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Abstract: This study investigates the intricate polysemy of the Spanish perception verb sentir (‘feel’) which, analogous to the more-studied visual perception verbs ver (‘see’) and mirar (‘look’), also displays an ample gamut of semantic... more
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      Cognitive ScienceSpanishCognitive LinguisticsLexical Semantics
Social media constitute a fertile though challenging arena for the use of ironic humor. A combination of facilitating and hindering factors turns the production and identification of irony in this sphere into a complex venture,... more
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      Social MediaSatire & IronyPolysemyVerbal Irony
Antipassive constructions are commonly associated with languages with a predominantly ergative alignment. In this article, we show that antipassive constructions can also occur in predominantly accusative languages such as Cilubà, a Bantu... more
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      Bantu LinguisticsMorphology and SyntaxPolysemyAfrican Linguistics
Compositional Distributional Semantic methods model the distributional behavior of a compound word by exploiting the distributional behavior of its constituent words. In this setting, a constituent word is typically represented by a... more
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      Theories of MeaningWord Sense DisambiguationPolysemyCompositionality
Although word sense frequency information is important for theoretical study of polysemy and practical purposes of lexicography, the problem of sense frequency distribution is a neglected area in linguistics. It is probably because sense... more
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      SemanticsLexical SemanticsLexicographyPolysemy
This article distinguishes homonymy, homophony, homography amd polysemy, and provides a list of the most frequent homonyms using corpus-derived data. For most of the homonyms, the most common meaning accounts for 90% or more of the total... more
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      PsychologyComputational LinguisticsStatistical AnalysisVocabulary
The article contains 36 linguistic problems, represented as multiple-choice questions, that were used at the Russkij Medvezhonok linguistic competition for school students. The problems deal with ambiguity at all levels of the language:... more
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      PolysemyHomonymyAmbiguityLINGUISTIC PROBLEMS
This article distinguishes homonymy, homophony, homography amd polysemy, and provides a list of the most frequent homonyms using corpus-derived data. For most of the homonyms, the most common meaning accounts for 90% or more of the total... more
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      VocabularyPolysemySecond LanguageGeneral Service List
As Biblical Hebrew studies have become more attuned to the explanatory power accompanying modern linguistic theory, some theoretical pitfalls of standard lexicons have become more apparent. Specifically within the realm of lexicology, it... more
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      Research MethodologyCognitive SemanticsBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)Prepositions
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      John MiltonOrigin of LanguageGerard GenettePolysemy
This paper describes the wdydwyd construction—the tautological construction exemplified by "I did what I did," "she does what she does" and the like—and explains why it is used in the way it is used. Is it because English speakers start... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsCognitive LinguisticsPolysemyUsage-Based Linguistics
The reason for Hamlet’s hesitancy has been long one of the controversial issues among Shakespeareans. Different historical, psychological, and political interpretations all drawn out of one text, all about one character, and all incapable... more
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      ShakespeareReader ResponsePolysemyHamlet
In this paper I take issue with the standard view of polysemy as the association of a single word-form with a multitude of distinct meanings. First, I review different approaches to polysemy, concluding that it may not be legitimate to... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsTurkish LinguisticsPolysemyTurkish Corpus Linguistics
The paper presents a research tool for studying semantic change and polysemy patterns in Russian adjectives and adverbs. It is based on a corpus analysis of high-freqency polysemous units. For each of them we describe the meanings it can... more
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      MetaphorRussian LanguagePolysemyMetonymy
In this paper we discuss various aspects of systematic or conventional polysemy and their formal treatment within an implemented constraint based approach to linguistic representation. We distinguish between two classes of systematic... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLinguisticsPolysemy
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      Austronesian LanguagesPolysemyAustronesian linguisticsVerbal Morphology
The development of computer and information technology results in the development of word meanings. Many terms in computer create multiplicity of meanings of the same words. This also deals with metaphor as the words share some common... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLexical SemanticsLinguisticsPolysemy
In this paper my goal is twofold. For one, I will try to provide some kind of annotated bibliography of the most important works in polysemy research that have appeared in the last 15 years. I will constrain myself to those more... more
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      Lexical SemanticsPolysemy
2 "Ihkusteaz, mintzatzeaz, entzuteaz eta usnatzeaz egiten da bekhatu, ez ordea ukitzeaz bezala" (Axular 3 227-26) "Por mis sentidos, que son puentes levadizos tendidos a este mundo, sé que no estoy sola ni lo estuve. Todos vivimos y... more
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      MetaphorCognitive LinguisticsAnthropology of the SensesPolysemy
Here, I ask the question “How can we tell if linguists are employing in their analyses of polysemy the same senses that language users employ in their cognitive behavior?”. My primary purpose is to demonstrate an empirically responsible... more
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      Cognitive LinguisticsLexical SemanticsCognitive Lexical SemanticsPolysemy
In this paper, I have studied the associations that exist between the meanings of words, between the meanings of phrases, or between the meanings of sentences. Semantic relations constitute of synonymy, antonymy, homonymy, polysemy, and... more
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The paper discusses various techniques of discovering and describing lexical ambiguity. This is one of the top issues in computational linguistics. A variety of techniques are used for word sense disambiguation, but all of them are based... more
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      SemanticsComputational LinguisticsWSDLexicography
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      Optimality TheoryTurkish LinguisticsTurkish LanguagePolysemy
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      Languages and LinguisticsSemanticsLinguisticsPolysemy
