Az áttekintés a nyelvi szemantikát vizsgálja a reprezentácionista, illetve nemreprezentácionista ... more Az áttekintés a nyelvi szemantikát vizsgálja a reprezentácionista, illetve nemreprezentácionista kognitív elméletekben: els ként a szimbólumfeldolgozás és a fogalmi tudás kérdését tekinti át az amodális, modális és nem reprezentácionista elméletekben, ezután a nyelvi szemantika problémájának elemzésére kerül sor a három említett paradigmában. Mivel a nem reprezentácionista elméletek elvetik a szimbólumok és a fogalmi feldolgozás kognitív valóságát, ezért itt azt vizsgáljuk * Köszönettel tartozom Pléh Csabának a megjegyzéseiért. A dolgozat elkészítésében az EU FP6 program támogatott: NEST Ösztöndíj 028714, "The Origins, Representation and Use of Abstract Concepts". Témavezet : dr. Babarczy Anna.

A szaporodásbiológiai mutatók fontos elemei a mezei nyúl populációdinamikájának, így ezen tényező... more A szaporodásbiológiai mutatók fontos elemei a mezei nyúl populációdinamikájának, így ezen tényezők ismerete segíthet a fajt érintő drasztikus állománycsökkenés okainak feltárásában. A 2023-ban elejtett 162 egyed vizsgálata során a szerzők szignifikáns különbséget mutattak ki a Kis-és a Nagyalföldi régióban a testtömegadatok között. Megállapították, hogy a placentahegek csak a korral voltak kapcsolatban, míg a heretömegek esetében kor és terület szerint is igazolható eltérést tapasztaltak. Mindössze 5,3%-ban írtak le a méhet érintő kórbonctani elváltozást. Eredményeik alapján a szaporodási időszak késő őszig, kora télig kitolódott. Background: Despite the dramatic decline in the population of the brown hare, it remains of great importance in the small game management in Hungary. The decline of its populations was caused mainly by drastic changes in the agricultural environment. Breeding biology is a fundamental pillar of the population dynamics of this species, and knowledge of these factors can help to identify and understand the complex causes of population decline. The studies carried out in Hungary provide us with data based on a rather small sample size, mainly due to the old literature data, which are limited to a small area of the country. The aim of the present study is to assess the breeding biology and condition of the brown hare populations, to investigate their spatial differences, to study the correlations and interactions of the parameters, and to record the effects of the detected genital changes on reproductive efficiency. Materials and Methods: In the 2023 hunting season, a total of 162 brown hares were bagged and sampled from Little Hungarian Plain (n = 86) and Great Hungarian Plain (n = 76). The focus of our study was on the evolution of reproductive traits (number of placental scars, testicular weight), which we examined in relation to condition parameters (body weight, kidney fat index) and age class traits by area. Pathological changes in the reproductive tract detected during autopsies were identified by laboratory tests. Results and Discussion: Significant differences were found between the body mass data collected from Little and Great Hungarian Plain populations. We could not confirm any differences in the number of placental scars by area and by condition parameters. In the female population, we found significant differences in the number of placental scars only between juvenlie and adult age groups. There were differences in testicular weight both by area and by age group. We also confirmed our hypothesis that the reproductive period of the brown hare was prolonged. Pathological changes in the uterus were found in 5.3% of the examined females, all of which were infertile and all of which were in the highest age group of the adult age group.

The Migration of the Eurasian Woodcock, 2024
In the present study, 7344 spring observations of a short-distance migratory species, the Eurasia... more In the present study, 7344 spring observations of a short-distance migratory species, the Eurasian Woodcock, from the Carpathian Basin between 1894 and 1926 were used to investigate the timing of the species’ migration and how different environmental factors influenced it. We used a generalized additive model (GAM) to explore migratory patterns by using environmental and geographical variables. In years when the weather was colder and snowier, the birds migrated weeks later than in years with milder weather. This may be due to the availability of earthworms, which are the most important food for the species. In areas at lower altitudes, migration occurred earlier than in mountainous areas, which may also be due to the different weather. Furthermore, a two week difference was observed between the south-western and north-eastern parts of the Carpathian Basin. This difference is still present nowadays, but the timing of migration has shifted earlier than in the past, probably due to climate change. It would also be important to compare the historical data with recent data to gain a better understanding of the effects of climate change on the migration of the Eurasian Woodcock.

