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A review of the literature on helicopter rotor system health monitoring is conducted in this paper. An introduction is provided to the work on rotor track and balance and commercial health and usage monitoring systems. Research on the... more
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      EngineeringAerospace EngineeringSystem IdentificationFuzzy Logic
The rotor critical speeds are the speeds accompanied by a great dynamic load, and maximum vibration. The critical speeds of rotation coincide with the natural frequencies of transverse vibration of the non-rotating shaft disc system.... more
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      RotordynamicsVIBRATION ANALYSISStructural Dynamics (Random Vibrations)Turbo Machinery (Rotor Dynamics)
This paper investigates the supervised classification of an injection fault of an internal combustion Diesel engine using vibration measurement. The S-transform is used to produce a time-frequency representation of the vibration signal.... more
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    • Rotordynamics
In this paper, nonlinear dynamics of an unbalanced composite spinning shaft are studied. Extensional–flexural–flexural–torsional equations of motion are derived via utilizing the three-dimensional constitutive relations of the material... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsComposite Materials and StructuresStructural Dynamics
This material gives a basic aerodynamics related to rotor craft systems. This is a basic theory behind the helicopter blades. How the relative wing is affecting during hover, transnational flight, vertical flight. The theory also gives... more
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      RotordynamicsHELICOPTER DESIGNQuadcopter (A-four rotor plane)Helicopter flight control systems
This paper provides an overview of a 100 kw flywheel capable of 100 kW-Hr energy storage that is being built by Vibration Control and Electromechanical Lab (VCEL) at Texas A&M University and Calnetix Technologies. The novel design has a... more
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      Control Systems EngineeringRenewable EnergyEmbedded SystemsMagnetic Bearings
Blade-casing interaction/rubbing can occur under the small blade-tip clearance, which may lead to the rubbing damage, excessive wear of the abradable coating, and efficiency loss caused by the increasing tip leakage flow. Moreover, the... more
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    • Rotordynamics
Abstract—This work shows a method to quantify rotor eccentricities in synchronous machines by exploiting the unbalance caused in the split-phase currents. The paper first develops a machine model comprehensive of eccentricities and... more
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      RotordynamicsCondition monitoring and fault diagnosis of electric machinerySynchronous Generator
A strategy for adaptive control and energetic optimization of aerobic fermentors was implemented, with both air flow and agitation speed as manipulated variables. This strategy is separable in its components: control, optimization,... more
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      Information SystemsElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringCommunication Engineering
We present an analytical analysis of a continuous rotor shaft subjected to universal temperature gradients. To this end, an analytical model is derived to investigate the generic thermal vibrations of rotor structures. The analytical... more
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      RotordynamicsAnalytical dynamicsThermal Power Plants
An improved rotor-blade dynamic model is developed based on our previous works (Ma et al. in J Sound Vib, 337:301–320, 2015; J Sound Vib 357:168– 194, 2015). In the proposed model, the shaft is dis-cretized using a finite element method... more
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    • Rotordynamics
Abstract. In the recent years, the clearance between the rotor blades and stator/casing had been getting smaller and smaller prior improving the aerodynamic efficiency of the turbomachines as demand in the engineering field. Due to the... more
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      RotordynamicsTurbine bladesblade faults
This paper aims at the blade-casing rubbing in a shaft–disk–blade (SDB) system including shaft, disk, blade and bearing, and focuses the effects of stagger angles of blades, rotational speeds and casing stiffness on the rubbing-induced... more
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    • Rotordynamics
Los altos costos energéticos asociados a la operación de los compresores centrífugos, aunados a la necesidad de optimizar la relación costo-beneficio de los procesos productivos donde estos se encuentran involucrados, justifican la... more
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      RotordynamicsPerformanceLife Cycle AssessmentLife Cycle Costing
Due to development in fields of materials and power electronics, use of high-speed electrical machines has boosted significantly in recent decades. They are widely used in number of applications, such as electrically assisted... more
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      Electrical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringPhysicsRenewable Energy
In this paper we look for a rotating beam, with pinned-free boundary conditions, whose eigenpair (frequency and mode-shape) is same as that of a uniform non-rotating beam for a particular mode. It is seen that for any given mode, there... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringAerospace EngineeringApplied Mathematics
In this paper we present the mathematical development of two models of on-line identification of cracks in a rotor-bearing system, based on the algebraic identification technique, which take as input data the vibration response of the... more
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    • Rotordynamics
Computations of the blade loading and the local flow field around the Model Rotor Experiments In Controlled Conditions (MEXICO) rotor are presented using an actuator line method, implemented within the open source code OpenFOAM. The... more
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      GeologyComputational Fluid DynamicsTidal Stream EnergyRotordynamics
The aim of the article is to propose a robust and reliable engineering method for identifying and characterizing vortical structures within a flow field measured with a classic two-component PIV measurement system. Some of the most... more
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      RotordynamicsParticle image velocimetry (PIV)RotorcraftVortex Detection Criterion
Computations of the blade loading and local flow field around the Model Rotor Experiments In Controlled Conditions (MEXICO) rotor are presented using an actuator line method, implemented within the open source code OpenFOAM. The nacelle... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsTidal Stream EnergyRotordynamicsTidal Stream Turbine Modelling
