Spectator Participation in Art Since the 1960s
Recent papers in Spectator Participation in Art Since the 1960s
"Ein Archiv-Besuch der Jahre 1969, 1970, 1971 und die an die mitdenkenden Leser*innen übergebene Frage, was aus den damaligen Ansprüchen und Visionen [der Theaterschaffenden und anderer gesellschaftlicher Akteur*innen der BRD]... more
SAVIO, S.M. Interseccions between Art and Archtechture- Study of Case - Olafur Eliasson.2015. 183 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2015. The reflection... more
From sculpture and performance to art and technology projects, video art, and installation art, this book charts the rise of interpersonal modes of art spectatorship. It provides a historical account of mirroring processes in contemporary... more
This paper discusses Play Orbit, an exhibition of ‘toys, games and playables’ curated by Jasia Reichardt and Peter Jones, shown at the Royal National Eisteddfod of Wales and then at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, between... more
In recent years some of the most innovative European and American directors have made films that place the spectator in a position of intense discomfort. Systematically manipulating the viewer, sometimes by withholding information,... more
El GRAV se había sido constituido por 11 artistas en 1960 como Centre de Recherche d'Art Visuel. El acta de fundación anunciaba una serie de objetivos: confrontar las investigaciones visuales desarrolladas por separado y producir obras... more
Viewers of contemporary art are often invited to involve themselves actively in artworks, by entering installations, touching objects, performing instructions or clicking on interactive websites. Why have artists sought to engage... more
Discipline : Esthétique, Sciences et Technologies des Arts Spécialité : Esthétique, histoire et pratique des arts plastiques et de la photographie Équipe : Arts des Images et Art Contemporain Présentée et soutenue publiquement par Athina... more
Abstract The following work aims to unfold and discuss the theories of the blank (Leerstelle) and of places of indeterminacy (Unbestimmtheitsstelle), both theories of the literary studies, on their potential for the fine arts. Therefore... more
This essay investigates Godard's use of tennis as an expressive and conceptual figure across his body of work. I consider how Godard's fascination with the sport raises political and ethical concerns that bear on the spectator's... more
Texts by: Marc Augé, Leonie Baumann, Sofia Bempeza, Eva Hertzsch/ Adam Page et.al. Artist Projects: Roland Boden / Bernardine Carroll / Alexandre Decoupigny & Rae Spoon / Veronika Gerhard, Volkan T / Simon Grennan & Christopher... more
The field of interactive music systems (IMSs), beginning in the 1980s, is still relatively young and fast moving. The field of music theory-analysis, during the same period (since 1980), has undergone a major transformation in terms of... more
This is a short, early version of a text on the film The Joycean society by artist Dora Garcia. Published in De Groene Amsterdammer in Dutch.
Theatre is an art of body and art grounded in body.' 1 'We therefore need a different theatre, a theatre without spectators: not a theatre played out in front of empty seats, but a theatre where the passive optical relationship implied by... more
Framework 62, No. 1, Spring 2021, pp. 5–21. Copyright © 2021 Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Michigan 48201-1309. https://www.frameworknow.com/news/journal62-1 DOCUMENTING THIRD CINEMA (1968–1979): OVERLOOKED AND LITTLE-KNOWN... more
En Italie, nombre de lieux se lisent comme des palimpsestes : l'histoire s'y déploie selon des jeux de réemploi, d'effacement, de superposition qui font resurgir le passé à la surface du présent. Les exercices mnémoniques classiques, qui... more
Cultural theorists have long likened and linked artistic disciplines with Ovid's account of Narcissus. They establish such links directly, or through a mediating semiotic or psychoanalytic discourse, thereby retelling Ovid's myth,... more
Photo-Essay included in: Framework 62, No. 1, Spring 2021, pp. 107–133. Copyright © 2021 Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Michigan // https://www.frameworknow.com/news/journal62-1 Special Issue: DOCUMENTING THIRD CINEMA... more
This paper proposes a new methodology for practice-as-research: “Anticipation, Action, and Analysis”. Critical evaluation of my performance artwork Lost for Words functions as the vehicle to describe Anticipation, Action, and Analysis and... more
Met als baseline 'Meer dan object' werden gemotiveerde opdrachtgevers uitgedaagd tot ambitieuze en vernieuwende plannen voor een kunstopdracht voor de publieke ruimte. Uit 22 inzendingen werden 5 opdrachtgevers uitgekozen, omwille van... more
AAH 2012 Milton Keynes In my paper I want to discuss the exhibition Recollections, presented in two parts at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam (/2010-, /2011), which 'remembered' -to use Raisa Greenberg's term -the museum's earlier shows... more
Coast, in parallel with the high-technology industrial complex of Southern California, fostered ad-hoc experimentation with technology in studio and post-studio practices. In the studio, individual artists researched, experimented with,... more
This paper provides an interpretation of the play Feng šus v gledališču brez igralca (Feng Shui in the Theatre without an Actor). The play’s distinct characteristic is the absence of the performer’s phenomenal body. The author thematises,... more
My essay for Create.
