Slavic Mythology
Recent papers in Slavic Mythology
The origins and functions of the Polabian god Sventovit venerated at Arkona temple on the island of Rügen eluded most of the past and modern scholars. Most common, current theory postulated by Aleksander Gieysztor claims that Sventovit... more
The time frame of the thesis is the period approximately from the tenth to the twelfth century and it focuses on the area of north-eastern Germany that was more or less the north-eastern quarter of the former German Democratic Republic.... more
Ocena knjige Nikolaja Mihajlova (1967-2010) История славянской мифологии в XX веке (2017).
The article analyzes the pre-Slavic and Carpathian lexicon, borrowings of different times and specific terms in Moravian terminology of the mythological characters, considering the all-Slavic background. Based on the comparison and... more
Poziv za sudjelovanje na 3. međunarodnom znanstvenom skupu srednjovjekovne arheologije Instituta za arheologiju "Sakralizacija prostora i sveta mjesta"
Mythical concept of dragon
Slavic mythical concept of pigeon
Casimir III the Great (Polish: Kazimierz III Wielki; 30 April 1310 – 5 November 1370) reigned as the King of Poland from 1333 to 1370. He was the third son of King Władysław I ("the Elbow-high") and Duchess Jadwiga of Kalisz, and the last... more
Komparácia vybraných textov slovenskej a českej tradície -Ľubomír Gábor -Ľudové rozprávky sú dôležitými reprezentantmi kultúry, ktorú by sme v intenciách koncepcie a terminológie amerických vedcov Marshalla McLuhana a Waltera J. Onga... more
Telurni simbolizam konavoskih vila (Zapisi vilinskih pripovijedaka Katine Casilari u Bogišićevoj cavtatskoj rukopisnoj zbirci usmenih pripovijedaka). Dubrovnik, 1, str. 44-65.
Princes Boris and Gleb were the first East Slavic saints canonized after the baptism of their father, prince Vladimir of Kiev, in 988. Murdered by their half-brother Svjatopolk in the fight for the power that followed Vladimir’s death in... more
Kniha byla vydána v Praze v roce 1907 / The book was published in Prague in 1907 /Книга была издана в Праге в 1907 году
System of Slavic calendar created on old Aryan astronomy and mathematical system 60. Work show all astronomical body's who influenced yearly procession of festival. It show how division of year on 28 lunar mansion influenced in order of... more
A short piece on the folklore surrounding bees - both honeybees and bumblebees
Pred okvirno 70 leti je v drugi oziroma tretji številki Zgodovinskega časopisa potekala vroča diskusija, ki še danes ni razrešena. Gre za eno najbolj perečih vprašanj arheologije v Sloveniji, to je problem staroslovanskega svetišča na... more
ЛекаваЛьная магія ў кантэксце каЛяндарнага свята arche 7-8 2011 1 таццяна ваЛодзіна
This article presents a description Triglav, a god or complex of gods in Slavic mythology. Oracular ceremonial that take place for Triglav was the same as the oracular ceremony of Svantevit from Arkona temple in Rugia island. The... more
Baba Yaga, the well-known figure of Russian and other Slavic fairy tales has a dual, both terrifying and beneficial character. She is an amalgamation of deities as a pre-Slavic goddess of death and birth, who, with time, converted into an... more
Do tej pory pokutuje w oficjalnej nauce pogląd o niepiśmienności Słowian przed misją braci Cyryla i Metodego. Ale, co ciekawe, ten sam osąd dotyczył także do niedawna ludów germańskich, z czego obecnie już się wycofano, pozostawiając... more
Baba Jaga jest postacią powszechnie znaną oraz obecną w kulturze popularnej, jednak niewiele wiadomo o jej początkach. Badacze Słowian, folkloru polskiego i rosyjskiego zgodnie przyznają, że Baba Jaga pojawiła się w opowieściach ludowych... more
Kniha byla vydána v Olomouci roku 1907 / The book was published in Olomouc in 1907
The book was published in Panorama Publishing Prague in 1990.
