Harmful disinformation exemplified by "sunrise" and "sunset"? Factual proof of sunrise and sunset... more Harmful disinformation exemplified by "sunrise" and "sunset"? Factual proof of sunrise and sunset? Clarification of implications of linguistic bias with AI assistance Requisite distinction beteeen "good" disinformation and "bad" disinformation Conceptual laxity of science faced with phenomenological experience? Reinforcing a "Flat Earth" mentality and its associated harmfulness? In quest of a lexicon of phenomenological relevance to otherness Cyclicity of relations with any "other" from a "heliocentric perspective" Galileo Commission report from an AI perspective References
Encoding the configuration of incommensurable cognitive modalities Relative incomprehensibility o... more Encoding the configuration of incommensurable cognitive modalities Relative incomprehensibility of the pattern of connectives Meaningful metaphorical correspondences of connectives Metaphorical correspondence of logical connectives to emotion, spirituality and action? Formal AI description of the mapping process Development of 3D imagery and interactive animations with AI assistance Experimental alternative labelling of 64 distinctions Framing strategic spherical dynamics with a truncated tesseract?
Humanity's "own goal" as a consequence of strategic paralysis Insights via AI from biological cel... more Humanity's "own goal" as a consequence of strategic paralysis Insights via AI from biological cell cleavage into comprehension and communication Embodiment of insight beyond capacity for verbal articulation From 5-fold to 8-fold and 16-fold patterns-and beyond Cognitive insights from 24-fold organization of music Transformational implications of 6-fold organization in 4D Intuitive identification of more complex patterns Global strategic coherence in 5D? Towards navigation of multidimensional complexity via a "Rosetta Stone"? Sense of identity within "curled-up dimensions"? Beyond "flattened" configurations of strategic insights and principles Memorable and communicable representation through mnemonic resonance Eliciting comprehensible order of higher dimensionality via geometry Gamification and transcending the dynamics of particular games Strategic geometry as "making points", "taking sides", gaining or losing "face"-or an "edge" Metaphorical strategic geometry from the perspective of "optics" Strategic objectivity, metaphorical embodiment, and the observational challenge Recognition of global strategic diseases-"blindness", "deafness", "posture", ADHD? Strategic romance, courtship and seduction Strategic implications of sexual dynamics and their exciting representation
Consideration of AI constraints regarding controversial themes
Elaborating a controversial artic... more Consideration of AI constraints regarding controversial themes
Elaborating a controversial articulation with AI assistance
Evoking fruitful initiatives from promotion of problematic strategies
Articulation of the Unsustainable Development Goals of the United Nations?
Blameworthiness and the systemic attribution of blame
Poetic articulation of tragedy and potential?
Requisite variety of dimensions and voices
Transcending superficiality and tokenism through "duelling"
Transcending constraints of binary articulations
Challenging evocative role of a "court jester"
Paradox of any complacent meta-perspective?
Fourfold patterns of contrasting cognitive modalities
Distinctive game roles with both cognitive ... more Fourfold patterns of contrasting cognitive modalities Distinctive game roles with both cognitive and strategic implications Traditional articulated arrays with cognitive and strategic implications Knight-like gambit exemplifying creation or destruction Perception of Swastika variants as the epitome of polarization Representing the surprising transition between incommensurable cognitive modalities Chaining connectives in a Knight's move transition Metaphorical distinction of conditions within and between modalities Interrelating incommensurable cognitive modalities as phases Formulation of a memorable conjecture in contrast to a premature solution Conjecture presentation as a challenging puzzle of strategic design Paradox of strategic ambiguity in destruction and creation Representation of stages of integration and disintegration Relevant integrative perspectives on the swastika from 4D? Envisaging a cognitive Rosetta Stone with the aid of AI
Reframing dialogue between Russia and Ukraine? Reframing dialogue between Israel and Palestine? R... more Reframing dialogue between Russia and Ukraine? Reframing dialogue between Israel and Palestine? Reframing dialogue between North and South Korea? Chess as the exemplification of connective strategic logic? Implications of Knight's move strategy in logical dialogues Reframing intractable dialogue as an infinite game? Recognizing alternative "infinite games"? Religions and academic disciplines as infinite games? Swastika variants exemplifying the challenge of dialogue polarization Positive versus negative from a systems critical thinking perspective Contrasting insights from the Game of Go-China versus USA? Martial arts as a metaphor for negotiation with logical connectives Potential reframing of intractable conflicts by AI? Beyond conventional logical connectives in dialogue with AI? Interrelating traditional and emergent connective frameworks
Clarification of possibilities of UN debate analysis by AI
Clarification of methodology of analy... more Clarification of possibilities of UN debate analysis by AI
Clarification of methodology of analysis with original debate statements
Oversimplification of strategic debate through absence of connectives
Possibilities for further development of analysis of international strategic debate
Eliciting global strategic coherence through presentation of insights in non-textual media
Requisite variety of a pattern of connectives for systemic viability
Recognizing a coherent meta-pattern through a pattern of connectives
Poetry as enabling coherent global policy-making?
