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We examine the status of massive gauge theories, such as those usually obtained by spontaneous symmetry breakdown, from the viewpoint of causal (Epstein-Glaser) renormalization. The BRS formulation of gauge invariance in this framework,... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsPhysicsQuantum PhysicsModels
A lattice Boltzmann model which simulates and predicts, on a massively parallel computer, wave propagation in urban environments is presented. This technique takes into account complicated boundary conditions. Two-dimensional simulations... more
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      ModelingPredictionNumerical AnalysisLattice Beam Model
In this paradigm shift, we embrace an updated, earlier default paradigm, which enables us to avoid narrow disciplinary confines, and to examine the entire natural order of increasing complexity from a central perspective of sentience. We... more
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      AnthropologyPhilosophy of ScienceEducationScience and Religion
Even the uninitiated will know that Quantum Field Theory cannot be introduced systematically in just four lectures. I try to give a reasonably connected outline of part of it, from second quantization to the path-integral technique in... more
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      PhysicsQuantum GravityBlack HolesQuantum Field Theory
We calculate one-loop R-parity-violating couplings corrections to the processes H − → τν τ and H − → bt. We find that the corrections to the H − → τν τ decay mode are generally about 0.1%, and can be negligible. But the corrections to the... more
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      High Energy PhysicsSupersymmetryMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
This manuscript stands at the interface between combinatorial Hopf algebra theory and renormalization theory. Its plan is as follows: Section 1 is the introduction, and contains as well an elementary invitation to the subject. The rest of... more
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      CombinatoricsQuantum Field TheoryNoncommutative GeometryMathematical Sciences
Using {\it weighted traces} which are linear functionals of the type $$A\to tr^Q(A):=(tr(A Q^{-z})-z^{-1} tr(A Q^{-z}))_{z=0}$$ defined on the whole algebra of (classical) pseudo-differential operators (P.D.O.s) and where $Q$ is some... more
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical PhysicsStatisticsDifferential Geometry
A review is given on the theory of vortex-glass phases in impure type-II superconductors in an external field. We begin with a brief discussion of the effects of thermal fluctuations on the spontaneously broken U (1) and translation... more
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      PhysicsCondensed Matter PhysicsQuantum PhysicsCritical phenomena
In a framework of the renormalizable theory of weak interaction, problems of CP-violation are studied. It is concluded that no realistic models of CP-violation exist in the quartet scheme without introducing any other new fields. Some... more
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      Quantum Field TheoryWeak interactionMathematical SciencesCP Violation
In the 1970s, the reinterpretation of renormalization group techniques in terms of effective field theories and their subsequent rapid development led to a major reinterpretation of the entire renormalization program, originally... more
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of PhysicsHistory of Science
The Cornwall-Jackiw-Tomboulis (CJT) effective action for composite operators at finite temperature is used to investigate the chiral phase transition within the framework of the linear sigma model as the low-energy effective model of... more
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      Quantum ChromodynamicsPhase TransitionsInteger quantum hall effectLinear Model
Second order perturbative corrections to electron wavefunction are calculated here at generalized temperature, for the first time. This calculation is important to prove the renormalizeability of QED through order by order cancellation of... more
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      High TemperatureRenormalizationSecond OrderFinite Temperature Field Theory
Notes pour le groupe de travail: Théorie quantique des champs du LPMA
-Divergence des diagrammes de Feynman
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      MathematicsPhysicsQuantum Field TheoryRenormalization
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      PhysicsQuantum ChromodynamicsNuclear StructureFragmentation
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      PhysicsQuantum ChromodynamicsQuantum MechanicsHigh Energy Physics
Section 10 of the 2004 edition of the Review of Particle Physics.