[An Examination of the Reproductive Biology of the European Brown Hare (Lepus europaeus P.) Populations in the Little and in the Great Hungarian Plain], Sep 11, 2024
Background: Despite the dramatic decline in the population of the brown hare,it remains of great ... more Background: Despite the dramatic decline in the population of the brown hare,it remains of great importance in the small game management in Hungary. The decline of its populations was caused mainly by drastic changes in the agricultural environment. Breeding biology is a fundamental pillar of the population dynamics of this species, and knowledge of these factors can help to identify and understand the complex causes of population decline. The studies carried out in Hungary provide us with data based on a rather small sample size, mainly due tothe old literature data, which are limited to a small area of the country.Objectives: The aim of the present study is to assess the breeding biology andcondition of the brown hare populations, to investigate their spatial differences,to study the correlations and interactions of the parameters, and to record theeffects of the detected genital changes on reproductive efficiency.Materials and Methods: In the 2023 hunting season, a total of 162 brownhares were bagged and sampled from Little Hungarian Plain (n = 86) and GreatHungarian Plain (n = 76). The focus of our study was on the evolution of repro-ductive traits (number of placental scars, testicular weight), which we examinedin relation to condition parameters (body weight, kidney fat index) and age classtraits by area. Pathological changes in the reproductive tract detected duringautopsies were identified by laboratory tests.Results and Discussion: Significant differences were found between the bodymass data collected from Little and Great Hungarian Plain populations. We couldnot confirm any differences in the number of placental scars by area and by con-dition parameters. In the female population, we found significant differences inthe number of placental scars only between juvenlie and adult age groups. Therewere differences in testicular weight both by area and by age group. We alsoconfirmed our hypothesis that the reproductive period of the brown hare wasprolonged. Pathological changes in the uterus were found in 5.3% of the exami-ned females, all of which were infertile and all of which were in the highest agegroup of the adult age group.

A szaporodásbiológiai mutatók fontos elemei a mezei nyúl populációdinamikájának, így ezen tényező... more A szaporodásbiológiai mutatók fontos elemei a mezei nyúl populációdinamikájának, így ezen tényezők ismerete segíthet a fajt érintő drasztikus állománycsökkenés okainak feltárásában. A 2023-ban elejtett 162 egyed vizsgálata során a szerzők szignifikáns különbséget mutattak ki a Kis-és a Nagyalföldi régióban a testtömegadatok között. Megállapították, hogy a placentahegek csak a korral voltak kapcsolatban, míg a heretömegek esetében kor és terület szerint is igazolható eltérést tapasztaltak. Mindössze 5,3%-ban írtak le a méhet érintő kórbonctani elváltozást. Eredményeik alapján a szaporodási időszak késő őszig, kora télig kitolódott. SUMMARY Background: Despite the dramatic decline in the population of the brown hare, it remains of great importance in the small game management in Hungary. The decline of its populations was caused mainly by drastic changes in the agricultural environment. Breeding biology is a fundamental pillar of the population dynamics of this species, and knowledge of these factors can help to identify and understand the complex causes of population decline. The studies carried out in Hungary provide us with data based on a rather small sample size, mainly due to the old literature data, which are limited to a small area of the country. Objectives: The aim of the present study is to assess the breeding biology and condition of the brown hare populations, to investigate their spatial differences, to study the correlations and interactions of the parameters, and to record the effects of the detected genital changes on reproductive efficiency. Materials and Methods: In the 2023 hunting season, a total of 162 brown hares were bagged and sampled from Little Hungarian Plain (n = 86) and Great Hungarian Plain (n = 76). The focus of our study was on the evolution of reproductive traits (number of placental scars, testicular weight), which we examined in relation to condition parameters (body weight, kidney fat index) and age class traits by area. Pathological changes in the reproductive tract detected during autopsies were identified by laboratory tests. Results and Discussion: Significant differences were found between the body mass data collected from Little and Great Hungarian Plain populations. We could not confirm any differences in the number of placental scars by area and by condition parameters. In the female population, we found significant differences in the number of placental scars only between juvenlie and adult age groups. There were differences in testicular weight both by area and by age group. We also confirmed our hypothesis that the reproductive period of the brown hare was prolonged. Pathological changes in the uterus were found in 5.3% of the examined females, all of which were infertile and all of which were in the highest age group of the adult age group.

