of the past two decades, “the return of religion” has become a wildly popular term and has been introduced to address the resurgence of religion both in social and cultural sphere. In the field of visual art, there is a wide... more
This book is about representations of the body in all fields (fine art, medicine, ethnography, racial studies, biology). It is intended for artists, art students, and people interested in theories of art. This is the 2021 revision. Every... more
Establishing an intimate relationship between fictional characters and the viewer is of primary significance to the narrative film. In this chapter, I conceive film viewing as a quasi-intersubjective relationship between the viewer and... more
The present paper investigates certain aspects in the work of Sir Antony Gormley (born in London in 1950), in particular, his methods of representing or, rather, redefining the body in sculpture and its relations to space.
This article examines tattooing as an ancient and contemporary form of body inscription and modification. It frames the popularity of tattooing in the Western World in relation to other modern body modifications and within the landscape... more
El hombre y el arte; el arte y el hombre. Busquemos lo que busquemos y ahondemos lo que ahondemos, puede que la historia del arte no sea más que una (u otra) historia del hombre, y no tanto del propio arte, o al menos, no tan sólo del... more
The medieval space is intrinsically fragmented and heterogeneous, and it is fictionally represented as such in the Continuations of the Conte du Graal. Those narratives make use of the continuity and the discontinuity of the fictional... more
Francuskie słowo "mesure" można tłumaczyć jako umiar albo pomiar. Z kolei słowo "rage" jako wściekłość, złość. narzędziem, za pomocą którego artystka tworzyła podziały na podłodze. Na końcu każdej z akcji MesuRage zdejmowała uniform,... more
Este libro reúne estudios sobre literatura francesa y francófona. Los temas propuestos para este volumen son: "El cuerpo", "Las máscaras", y "Literatura comparada".
This book is about representations of the body in all fields (fine art, medicine, ethnography, racial studies, biology). It is intended for artists, art students, and people interested in theories of art. This is the 2021 revision. Every... more
Ces dernières années ont vu se développer un important effort théorique et critique sur la question du corps au cinéma : comment ce dernier représente-t-il les formes du corps mais aussi ses puissances (gestes, désirs, pulsions, tendances... more
Although there has been an increased interest in tattooing among the middle-classes, the contemporary tattoo population is quite heterogeneous. A tattoo has numerous meanings and is located within a broad range of social contexts. As... more
A partir de la película "El libro de cabecera" ("The Pillow Book", 1996) del británico Peter Greenaway, se discute la posición del cuerpo en el arte desde las ópticas oriental y occidental. Sobre esta última concepción, se discute al... more
Confrontando alcuni testi selezionati a campione da L'Allegria di Giuseppe Ungaretti, da alcune Poesie sparse di Clemente Rebora, dal Giornale di guerra e di prigionia di Carlo Emilio Gadda e da Un anno sull'altipiano di Emilio Lussu, si... more
prose author, essay writer, theorist, doctor, and film buff. One name, multiple personalities-and not all of them compatible, as Döblin himself acknowledged. In an autobiographical essay from 1928, whose title "Zwei Seelen in einer Brust"... more
catalogo mostra (Carrara, Palazzo Cybo Malaspina, 20 maggio-10 settembre 2016), a cura di Marco Ciampolini, Gerardo de Simone, Chiara Nenci, P.Ricci, Pisa, ETS, 2016
The paper analyses the re-conceptualization of the intermedial trope of the tableau vivant in recent East European cinema through several examples from Hungarian and Russian films directed by György Pálfi, Kornél Mundruczó, Benedek... more
Resumen: El presente artículo versa sobre la actitud crítica de Francisco de Quevedo hacia los artes ocultas en general y hacia la fisiognomía en particular. Estudiaré la manera en que el autor expresa su escepticismo frente a ellos y los... more
El cuerpo como mercancía en la sociedad globalizada 1 Resumen Este artículo es una aproximación analítica al reality show Cambio extremo. Se plantea la intersección cuerpo, realidad-espectáculo y globalización, para explicar cómo el... more
O presente artigo tem como principal objetivo discutir as relações entre corpo e autoinscrição no documentário Não é um filme caseiro (No Home Movie, 2015), dirigido por Chantal Akerman. A partir da análise fílmica e da revisão... more
This article interprets recent historical novels by Daniel Kehlmann and César Aira that represent Latin American space as intimately connected with art and fiction. Kehlmann's Die Vermessung der Welt explores New World topographies to... more
Nobel laureate Niko Tinbergen coined the term ‘supernormal stimulus’ after discovering that birds who lay small, pale blue eggs speckled with grey prefer to sit on larger, bright blue eggs with black polka-dots. He found that he could... more
Di cosa parliamo quando parliamo di corpi (parlando di cinema) LUCA MALAVASI I l problema della corporeità del/nel cinema ha ricevuto solo di recente un'adeguata attenzione in sede teorica e analitica.1 Si stenterebbe a crederlo,... more
This book is about representations of the body in all fields (fine art, medicine, ethnography, racial studies, biology). It is intended for artists, art students, and people interested in theories of art. This is the 2013 revision. (The... more
Frida Kahlo ha sufrido lecturas muy pobres. No podemos negar que su obra está ligada a su cuerpo, un cuerpo roto por razones que la mayoría conocemos y que por el momento no importan. Un cuerpo doliente del que poco podía despegarse. Sin... more
Fund and Loza's Los Labios/The Lips (2010) and Berger's Plan B (2009) implement various strategies to create a sense of the Other's corporeal experience as something perceivable by the audience. The main cinematic technique is the use of... more