White Noise
Recent papers in White Noise
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
This correspondence describes a method for estimating the parameters of an autoregressive (AR) process from a finite number of noisy measurements. The method uses a modified set of Yule-Walker (YW) equations that lead to a quadratic... more
This paper proposes a generation mechanism for cyclostationary and self-similar processes. The proposed model extracts the information from the immediate coarser scale and adds the innovations to it to obtain the finer scale... more
The optimum parameters of multiple tuned mass dampers (MTMD) for suppressing the dynamic response of a base-excited structure in a specific mode is investigated. The base excitation is modelled as a stationary white noise random process.... more
We study the role of multiplicative colored noise for different values of the correlation time τc in the dynamics of two competing species, described by generalized Lotka-Volterra equations. The multiplicative colored noise models the... more
Accurate and detailed noise calculations for operational amplifier circuits using MATLAB are proposed. The analysis of the basic op amp circuits (inverting, non-inverting and differential circuits) is performed taking into account the... more
An algorithm for estimating the basis vectors used in the Karhunen-Loeve Transform (KLT) is described. The algorithm is "blind" in the sense that it utilizes minimal information about the data vector being encoded. It is capable of... more
This work is organized as follows. In Section 11, we present some background on tree searching and the SA, and we formulate the basic structure of our simulation algorithms. After first reviewing IS fundamentals for coded communications... more
This study investigated the relationship between aversive conditioning, heart rate variability suppression, behavioral activation system/behavioral inhibition system and risk-avoidance on the Iowa gambling task (IGT) in a nonclinical... more
Noise can significantly impact the effectiveness of video processing algorithms. This paper proposes a fast white-noise variance estimation that is reliable even in images with large textured areas. This method finds intensity-homogeneous... more
This article presents a review of reverse correlation in neurophysiology. We discuss the basis of reverse correlation in linear transducers and in spiking neurons. The application of reverse correlation to measure the receptive fields of... more
This correspondence presents the Barankin bound as a fundamental statistical tool for the understanding of the threshold effect associated with the estimation of the frequency of a sinusoid in additive white Gaussian noise. It is shown... more
A second-order non-linear non-autonomous electronic circuit, which contains an amplifier, two integrators and a comparator, is studied. For a certain set of values for the circuit's parameters (amplitude and frequency of the driving... more
Online partial discharge (PD) detection still remains a very challenging task because of the strong electromagnetic interferences. In this paper, a new method of de-noising, using complex Daubechies wavelet (CDW) transform, has been... more
Presents a globally asymptotically stabilizing (GAS) controller for regulation and dynamic positioning of ships, using only position measurements. It is assumed that these are corrupted with white noise hence a passive observer which... more
In this paper a non-linear extension to the synthetic discriminant function (SDF) is proposed. The SDF is a well known 2-D correlation filter for object recognition. The proposed nonlinear version of the SDF is derived from kernel-based... more
EEG time series were modeled as an output of the linear filter driven by white noise. Parameters describing the signal were determined in a way fulfilling the maximum entropy principle. Transfer function and the impulse response function... more
We have developed a system for simulating the conditions of avian surveys in which birds are identifi ed by sound. The system uses a laptop computer to control a set of amplifi ed MP3 players placed at known locations around a survey... more
The classical solution to the noise removal problem is the Wiener filter, which utilizes the second-order statistics of the Fourier decomposition. Subband decompositions of natural images have significantly non-Gaussian higher-order point... more
In this paper we present a formulation of the nonlinear stochastic differential equation which allows for systematic approximations. The method is not restricted to the asymptotic, i.e., stationary, regime but can be applied to derive... more
A crucial part of a speech recognizer is the acoustic feature extraction, especially when the application is intended to be used in noisy environment. In this paper we investigate several novel front-end techniques and compare them to... more
We present an analysis of the frequency stability degradation of an optical atomic frequency standard which is operated sequentially, and that is caused by the frequency noise of the laser used to interrogate the clock transition. This is... more
The noise can stabilize a fluctuating or a periodically driven metastable state in such a way that the system remains in this state for a longer time than in the absence of white noise. This is the noise enhanced stability phenomenon,... more
A main research topic in PWM-VSI inverter-driven electrical machines is to reduce the generated acoustic noise which often is dominated by a multiple of the switching frequency in the inverter. This paper proposes a modulation scheme for... more
Oscillators are key components of electronic systems. Undesired perturbations, i.e. noise, in practical electronic systems adversely affect the spectral and timing properties of oscillators resulting in phase noise, which is a key... more
Abstruct-We introduce a computationally efficient recursive i m p~e~e n~a~i o n of digital finite impulse response (FIR) filters for e s~i~a~~n g the rate of change or slope of digitized signals, The proposed FIR differentiator is... more
Abstmt-A new algorithm is presented for adaptive notch filtering and parametric spectral estimation of multiple narrow-band or sine wave signals in an additive broad-band process. The algorithm is of recursive prediction error (RPE) form... more
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of tinnitus on mental activity. In a mixed design study, the performance of 20 subjects with tinnitus and 20 healthy control subjects was compared on the digit-symbol test, completed in... more
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effect of the white, colored and mixture noise perturbations as Gaussian process on the parameters of the RL electrical circuit including potential source and resistance.... more
In seismic retrofit of a long-span truss bridge in Japan, a new retrofit scheme was applied in which the existing bearings of the bridge were replaced by a new floor deck isolation system. The floor decks and isolation system together can... more
There is disagreement in the literature about the importance of sleep disruption from intensive care unit (ICU) environmental noise. Previous reports have assumed that sleep disruption is produced by high-peak noise. This study aimed to... more
In seismic retrofit of a long-span truss bridge in Japan, a new retrofit scheme was applied in which the existing bearings of the bridge were replaced by a new floor deck isolation system. The floor decks and isolation system together can... more
Pour expliquer la convergence interprétative qui caractérise la réception critique du roman White Noise , de Don DeLillo, l'auteur examine certains des dispositifs par lequel le roman…
The diffusion equation is solved under stochastic nonhomogeneity using eigen function expansion and the Georges method. The statistical moments of the solution process are computed through the two previously mentioned techniques and... more
A three-stimulus auditory oddball series was presented to experienced Vipassana meditators during meditation and a control thought period to elicit event-related brain potentials (ERPs) in the two different mental states. The stimuli... more
This book describes the essential tools and techniques of statistical signal processing. At every stage theoretical ideas are linked to specific applications in communications and signal processing using a range of carefully chosen... more
The present paper analyzes the concept of fear of death in Don DeLillo's novels White Noise and Cosmopolis, emphasizing the representations of this feeling in relation to television and economic life, respectively. While the Gladney... more
Since independence in 1971, Bangladesh has achieved considerable economic development. With the growth of technology in Bangladesh, the Dhaka stock exchange has become accessible to common people in addition to traditional brokers: the... more
The total least squares (TLS) technique is a generalized least squares method to solve an overdetermined set of equations whose coefficients are noisy. The constrained total least squares (CTLS) method is a natural extension of TLS to the... more
We consider the asymptotic behavior of posterior distributions and Bayes estimators based on observations which are required to be neither independent nor identically distributed. We give general results on the rate of convergence of the... more
A critically led investigation into the major concerns of Don Delillo's novel "White Noise" (1985)
We are interested in stationary "fluid" random evolutions with independent increments. Under some mild assumptions, we show they are solutions of a stochastic differential equation (SDE). There are situations where these evolutions are... more