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      Quantum PhysicsParticle PhysicsBibliographyRenormalization
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      Meshfree MethodsSmoothed Particle HydrodynamicsConvergence RateRenormalization
Recent evidence suggests that quantum coherence enhances excitation energy transfer (EET) through individual photosynthetic light-harvesting protein complexes (LHCs). Its role in vivo is unclear however, where transfer to chemical... more
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      Quantum PhysicsPhotovoltaicsRenewable EnergyPhotosynthesis
Biological thinking is structured by the notion of level of organization. We will show that this notion acquires a precise meaning in critical phenomena: they disrupt, by the appearance of infinite quantities, the mathematical (possibly... more
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      FractalsReductionismOrganismal BiologyBottom-up strategies
Dynamics of the three-dimensional flow in a cyclone with tangential inlet and tangential exit were studied using particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) and a three-dimensional computational model. The PTV technique is described in this paper... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringTurbulenceNumerical Simulation
A collocation method is adopted as a numerical framework to develop approximate inertial manifolds (AIMs) in the case of partial differential problems (e.g. reaction/diffusion models) containing non-polynomial nonlinearities. The spatial... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringReaction-Diffusion SystemsDistributed Parameter Systems
SPheno is a program that accurately calculates the supersymmetric particle spectrum within a high scale theory, such as minimal supergravity, gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking, anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking, or string... more
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      SupersymmetrySupergravityEffective Field TheoryProgramming
Using weighted traces which are linear functionals of the type A → tr Q (A) := tr(AQ −z ) − z −1 tr(AQ −z ) z=0 defined on the whole algebra of (classical) pseudo-differential operators (P.D.O.s) and where Q is some positive invertible... more
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical PhysicsStatisticsDifferential Geometry
In this paper, a version of polymer quantum mechanics, which is inspired by loop quantum gravity, is considered and shown to be equivalent, in a precise sense, to the standard, experimentally tested Schrödinger quantum mechanics. The... more
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      Quantum GravityQuantum MechanicsLoop Quantum GravityDynamics
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      ElectromagnetismRenormalizationNonextensive Statical Mechanics
Supersymmetry or ad hoc methods such as renormalization are often used to tame infinities that result from divergent functions in quantum physics. Although SUSY particles have yet to be discovered and may be too massive to fulfill their... more
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      MathematicsMathematical PhysicsPhysicsTheoretical Physics
Renormalization of composite fields is employed to suppress the statistical noise in lattice gauge calculations. We propose a new action which differs from the standard Wilson action by "irrelevant" operators, but suppresses the... more
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      Quantum PhysicsLattice gauge theoryRenormalizationLattice QCD
We review the present status of QCD corrections to weak decays beyond the leading logarithmic approximation including particle-antiparticle mixing and rare and CP violating decays. After presenting the basic formalism for these... more
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      PhysicsQuantum ChromodynamicsBibliographyModern physics
Efficient methods for determining the lower and upper bounds on the probabilities of source-to-terminal communication in a multistage interconnection network are developed. A novel lower bounding strategy (shifting) and a novel upper... more
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      MathematicsDistributed ComputingComputer NetworksComputer Hardware
Topological challenges to the geometry of globalization and polarization Space-time crystals as fundamental to comprehension of global order Via sphere, torus and hyperbola to space-time crystals of governance? Comprehension of... more
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      CrystallographyGlobal GovernanceSurrealismMetaphor
Using normal coordinates in a Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt basis for the Hopf algebra of renormalization in perturbative quantum field theory, we investigate the relation between the twisted antipode axiom in that formalism, the Birkhoff... more
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      Quantum Field TheoryQuantizationMathematical SciencesDeformation Quantization
This analysis shows that divergence issues in QFT can be resolved without mass and charge renormalization by postulating a two-component theory of the vacuum whose net energy and charge are zero. For the free fields, the quantum vacuum is... more
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      Cosmology (Physics)Quantum ChromodynamicsQuantum ElectrodynamicsDark Matter
We compute the graviton one loop contribution to a classical energy in a traversable wormhole background. Such a contribution is evaluated by means of a variational approach with Gaussian trial wave functionals. A zeta function... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesRenormalizationWormholes
The effects of quantum fluctuations in fields confined by background configurations may be simply and transparently computed using the Green's function approach pioneered by Schwinger. Not only can total energies and surface forces be... more
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      High Energy Density PhysicsRenormalizationQuantum FluctuationSurface Energy
We explain the relation between the dimensional regularization and its BPHZ-renormalization in quantum field theory, and the Riemann-Hilbert problem. The exposition is based on works by Connes, Kreimer, Marcolli, and others.
