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This report—including interviews with more than 331 workers employed in 32 factories that supply to H&M—documents the experiences of women garment workers at the base of H&M garment supply chains. Concentrated in short term, low-skill,... more
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      CambodiaIndonesiaSri LankaViolence Against Women
In its first judgment issued on the merits, the African Court found Tanzania responsible for the vio-lation of the African Charter because of its national laws prohibiting the participation in elections of candidates not belonging to... more
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      International Human Rights LawChildren's civil and politica rights, right to participation, democratic rightsFreedom of AssociationJurisprudence In the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights
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      Constitutional LawHuman Rights LawInternational LawComparative Constitutional Law
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      Collective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)Industrial RelationsLabour historyCanadian Constitutional Law
This article investigates the current legal framework of freedom of association and collective bargaining of workers in Vietnam using ILO standards as a benchmark. It shows while workers in Vietnam have the Constitutional right to freedom... more
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      International Human Rights LawVietnamthe International Labour Organization (ILO)Freedom of Association
Sloboda, vrátane slobody združovania ani v prostredí športu za posledných viac ako 150 rokov nebola a ani nemôže byť absolútna, čo podporujú i texty mnohých v štúdii citovaných dobových akademických prác najmä vysokoškolských študentov.... more
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      Sports LawSports HistoryNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Sport
This paper clarifies the main reasons for refusing the NGOs draft law in Libya. It, also, explains who that draft law ؤontravenes the international standards of freedom of association on the whole.
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      Civil SocietyLibyaLegalFreedom of Assembly
The existing legal framework in Russia makes sex work and related activities punishable offenses, leaving sex workers stigmatized, vulnerable to violence, and disproportionally affected by HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. In... more
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      International Human Rights LawSex WorkEuropean Convention of Human RightsRelationship among European Cour of Justice and ECHR. Relationship between national courts and european courts (ECJ and ECHR)
Membership of professional bodies in Ghana is widely regulated by statute. The relevant law identifies the regulator, provides the process for admission into the profession and the rules of practice and licensing. As members proceed to... more
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      Human RightsProfessional PracticeFreedom of Association
Although university student associations are key actors in Canadian political and social life, and although they engage in a significant amount of litigation, there is very little published research on their legal regulation. This article... more
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      Social MovementsHigher EducationFreedom of AssociationStudent Protest
Act No. 6356 on Trade Unions and Collective Labour Agreements-Turkey Part I - Purpose and Definitions Part II - Principles of Establishment and Bodies Part III - Membership Part IV - Protection Part V - Activities Part VI - Revenues,... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsCollective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)Turkish Labour UnionsCollective Bargaining
In Ghana, the practice of traditional professions is widely regulated by statute. Once an individual has satisfied the academic and certification requirements of a profession, the relevant law identifies the regulator, provides the... more
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      Human RightsVoluntary AssociationsProfessional PracticeFreedom of Association
This essay explains how the Supreme Court of Canada has interpreted and applied the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to the law of work. It is intended as an introduction to this complex legal field for an audience unfamiliar with... more
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      LawLabour LawWork and LabourTrade unions
This report reviews the gendered impact of COVID-19—and the need for a transformational approach to prevent and end GBVH using guidance from C190—in the context of Asian fast fashion supply chains which produce primarily consumer apparel... more
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      Gender StudiesCambodiaSocial ProtectionIndonesia
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      Political PartiesHuman RightsTanzaniaTrade unions
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      Freedom Of ExpressionUniversityFreedom of Association
This report—including interviews with more than 250 workers employed in 60 factories that supply to Walmart—documents the experiences of women garment workers at the base of Walmart garment supply chains. Concentrated in short term, low... more
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      Labor EconomicsOccupational Health & SafetyCambodiaIndonesia
This report is a baseline assessment of social accountability in seven countries in the Arab World: Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia and Yemen. “Social accountability” is a term first developed by the World Bank that... more
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      GovernanceAccess To InformationFinancial TransparencyArab Spring (Arab Revolts)
RESUMEN Influencia de Shopenhauer en Freud. Un cuidadoso análisis de la obra central de Schopenhauer, El mundo como voluntad y representación, muestra que muchas de las ideas más características de Freud habían sido anticipadas por... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyPolitical SociologyPsychology
The article concerns the issues regarding characteristics of right for association as a constitutional value, its universal character and contents of the said constitutional right. The author analyzes the comparative context of the norms... more
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    • Freedom of Association
This article aims to introduce in the scientific debate on the future of EU labour law and its relationship with human and fundamental rights, a redefinition of the collective labour rights in terms of 'collective labour freedoms'. This... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsCollective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)Industrial RelationsCollective Action
This article investigates the current legal framework of freedom of association and collective bargaining of workers in Vietnam using ILO standards as a benchmark. It argues out that while workers in Vietnam have the Constitutional right... more
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      VietnamInternational Labour LawFTAsCollective Bargaining
The right to work is a fundamental human right ensuring that every individual shall be able to continue their lives with a desired job and an income allowing the protection of human dignity. The right to work is directly related with the... more
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      Human RightsFreedom of AssociationJob Security
Erschienen in: Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, Beihefte 141.