Journal of outdoor and environmental education, May 15, 2024
We present a county-wide statistically representative survey with 430 Hungarian school students d... more We present a county-wide statistically representative survey with 430 Hungarian school students demonstrating that students who have trees in the parental home environment show more positive attitude towards trees and wood than their peers who do not have any. We aimed at finding out about the current attitudes of the upcoming generation with regard to the use of wood and wood materials, and also about the question as to whether they would consciously use wood materials in the future. Results show that school students who have trees in their parental home environment show significantly higher scores on the cognitive, affective, and conative domains of attitude towards trees and wood compared to those who do not have trees in their parental home environment. The present study contributes to outdoor environmental education research in that we provide quantitative evidence for the positive effect of the immediate environment of children on the attitude towards wood and trees. The findings suggest the imperative need for further novel educational interventions in school gardens related to trees and wooden objects.

Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 2024
We present a county-wide statistically representative survey with 430 Hungarian school students d... more We present a county-wide statistically representative survey with 430 Hungarian school students demonstrating that students who have trees in the parental home environment show more positive attitude towards trees and wood than their peers who do not have any. We aimed at finding out about the current attitudes of the upcoming generation with regard to the use of wood and wood materials, and also about the question as to whether they would consciously use wood materials in the future. Results show that school students who have trees in their parental home environment show significantly higher scores on the cognitive, affective, and conative domains of attitude towards trees and wood compared to those who do not have trees in their parental home environment. The present study contributes to outdoor environmental education research in that we provide quantitative evidence for the positive effect of the immediate environment of children on the attitude towards wood and trees. The findings suggest the imperative need for further novel educational interventions in school gardens related to trees and wooden objects.
Słownik obejmuje ok. 700 leksemów, które należą do grupy germanizmów uwzględnionych w wielu glosa... more Słownik obejmuje ok. 700 leksemów, które należą do grupy germanizmów uwzględnionych w wielu glosariuszach i słownikach współczesnego (regio)lektu śląskiego. Okazuje się, że duża liczba z nich jest nadal używana, jednak równie wiele już nie. Słownik sklada się z czterech części: pierwsza ma układ alfabetyczny, druga część jest uporządkowana według frekwencji. W trzeciej części przedstawiono różnice między poszczególnymi regionami, a czwarta zawiera informacje o etymologii, czyli podano wyrazy niemieckie, od których pochodzą śląskie germanizmy (co w niektórych przypadkach stwarzało spore problemy).Bundesbeauftragten für Kultur und Medien der Regierung der Bundesrepublik Deutschlan
Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle, 2007
DavidS. Gorfein, C__

Morphometric characteristics of Eurasian woodcock collected during spring hunting (March) in Hung... more Morphometric characteristics of Eurasian woodcock collected during spring hunting (March) in Hungary between 2010 and 2014 were investigated to evaluate the accuracy of methods for determining the
sex of live birds. We analysed the size dimorphism of biometric traits by sex, age, and sex and age, with sex determination (n = 13,226) performed by destructive methods and age determination based on wing examination (n = 8,905). Using the minimal important differences (MID) method, we demonstrated that, during spring migration, adult females have significantly greater mass and bill length than juvenile females and
adult males, as well as a significant difference in body length compared to juvenile females. No biologically relevant differences were demonstrated between the sexes or age classes for other morphometric parameters.
Conditional inference trees were applied to test whether body size parameters could be used to separate the age and sex of individuals. Based on posterior probabilities (55.4%), we suggest that biometric parameters no longer provide a sufficiently reliable method to separate age classes during the spring migration. Separation of sexes showed the best results for adult birds, with bill length (85.4%) and body mass (85.2%) proving the best predictors. The inclusion of additional morphometric variables (tarsus, tail, body and wing length) in the model did not increase the reliability of sex segregation, confirming the results obtained using MID, i.e. that there is no statistically verifiable biologically relevant difference between adult male and female birds for these parameters. A methodological innovation in this study was using MIDs for comparisons to determine biological thresholds for differences, the procedure helping to exclude Type I errors and determine biological significance.
Sex and age determination of woodcock This is an open access article under the terms of the Creat... more Sex and age determination of woodcock This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licence (CC BY 4.0), which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium provided the original work is properly cited.