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      Quantum Field TheoryNoncommutative GeometryRenormalization
Further arguments are offered in defence of the position that the variant of quantum field theory (QFT) that should be subject to interpretation and foundational analysis is axiomatic quantum field theory. I argue that the successful... more
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      PhysicsPhilosophyParticle PhysicsQuantum Field Theory
The Higgs naturalness principle served as the basis for the so far failed prediction that signatures of physics beyond the Standard Model (SM) would be discovered at the LHC. One influential formulation of the principle , which prohibits... more
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      Quantum Field TheoryQuantum field theory,High energy physicsRenormalizationPhilosophy of Quantum Field Theory
We examine the renormalization of an effective theory description of a general initial state set in an isotropically expanding space-time, which is done to understand how to include the effects of new physics in the calculation of the... more
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      GravitationHigh Energy PhysicsAstrophysicsCosmic Microwave Background
Let δ(t) denote the Dirac delta function. We show how, when the renormalization constant c > 0 in δ 2 (t) = c δ(t) is large or approaches +∞, the commutation relations for the Renormalized Powers of Quantum White Noise (RPQWN) can be... more
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      Quantum PhysicsWhite noise analysisRenormalizationWhite Noise
We present calculations of the magnetic-field-induced changes of the heavy quasiparticles in YbRh 2 Si 2 which are reflected in thermodynamic and transport properties. The quasiparticles are determined by means of the Renormalized Band... more
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      Materials EngineeringPhysicsCondensed Matter PhysicsThermodynamics
We show that it is possible to find an extension of the matter content of the standard model with a unification of gauge and Yukawa couplings reproducing their known values. The perturbative renormalizability of the model with a single... more
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      PhysicsBeyond the Standard Model PhysicsStandard ModelRenormalization
Biological thinking is structured by the notion of level of organization. We will show that this notion acquires a precise meaning in critical phenomena: they disrupt, by the appearance of infinite quantities, the mathematical (possibly... more
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      PhysiologyFractalsReductionismOrganismal Biology
We compute the one loop fermion self-energy for massless Dirac + Einstein in the presence of a locally de Sitter background. We employ dimensional regularization and obtain a fully renormalized result by absorbing all divergences with... more
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      Quantum GravityMathematical SciencesInflationPhysical sciences
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesDispersion RelationRenormalization
The one-loop radiative corrections to W ^{+}W^{-} to W^ {+}W^{-}, W^0 W^0 to W^{+}W^{-} and W^0 W^0 to W^0 W^0 scatterings are calculated in the limit where m_{higgs } gg E_{c.m.} gg M_ {W}. Leading terms that grow like E _sp{c.m.}{4} and... more
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      Standard ModelRenormalization
We present estimates of the masses of light quarks using lattice data. Our main results are based on a global analysis of all the published data for Wilson, Sheikholeslami-Wohlert (clover), and staggered fermions, both in the quenched... more
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      Quantum PhysicsLattice gauge theoryGlobal AnalysisStandard Model
We review the theoretical foundations and the most important physical applications of the Pinch Technique (PT). This general method allows the construction of off-shell Green's functions in non-Abelian gauge theories that are independent... more
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      Quantum ChromodynamicsQuantum ElectrodynamicsQuantizationMathematical Sciences
This article is devoted to the perturbative renormalization of the abelian Higgs-Kibble model, within the class of renormalizable gauges which are odd under charge conjugation. The Bogoliubov Parasiuk Hepp-Zimmermann renormalization... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsPure MathematicsRenormalization
Los Alamos National Laboratory, an affirmative action/equai opportunityemployer, is operated by the Universityof California forthe US. Department of Energy under contract W-7405-ENG-36. By acceptance of this article, the publisher... more
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      TopologyCritical phenomenaMathematical ModelsRenormalization
We study the fields rp and IJ in a class of finite quantum field models on the cylindrical space-time S' x R.. We show that cp and + satisfy a system of local, nonlinear partial differential equations. These are just the equations of... more
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      Field TheoryQuantum Field TheoryMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences