Recent papers in Symbolization
Um primo, de cinco anos, veio visitar Hans, que nessa época chegara à idade de quatro anos. Hans constantemente punha os braços ao redor dele, e um dia, quando lhe dava um daqueles ternos abraços, disse: "Eu gosto tanto de você."' Esse é... more
Este Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso aborda o modo como a teoria psicanalítica encara a infância e seu papel na vida do sujeito adulto. O trabalho faz uma reflexão sobre de que modo a Psicanálise pode auxiliar pais e pedagogos a educar... more
Palavras-chave: apoderamento, bemächtigungdttrieb, dominação, psicopatologia Résumé : La présente thèse examine le terme allemand « Bemächtigungstrieb » utilisé par Freud, qui a été initialement traduit au Brésil par « pulsão de dominação... more
Le diagnostic d'hyperactivité selon le DSM-IV doit être différencié des symptômes d'agitation ou d'inattention qui s'intègrent dans le cadre d'un trouble psychiatrique plus global tel que le trouble de la personnalité et doit _ être... more
Cet article propose tout d’abord l’exploitation d’une activité de généralisation basée sur des motifs (patterns) figuratifs destinée à développer la pensée algébrique. L’activité a été organisée sur la base d’un modèle intégrant une... more
Resumo: O presente artigo discute o conceito de simbolização primária, de René Roussillon, e sua busca de fundamentação nas teorias de Sigmund Freud e de D. W. Winnicott, evidenciando que esta última não pode fundamentar tal conceito, já... more
A 28.ª Conferência Anual da Federação Europeia de Psicanálise (2015) teve por título Demasiado-Não o bastante [Trop-Pas assez], o qual evoca um campo fenomenológico muito aberto, uma verdadeira encruzilhada de vivências genéricas, um par... more
A 28.ª Conferência Anual da Federação Europeia de Psicanálise (2015) teve por título Demasiado-Não o bastante [Trop-Pas assez], o qual evoca um campo fenomenológico muito aberto, uma verdadeira encruzilhada de vivências genéricas, um par... more
Cet article vise à illustrer les concepts psychanalytiques d’appropriation subjective, de symbolisation, de culpabilité primaire et d’entrejeu psychothérapique à travers une vignette clinique. Ces concepts s’appuient sur la pensée de... more
The aim of the article is to show the role of various metaphorical practices that are a dominant structural feature of Andrzej Stasiuk’s prose, used to construct his textual reality. Comparisons, metaphorical statements, and enumerations... more
La crise humanitaire en Syrie a exposé de nombreux adolescents aux atrocités de la guerre: pertes matérielles et relationnelles, deuils, traumas, etc. La non-symbolisation de ces événements potentiellement traumatiques survenus lors du... more
Psicanalista. Membro titular da Associacão Psicanalítica do Uruguai e diretora da Clínica del Niño-Centro del Adolescente, Montevidéu, Uruguai.
Recently, multiple time scale characteristics of heart dynamics have received much attention for distinguishing healthy and pathologic cardiac systems. Despite structural peculiarities of the fetal cardiovascular system, the fetal heart... more
The aim of this paper is to explore the various difficulties encountered by the Moroccan high schoolers (senior high) as they relate to the modelling of chemical reactions, microscopic concepts (electronic structure of atoms, valence... more
Chafe (1970) first introduces the theory of the linguistic structures as the generative-transformation type and illustrated these structures basing on the 'verbs' of all sentences. In his theory, the verb plays an important role in... more
В данной статье представлена современная интерпретация символа как психологической категории в контексте теории смысла и смыслообразования. Хотя исследование символа имеет достаточно длительную историю изучения в различных научных... more
Cette étude princeps porte sur le lien entre musicothérapie et narrativité au sein d'un service d'hématologie-oncologie pédiatrique. Il s'agit d'observer et d'analyser les processus psychiques mis en jeu par cette médiation thérapeutique.... more
The research studies the interpretation of symbolic meaning of some flowers which being poetic elements can be often found in the Spanish folk songs, poems and poetry. In the artistic communication poets reflect their vision of the world... more
This paper is a reflection on the semiological tradition after Saussure. The focus here is cartographic. In 1967 Jacques Bertin presented the semiology of graphics, which has had an extensive influence on cartography. Bertin claimed... more
Brun et al. Multidisciplinary Approach to Therapeutic Mediations play in the evaluation of therapeutic mediation settings, with a convergence of the different disciplines emphasizing the pertinence of this model. The scientific impact of... more
In the current imagistic context, the photographic image has taken on a different role due to its large-scale production and dissemination. As a consequence, contemporary approaches to teacher education in Visual Arts have emphasized... more
This paper argues that a conceptual conflation between biology and ontology has had a pervasive influence on psychoanalytic thinking about gender, particularly transgender phenomena. This has made it difficult to think about gender’s... more
Motion analysis deals with determining what and how activities are being performed by a subject, through the use of sensors. The process of answering the what question is commonly known as classification, and answering the how question is... more
La crise humanitaire en Syrie a exposé de nombreux adolescents aux atrocités de la guerre. Les deuils et les événements traumatiques auxquels ils ont pu être exposés peuvent avoir ébranlé la qualité de leur santé mentale et de leur... more
Brun et al. Multidisciplinary Approach to Therapeutic Mediations play in the evaluation of therapeutic mediation settings, with a convergence of the different disciplines emphasizing the pertinence of this model. The scientific impact of... more
The "squiggle game" is, above all, a method for relating and encouraging mutual exchange between the analyst and the patient (no matter if child, adolescent, or adult), enabling him to experience holding and freely explore different... more
Brun et al. Multidisciplinary Approach to Therapeutic Mediations play in the evaluation of therapeutic mediation settings, with a convergence of the different disciplines emphasizing the pertinence of this model. The scientific impact of... more
The "squiggle game" is, above all, a method for relating and encouraging mutual exchange between the analyst and the patient (no matter if child, adolescent, or adult), enabling him to experience holding and freely explore different... more
This article is a continuation of the study on the problems of forming an artistic image of the urban environment. The article proposes the author's original concept of constructing an artistic image based on symbolization, which is based... more
Psicanalista. Membro titular da Associacão Psicanalítica do Uruguai e diretora da Clínica del Niño-Centro del Adolescente, Montevidéu, Uruguai.
This paper is a reflection on the semiological tradition after Saussure. The focus here is cartographic. In 1967 Jacques Bertin presented the semiology of graphics, which has had an extensive influence on cartography. Bertin claimed... more
The aim of this paper is to explore the various difficulties encountered by the Moroccan high schoolers (senior high) as they relate to the modelling of chemical reactions, microscopic concepts (electronic structure of atoms, valence... more
На примере анализа содержания фильмов-лидеров кассовых сборов кинопроката раскрывается ценностная динамика символов успеха как объективно проистекающий в кинокоммуникации социокультурный процесс. Культурное производство и потребление... more
NARRATIVE MODES: NARRATIVE FORM A Psychoanalytic Exploration of Stories Presented, Represented, Shown and Told Anna Aragno Abstract and Introduction All people, everywhere, have a story to tell. Narrative is one of the clearest... more
Drawing on case material from rural Kyrgyzstan, I , I argue in this article that symbolization theory enables a shift in focus within legal anthropological reasoning, in which analyses of symbolic statements are mostly concerned with the... more
One of the distinctive manifestations of odes at Age of is Jahelid is depiction and description of ridding animal for the Jahelid Arabic man in general and camel in particular, that is friend, attendant and associate for the poet and... more
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