Transcending symbolic aesthetic tokenism of international institutions
Connective configuration as a strategic complement to "muddling through"
Problematic "compass" of directional directives of the UN?
Implications of connectives for UN reform and organization of knowledge
Implications of UN reform for future engagement with the public and AIs
Challenge of "alien" connectives to United Nations processes
Musicalization of logical connectives
Implications of duet musicalization for governance of a po... more Musicalization of logical connectives
Implications of duet musicalization for governance of a polarized society
Memorable musical configurations of 16 connectives?
Reframing the two voices formalized by oppositional logic and its geometry
Enabling AI-composed "musical accompaniment" to political debate?
AI-indication of "musical resolution" of political differences
Musical clarification of emotional connectives and spiritual connectives
Musical clarification of polarization -- "good" versus "evil"?
Framing "unacceptable" and "acceptable" in a 16-fold pattern of connectives
Implication of connectives in legal proceedings claiming to ensure justice
Physical violence versus structural violence as reframed through connectives
AI-identification of exemplary connectives in classical music
Reframing individual SDGs as "voices" in a choir
Elaborating a "musical compass" for strategic navigation of SDGs
Musicalization of the "voices" in entrenched conflicts through connectives
Recognizing connectives in political discourse through musicalization
Relevance of the pattern of connectives to reframing "two-state" reconciliation
Dynamic interweaving of connectives through alternation in epic cycles
Potential correspondences between logical, emotional, spiritual and practical modalities Identifi... more Potential correspondences between logical, emotional, spiritual and practical modalities Identification of pathways between cognitive modalities Chess and Go implications for Ukraine-Russia, Israel-Palestine, China-Taiwan, and the Koreas Implications for dialogue in addressing international conflicts Pathways between cognitive modalities in courtship Dynamics of bipedalism and quadrupedalism indicative of "cognitive gait" Connective "borrowing" between cognitive modalities Insightful representation of pathways of 4-fold cognitive patterns Systematic avoidance of complex modality patterns in governance Emergent integrative perspective from a 4-fold to a 5-fold modality Transcending the strange cognitive attractor of binary dynamics Corresponding intelligent connectives in animals and plants? Bridging pathways between cognitive modalities through humour AI analysis of connectives in the UN's Pact for the Future and its Global Digital Compact
SDGs as a polyhedral system of cycles?
Existential implications of effective engagement with SDG... more SDGs as a polyhedral system of cycles?
Existential implications of effective engagement with SDGs
Systemic indications from metabolic cycles of SDG viability for the collective
Towards a method of AI-enabled SDG cycle detection
Feasibility of change encoded by minimal degree of phase transition?
Refinement of hexagram-encoded cycle detection methods
Iterative development of a cycle detection algorithm
Reframing the method with an alternative AI
Varieties of cycle presented geometrically in 3D
Narrative interpretation of SDG cycles
Metabolic cycles as instructive analogues to SDG cycles
Development insight processing in the light of photosynthesis?
