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В статье кратко характеризуются избранные словацкие диалектные словари, собранные и изданные не профессиональными филологами, а энтузиастами и любителями родного наречия (учителями, врачами, инженерами, юристами). Обращается внимание на... more
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      Slovak languageDictionariesSlavic Dialectology
Видання присвячене проблемам аналізу семантики мовних одиниць. Представлені у збірнику статті акцентують на питаннях, які постають при вивченні семантичної історії різних лексико-семантичних груп у словнику... more
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      Slavic LanguagesIranian LanguagesHistory of the Slavic languagesSlavic Etymology
The reasons for writing an introduction to Ukrainian dialectology are multifold. The main motivation was to render available to a wide range of students of Slavic languages, and particularly of Ukrainian, an outline of Ukrainian... more
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      DialectologyEnglish dialectologyItalian DialectologyDialectology of German
The paper presents some observations on the first post-Yugoslav handbook of dialectology focusing on Montenegrin (Čirgić 2017), which sets criteria for identifying the diacritic features of Montenegrin Štokavian. In contrast to... more
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      Slavic LanguagesFormer YugoslaviaSouth Slavic LanguagesBalkan Sprachbund
This article deals with the hypothetical connection between the Russian ethnic slur kolbít ‘a Kazakh, especially rural’ used by Russian speakers in Kazakhstan up to the end of the 20th century and the ancient tribe phtheirophagoi... more
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      Russian StudiesEthnolinguisticsDialectologyEtymology
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      DialectologyPolish StudiesSlavic LinguisticsSlavic Mythology
"SERBIAN AND MONTENEGRIN DIALECT DICTIONARIES AFTER 2000" After 2000, there has been a dynamic development in the field of Serbian and Montenegrin subdialect dictionaries, which has resulted in the publication of 40 new titles. A very... more
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      Serbian LanguageMontenegrin LanguageSlavic DialectologySerbian Dialects
Zweisprachige Ausgabe - wydanie dwujęzyczne. Der schlesische Regiolekt hatte unter deutscher Herrschaft eine Vielzahl von Germanismen aufgenommen. Dargestellt wird, inwieweit dieser Einfluss des Deutschen noch heute sichtbar ist. Das... more
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      Contact LinguisticsSlavic LinguisticsSlavisticsLanguage Policy
The present paper analyses the reflexes of the old contrast */u/ : */uː/ after labials and velars and word-initially in the Kashubian dialect of Jastarnia. According to the descriptions from the the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries,... more
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      PhonologyDialectologySlavic LanguagesSlavic Historical Linguistics
to the particular and precipitous degradation of the Russian language in the wake of the free speech (svoboda slova) movement of the Yeltsin years. Inextricably tied to the loosening of government control over communication technologies,... more
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      East Slavic Historical LinguisticsRussian LanguageBelarusian languageBelarusian dialects
In this article, the author analyzes the terms for ‘woodpecker’ in the dialects of the Slavic languages, using the materials of the General Slavic Linguistic Atlas (OLA). The analysis contains two parts: the fi rst refers to the... more
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    • Slavic Dialectology
American Contributions to the 16th International Congress of Slavists, Belgrade, August 2018, vol. 1:Linguistics/ed. by Christina Y. Bethin, Bloomington, IN, 2018
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      Slavic LanguagesBalkan StudiesEast Slavic Historical LinguisticsRussian Language
PHONETIC DESCRIPTION OF THE UKRAINIAN DIALECT IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA The paper deals with the peculiarities of vocalism, consonantism and some elements of accentuation of the Ukrainian dialect spoken in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The... more
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      PhoneticsMinority StudiesMigration StudiesLanguage contact
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      Slavic DialectologySlavic ethnolinguistics Traditional culture
Miejsce gwary luzińskiej wśród gwar kaszubskich w świetle faktów fonetycznych i fonologicznych 1 Wstęp Pierwszy raz odwiedziłem Luzino w marcu 2012 r., bezpośrednio po intensywnych badaniach terenowych na obszarze gwar... more
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      PhonologyPhoneticsDialectologySlavic Languages
The Vowel System of the Dialect of Dąbrówka Wielkopolska. The aim of the paper is to provide a phonetic and phonological description of the vowel system of the Dąbrówka Wielkopolska dialect. The analysed material revealed the very good... more
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      PhonologyPhoneticsDialectologySlavic Languages
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      PhonologyDialectologySlavic LanguagesAcoustic Phonetics
The papers is devoted to the VOT of stops in the Polish dialect of Dąbrówka Wielkopolska. According to the results, the dialect shows an interesting VOT-pattern with strongly aspirated /p, t, k/ and /b, d, g/ varying between fully voiced,... more
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      DialectologySlavic LanguagesSlavic StudiesPolish Language