Reiner Schürmann has been called “one of the most important philosophers of the XXth century” and “perhaps the most important thinker to advance the lineage of Eckhartian–Heideggerian mysticism.” While many scholars who knew Schürmann and... more
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      ChristianityOntologyPolitical PhilosophyPhilosophy Of Religion
Building upon the model of Semantic Maps (Haspelmath 2003), which typologists have designed mainly for grammatical semantics, this chapter discusses methodological issues for a model in lexical typology. By breaking up polysemous lexemes... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSemanticsTypologyLexical Semantics
The metaphor of the camel passing through the eye of the needle is found in the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew 19:24, Mark 10:25, Luke 18:25) and the Qur'an (7:40). The Gospels seem to suggest that it is easier for a camel to pass through the... more
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      SemioticsTranslation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsNew Testament
Lloyd D. Graham (2020-21) JEOL 48: 63-68 [volume published 30 May, 2022]. The Great Hymn to Osiris on the Stele of Amenmose (Louvre C 286) constitutes the most complete Egyptian account of the Osiris myth. The Hymn says that, when Isis... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptian TextsAncient Egyptian LiteraturePolysemy
ნაშრომი ეძღვნება პოლისემიისა და ომონიმიის პრობლემის პარალელურ განხილვას ქართული და აფხაზური ენების მასალაზე. The dissertation thesis deals with parallel review of the issue of polysemy and homonymy on the basis of Georgian and Abkhazian... more
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      SemanticsGeorgian LanguagePolysemyHomonymy
The current article studies the contextual manifestation of polysemy, the influence of the context on the formation and perception of the meaning of the word. The word light in the short story The Apple Tree by John Goldsworthy has been... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSemanticsContextLinguistics
This article reviews some recent publications dealingwith the phenomenon of polysemy, and addresses some of the questions which they raise. Accordingto a generally accepted definition, polysemy is the association of two or more related... more
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      PolysemyAmbiguityDisambiguationRadial Network
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      SemioticsLanguages and LinguisticsSemanticsPolysemy
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      SemanticsGulf StudiesArabic Language and LinguisticsThe Persian Gulf
Metafizik’in zeta’sında Aristoteles, ilkin hypokeimenon’un ya “madde” ya “biçim” ya da “madde ve biçimin bileşimi” olabileceğini söylemiş, devamında ise, bu üç unsurdan hangisinin hypokeimenon olabileceğini soruşturmuştur. Bu soruşturma... more
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      AristotlePolysemyPotentialityOusía, Hypokeímenon
ON ONE SPECIFIC USE OF THE CARDINAL NUMBERS IN CONTEMPORARY BULGARIAN LANGUAGE The current paper examines one specific use of the cardinal numbers in the contemporary Bulgarian language. It concerns the cases when cardinal numbers... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)Morphology and SyntaxPolysemy
This article is devoted to Guillaume Apollinaire original poetic experience’s who tried to found a synthetic art combining heterogeneous semiotic systems such as painting and poetry. We propose, then, to study the various complementary... more
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      PaintingPolysemyVisual PoetryGuillaume Apollinaire
In the following I will try to show that non-systematic polysemy phenomena do not form a homogeneous set. They can be subclassified, and the examination of each class can lead to important conclusions in connection with theories... more
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      Cognitive SemanticsMetaphorPolysemy
Discussing diachronic development of polysemy and the causes of semantic change we have concentrated on the factors bringing about this change and will attempt to find out why the word becomes polysemantic. We seek to clarify the process... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsArmenian StudiesSemanticsPolysemy
L’objectif de cet article est d’analyser les relations sémantiques de synonymie, polysémie, homonymie et paronymie dans le cadre de la langue du droit qui insiste sur la monoréférence du texte du départ et sur sa traduction précise.... more
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      SemanticsTerminologyPolysemyLegal Terminology
In this paper, we propose a constructional analysis of the meanings of two generic motion verbs in Ancient Greek and Coptic (Sahidic dialect), the verbs baínō and bôk, respectively, both of which are glossed as ‘go’ and are characterized... more
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      Cognitive SemanticsCoptic StudiesCoptic (Languages And Linguistics)Cognitive Linguistics
This study presents a lexical semantic investigation of the dialectal verb dašš – one of the most common verbs in the dialects of eastern Arabia – on the basis of its usage in conversational circumstances. I analyse the polysemy of dašš... more
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      LexicologyHistorical LinguisticsSemitic languagesDialectology
La presente investigación tiene como principal interés la revisión, descripción y organización, tanto cronológica como semántico-conceptual, de los significados atribuidos al vocablo "perulero", de acuerdo con lo hallado en un grupo de... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsPolysemyHistorical SemanticsLingüística Histórica
This book is the result of a joint project on lexical and semantic typology which gathered together field linguists, semanticists, cognitivists, typologists, and an NLP specialist. These cross-linguistic studies concern semantic shifts at... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSemanticsCognitive LinguisticsLexical Semantics
This paper examines the differences in verbal meanings between English and Czech in caused motion constructions of the type "John walked Mary to the station"-"Jan doprovodil (/zavedl) Marii na nádraží". The paper shows that English... more
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      Contrastive AnalysisPolysemyColour TermsColour Semantics
Bu tez çalışmasında, günümüze ulaşan tüm Runik harfli metinler incelenerek Köktürkçenin söz varlığında önemli bir yere sahip olan çok anlamlı kelimeler ortaya konulmuştur. Bu kapsamda art zamanlı inceleme yöntemi kullanılarak Moğolistan,... more
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      SemanticsRunic inscriptionsOld TurkicPolysemy
The challenge of reconciling a verbal form's variety of senses on the one hand and its conceptual coherence on the other is solved, not by positing a highly abstract, semantically invariant core from which each use is derived, nor by... more
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      Greek LanguageNew TestamentBiblical StudiesCognitive Linguistics
This study is an investigation into the grammatically polysemous word כי in the Hebrew Bible. Despite much ink spilt on the description of this little word, many questions remain to be fully explored. Studies of the past have... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHebrew LanguageCognitive SemanticsHebrew Bible