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This paper deals with Marsilio Ficino's astrological conception of the pagan sibyls and its likely influence on Baccio Baldini's engravings from the 'Prophets and Sibyls' series and trump cards of the tarot of Marseille; it subsequently... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArtTarotMarsilio FicinoRenaissance magic and astrology
Cuando el Maestro Mateo se hizo cargo de las obras de la catedral en el último tercio del siglo XII, éste era perfectamente consciente del cúmulo de significaciones que el monumento románico había adquirido desde sus orígenes. Su... more
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      Phenomenology of the bodyPhenomenology of Space and PlacePurgatoryHierotopy
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      PatristicsEarly Christian Apocryphal LiteratureApocrypha/PseudepigraphaAncient Greek Literature
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      MathematicsMusic HistoryPhilosophyPhilosophy of Science
The depictions of the Erythraean Sibyl at Sant’Angelo in Formis and in the pulpit at Sessa Aurunca have been connected to the performance of her chant during the Christmas liturgy. A new approach makes it possible to expand our view of... more
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      Aby WarburgCrusader Art and ArchitectureRomanesque SculptureVirgil
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      History of ChristianityDivinationEarly ChristianityEarly Christian Apocryphal Literature
Introduction De tous les Pères de l'Église de langue latine, Augustin est, après Lactance 1 , celui qui fait le plus souvent référence aux sibylles et aux oracles sibyllins dans sa réflexion théologique et dans son oeuvre. Il y revient à... more
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      Augustine of HippoSibylline OraclesSt. AugustineThe use of Sibyls and Sibylline oracles in early Christian writers
La toma en consideración de elementos escultóricos entendidos marginales por la historiografía tradicional permitió replantear el programa del conjunto. Se afianza la propuesta en este trabajo al comprobar que el esquema se ajusta a la... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesGothic StudiesSculpture
Como es bien sabido, más allá de su trasfondo musicológico, litúrgico y dramático, la Sibila constituye, por antonomasia, uno de los grandes temas de la historia del arte. Cada año seis millones de personas visitan los Museos Vaticanos... more
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      Medieval DramaMedieval ArtMedieval illuminated manuscriptsCrusader Art and Architecture
Tras haberse ganado un puesto entre los profetas de Cristo, la Sibila experimentó a partir del siglo XIII en la iconografía cristiana un interesante proceso de reacentuación. La filosofía escolástica, el auge del culto mariano o el... more
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      ProphetsByzantine IconographyTheology of Thomas AquinasChristian Iconography
Studies on the Sibyl have multiplied these last years, proof, if needed, of the liveliness of the question of divination and oracular poetry. Due to the long-lasting and broad influence of her message, the Sibyl, truthful recipient of... more
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      Statius (Classics)VergilOvidAugustine of Hippo
La redécouverte des Oracles sibyllins en Occident au milieu du 16e siècle a donné lieu à des controverses diverses et insoupçonnées. Celles-ci portaient sur l’origine de ces textes, leur pertinence pour l’édification du croyant et leur... more
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      Reception StudiesDivinationMelancholyGreek Oracles and Divination
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      Thomas AquinasByzantine IconographyTheology of Thomas AquinasGothic Sculpture
Lives and Metamorphoses of the Sibyl Studies on the Sibyl have multiplied these last years, proof, if needed, of the liveliness of the question of divination and oracular poetry. Due to the long-lasting and broad influence of her... more
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      Ancient Greek LiteratureSibylline OraclesAncient Greek and Roman Literature, History, and ArchaeologySibyls
This paper studies the treatment of the Sibyl and Virgil in a speech attributed to Constantine the Great. Scholars generally focus on the role played by one or the other of these two figures in that writing. To do justice to the economy... more
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      Translation StudiesLatin and GreekVergilGreek Oracles and Divination
The mystery of Mount Sibyl in Italy is an ancient one, an enigma which is still unsolved. The mountain raises its peak between Umbria and Marche. The cave on the mountain-top has been visited for centuries by men from all over Europe in... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesSibyls
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      Latin LiteratureAeneidVirgilSibyls
The ancient mystery of Mount Sibyl, the mountain that raises its peak between Umbria and Marche in Italy, is an enigma which is still unsolved. The cave on the mountain-top has been visited for centuries by visitors coming from all over... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesArthurian Studies
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      Medieval Low Countries15th Century Netherlandish ArtEarly Netherlandish PaintingJan Van Eyck
The mystery of Mount Sibyl in Italy is an ancient one, an enigma which is still unsolved. The mountain raises its peak between Umbria and Marche. The cave on the mountain-top has been visited for centuries by men from all over Europe in... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesAncient Books
The mystery of Mount Sibyl in Italy is an ancient one, an enigma which is still unsolved. The mountain raises its peak between Umbria and Marche. The cave on the mountain-top has been visited for centuries by men from all over Europe in... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesSibyls
In the form it is preserved, Or. Sib. 8 is a Christian composition, though with considerable Jewish elements. This short paper investigates the ways in which the relationship between the Father and the Son is articulated in this book. It... more
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      Early ChristianityChristologyApocrypha/PseudepigraphaPatristics and Late Antiquity
The ancient mystery of Mount Sibyl, the mountain that raises its peak between Umbria and Marche in Italy, is an enigma which is still unsolved. The cave on the mountain-top has been visited for centuries by visitors coming from all over... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesArthurian Studies
The mysteries of Mount Sibyl and the Lakes of Pilate, in the Sibillini Mountain Range in Italy are both ancient enigmas which are still unsolved. As reported in a fifteenth-century account provided by Antoine de la Sale in his "The... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMedieval HistoryHistory of ChristianityMedieval Studies
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      ProphetsAnnunciationPurificationSacre Rappresentazioni
This is a short note on the Sibyl(s) in the work of Augustine for the Augustinus-Lexikon.
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      AugustineAugustine of HippoManichaeismPatristics and Late Antiquity
Dans cet article, je me propose de réfléchir au rôle et à la fonction de la pseudépigraphie dans les Oracula Sibyllina, une collection de textes poétiques à caractère politique et religieux écrits en grec entre le IIe siècle avant J.-C.... more
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      Michel FoucaultEarly Christian Apocryphal LiteratureApocrypha/PseudepigraphaGreek Oracles and Divination
Desde la primera vez que contemplé la imagen de la Sibila de Gran Laura de Monte Atos, acompañada del epígrafe —ΣΙΒΥΛΛΑ— que no deja lugar a dudas sobre su identificación, me llamó la atención la peculiaridad de su regio y lujoso atuendo.... more
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      Mount Athos StudiesByzantine and Postbyzantine MuralsQueen of ShebaSibylline Oracles
The mysteries of Mount Sibyl and the Lakes of Pilate, in the Sibillini Mountain Range in Italy are both ancient enigmas which are still unsolved. As reported in a fifteenth-century account provided by Antoine de la Sale in his "The... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMedieval HistoryHistory of ChristianityMedieval Studies
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      ApocalypticismGreek Oracles and DivinationClassical Reception StudiesIsaac Newton
The mystery of Mount Sibyl in Italy is an ancient one, an enigma which is still unsolved. The mountain raises its peak between Umbria and Marche. The cave on the mountain-top has been visited for centuries by men from all over Europe in... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesSibyls
The mystery of Mount Sibyl in Italy is an ancient one, an enigma which is still unsolved. The mountain raises its peak between Umbria and Marche. The cave on the mountain-top has been visited for centuries by men from all over Europe in... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesEnea Silvio Piccolomini
The mystery of Mount Sibyl in Italy is an ancient one, an enigma which is still unsolved. The mountain raises its peak between Umbria and Marche. The cave on the mountain-top has been visited for centuries by men from all over Europe in... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesSibyls
The mystery of Mount Sibyl in Italy is an ancient one, an enigma which is still unsolved. The mountain raises its peak between Umbria and Marche. The cave on the mountain-top has been visited for centuries by men from all over Europe in... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesSibyls
The mysteries of Mount Sibyl and the Lakes of Pilate, in the Sibillini Mountain Range in Italy, are both ancient enigmas which are still unsolved. In two previous papers, “Birth of a Sibyl: the medieval connection” and “A legend for a... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesSaint Patrick's Purgatory tradition
The mystery of Mount Sibyl in Italy is an ancient one, an enigma which is still unsolved. The mountain raises its peak between Umbria and Marche. The cave on the mountain-top has been visited for centuries by men from all over Europe in... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesSibyls
The mysteries of Mount Sibyl and the Lakes of Pilate, in the Sibillini Mountain Range in Italy are both ancient enigmas which are still unsolved. As reported in a fifteenth-century account provided by Antoine de la Sale in his "The... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMedieval HistoryHistory of ChristianityMedieval Studies
The aim of this article is to re-examine the links between Heart of Darkness and the Aeneid – the Latin epic which is already known to have served as the main hypotext for Joseph Conrad’s novella. The transformation of several important... more
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      Latin LiteratureDeathDivinationAeneid
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      HagiographyApocalypticismEarly Christian Apocryphal LiteratureApocrypha/Pseudepigrapha
The mystery of Mount Sibyl in Italy is an ancient one, an enigma which is still unsolved. The mountain raises its peak between Umbria and Marche. The cave on the mountain-top has been visited for centuries by men from all over Europe in... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesSibyls
The mystery of Mount Sibyl in Italy is an ancient one, an enigma which is still unsolved. The mountain raises its peak between Umbria and Marche. The cave on the mountain-top has been visited for centuries by men from all over Europe in... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesSibyls
The mysteries of Mount Sibyl and the Lakes of Pilate, in the Sibillini Mountain Range in Italy, are both ancient enigmas which are still unsolved. In two previous papers, “Birth of a Sibyl: the medieval connection” and “A legend for a... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesSaint Patrick's Purgatory tradition
La mujer vidente en la literatura hispano-medieval no ha recibido la debida atención de la crítica literaria. Esto se debe a que la mayoría de los autores de la época ven la mujer como un ser con tendencias al mal . Esta opinión empieza a... more
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      Renaissance HumanismInquisitionMedieval parody and satireCarajicomedia
This essay traces the emergence, reappearance, and reception of the sibyl through Samuel Taylor Coleridge's writing—moving from newspaper essays, notebooks and letters, to The Statesman's Manual (1816) and Sibylline Leaves (1817). The... more
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      RomanticismHistory of CollectionsSamuel Taylor ColeridgeSibyls
The mystery of Mount Sibyl in Italy is an ancient one, an enigma which is still unsolved. The mountain raises its peak between Umbria and Marche. The cave on the mountain-top has been visited for centuries by men from all over Europe in... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesSibyls
A major problem in the investigation of the myth of the Apennine Sibyl is the literary origin of such works as “Guerrino the Wretch” by Andrea da Barberino and “The Paradise of Queen Sibyl” by Antoine de La Sale. Where did they get their... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesSibyls
A major problem in the investigation of the myth of the Apennine Sibyl is the literary origin of such works as “Guerrino the Wretch” by Andrea da Barberino and “The Paradise of Queen Sibyl” by Antoine de La Sale. Where did they get their... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesSibyls
Tannhäuser was a German knight and minnesänger - a minstrel and a lyric poet - who was born near Salzburg in 1205. According to legend, he had chanced upon a mountain, under which the goddess Venus had settled her hidden abode. A similar... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesSibyls
The mysteries of Mount Sibyl and the Lakes of Pilate, in the Sibillini Mountain Range in Italy, are both ancient enigmas which are still unsolved. In two previous papers, “Birth of a Sibyl: the medieval connection” and “A legend for a... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesPontius Pilate
The monumental work of Procopius on Justinian's wars includes two Sibylline oracles. As is often the case, the oracles are ambiguous; however, it is precisely this feature that helps to reveal their real meaning. As a consequence, the... more
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      Procopius CaesarensisSibylsProcopius Gothic WarProcopius of Caesarea