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      Political PhilosophyEthicsImmigrationMigration
English Abstract This article tried to contextualize Professor Rukmana Amanwinata thought on freedom of association in a case decided by Indonesian Constitutional Court in 2018 (Decisions No. 2/PUUXVI/ 2018 on review of Civil Society... more
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      Human RightsIndonesiaConstitutional CourtsFreedom of Association
Watchdog NGOs and other human rights defenders have been under pressure during the humanitarian and rule of law ‘crises’. Several EU Member States have passed laws that fall short of international, regional and EU freedom of association... more
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      Criminal JusticeHuman RightsCivil Society and the Public SphereFreedom Of Expression
This chapter examines labor militancy in the automotive industry in Mexico. Over the past decade, Mexico has risen as one of the largest global car manufacturers. Nevertheless, wages continue to plummet, setting Mexican salaries among the... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsSocial MovementsSociology of WorkGlobalization
In recent years, Africa has seen a new wave of democratization. There has been a substantive shift from unconstitutional rule through coups, military rule and authoritarian regimes to a more democratic rule that involves popular... more
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      The African Union Peace and Security ArchitectureFreedom of AssociationDemocracy and Human Rights
Human Rights Watch is dedicated to protecting the human rights of people around the world. We stand with victims and activists to prevent discrimination, to uphold political freedom, to protect people from inhumane conduct in wartime, and... more
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      Russian StudiesHuman RightsFreedom Of ExpressionRussia
The North American workplace law model is broken, characterized by declining collective bargaining density, high levels of non-compliance with employment regulation, and political deadlock. This paper explores whether 'decentred' or "new... more
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      LawEmployment LawInternational LawLegal Theory
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      Freedom of AssociationFreedom of Peaceful assembly
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      LawGovernmentFreedom of SpeechIran
Il saggio analizza l’evoluzione dei diritti sindacali nel “comparto sicurezza” (forze armate e di polizia) all’insegna di una prospettiva multilivello: dopo una disamina delle fonti sovranazionali (convenzioni OIL, Cedu e Carta Sociale... more
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      Industrial RelationsLabour LawPoliceArmed Forces
ÖZET Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi içtihatlarına göre siyasi parti özgürlüğünün sınırlandırılabilmesi, söz konusu özgürlüğe yapılan müdahalenin kanuni olması, meşru bir amaç için yapılmış olması ve demokratik bir toplumda gerekli... more
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      ProportionalityFreedom of Association
The study of freedom of association in other countries is indispensible in the current context, in order to contribute to building a legal system of freedom of association consistent with actual requirements and international standards on... more
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    • Freedom of Association
This paper develops a theory of liberalism that is centred on the question of authority: where it lies and what are its proper boundaries. Liberalism responds to a crisis of epistemological - and thereby legitimate, temporal - authority,... more
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      Political PhilosophyEthicsPolitical TheoryJustice
This report links Egypt’s shifting political phases to debates more specifically about citizenship rights. It offers a general overview of Egypt’s recent political trajectory, before unpacking the various dimensions of debates over... more
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      Human RightsIslam and Human RightsFreedom of ReligionEgypt
For the first twenty-five years after the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms was enacted, it appeared that it would have little impact on Canadian labour laws. The Supreme Court of Canada took the view that the guarantee of freedom... more
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      Labour LawLabor lawTrade unionsCanadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
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      Freedom of ReligionEuropean Convention of Human RightsEuropean Court of Human RightsFreedom of Association
Praca ta stanowi pierwsze kompleksowe opracowanie problematyki naczelnych zasad zbiorowego prawa pracy. Głównym celem tego opracowania, stanowiącego głos w dyskusji nad koncepcją, katalogiem i funkcjami naczelnych zasad zbiorowego prawa... more
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      Collective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)Collective BargainingFreedom of AssociationSocial Dialogue
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      PsychoanalysisFreedom of Association
In the article proposed empirically verified theory of three stages in evolution of legal personality’s autonomy: freedom, tradition and law. As a model described private legal system of NGO “Autonomous Advocacy”, reinstitution of the... more
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      Human RightsPersonal and Moral AutonomyEvolutionAutonomy
The philosophical debate on the freedom of movement focuses almost exclu- sively on long-term migration, what I call, migration as settlement. The normative justifications defending border controls assume that the movement of people... more
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      Self DeterminationCircular MigrationFreedom of movementFreedom of Association
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      Law and PoliticsPublic Health PolicyProtestAustralian Politics
In this article, we look at how economic and political restructuring​ in Mexico has transformed working conditions, informing new strategies of labor militancy. Our research shows that, despite fierce repression by private corporations,... more
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      Automotive IndustryAutomobileLabor unionsMexico
Grev hakkı, insan haklarına ilişkin ayrımlarda sosyal haklar arasında yer almaktadır. Sosyal hakların büyük çoğunluğunun aksine, grev hakkının devlete olumlu edim yüklemeyen yanı baskındır. Özünde tepkisellik barındıran grev hakkının... more
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      Social RightsLabor lawIş HukukuFreedom of Association
This draft, published in a revised version, traces the background and sources of the main ILO Conventions on freedom of association and collective bargaining (Nos. 87, 98 and 154). It explains the relationship of these instruments to... more
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      Collective BargainingFreedom of Association
The mental lexicon contains the knowledge about words acquired over a lifetime. A central question is how this knowledge is structured and changes over time. Here we propose to represent this lexicon as a network consisting of nodes that... more
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      Network scienceSemantic NetworksFreedom of Association
W niniejszym opracowaniu autorka poddaje szczegółowej analizie przełomowy dla polskiego zbiorowego pra-wa pracy wyrok TK z 2.6.2015 r. 1 odnoszący się do kwestii podmiotowego zakresu wolności koalicji. W ocenie autorki orzeczenie to... more
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      Trade unionsFreedom of AssociationCollective Labour Law
This report analyzes the structure of legal exclusions that strip agricultural workers of labour rights protections based on analysis of national laws in 110 ILO member states. Notably, laws that exclude agricultural workers from labour... more
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      AgricultureFarm Workers (Anthropology)Food SecurityMigrant workers