Recent papers in Sibyls
Sibylline Oracle 13 is a remarkable historical document that contains a unique perspective on the poorly documented period of Roman history known as the “Crisis of the Third Century” (235-284 CE), which began with the assassination of the... more
Michele Sanvico, attualmente il maggiore esperto al mondo della tradizione leggendaria relativa al Monte Sibilla e al Lago di Pilato, in Italia, ripercorre i passi che condussero alla pubblicazione dell'innovativo articolo 'La leggenda... more
Michele Sanvico, currently the world leading expert in the legendary tradition of Mount Sibyl and the Lake of Pilate in Italy, retraces the steps that led to the publication of the breakthrough article 'The chthonian legend' on March,... more
According to the dictionary, the word conjecture is defined as a conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information. In other words, the conclusion or statement is a conjecture simply because it lacks all of the necessary... more
The SIBYLS beamline (12.3.1) of the Advanced Light Source at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, supported by the US Department of Energy and the National Institutes of Health, is optimized for both small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS)... more
História do porvir: uma aposta contra o passado Paulo Roberto de Almeida Publicada, em versão resumida, na revista Parcerias Estratégicas (Brasília: CGEE, n. 19, dez. 2004, p. 319-333). Histoire de l’Avenir: des Prophètes à la... more
Cet essai de critique littéraire analyse la totalité de la première édition des Prophéties de Nostradamus en 1555 comportant 453 quatrains, et complète les premiers essais publiés auparavant depuis 2020 et 2022.
Resumen: El artículo investiga las circunstancias que rodearon la elaboración del cuadro El Tríptico de Santiago (1899), de Modesto Brocos (1852-1936). Además, examina el significado de la obra en la trayectoria del artista y explora... more
Quando si parla di magia, l'opinione comune vira immediatamente verso le modalità giudicanti tipiche dell'epoca moderna nella sua fase post-illuminista, perciò dettate da un pregiudizio della ragione. È importante per il cristianesimo di... more
Amongst tlie i.arious dr:fferent iconograpliic studies that have been made of tlie S/~anisli Renaissance period, one o j tlie most notewortliy is tliat of the Sibyl, linking rrp witli traditions tliat date al1 tlie n8ay back to the imery... more
Amidst the colourful cacophony of biblical scenes and characters adorning the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo painted five extrabiblical figures known as Sibyls. Sibyl is the name given to a type of ecstatic prophetess of the... more
A contribuição da tratadística Ibérica na luta dos pintores: o caso de Filipe Nunes e Gaspar Gutierrez Los Rios (1566-1606) 254 Renata Nogueira Gomes de Morais Ateliê colaborativo no Renascimento Italiano: considerações acerca da dinâmica... more
Este trabalho apresenta a peculiaridade da representação das sibilas na arte colonial de Diamantina, Minas Gerais. Sendo as únicas representações das profetisas na colônia, elas estão contornadas por estruturas de falsa arquitetura... more
Astrology: Natural Principles and 16th Century Table.
Astrologia: Principi Naturali e Tabella del XVI secolo
Astrologia: Principi Naturali e Tabella del XVI secolo
As the context of Virg., Aen. VI 565 requires, the ancient interpretation of this line is correct, while the current consensus is mistaken. The Sibyl has never seen Tartarus. Subsequently, when she repeatedly asserts that she has... more
Soares de (Braga, Portugal, primeira metade do século XVIII-Diamantina, MG 1799). Pintor. Tendo provavelmente realizado sua formação artística em Portugal, veio em seguida para o Brasil..." 2. Assim começa o verbete dedicado a José Soares... more
Os mitos antigos não estão mortos. A partir desta afirmação fundamentada nas obras de autores como Warburg, Jean Seznec, Erwin Panofsky e Fritz Saxl, este trabalho pretende apontar os caminhos históricos que legitimaram a sobrevivência do... more
Lives and Metamorphoses of the Sibyl Studies on the Sibyl have multiplied these last years, proof, if needed, of the liveliness of the question of divination and oracular poetry. Due to the long-lasting and broad influence of her... more
Solon’s feigned insanity highlights the interplay between madness as a disease and madness as a blessing. After the Athenians had lost hope of conquering Salamis, they issued a law charging anyone publicly raising this subject with death... more
Desde la primera vez que contemplé la imagen de la Sibila de Gran laura, acompañada del epígrafe -ΣΙΒΥΛΛΑ- que no deja lugar a dudas sobre su identificación, me llamó la atención la peculiaridad de su regio y lujoso atuen-do (Fig. 1). A... more