Attitudes toward using wood as a raw material vary greatly, from anti-logging and antifelling pro... more Attitudes toward using wood as a raw material vary greatly, from anti-logging and antifelling propaganda to the propagation of wood use. This study examines attitudes toward wood, trees, and sustainable forest management in two distinct cultures-India and Hungary. Our questionnaire survey findings indicate that sustainable forest management is considered more important in India than in Hungary and that environmental education is more widespread in India (40 %) than in Hungary (19 %). Over 30 % of people in both countries do not plan to keep wood-related traditions or customs. Indian students lean more toward discontinuing the wide use of wood than Hungarian students do. However, anti-logging/anti-felling propaganda is more widespread in Hungary (85 %) than in India (62 %). Passing wooden tools to the next generation shows a decreasing trend, which is significant from a carbon sequestration, carbon storage perspective, and climate protection. The study findings suggest that keeping wood-related traditions and customs should be strengthened in both countries through environmental education.

Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, May 23, 2019
The following study provides evidence that the use of a high number of test items in a subjective... more The following study provides evidence that the use of a high number of test items in a subjective rating task with a bipolar scale does not affect the outcome detrimentally, a question hitherto unexplored in quantitative linguistics. By 'contrastive bipolar scale' we have in mind a scale with two different, explicit 'options' (here words), one at each end. We analyse a large-scale rating study consisting of nearly 1,000 participants and almost 700 pairs of word items per participant. A pair consisted of two synonymous words from a nonstandard Silesian variety, one of German origin (a loan), one from the Polish Standard language. The judgement to be given was an estimation of the subjective frequency of the use of the German loan in comparison to its Polish equivalent in colloquial Silesian speech. We use non-linear regression analysis, GAMM, to examine if the presentation order of words affects the mean ratings. Findings show that results are not affected by either the high number of test items or the order of the presentation of word items.

Az olyan mondatok, mint például "A riporter beharangozta a hírt", olyan kifejezéseket tartalmazna... more Az olyan mondatok, mint például "A riporter beharangozta a hírt", olyan kifejezéseket tartalmaznak, amelyek egy specifikus környezeti hangra utalnak valós hangesemény hiányában. A jelen dolgozat az auditív információ hatását vizsgálja az absztrakt és a konkrét nyelv megértése során, ami eddig kevésbé kutatott jelenség a többi érzékleti modalitáshoz képest, mint például a vizuális vagy a motoros. Az első kísérletben a résztvevők konkrét és absztrakt, hangot kódoló mondatokat olvastak számítógép képernyőjén, miközben négy különböző típusú hangingert hallottak: például "A sajtó a vészharangot kongatta" absztrakt mondat olvasása közben egy kongruens (egybevágó) hangot ('harang'), egy inkongruens hangot ('dob') vagy egy kategórián kívüli hangot ('nevetés') hallottak, vagy hang nélkül olvasták a mondatokat. A feladat az volt, hogy értelmességi ítéleteket hozzanak az olvasott mondatokról. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy a konkrét mondatok feldolgozása szignifikánsan gyorsabb a kongruens feltételben, mint a inkongruensben, az absztrakt mondatok olvasására viszont nem hatottak eltérően a hangingerek. A második kísérletben egy másik kísérleti csoport szintén hangot kódoló mondatokat olvasott szavanként önütemezett módon. A kritikus hangingerek ebben a kísérletben az ige olvasásának pontján kerültek bemutatásra. A feladat az volt, hogy a résztvevők ellenőrző kérdésekre válaszoljanak minden próba után. A mondatok olvasása a kongruens feltételben nem tért el az inkongruens feltételtől sem a konkrét, sem az absztrakt mondatok esetén. A kategórián kívüli hangok viszont mind a konkrét, mind az absztrakt almintában lényegesen lassították a mondatolvasást a hang nélküli feltételhez képest. A két kísérlet eredményei arra mutatnak rá, hogy a fiktív hangesemények tartalmazó mondatok nyelvi feldolgozása ún. sekély módon, specifikus hangreprezentációk aktivációja nélkül történik. Kulcsszavak: környezeti hangok, konkrét és elvont nyelv, mentális szimuláció, absztrakt nyelv, idiómák, metafora 1 Az absztrakt mondatokra néha a következőképp hivatkoznak: figuratív nyelvezet, elvont nyelv, képletes értelem, metafora, idióma stb. A dolgozatban a "fiktív" és az "absztrakt" terminusokat használom.
Forum Lingwistyczne, 2019
(niebędący slawistą) sprawdzał wszystkie analizy statystyczne, a bardziej skomplikowane obliczeni... more (niebędący slawistą) sprawdzał wszystkie analizy statystyczne, a bardziej skomplikowane obliczenia przeprowadzał sam. 2 Termin etnolekt (wymiennie z: lekt) jest wobec temperatury owych dyskusji jedynym możliwym określeniem, które uznano za wystarczająco neutralne; wszystkie inne-śląszczyzna, gwara śląska, dialekt śląski, język śląski, mowa śląska itp.-są obciążone politycznie, społecznie, gdyż przez jedną ze stron sporu uznawane są za określenie pejoratywne lub za niedopuszczalne nadużycie.

