New Left
Recent papers in New Left
The transnational phenomenon that was “1968” was felt keenly around the globe with direct and virtually immediate impact. Turkey stands as a clear example, wherein the development and dynamism of the “Western” student movement had an... more
Andrei Znamenski argues that socialism arose out of activities of secularized apocalyptic sects, the Enlightenment tradition, and dislocations produced by the Industrial Revolution. He examines how, by the 1850s, Marx and Engels made the... more
In 1980, three Republican women prisoners held in Armagh prison in Northern Ireland joined the hunger strike being conducted by male Republican prisoners in Maze Prison. Overshadowed by the fatal 1981 strike, the 1980 strike involved... more
This study examines artists’ approaches to social change in New York City from 1966 to 1976. During this period, overlapping communities of artists and art professionals sought means of providing a social meaning and purpose for their... more
The goal of this work is to describe the relations and contacts between the most representative italian left wing terror group and the East Germany intelligence service at the time of the kidnapping of Aldo Moro, one of the most... more
Es war wie das gleichsam letzte Aufflackern des "roten Jahrzehnts" der 1970er Jahre, als in den Jahren 1983 und 1984, vor nun einem Vierteljahrhundert, zwei Aufsatz-Bände des politischen Psychologen und Theoretikers Peter Brückner im... more
Ernst Bloch-ist das nicht der linke Philosoph mit der Pfeife und dem »Prinzip Hoffnung«? Das dürfte-jenseits der kleinen, aber eingeschworenen Bloch-Forscher und-Anhänger, die sich weitgehend abseits von der bürgerlichen Öffentlichkeit... more
Leggewie, Claus; Stenke, Wolfgang (Hrsg.): André Gorz und die zweite Linke. Die Aktualität eines fast vergessenen Denkers. Mit Übersetzungen aus dem Französischen von Eva Moldenhauer.
Tesis para optar al Grado de Licenciado en Historia de la Universidad de Chile, 2018.
Profesores a cargo: Sergio Grez Toso y Pablo Artaza Barrios.
Profesores a cargo: Sergio Grez Toso y Pablo Artaza Barrios.
Entrevista feita com o historiador britânico Robin Blackburn durante sua estadia na Universidade de São Paulo, em 2013. Publicada originalmente na revista Novos Temas.
Zu den erfrischenden Momenten in unserer Zeit der politischen und intellektuellen Einöde gehören jene, in denen die Medienindustrie meint, vermeintliche Minderheitenmeinungen zu Wort kommen lassen zu müssen. Ein solcher Moment schlug im... more
Si torni a guardare questo film allora, non come un documento interno alle vicende del comunismo italiano ma come un dramma, una lotta in cui l’uomo rischia di smarrirsi ritrovandosi prigioniero di quel consumismo che passo dopo passo lo... more
The Rise and Fall of the Left Egemony in Center Italy (the so called "Red Italy"): an Analysys of the Umbrian Party System Between Crisis and Transition.
Este prólogo tiene como objeto de estudio la correspondencia escrita por Juan Domingo Perón a lo largo de 1967, la mayor parte proveniente del archivo Hoover de la Universidad de Stanford. El propósito del trabajo es glosar, comentar y... more
La certeza de que la guerra civil en El Salvador no se definiría exclusivamente en términos militares, sino en la capacidad de cada uno de los actores por conquistar las conciencias de los salvadoreños y ganar para sí a la opinión pública... more
This article examines the role of the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) and its youth wing, the Young Communist League (YCL), in the advancement of gay rights in the 1970s and 1980s. Although the CPGB was the first major... more
Jose C. Cañizares -Vattimo y la libertad en las sociedades transparentes
Using the example of the French journal Partisans, this article analyses the reciprocal constitution of a new radical Left and a comprehensive concept of global explanation in the shape of the so-called Third World. In the 1960s,... more
در دههی پنجاه، دفاعیات پاکنژاد در ایران و همچنین در سطح جهانی شهرتی بیمانند یافت. اهمیت این دفاعیات را دستکم در پنج عنصر میتوان جستجو کرد: نخست آنکه دفاعیات پاکنژاد، اولین مدافعات یک زندانی سیاسی ایرانی بود که به زبانهای گوناگون... more
la revue socialiste 60 le dossier Pour répondre à cette question, une remarque préliminaire classique s'impose : ce qui réfère au modèle organisationnel social-démocrate concerne, au premier chef, deux des trois types de profils isolés... more
The long 1960s in the Gulf States was a period of great political changes, in which struggles over the very future of the region's political systems were fought out. Some of these struggles are still written out of the official histories... more
In the United States during the 1960s and 1970s, appeals to authenticity were deployed across the political spectrum. Taken together, these notions offered competing and often contradictory accounts of what authenticity entailed, where it... more
Resumen: En agosto de 2015 fui detenida durante una marcha pacífica contra la reelección indefinida del presidente de Ecuador. Una semana después fui expulsada del país en el cual había construido mi vida social, profesional y emocional... more
C’è una parte di umanità in esubero, esclusa, emarginata. Una parte che potrebbe sparire da un giorno all’altro e la cui sparizione farebbe sobbalzare solo gli indici della statistica. Una parte che non ha altro da perdere che le proprie... more
Despite the contributions of intersectional approaches, the academic and political left is challenged by competing interests in class, gender, race, and other axes of inequality and power. The disconnect between research on political... more
Srećko Horvat i Igor Štiks knjigom Pravo na pobunu snažno, oštro i polemično reagiraju na aktualne političke događaje. Ispravno i jasno detektiraju da je studentska pobuna s proljeća 2009. ključni događaj koji bi mogao pomaknuti Hrvatsku... more
Las FAR expresaron un estilo de peronización particular, una forma de asumir la identidad peronista que llevaba las huellas de la cultura de izquierdas de donde provenían sus fundadores. Y que implicó, también, importantes rupturas... more
Chap 1 (pages 1-24) excerpted from the book, Venezuela´s Polarized Politics: The Paradox of Direct Democracy Under Chavez. Ana L.Mallen and Maria Pilar Garcia-Guadilla . First Forum Press. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc. 2017. How... more