This can also be accessed at http://www.create-ireland.ie/create-news/create-news-special-dave-beech-bodies-and-subjects
This can also be accessed at http://www.create-ireland.ie/create-news/create-news-special-dave-beech-bodies-and-subjects
Il mio intervento prende avvio dalla lettura del saggio di Viviana Gravano Paesaggi attivi. Saggio contro la contemplazione. L'arte contemporanea e il paesaggio metropolitano, dove la scrittrice si oppone all’idea che la città possa... more
The article presents an artwork of Slovenian author and director of interdisciplinary performance, Janez Janša (previously known as Emil Hrvatin). The Wailing Wall(2011) is a performative installation consisting of three cabinets:... more
Johnny and Nora sat three feet apart from each other on the grass by an oak with a trunk so wide that Johnny thought it looked like it was about to burst, its branches and leaves so spread out that they seemed to be showing off. The... more
During the 1968 protests, students, workers and city dwellers reclaimed the street and other public places as private space. The ambiguous perception of the boundaries between public and private questioned cultural ideas of domesticity... more
No-one has ever lived in the past. No-one will ever live in the future. The present is the form of all life. (The computer Alpha 60 in Alphaville, Dir. Jean-Luc Godard, 1965.) The Present is the Form of All Life: the Time Capsules of Ant... more
The paper discusses Rancière’s ideas to use in three broad areas: art criticism and aesthetic philosophy, forms of cultural history that engage with spatial categories, and political philosophies of community. Rancière’s project sits... more
The article delivers the author’s reflections on relations among the text (speech and secondary), the performing body, performers and spectators in postdramatic theatre and performance, based on Erica Fischer-Lichte’s model of a doubled... more
Nedavno objavljena knjiga o slovenskem postdramskem gledališkem projektu Via Negativa ponuja vpogled v prvih sedem let njegovega delovanja. Projekt je pred desetletjem ustanovil Bojan Jablanovec z namenom, da bi presegel utesnjenost... more
Melting ice is an important source and artistic tool for construction of meaning in certain instances of performing art. Author analyses the next five performances: Francis Alÿs's poetic intervention into the urban space of Mexico City,... more
Abstract Nick Crossley’s concept of marginal reflexive body techniques is used to develop the concept of auto-reflexive body techniques, whose primary purpose is to work back upon the body of an acting individual, so as to modify,... more
Through artistic proposition “Mouchette.org”, (1996) this article deals with the speciic characteristics of net.art focused on sharing and interactivity. Under the perspective of Bourriaud’s “relational aesthetics”, this text deals with... more
Although today he is most famous for sculpture, from 1953-1960, Robert Morris was primarily a painter. In 1960 he rejected painting and briefly ceased artistic production altogether because of a "conflict" or "problem" which he found in... more
Covers the reception of Riley's work in the early-mid 1960s: the perceived connections with science, drug culture, ideas about mind-body unity, British art in the international context; connections with work such as Pollock's,... more