Queen of Sheba
Recent papers in Queen of Sheba
The following text is a response sent to an email dispatched to me by the Chairman of the exiled Oromo Parliamentarians who struggle for the Independence and Self-determination of the 5 millennia long Kushitic Ethiopian Nation of the... more
The David and Solomon's kingdoms are no longer considered as historical by minimalist archeologists. According to Israel Finkelstein and Neil Silberman, for example, authors of The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient... more
Legend has it that Emperor Menelik I, is the son of Queen of Sheba and King Solomon, brought the Ark of the Covenant from Jerusalem to Axum
where he established one of the world’s longest known, uninterrupted monarchical dynasties.
where he established one of the world’s longest known, uninterrupted monarchical dynasties.
The Queen of Sheba has been a popular subject in Western art from the medieval period up to the present day, firstly within a Christian context and highlighting her beauty and wealth, and latterly drawing more heavily on Islamic sources... more
Starting in the fifteenth century, images of the enthronement of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba often appear in paintings in manuscripts from Persianate realms. These images draw upon the Qurʾan and ancillary legends, but they developed... more
Once, when King Solomon had bidden 1 the neighbouring kings bordering upon his country to come up unto him, for to shew them his glory, and especially, to shew them his ability to talk to the animals and birds and creeping things,... more
The thesis of this paper is: “The Song of Songs is a wisdom riddle about Solomon and his foreign wives. The riddle: “Who is the lover, who is the beloved, and who awakens love?” As a riddle, the Song was crafted to be intentionally... more
s African Culture and Melville's Art examines how West African customs and rituals as practiced in the new world shaped Moby Dick; and Mechal Sobel's The World They Made Together suggests how West African ideas of time, spirit, and death... more
This thesis is focused on a previously unpublished collage comprised of two manuscript fragments from Safavid Iran. One fragment contains a painting that depicts an enthronement scene featuring King Solomon, which, as I argue, was taken... more
Several misconceptions diffused by colonial historians and totalitarian governments need immediate refutation. Ancient Ethiopia and its borders Part of the Abyssinian state propaganda advances the idea that in the Antiquity “the... more
La leggenda della regina di Saba nella tradizione etiopica, in Fabio Battiato – Dorota Hartman – Giuseppe Stabile (a c.), La Regina di Saba: un mito fra Oriente e Occidente, Atti del Seminario diretto da Riccardo Contini, Napoli,... more
Solomon's father-in-law is shown to have been 18 th-Dynasty Thutmose III, who captured and burned Gezer and presented it to his daughter, Solomon's bride, as a wedding present. The reign of Hatshepsut, aunt/stepmother to Thutmose III,... more
Another book apparently from the Clement era AD 65-99.
A official version of the story of the questions of the Queen of Sheba to test the legendary wisdom of King Solomon.
A official version of the story of the questions of the Queen of Sheba to test the legendary wisdom of King Solomon.
For those with an interest in Nigerian claims to Jewish and Judaic traditions, Professor Fatai Ayisa Olasupo’s “Black African Jews, the Nigerian Question and the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel: A Comparison of Igbo and Yoruba Claims to Jewish... more
This article explores literary representations of female mobility in the Hebrew Bible. While it is often assumed that women barely moved in the ancient world, the study shows that the Hebrew Bible gives witness to a vast spectrum of... more
As it is already known, local peoples in the area of Somalia, and the Horn of Africa area down to the coast of present day Mozambique, did not develop scriptures of their own in the pre-Christian and even the Pre-Islamic Antiquity.... more
The author posted independently in his blog the answer that he gave to a viewer of a video-presentation of my article "Yemenis are Not Arab - Prof. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis". The video is uploaded in many portals; indicatively:... more
A Rainha de Sabá é uma das mais interessantes figuras femininas geradas na matriz judaico-cristã-islâmica, já que os discursos sobre si formam uma teia intrincada e cheia de dinamismo. O poema dramático de Eugénio de Castro, Belkiss... more