Disorderly sustainable development implied by metabolic disorders
Disruption of strategic logic by other patterns of connectives
Reframing UN reform as reform of knowledge organization
Historical development of systemic quantification from abacus to polyhedra? Meaningful "turbochar... more Historical development of systemic quantification from abacus to polyhedra? Meaningful "turbocharging" of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals? Detection and representation of cycles in 2D mappings Relevance of AI pattern recognition to detection of SDG cycles Constraints on cycle representation in 3D as metaphors for relative comprehension Memorable feedback cycles in 3D mappings of SDG relevance? Representation of SDG potential cycle dynamics in 3D Enhancing SDG comprehensibility and memorability through colorification Enhancing SDG comprehensibility and memorability through sonification Clarification of potential systemic significance of SDG cycles through narrative Relevance of a polyhedral abacus to turbocharging SDGs? Other cyclic possibilities and their enactivation as metaphors
Relevance of the truncated tesseract as a template for comprehensible mapping Mapping indications... more Relevance of the truncated tesseract as a template for comprehensible mapping Mapping indications offered by traditional metaphors Formal reframing of the mapping challenge? 16-fold pattern of logical connectives 16-fold emotional connectives, aesthetic connectives, and multiple intelligences? Topological patterns of sustainable change as catastrophe Disparate metaphors of potential complementary relevance Cognitive implications of organizing complementary metaphors Responding to polarization through apophatic discourse Requisite variety of memes and perspectives Implication of 64-fold patterns of genetic codons and mathematics? Values and goals in 8-fold and 16-fold patterns Enabling engagement with SDGs through a 64-fold pattern Reframing UN's Global Digital Compact as a coherent memorable pattern Colorification and sonification of 64-fold patterns of cycles Distinguishing 48-fold and 100-fold sets of koans as paradoxical insights
Methodological comment on experimental use of AI
Variety of geopolitical two-states articulated a... more Methodological comment on experimental use of AI Variety of geopolitical two-states articulated as a 64-fold pattern Identification of two-state roots polarizing strategic discourse Experimental articulation of a 64-fold pattern of discourse modalities Experimental articulation of 64-fold pattern of right-wrong / good-evil / innocence-guilt Exploring the problem-solution polarity as a 64-fold strategic pattern Recognition of 4-fold and 8-fold Western patterns of strategic relevance Images of organization as a 64-fold Western pattern of strategic relevance Exploring a 64-fold pattern of love-hate / like-dislike Symbolic encoding and the challenge to interpretation Towards a generic understanding of two-state patterns Finger-pointing challenge of potential miscommunication Cognitive exemplars and their questionable positive or negative appreciation Problematic assumptions regarding category articulation in a pattern language Reframing Sustainable Development Goals dynamically? Challenge of memorable comprehension of 64-fold patterns as "cognitive fusion" Mathematics Subject Classification as a 64-fold pattern language
Range of applications of the two-state concept
Two-state geopolitical proposals
Research on geopo... more Range of applications of the two-state concept Two-state geopolitical proposals Research on geopolitical two-state possibilities Blurring the relation between states beyond the "two-state" model Multi-state solutions beyond the "two-state" -- 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12? Extraterritorial enclaves, special jurisdictions and "special relationships" Challenge to "statehood" of indigenous cultures and alternative worlds Diasporas, reservations and micronations as challenges to traditional statehood Two-state focus as an exemplification of constrained "binary thinking" Deprecation of otherness as an instance of "binary thinking" Neglected dynamic of alternation in two-state modelling Dramatic reframing eliciting cognitive engagement Linguistic and cultural implications of "two-state" Questionable role of religion in reinforcing unfruitful two-state frameworks Potential reframing of two-state by mathematical theology Mythological reframing of two-state dynamics by the humanities? Collective consciousness and unconsciousness -- a psychosocial two-state dynamic? Challenge avoidance through "dialogue" and "interdisciplinary research"? Psychosocial inertia and procrastination in response to the two-state challenge
Justification for relatively complex polyhedra in integrative mapping
Triplicity triangulation as... more Justification for relatively complex polyhedra in integrative mapping Triplicity triangulation as a corrective for misrepresentation Relevance of Q-analysis to transcendence of cognitive disconnect? Polyhedral frameworks as "frozen" configurations of learning cycles Global comprehension of learning pathways with polyhedra Circuits of polyhedral edges indicating global learning pathways Polyhedral global reframing of polarization and diversity Spherical knowledge organization appropriate to global dialogue Global configuration of "mobility" in relation to learning pathways -- stories and robots Implications of Pentagramma Mirificum and Napier's Rules for global strategic navigation Implications of "Miller's Rule" as constraint on global knowledge organization Polyhedral configuration of AI responses in contrast to lists Examples of cyclic 48-edged and 64-edged dynamic configurations Challenge of communicating with AI as a valuable learning metaphor Dialogue transformation enabled by polyhedral transformation? Learnings from interaction with AI in program development
