Synchronous Generator
Recent papers in Synchronous Generator
This paper discusses the field tests of the wind turbine unit, in which the front and the rear wind rotors drive the inner and the outer armatures of the synchronous generator. The wind rotors were designed conveniently by the traditional... more
Objective: To ascertain whether specific abnormalities (ie, cramped synchronized general movements [GMs]) can predict cerebral palsy and the severity of later motor impairment in preterm infants affected by brain lesions.
Classical Potier model is widely used to predict the behavior of isotropic synchronous machines in steady state conditions keeping into account the main effects of core saturation. Its parameters are usually determined using a popular... more
This contribution deals with the analysis of synchronous generator loss of excitation (LOE) protection. This paper presents a new method for detecting LOE in synchronous generator based on the variation of the magnetic flux linkage in the... more
The Heffron-Phillips model of the synchronous generator is a fourth order linear model including a third order synchronous machine and a first order automatic voltage regulator (AVR) model. This model is used for small signal stability... more
Distributed Generation is increasing in nowadays power systems. Small scale systems such as photovoltaic, biomass or small cogeneration plants are connected to the distribution level, while large wind farms will be connected to the... more
Mathematical model of third and seventh order that describes the synchronous generator is given. Basic principle, application field and equivalent circuit of synchronous generator are explained. Simulation model of synchronous generator... more
PREMESSA Per studiarne le vibrazioni torsionali, gli alberi dei gruppi di produzione elettrica vengono di solito rappresentati con sistemi a parametri concentrati. Ciò può comportare significativi "errori di discretizzazione", in... more
Trading with reactive power will soon become a very important part of electric energy trade. However, while trading, voltage regulation in portable and distribution systems must not be neglected. In order to balance the technical and... more
The paper briefly contains about the analysis of the synchronous generator. This contains the consideration of the actual parameters, state space model, consideration of the generator under the no damping conditions. This is a simulink... more
Abstract:- The aim of this work is to analyze a typical configuration of a Wind Turbine Generator System (WTGS) equipped with a Variable Speed Generator. Nowadays, doubly-fed induction generators are being widely used on WTGS, although... more
Heffron -Phillips model of a synchronous machine is commonly used in small signal stability analysis and for off-line design of power system stabilisers. The data used to determine the parameters of this model are either hard to measure... more
In this paper, a methodology to estimate parameters of synchronous generator and its excitation system, based on the trajectory sensitivity technique, is proposed. Some alternatives are proposed for this technique regarding a future... more
This paper models and simulates a salient-pole synchronous generator using a modified winding function theory and more precise stator and rotor winding distribution with dynamic eccentricity between the stator and rotor. Air-gap permeance... more
Recently linear synchronous generator for the exploitation of sea wave energy has been proposed. That solution does not require reactive power to magnetize but needs permanent magnets to assure the excitation. The electrical energy... more
Brushless doubly fed iuduction machine has recently attracted attention in variable speed generators and motor drives. In order to have a high performance control, a precise dynamic model is required. This paper aims at introducing a... more
Growing number of wind turbines is changing electricity generation profile all over the world. This brings challenges for power system operation, which was designed and developed around conventional power plants with directly coupled... more
Implementations of mini hydro schemes with conventional hydraulic, electrical equipment's and controllers have proven very expensive and uneconomical. Many developing countries that are in need of rural electrification have encountered... more
New and simple explanations on two fields: 1) electric current and 2) light and colors. The explanations are based on many experiments, very simple and very easily reproducible ones, some of them, although simple, still very impressive... more
This paper shows, through simulations using the software Matlab/Simulink and its library Simpowersystems, how to perform the synchronous generator load rejection tests and how to obtain the values of the synchronous generator electrical... more
Due to their high efficiency and reliability, permanent magnet synchronous machines are widely used in low speed direct-driven applications. The present paper deals with the design and analysis of a special topology of a PMSG suited for... more
In the paper the full performance analysis of a salient poles synchronous generator (SPSG) is presented. The focus is put on the simulation of transient characteristics in the case of three-phase bolted short circuit at the generator... more
A method to estimate the dynamic parameters of the commonly used third-order d-q model of a synchronous generator, based on measured electrical power, reactive power, terminal voltage, field current, field voltage and rotor angle... more
In this paper a regulation of the terminal voltage of synchronous generator (SG) has been developed. Here, the nonlinear model of the SG is used directly without requirement for a linearized mathematical model of the generator. A... more
This paper deals with the control of a hybrid excitation synchronous generator which is used to supply an isolated grid for aircraft applications. This grid is supposed to be a 270-V dc bus. Thus, a rectifier is required between the... more
A state-space representation of a synchronous generator is established and used to analyze the transient behavior of a synchronous generator. The machine is a 2 pole, 150 MVA, 120 MW, 13.8 kV, 50 Hz generator connected to an infinite bus... more
Richard Perers received the M.Sc. degree in engineering physics from Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, in 2003. He is currently a Ph.D. student in electricity research, his main subject being hydropower generators.
Power demand increases continuously and it is not economical and reliable to fulfill the demand by thermal based generation methods. To overcome the problems of thermal based generation, use of non-conventional sources increases very... more
When a small generator is connected to the distribution system, the voltage at the point of interconnection is determined largely by the system and not the generator. This report examines the effect on the generator, on the load voltage... more
Abstract—This work shows a method to quantify rotor eccentricities in synchronous machines by exploiting the unbalance caused in the split-phase currents. The paper first develops a machine model comprehensive of eccentricities and... more
This paper considers the problem of oscillations in a synchronous generator connected to infinite bus through transmission lines. Two on-line control techniques, namely, artificial neural networks (ANN) and simulated annealing (SA) are... more
This paper investigates the cost-effective ranges of gearbox ratios and power ratings of multibrid permanent-magnet (PM) wind generator systems by using a design optimization method. First, the analytical model of a multibrid wind turbine... more
Virtual laboratories can become important components of the teaching process, because using them several experiment-oriented problems can be solved easily and also from the distance. Graduates using virtual laboratories will be better... more
The Heffron-Phillips model of a synchronous machine has successfully been used for investigating the low frequency oscillations and designing power system stabilisers. The parameters of the model are usually calculated using the... more
The main task in this paper is to present a performance analysis of a distribution network in the presence of two synchronous generators in parallel, with its speed and voltage regulators modeled with TACS-Transient Analysis of Control... more
Hybrid excitation synchronous machines (HESMs), which combine the best features of traditional electrically excited synchronous machines (SMs) and permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSMs), are investigated. Such machines provide... more