Acta Silvatica & Lignaria Hungarica, 2022
There is much uncertainty about the attitude toward raw wood material use: Is the widerange use o... more There is much uncertainty about the attitude toward raw wood material use: Is the widerange use of unprocessed wood recommended or not? In our statistically representative questionnaire survey completed in Győr-Moson-County schools in Hungary, we aimed to discover which components of attitude determine the willingness of future energy users to use wood. A novelty of our study is that we investigated three components of attitude in the context of wood use, i.e., the cognitive, the affective, and the conative components. We used Decision Trees in statistics, hitherto unemployed in wood-related environmental education research, to predict the willingness to use the raw wood material. Our study is relevant to sustainable development and climate protection. Our results revealed that only one-third of participants provided an affirmative response to the question of whether they would use raw wood material. Furthermore, we found that the affective component of attitude is a stronger predictor than the cognitive component, with the conative component not being a predictor. In light of these results, we recommend popularizing forest programs since the attitude-changing effect of forest programs has been confirmed. forest programs / experiential pedagogy / tree-related attitude / Decison Tree Analysis / future use of wood / Győr-Moson-Sopron County (Hungary) Kivonat-A tanulók tudása és attitűdje a fához és a fa alapanyagként való felhasználásához. Nagy a bizonytalanság a faalapanyag használathoz való hozzáállás tekintetében: a széles körű faalapanyag használata ajánlott vagy sem? Statisztikailag reprezentatív kérdőíves felmérést végeztünk Magyarország egy megyéjének iskoláiban és arra voltunk kíváncsiak, hogy az attitűd mely összetevői határozzák meg a fahasználati hajlandóságot, a jövő energiahasználói körében. Vizsgálatunk újdonsága, hogy az attitűd három összetevőjét elemeztük a fahasználat kontextusában, azaz a kognitív, az affektív és a konatív komponenst. A fával kapcsolatos környezeti nevelés-kutatásban eddig a Döntési fák statisztikai modelljét nem használták a fa alapanyag felhasználási hajlandóság előrejelzésére. Így tanulmányunk a fenntartható fejlődés és klímavédelem szempontjából releváns. Eredményeink azt mutatták, hogy a résztvevők mindössze 1/3-a válaszolt igenlően, arra a kérdésre, hogy fa alapanyagot használna. Továbbá azt az eredményt kaptuk, hogy az attitűd affektív komponense erősebben jósol, mint a kognitív, és a konatív komponens nem prediktor. Ezen eredmények tükrében javaslatokat teszünk az erdészeti programok népszerüsítésére, mivel azok szemléletmódosító hatása bebizonyosodott. erdei programok / élménypedagógia / fához kapcsolódó attitűd / döntési fa / jövőbeli fahasználat / Győr-Moson-Sopron Megye (Magyarország)
Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, Mar 14, 2021