Unbalance is an important fault that can damage or shut down vital rotary systems such as the gas turbine, compres-sors, and others, so to avoid this trouble, the balancing process is very crucial, even though it is time-consuming and... more
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In this paper, a novel color space transform is presented. It is an adaptive transform based on the application of independent component analysis to the RGB data of an entire color image. The result is a linear and reversible color space... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRotordynamics
In this paper a new continuous model for flexural vibration of rotors with an open edge crack has been developed. The cracked rotor is considered in the rotating coordinate system attached to it. Therefore, the rotor bending can be... more
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      EngineeringVibrationsRotordynamicsVIBRATION ANALYSIS
The effect of uncertainty in composite material properties on the aeroelastic response, vibratory loads, and stability of a hingeless helicopter rotor is investigated. The uncertainty impact on rotating natural frequencies of the blade is... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringComposite Materials and StructuresAeronautical Engineering
A new class of drill strings is investigated whereby strategically designed and placed periodic inserts are utilized to filter out the vibration transmission along the drill strings. Such mechanical filtering capabilities allow the... more
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      VibrationsRotordynamicsVibration ControlSmart Structure
Rotor-gas bearings are attracting increasing interest because of their high speed capabilities, low friction and clean operation. However, hydrostatic rotor-gas bearings show reduced damping characteristics, which makes it challenging to... more
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      RotordynamicsVibration ControlActive Vibration DampingDecentralised control
The design of bearings and the characteristics of the lubricant are very important in the operation of a rotor machine. The geometry of a bearing can be very influential in the lubricant flow, and so in the final behavior of the machine.... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRotordynamicsRotordynamicJournal Bearings
The effect of uncertainty in composite material properties on the aeroelastic response, vibratory loads, and stability of a hingeless helicopter rotor is investigated. The uncertainty impact on rotating natural frequencies of the blade is... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringComposite Materials and StructuresAeronautical Engineering
In this work the effects of the electromechanical interaction on rotordynamics and vibration characteristics of cage rotor electrical machines were considered. An eccentric rotor motion distorts the electromagnetic field in the air-gap... more
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The effect of uncertainty in composite material properties on the aeroelastic response, vibratory loads, and stability of a hingeless helicopter rotor is investigated. The uncertainty impact on rotating natural frequencies of the blade is... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringComposite Materials and StructuresAeronautical Engineering
In this paper a new continuous model for flexural vibration of rotors with an open edge crack has been developed. The cracked rotor is considered in the rotating coordinate system attached to it. Therefore, the rotor bending can be... more
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      EngineeringVibrationsRotordynamicsVIBRATION ANALYSIS
We review here three experiments performed (in 2014-2016) at ID18 of ESRF to measure the influence of acceleration on time dilation by measuring the relative shift between the absorption lines of two states of the same rotating absorber... more
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      RotordynamicsMössbauer SpectroscopySynchrotron RadiationTheoretical Fundamental Physics
En este trabajo se analizó la influencia del ángulo de desbalance sobre los armónicos de la respuesta de un rotor fracturado. El rotor fue simulado mediante el método de elemento finito considerando al eje como flexible, es decir, con... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringPhysicsFinite Element Methods
The conditions for the occurrence of auto-balancing for the rigid axisymmetric rotor on two isotropic elastic supports, balanced by any quantity of passive auto-balancers of any type, are defined. The empirical criterion for the... more
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      RotordynamicsTurbo Machinery (Rotor Dynamics)
Helicopter blade-vortex interaction noise is one of the most severe noise sources and is very important both in community annoyance and military detection. Research over the decades has substantially improved basic physical understanding... more
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    • Rotordynamics
In this work the effects of the electromechanical interaction on rotordynamics and vibration characteristics of cage rotor electrical machines were considered. An eccentric rotor motion distorts the electromagnetic field in the air-gap... more
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The aim of the article is to propose a robust and reliable engineering method for identifying and characterizing vortical structures within a flow field measured with a classic two-component PIV measurement system. Some of the most... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsRotordynamicsParticle image velocimetry (PIV)
The positive benefits of early faults detection in rotating systems have led scientists to develop automated methods. Although unbalancing is the most prevalent defect in rotor systems, this fault normally is accompanied by other defects... more
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      RotordynamicsVIBRATION ANALYSISFinite Element SimulationsConvolutional Neural Network [CNN]
The flow field over an accelerating rotating wing model at Reynolds numbers Re ranging from 250 to 2000 is investigated using particle image velocimetry, and compared with the flow obtained by three-dimensional time-dependent... more
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      Parallel ComputingComputational Fluid DynamicsFluid MechanicsTurbulence
Temporary Rotor Bow occurs with centrifugal compressors during start- up after a short shutdown and may lead to severe damage to compressor internals .High synchronous (1x) vibration at 1st resonance speed cause a high probability of... more
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    • Rotordynamics
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    • Rotordynamics