Cette édition rassemble l’étude des trois premières centuries des Prophéties de Nostradamus, elle fait donc suite à la précédente qui n’avait étudié que les deux premières. Ce faisant, il a été nécessaire de réviser partiellement la... more
Este trabalho apresenta a peculiaridade da representação das sibilas na arte colonial de Diamantina, Minas Gerais. Sendo as únicas representações das profetisas na colônia, elas estão contornadas por estruturas de falsa arquitetura... more
El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el Discurso en loor de la poesía, anónimo, escrito a principios del siglo XVII en Perú. Revisamos algunos aspectos como la tradición de defensas de la poesía en la cual se inserta, su relación con... more
This article examines medical discourse in the scene of the Sibyl’s inspiration by Apollo in Aeneid 6, arguing that Virgil marks the Sibyl and her environment as diseased. This language has important implications for the Sibyl’s prophecy... more
Va celebrata l'iniziativa della casa editrice Lindau di pubblicare un testo di Ioan Petru Culianu sinora inedito in Italia: Iocari serio. Scienza e arte nel pensiero del Rinascimento. Operazione condotta calando sul tavolo tre... more
Les Prophéties de Nostradamus ne sont pas un amoncellement hétéroclite de calamités et de catastrophes chronologiquement datées, toutes séparées et différentes les unes des autres. Au contraire, ce sont une collection recyclée d'un nombre... more
O del perché ci meritiamo Wanna Marchi.
Peter Bergquist’s identification of a source for the Latin poems of Orlando di Lasso’s enigmatic motet cycle Prophetiae Sibyllarum remains a landmark contribution to the literature.2 On the ambiguous genesis of the Sibyl cycle he notes... more
Peer-review. Les travaux adressés pour publication à la revue seront soumis-sous la forme d'un double anonymat-à évaluation par deux spécialistes, dont l'un au moins extérieur au comité scientifique ou éditorial. La liste des experts... more
Va celebrata l'iniziativa della casa editrice Lindau di pubblicare un testo di Ioan Petru Culianu sinora inedito in Italia: Iocari serio. Scienza e arte nel pensiero del Rinascimento. Operazione condotta calando sul tavolo tre... more
Os mitos antigos não estão mortos. A partir desta afirmação fundamentada nas obras de autores como Warburg, Jean Seznec, Erwin Panofsky e Fritz Saxl, este trabalho pretende apontar os caminhos históricos que legitimaram a sobrevivência do... more
Sibyllinische Orakeltexte und die mit ihnen verbundene Divinationsgottheit Apollon erfuhren in Rom eine ganz besondere Form der Wirkungsgeschichte. Eine der vier höchsten römischen Priesterschaften, die quindecimviri sacris faciundis,... more
The mystery of Mount Sibyl in Italy is an ancient one, an enigma which is still unsolved. The mountain raises its peak between Umbria and Marche. The cave on the mountain-top has been visited for centuries by men from all over Europe in... more
The mystery of Mount Sibyl in Italy is an ancient one, an enigma which is still unsolved. The mountain raises its peak between Umbria and Marche. The cave on the mountain-top has been visited for centuries by men from all over Europe in... more
The mystery of Mount Sibyl in Italy is an ancient enigma which is still unsolved. The mountain raises its peak between Umbria and Marche. The cave on the mountain-top has been visited for centuries by men from all over Europe in search of... more
The ancient mystery of Mount Sibyl, the mountain that raises its peak between Umbria and Marche in Italy, is an enigma which is still unsolved. The cave on the mountain-top has been visited for centuries by visitors coming from all over... more
The mystery of Mount Sibyl in Italy is an ancient enigma which is still unsolved. The mountain raises its peak between Umbria and Marche. The cave on the mountain-top has been visited for centuries by men from all over Europe in search of... more
The mystery of Mount Sibyl in Italy is an ancient enigma which is still unsolved. The mountain raises its peak between Umbria and Marche. The cave on the mountain-top has been visited for centuries by men from all over Europe in search of... more
The mystery of Mount Sibyl in Italy is an ancient enigma which is still unsolved. The mountain raises its peak between Umbria and Marche. The cave on the mountain-top has been visited for centuries by men from all over Europe in search of... more
The mystery of Mount Sibyl in Italy is an ancient enigma which is still unsolved. The mountain raises its peak between Umbria and Marche. The cave on the mountain-top has been visited for centuries by men from all over Europe in search of... more
The mystery of Mount Sibyl in Italy is an ancient one, an enigma which is still unsolved. The mountain raises its peak between Umbria and Marche. The cave on the mountain-top has been visited for centuries by men from all over Europe in... more