The Green Knight was a character featured in the classic poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (fourteenth century) and its derivative The Green Knight (c. 1500). This knight came into Arthur’s hall and asked any one of his knights to... more
This paper critically analyses and discusses two recent re-interpretation of the name of the Slavic god known as Sventovit. This deity was worshiped on Rügen Island, on Wittow Peninsula, at a locality called Arkona. The temple of... more
Wydanie Staroruskiej Inglistycznej cerkwi Prawosławnej StarowiercówInglistów. Asgard Iryjski (Omsk), rok 7500. Oryginalne San'ti jedynie obrazowo można nazwać "książką". San'ti - to płyty z metalu szlachetnego, nie poddającego się... more
The Slavic language is spoken by some four hundred million Slavs and being different nationally, they can still recognize the similarity of their connection. According to some studies the "Y-D.N.A." ( R1a ) haplagroup of peoples may have... more
"Christian Dualist Heresies in the Byzantine World c. 650–c.1450", eds. J. Hamilton and B. Hamilton, assist. ed. Y. Stoyanov (Manchester: Manchester UP, 1998), pp. 114-134.
Życie, a tym bardziej wierzenia dawnych Słowian, zwłaszcza w okresie przedchrześcijańskim, ze względu na niewielką liczbę zachowanych przekazów drukowanych i archeologicznych, po-zostają dla nas w dużym stopniu zagadką przeszłości. Jest... more
The Book of Veles came into being as mystification with the “genealogy” tracing back to Ossianism, and it has become the holy script of Rodnovers (Slavic Neo-Pagans). The topic of this paper is the question which layer of The Book itself... more
Dosadašnju recepciju Priča iz davnine Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić u velikoj je mjeri usmjeravala pitanje načina na koje je naslijeđe slavenske mitologije utjecalo na genezu ove prozne zbirke. Podrazumijevanu dihotomiju između vlastitoga... more
eSamizdat (III) -, pp. - ♦ I. LA TRADIZIONE EPICA ORALE C ON il nome di byliny 1 vengono identificati i canti popolari epici di area slava orientale, tramandatisi oralmente per oltre nove secoli. Dal IX al XVIII secolo le... more
there were many Slavic tribes that at the time of Samo ( a Frankish merchant) that were regularly attacked by the Asiatic tribe,the Avars. Samo being a business man,decided to protect his business and what a better way than founding the... more
THE HĂRCOI OF HURS. PROBLEMS OF THE ETHYMOLOGISATION AND THE MYTHOLOGISATION IN THE HUMANITIES Valery Stoyanov (Abstract) The Hărcoi are an ethnographical group located in the area of the cities of Biala and Russe in North-Eastern... more
Primary Chronicle, sub anno 945) Aleksandr V. Koptev Th e article deals with the story of the revenge of Kievan Princess Olga to the Drevlyans who murdered her husband, Prince Igor, in 945. Th ree stages of the revenge are interpreted as... more
Working with the premise that groups of three Slavic gods mentioned in ancient literature may indeed be the same three-part seasonal deity seen throughout Old Europe, deduction is used to sort through the regional names. The written... more
Leta 2009 so prvič poročali o nenavadnih petroglifih v Japodski jami, severovzhodno od Ilirske Bistrice. Katja Hrobat Virloget je v poglobljenem članku petroglife opisala in predlagala nekaj hipotez o njihovem nastanku ter avtorjih, a se... more
Сегодня в России активно строятся православные храмы, СМИ рассказывают о церковных праздниках, представители духовенства часто принимают участие в"разных официальных мероприятиях. Много говорится о торжестве православия, о «православном... more
In the all-Slavic ethnolinguistic studies, the Slovak tradition is still not sufficiently covered, first of all, the mythological vocabulary has not been compiled and analyzed in various aspects. This article, based on the earlier work of... more