Questionable nature of "globality" in dialogue AI Insights on global discourse from a Zen perspec... more Questionable nature of "globality" in dialogue AI Insights on global discourse from a Zen perspective Challenging contrasts between AI perspectives Contrasting Western perspectives on dialogue AI validation of Chinese classical perspectives on dialogue? Contrasting "ways of seeing" in global dialogue Memorability of complementary learning cycles Questionable futility of conventional global dialogue Misrepresentation and misunderstanding of global unity and consensus Implications of music for unity in diversity Absence of exemplars of best practice in global dialogue Multipolar versus unipolar dialogue and it implications AI articulation of exemplary global dialogue? Psychosocial critique of AI-enabled dialogue? Recognition of the underworld of global dialogue In quest of the deadly question for global dialogue
AI Commentary on the initial Summit proposal
Potential role of artificial intelligence in summitr... more AI Commentary on the initial Summit proposal Potential role of artificial intelligence in summitry Requisite variety of roles and interventions for significant synthesis Potential insights from a Zen perspective Insightful implications of Zen koans Potential correspondence with micronutrients essential to life Rendering a 48-fold set of insights memorable through visualization Recognition of learning pathways and cycles towards sustainable synthesis Correspondence with Inner Development Goals (IDGs) Koan insights potentially associated with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Recognition of transformational learning pathways Higher dimensional reconciliation of patterns vital to synthesis Enabling cross-cultural pattern comprehension through visualization Cross-cultural synthesis as a cognitive challenge of paradoxes and riddles Humour as a traditional key to memorable strategic insight Appropriate reservations about potential mnemonic correspondences
Memorable mapping possibilities framed by the micronutrients of physical health?
Distinctive beha... more Memorable mapping possibilities framed by the micronutrients of physical health? Distinctive behaviours associated with psychosocial micronutrients Ill-health as indicative of a systematic cognitive disconnect Engendering "psychosocial rocks" in response to psychosocial confinement Polyhedral characteristics enabling comprehension and operational viability Intelligent design and engendering self-organization Triplicity of micronutrients as a comprehensible viable system model? Metabolic pathways and cycles of psychosocial transformation? Tuning systems as potentially "healthy" psychoacoustic soundscapes
Implications of going sessile
Implications for strategic sessility
Strategic initiatives as uncon... more Implications of going sessile Implications for strategic sessility Strategic initiatives as unconscious token compensation? Transformation of memories into symbols disassociated from current preoccupations Desperate compensatory quest for youthfulness and novelty Recognition of maturity and wisdom -- youth versus elderly? Manipulation by the wise to evoke respect for their authority Problematic dynamics between the wisdom traditions and those acclaimed as wise Cognitive implications of radical minimalism in going sessile Institutional sessility and going home? Going sessile as being "at home"
Overview of content and focus Challenge of authenticity in relation to spiritual intelligence Iss... more Overview of content and focus Challenge of authenticity in relation to spiritual intelligence Issues of dramatic global concern Questions asked versus Answers offered Facilitation of contributor dialogue by AI Indicative representation of insights in aesthetic forms Potential musical reframing of themes of a journal issue Potential symbolic implications of relevance to governance Comment on technical constraints
Harmful disinformation exemplified by "sunrise" and "sunset"? Factual proof of sunrise and sunset... more Harmful disinformation exemplified by "sunrise" and "sunset"? Factual proof of sunrise and sunset? Clarification of implications of linguistic bias with AI assistance Requisite distinction beteeen "good" disinformation and "bad" disinformation Conceptual laxity of science faced with phenomenological experience? Reinforcing a "Flat Earth" mentality and its associated harmfulness? In quest of a lexicon of phenomenological relevance to otherness Cyclicity of relations with any "other" from a "heliocentric perspective" Galileo Commission report from an AI perspective References
Encoding the configuration of incommensurable cognitive modalities Relative incomprehensibility o... more Encoding the configuration of incommensurable cognitive modalities Relative incomprehensibility of the pattern of connectives Meaningful metaphorical correspondences of connectives Metaphorical correspondence of logical connectives to emotion, spirituality and action? Formal AI description of the mapping process Development of 3D imagery and interactive animations with AI assistance Experimental alternative labelling of 64 distinctions Framing strategic spherical dynamics with a truncated tesseract?
