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In his Wars (De Bellis), Procopius shares an extraordinary tale about Emperor Honorius, who allegedly heard about the plunder of Rome from his poultry keeper. First, Honorius misunderstood the report because he also had a huge rooster... more
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      Sack of RomeBirdsVisigothsEunuchs
The monumental work of Procopius on Justinian's wars includes two Sibylline oracles. As is often the case, the oracles are ambiguous; however, it is precisely this feature that helps to reveal their real meaning. As a consequence, the... more
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      Procopius CaesarensisSibylsProcopius Gothic WarProcopius of Caesarea
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine StudiesByzantine History
Entry on Procopius of Caesarea (in English) in the Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon, with a comprehensive bibliography on the critical editions, translations and secondary literature.
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      Byzantine historiographyProcopiusJustinian I, EmperorProcopius Caesarensis
Some operational and strategic considerations regarding the land route invasion in the Justinian wars for conquering the Ostrogothic kingdom.
Available at:
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine LiteratureByzantine StudiesByzantine History
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      Gothic StudiesProcopius Gothic War
La letteratura antica sulle tormentate peregrinazioni dei vincitori greci e dei superstiti troiani all'indomani della caduta di Troia ha tradizionalmente rappresentato una miniera di indicazioni topografiche, inerenti sia agli... more
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      ProcopiusAncient TopographyHistory of The Marches (Italy)Early Modern Historiography
The proposed peace treaty of 540 between Justinian and Vitiges ‒ according to most interpretations of Proc. Bell. Goth. 2.29.2 ‒ included a partition of Italy into two areas, one located south of the river Po and controlled by Justinian... more
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      Medieval ItalyProcopiusOstrogothsJustinian I, Emperor
It is likely that Procopius imitated Hdt 4.93 when writing Goth. 2.6.24: according to him, Theoderic’s ἀγνωμοσύνη (here meaning ‘arrogance’), like the ἀγνωμοσύνη of Herodotus' Getae, would lead to defeat.
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine LiteratureLate AntiquityLate Antique Literature
In 535 stuurde keizer Justinianus zijn favoriete generaal Belisarius om de voormalig Romeinse gebieden in Italië te heroveren. Het lukte Belisarius met een opvallend klein leger om grote successen te behalen en uiteindelijk heel Italië... more
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      ProcopiusJustinian I, EmperorBelisariusProcopius Gothic War
The assumption that Totila intended to give the lands of a group of Roman senators to the Lucanian peasants is unfounded, because it rests on an erroneous interpretation of Procop. Goth. 3.22.20. In this passage, the senators are said to... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesEarly Medieval History
See attached link to the full paper (free).
Full pdf available on demand
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      Late Roman EmpireProcopiusOstrogothsJustinian I, Emperor
Grazie ad un inedito lavoro di rilievo ed analisi tecnica dei resti del portico orientale dell’Area sacra del Largo Argentina a Roma, sulla prospiciente pavimentazione in travertino di età imperiale, sono state individuate delle tracce di... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyRome, City ofLate Antique ArchaeologyRoman Republic
The story by Jordanes about the migration of Goths from Scandza is a matter of a vivid and long standing discussion between historians. Most scholars argue that it is a part of the Gothic tribal tradition. There is, however, another... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryRoman HistoriographyLate Antique and Byzantine History
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
El objetivo principal de este trabajo consiste en analizar el proceso que condujo a que se truncase la prolífica colaboración existente entre el Senado de Roma y la monarquía ostrogoda desde finales del reinado de Teodorico hasta la caída... more
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      Early ChristianityOstrogothsRoman senateTotila
New England Classical Journal (ISSN 0739-1188) is a publication of the Classical Association of New England, issued in Spring and Fall. Please refer to for current subscription rates.
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      ProcopiusJustinian I, EmperorProcopius Gothic War5th Century Roman – Vandal War 420 – 468 AD
Pur nella scarsa disponibilità degli originali Gothika di Procopio di Cesarea nella biblioteca ducale, una traccia dell’interesse alla corte dei Montefeltro nei confronti della narrazione del travagliato assedio bizantino sostenuto... more
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      ProcopiusUrbinoFederico da MontefeltroLeonardo Bruni
Communication présentée lors d'une journée d'études sur la guerre de siège de l'Antiquité à l'époque moderne (Rouen, 23 mars 2016). Pas de publication prévue, mais tout commentaire est le bienvenu ! // Paper given at a conference on siege... more
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      Late AntiquityLate Roman EmpireProcopiusLate Antique Italy
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)ProcopiusProcopius Gothic War