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle, 2011
A dolgozat az egy- és kétirányú viszonyt kódoló szerkezetek feldolgozásával foglalkozik. A kétirá... more A dolgozat az egy- és kétirányú viszonyt kódoló szerkezetek feldolgozásával foglalkozik. A kétirányú (szimmetrikus) komitatív konstrukciók olyan eseményeket írnak le, amelyekben a két szereplő ugyanolyan mértékben érintett (példáulJános Marival csókolózott), az egyirányú (aszimmetrikus, instrumentális jellegű) komitatív szerkezetek esetén (példáulJános kikezdett Marival) viszont az egyik szereplő ágens (’János’), a másik pedigpáciens(’Mari’). Az önütemezett olvasási paradigmát használtuk annak kiderítésére, hogy a két szerkezet mennyiben más mentális reprezentációkat hív elő. Azt találtuk, hogy a szórend függvényében eltér a két konstrukció megértése, illetve az alanyra való visszautalás (anafora) feldolgozása. Eredményeink összességében arra mutatnak rá, hogy az egy- és kétirányú konstrukciók különböző mentális reprezentációkat hívnak elő automatikusan valós idejű nyelvi megértés során. Az eredményeket a szimulációs paradigma (Bergen, 2007) és a szituációs modell elmélet (Zwaan, Ra...
sex of live birds. We analysed the size dimorphism of biometric traits by sex, age, and sex and age, with sex determination (n = 13,226) performed by destructive methods and age determination based on wing examination (n = 8,905). Using the minimal important differences (MID) method, we demonstrated that, during spring migration, adult females have significantly greater mass and bill length than juvenile females and
adult males, as well as a significant difference in body length compared to juvenile females. No biologically relevant differences were demonstrated between the sexes or age classes for other morphometric parameters.
Conditional inference trees were applied to test whether body size parameters could be used to separate the age and sex of individuals. Based on posterior probabilities (55.4%), we suggest that biometric parameters no longer provide a sufficiently reliable method to separate age classes during the spring migration. Separation of sexes showed the best results for adult birds, with bill length (85.4%) and body mass (85.2%) proving the best predictors. The inclusion of additional morphometric variables (tarsus, tail, body and wing length) in the model did not increase the reliability of sex segregation, confirming the results obtained using MID, i.e. that there is no statistically verifiable biologically relevant difference between adult male and female birds for these parameters. A methodological innovation in this study was using MIDs for comparisons to determine biological thresholds for differences, the procedure helping to exclude Type I errors and determine biological significance.
sex of live birds. We analysed the size dimorphism of biometric traits by sex, age, and sex and age, with sex determination (n = 13,226) performed by destructive methods and age determination based on wing examination (n = 8,905). Using the minimal important differences (MID) method, we demonstrated that, during spring migration, adult females have significantly greater mass and bill length than juvenile females and
adult males, as well as a significant difference in body length compared to juvenile females. No biologically relevant differences were demonstrated between the sexes or age classes for other morphometric parameters.
Conditional inference trees were applied to test whether body size parameters could be used to separate the age and sex of individuals. Based on posterior probabilities (55.4%), we suggest that biometric parameters no longer provide a sufficiently reliable method to separate age classes during the spring migration. Separation of sexes showed the best results for adult birds, with bill length (85.4%) and body mass (85.2%) proving the best predictors. The inclusion of additional morphometric variables (tarsus, tail, body and wing length) in the model did not increase the reliability of sex segregation, confirming the results obtained using MID, i.e. that there is no statistically verifiable biologically relevant difference between adult male and female birds for these parameters. A methodological innovation in this study was using MIDs for comparisons to determine biological thresholds for differences, the procedure helping to exclude Type I errors and determine biological significance.
Der schlesische Regiolekt hatte unter deutscher Herrschaft eine Vielzahl von Germanismen aufgenommen. Dargestellt wird, inwieweit dieser Einfluss des Deutschen noch heute sichtbar ist. Das Schlesische wird nur noch von einer Minderheit der oberschlesischen Bevölkerung gesprochen, neben Polnisch. Analysiert werden auch die Präferenzen der Wahl des Kodes und wie diese soziobiographisch bedingt sind.
Pod rządami niemieckimi na Śląsku regiolekt śląski wchłonął dużą liczbę germanizmów. Przedstawione badania pokazują, w jakim stopniu widoczny jest nadal wpływ języka niemieckiego na lekt śląski, którym obok dominującego polskiego, dziś posługuje się już mniejszość mieszkańców Górnego Śląska. Przedmiotem analiz są też preferencje wyboru używanego kodu i jego socjobiograficzne uwarunkowania.