Prodotto da IL TORCOLIERE -Officine Grafico-Editoriali di Ateneo Finito di stampare nel mese di dicembre 2016 LA REGINA DI SABA UN MITO FRA ORIENTE E OCCIDENTE SOMMARIO RICCARDO CONTINI Premessa 9-11 Il testo di 1Re 10:1-13 // 2Cr 9:1-12... more
The story of the Queen of Sheba originally appears in the Bible in the book of Kings, and is repeated almost verbatim in the book of Chronicles. We see a much extended version of it in the Quran, and later, it was embellished by not only... more
Prodotto da IL TORCOLIERE -Officine Grafico-Editoriali di Ateneo Finito di stampare nel mese di dicembre 2016 LA REGINA DI SABA UN MITO FRA ORIENTE E OCCIDENTE SOMMARIO RICCARDO CONTINI Premessa 9-11 Il testo di 1Re 10:1-13 // 2Cr 9:1-12... more
The Ethiopian Bible book of Kebra Nagast, the story of the Queen of Sheba her travel to Israel to meet King Solomon. Also includes another version of Genesis that's lots like the Book of Rolls. . Renumbered into the hundreds, and... more
Tras haberse ganado un puesto entre los profetas de Cristo, la Sibila experimentó a partir del siglo XIII en la iconografía cristiana un interesante proceso de reacentuación. La filosofía escolástica, el auge del culto mariano o el... more
In the paper the mythopoetic image of Syria in O.I. Senkovsky's works is analysed. Senkovsky is a famous founder and promoter of the genre of ''Oriental tales'' in the Russian literature of the 19th century, and the analysis of oriental... more
Notre étude est consacrée à deux pages récemment découvertes issues d'un ma-nuscrit qui font partie de la collection privée de Guillaume Aral collectionneur de Nice, France. Les pages sont en bon état, même si leurs bords sont légèrement... more
Prodotto da IL TORCOLIERE -Officine Grafico-Editoriali di Ateneo Finito di stampare nel mese di dicembre 2016 LA REGINA DI SABA UN MITO FRA ORIENTE E OCCIDENTE SOMMARIO RICCARDO CONTINI Premessa 9-11 Il testo di 1Re 10:1-13 // 2Cr 9:1-12... more
We will analyze the Soqotran model of multicultural society of the Antiquity, based on the Periplus of the Red Sea. Completing his earlier narratives about Yemen, at the end of the description of the Hadhrami state of the... more
Desde la primera vez que contemplé la imagen de la Sibila de Gran Laura de Monte Atos, acompañada del epígrafe —ΣΙΒΥΛΛΑ— que no deja lugar a dudas sobre su identificación, me llamó la atención la peculiaridad de su regio y lujoso atuendo.... more
A slim exhibition catalogue written to accompany a loan exhibition drawn entirely from the collections of the British Museum and curated by the author for The Bowers Museum of Cultural Art in California. Sumptiously illustrated, it only... more
This small selection of images shows the signage and part of the interior of the 2002 British Museum exhibition 'Queen of Sheba: Treasures of ancient Yemen'
العاصمة السبئية مأرب: تاريخها وبنيتها الادارية والاجتماعية في العاصمة السبئية مأرب: تاريخها وبنيتها الادارية والاجتماعية في ضوء النقوش السبئية، الصفحات 144-107 في عبدالرحمن الأنصاري وخليل المعيقل وعبدالله الشارخ (محررون)، المدينة في... more
At the courts of Kings of the independent kingdom of León Fernando II (1157-1188) and Alfonso IX (1188-1230) languages mixed freely in a cosmopolitan culture. The langue d’oc was understood and canços were composed, the first generation... more
Here is an analysis of the tale of the marriage of al-Hadhād (of the Ḥimyar royal dynasty) with a woman of jinn found in Arabic sources dated from the 9th to 12th century. In the light of archaeological data and other folklore sources... more
The author refers to my article "Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Sudan & Algeria will soon disappear in an Arab Spring 2.0 – Why not?" and popularizes its contents in Greek.... more
Public talk given as the introduction to a study day organised by the speaker on the same subject, as part of the public programme associated with the special exhibition "Queen of Sheba: Treasures from ancient Yemen".
Short popular article exploring the background for the exhibition 'Queen of Sheba: Treasures from ancient Yemen', held at the British Museum in 2002
An examination of the possibility that Jesus envisioned the Queen of Sheba as an black African woman and a consideration of the ramifications of such a portrayal of the Queen of Sheba for followers of Jesus today.
...Ethiopia has so much to offer visitors: the Historic Route, covering the ancient town of Axum, with its amazing carved obelisks, Christian festivals and relics, including the Ark of the Covenant; Gondar, with its castles and palaces;... more