Recent papers in Consent
Invited talk for Night at The Museum: Passion for The National Museum of Australia, Friday 13th May 2016.
An analysis of pre-scene BDSM discussions to understand how consent is constructed and negotiated between partners.
Este artículo analiza, en primer lugar, la magnitud del déficit de viviendas en buenas condiciones de habitabilidad desde los días de la posguerra. A continuación, se centra en el discurso y las motivaciones del régimen franquista para... more
The purpose of this research was to observe cosplayers at a large, comicon convention set in the Midwestern region of the United States. Qualitative themes from this observational study include: 1) gendered experiences of cosplayers, 2)... more
Sexual age-of-consent violations involving adult–adolescent relationships (AARs) are sometimes viewed with ambivalence by the media and are infrequently prosecuted. Two studies conducted in Britain (where the age of consent is 16)... more
Une brève présentation de la notion du consentement et de la protection des données personnelles et sensibles au regard de l’EPTC2 et de la nouvelle loi 25.
O artigo discute a contribuição de Carole Pateman para a teoria política democrática. A crítica ao instrumento liberal do contrato, presente desde suas primeiras obras, permite entender como relações de subordinação, que reduzem a... more
AI systems collect, process, and generate data in ways that further exacerbate many long documented problems with online consent, most notably issues of providing adequate notice, choice, and withdrawal to users. The unpredictable and... more
In addition to protecting agents' autonomy, consent plays a crucial social role: it enables agents to secure partners in valuable interactions that would be prohibitively morally risk otherwise. To do this, consent must be observable:... more
« J’ai longtemps pensé que l’acte de consentir relevait de l’intimité la plus grande, mélange de désir et de volonté dont la vérité gisait dans un moi profond. Lorsque j’ai entendu ce mot consentement dans des enceintes politiques,... more
In this brief essay, I review Catherine Opie’s midcareer retrospective at the Guggenheim focusing on 3 of her self-portraits that elaborate on her leatherdyke identity. Interpreting these works through the scholarship of Ann Cvetkovich... more
Unveräußerliche Rechte kann man nicht freiwillig aufgeben oder übertragen. Nicht nur Grundrechte können unveräußerlich sein. Unser Rechtssystem schränkt auf unterschiedliche Weisen die Verfügung über gewisse Rechte ein. Weshalb darf aber... more
Le consentement libre et éclairé est le fondement juridique de toute décision de soins et la base de l’alliance thérapeutique. Les réformes civiles et criminelles des années 1990 visaient notamment la mise en œuvre du droit au... more
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities requires States to abolish substitute decision-making regimes and replace them with supported decision-making. Up to the 20 th century, the prevailing view,... more
A long-standing debate on the concept of rights sets the so-called choice theory in contrast to the interest theory. As has been noted in the literature, the debate is relevant for the question of whether children can be conceived as... more
Doulas-birth practitioners without medical responsibility who provide support to birthing people-have become popular over the past few decades. Drawing from two years of ethnographic research in the United States during which I trained... more
本文處理的是霍布斯式自然法在其政治理論中的角色與作用,霍... more
One of the reasons that elections have come to be so widely valued across the globe lies in their perceived ability to increase citizens' consent to be governed by their representatives. Yet inversely, one may ask what election results... more
RÉFÉRENCE: Alexandre Baril, « Société de l’aveu, cis-tème de l’aveu : repenser le consentement à la lumière des images intimes de personnes trans* dans les medias », GLAD! [En ligne], 05 | 2018, mis en ligne le 15 décembre 2018, consulté... more
There are few issues more emotional and divisive than what has become known as “the right to die.” One camp advocates the “death with dignity” approach, according to which the patient is an autonomous being who can form his or her own... more
L'indagine analizza il principio del consenso dell'interessato al trattamento dei dati personali a fronte dei cambiamenti che hanno interessato la moderna idea di privacy. L'impatto dell'innovazione tecnologica ed il progressivo... more
Paramedic'shaveverbaliseduncertaintyonhowtoproceedwhentreating unwellpatientswhorefusetreatment,statingthattheyfeelill-equippedto interpretsituationswhenpatientsrefusetreatment.Theyexpressedaneedtobe... more
Setiap pesakit berhak menentukan apa yang beliau mahu atau tidak mahu dilakukan ke atas tubuh badan mereka. Perbincangan tentang hak pesakit bagi meneruskan atau meninggalkan rawatan perubatan akan memberi kesan kepada hak mereka untuk... more
The study of sexuality is the study of power, nowhere is this truer than with sadomasochism (S/m), the negotiated, consensual exchange of power. Sexuality is defined through policy and practice, the public and the private, the permissible... more
To exploit someone is to take unfair advantage of their vulnerability or weakness. But are exploitative interactions necessarily non-consensual? This essay explores the relationship between exploitation and consent, and argues that... more
After a constitutional referendum having taken place in October 2020, Chile is now working on a new Constitution replacing the one dating back to Gen Pinochet’s military rule, after an overwhelming majority of 79% voted in favour. At the... more
Mini-Essay/ Reflection Piece
From the anthology edited by Nané Jordan and Chandra Alexandre and published by Demeter Press. This anthology calls Pagan and Goddess mothering into focus by highlighting philosophies and experiences of mothers in these spiritual... more
A valid marriage emerges thanks to the founding power of one sole efficient cause—consent. Marriage is a complex human reality; it encompasses physio-biological, psychological, personal, social, religious, moral, and judicial aspects. The... more
ABSTRAK - Pesakit mempunyai hak untuk membuat keputusan berhubung penjagaan kesihatan dan rawatan perubatan untuk dirinya. Tiada individu lain boleh membuat APA-APA keputusan berhubung dengan rawatan jika pesakit tersebut masih... more
Locke is famous for arguing—by most accounts unsuccessfully—both that many people have political obligations, and that political obligation depends on freely chosen, deliberate acts of individual consent. My aim here is not to resuscitate... more
L’analisi delle condizioni di liceità del trattamento dei dati personali costituisce osservatorio privilegiato per comprendere la reale portata delle scelte compiute dal legislatore europeo con l’emanazione del Regolamento 2016/679... more
Intervention programmée au colloque « Comprendre, accepter, consentir. Le consentement dans les espaces du soin, de l’intimité et de l’affectivité" organisé par Jean-Philippe Pierron et Georges Charbonneau les 19-20 novembre 2020 /... more
It might be assumed that victim experiences of sexual violence are characterised by fear and pain, and while this is true for many, the phenomenology of sexual violence is more complex than this. Increasingly, sexuality research is... more
Easily the greatest intellectual alive today, Noam Chomsky in his ground breaking book “Manufacturing Consent” has raised critical concerns for regressive role played by Western corporate media under a modern industrial democratic... more
Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:
Our autonomy can be compromised by limitations in our capacities, or by the power relationships within which we are embedded. If we insist that real consent requires full autonomy, then virtually no sex will turn out to be consensual. I... more
This chapter provides an outline of consent in the history of medical ethics. In doing so, it ranges over attitudes towards consent in medicine in ancient Greece, medieval Europe and the Middle East, as well as the history of Western law... more
Most of the literature on sexual consent presupposes that consent requires autonomy, and proceeds as though autonomy is a roughly digital property: you either have it or you don’t, and if you don’t have it then you can’t legitimately... more
Standard models of sexual consent in sexual violence prevention campaigns suppose that women, as free and autonomous agents, are in control of their sexuality and are able to ‘just say no’ to unwanted sex. In this article, we suggest that... more
For decades, feminists have intervened in a sexually violent culture. Many public health professionals, educators, and activists who design these interventions have called for complex conceptualizations of communication, yet communication... more
The book based on my empirical sociological PhD research project on dyke/trans/queer BDSM practices and relationships.
Ask me for discount flyers if you want to buy it!
Ask me for discount flyers if you want to buy it!
In this dissertation, I analyze the practices of two large evangelical churches in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, that use combat sport for social outreach. In evangelical fight ministries, pastors combine worship and close-contact grappling to... more