Balkan Sprachbund
Recent papers in Balkan Sprachbund
Versuch einer Turzismenuntersuchung in den Balkandialekten Die traditionelle Balkanologie konzentriert ihre Aufmerksamkeit vor allem auf die Fragen der turksprachigen Quellen, der Etymologie, der Chronologie, der phoneti-schen und... more
The paper presents the authorʼs individual views on the state of affairs and presents theoretical, methodological and practical results, obtained by him in the last decade in the field of the comparative-historical and... more
I aim in this chapter to provide a generalizing genetic and geolinguistic (arealtypological) analysis of Slavic dialects in the Balkan context and to offer synthetic conclusions at the present state of research. I will make statements on... more
The paper discusses the contacts between Albanian with Slavic in the framework of some major theoretical issues of Balkan and general contact linguistics. New field data from the zones of ongoing Albanian-Slavic contact in East Albania... more
În articolul de față sunt prezentate unele aspecte ale cercetării limbilor bulgară și română în contextul apartenenței lor la uniunea lingvistică balcanică. Sunt analizate definițiile conceptului de uniune lingvistică, așa cum se... more
Balkanization, as the spread of innovative Sprachbund linguistic properties, is a process which develops diachronically in the history of every Balkan language, diatopically in their dialect continua and diastratically between their... more
In the 19th century, a structural linguistics emerged in Europe based on the writings of Ferdinand de Saussere. In the twentieth century, this movement played a decisive role in the development of contemporary linguistics and introduced... more
The present paper outlines a diachronic typology of changes in case systems within the Indo-European linguistic family. This study is written in the genre of identification and definition of problem: I will not attempt to offer an... more
Areal distribution of the frequency of the post-positive article in the Timok vernacular of Southeast Serbia The post-positive article is an unstressed particle derived from demonstrative pronouns and used as a definiteness marker, while... more
List of publications by Andrey N. Sobolev in the fields of Slavic and Balkan linguistics and culture
Durch länger andauernden Sprachkontakt kommt es zu Konvergenzerscheinungen geographisch benachbarter Sprachen; diese äußern sich in typologischen Mustern, d.h. „durch auffällige Übereinstimmung im [grammatikalischen] Bau“ (Gippert... more
The linguistic history of Belgrade, as well as of the most parts of the Balkans in general, consists of partial and sporadic accounts of the linguistic practices of different ethnic and religious groups (Tsintsars, Greeks, Turks,... more
The languages of the Balkans are a rich source of data on contact-induced language change. The result of a centuries long process of lexical and structural convergence has been referred to as a ‘sprachbund’. While widely applied, this... more
The paper presents some observations on the first post-Yugoslav handbook of dialectology focusing on Montenegrin (Čirgić 2017), which sets criteria for identifying the diacritic features of Montenegrin Štokavian. In contrast to... more
In this paper I argue that the notion of genitive-dative syncretism, a phenomenon present in Romanian, Albanian, Bulgarian, Macedonian and Greek, has to be redimensioned in the light of its distribution within the Balkan Sprachbund and of... more
This paper deals with Hittite parallels to Balkan clitic doubling. The structure and functions of Hittite clitic doubling are briefly described, then they are compared with the Balkan one. The small number of occurrences as well as the... more
The traditional clothing of the Mrkovići Muslim ethno-local group in Montenegro began to change at the turn of the 21st century in response to several factors. Firstly, this clothing was more and more reserved exclusively for ritual (and... more
The paper deals with the areal-typological profiling of Ukrainian among languages of Europe, constituting Standard Average European (SAE) and especially Central European (CE). Placed recently in the context of the ‘areal typology’ and the... more
An attempt at redefining the nature, space and time-depth of Romanian-Hungarian language contacts from a lexical perspective.
Examined in this paper is the attitude of current Serbian dialectology towards phenomena that are the subject matter of contact linguistics. The aim of the study is to show which types of contact situations and their outcomes are... more
This paper, from a sociolinguistic perspective, examines Albanian as a recipient language in contact situations in Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia, having the following structure: section 1. addresses historical and socio-political factors... more
"Editor’s Preface". Between Separation and Symbiosis, edited by Andrey N. Sobolev, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, 2021, pp. V-X. Volume 20 in the series Language Contact and Bilingualism [LCB].
The aim of this paper is to provide an explanation of the emergence of dom in peripheral Macedonian dialects through a reevaluation of the contact hypothesis. The southern and south-western dialects in the contact zones with Greek and... more
Against the background of the widely spread contemporary approaches to language variation, which take advantages of the quantity relevant methods usual for natural sciences, the dialectology of Balkan languages employs traditional methods... more
The paper claims, that two phonologies and two grammars coexist in the same bilingual individual in GoloBordo, no single integrated speech community emerges with no creole, no mixed language, no emergence of new types, and there is no... more
The paper presents the goal, tasks and results of research supported by RSCF grant 14-18-01405. Linguistic change in selected bilingual societies in the Balkans is investigated against the background of the outcomes of the pan-Balkan... more