Humanity's "own goal" as a consequence of strategic paralysis Insights via AI from biological cel... more Humanity's "own goal" as a consequence of strategic paralysis Insights via AI from biological cell cleavage into comprehension and communication Embodiment of insight beyond capacity for verbal articulation From 5-fold to 8-fold and 16-fold patterns-and beyond Cognitive insights from 24-fold organization of music Transformational implications of 6-fold organization in 4D Intuitive identification of more complex patterns Global strategic coherence in 5D? Towards navigation of multidimensional complexity via a "Rosetta Stone"? Sense of identity within "curled-up dimensions"? Beyond "flattened" configurations of strategic insights and principles Memorable and communicable representation through mnemonic resonance Eliciting comprehensible order of higher dimensionality via geometry Gamification and transcending the dynamics of particular games Strategic geometry as "making points", "taking sides", gaining or losing "face"-or an "edge" Metaphorical strategic geometry from the perspective of "optics" Strategic objectivity, metaphorical embodiment, and the observational challenge Recognition of global strategic diseases-"blindness", "deafness", "posture", ADHD? Strategic romance, courtship and seduction Strategic implications of sexual dynamics and their exciting representation
Consideration of AI constraints regarding controversial themes
Elaborating a controversial artic... more Consideration of AI constraints regarding controversial themes
Elaborating a controversial articulation with AI assistance
Evoking fruitful initiatives from promotion of problematic strategies
Articulation of the Unsustainable Development Goals of the United Nations?
Blameworthiness and the systemic attribution of blame
Poetic articulation of tragedy and potential?
Requisite variety of dimensions and voices
Transcending superficiality and tokenism through "duelling"
Transcending constraints of binary articulations
Challenging evocative role of a "court jester"
Paradox of any complacent meta-perspective?
Fourfold patterns of contrasting cognitive modalities
Distinctive game roles with both cognitive ... more Fourfold patterns of contrasting cognitive modalities Distinctive game roles with both cognitive and strategic implications Traditional articulated arrays with cognitive and strategic implications Knight-like gambit exemplifying creation or destruction Perception of Swastika variants as the epitome of polarization Representing the surprising transition between incommensurable cognitive modalities Chaining connectives in a Knight's move transition Metaphorical distinction of conditions within and between modalities Interrelating incommensurable cognitive modalities as phases Formulation of a memorable conjecture in contrast to a premature solution Conjecture presentation as a challenging puzzle of strategic design Paradox of strategic ambiguity in destruction and creation Representation of stages of integration and disintegration Relevant integrative perspectives on the swastika from 4D? Envisaging a cognitive Rosetta Stone with the aid of AI
Reframing dialogue between Russia and Ukraine? Reframing dialogue between Israel and Palestine? R... more Reframing dialogue between Russia and Ukraine? Reframing dialogue between Israel and Palestine? Reframing dialogue between North and South Korea? Chess as the exemplification of connective strategic logic? Implications of Knight's move strategy in logical dialogues Reframing intractable dialogue as an infinite game? Recognizing alternative "infinite games"? Religions and academic disciplines as infinite games? Swastika variants exemplifying the challenge of dialogue polarization Positive versus negative from a systems critical thinking perspective Contrasting insights from the Game of Go-China versus USA? Martial arts as a metaphor for negotiation with logical connectives Potential reframing of intractable conflicts by AI? Beyond conventional logical connectives in dialogue with AI? Interrelating traditional and emergent connective frameworks
Clarification of possibilities of UN debate analysis by AI
Clarification of methodology of analy... more Clarification of possibilities of UN debate analysis by AI
Clarification of methodology of analysis with original debate statements
Oversimplification of strategic debate through absence of connectives
Possibilities for further development of analysis of international strategic debate
Eliciting global strategic coherence through presentation of insights in non-textual media
Requisite variety of a pattern of connectives for systemic viability
Recognizing a coherent meta-pattern through a pattern of connectives
Poetry as enabling coherent global policy-making?
Transcending symbolic aesthetic tokenism of international institutions
Connective configuration as a strategic complement to "muddling through"
Problematic "compass" of directional directives of the UN?
Implications of connectives for UN reform and organization of knowledge
Implications of UN reform for future engagement with the public and AIs
Challenge of "alien" connectives to United Nations processes
Musicalization of logical connectives
Implications of duet musicalization for governance of a po... more Musicalization of logical connectives
Implications of duet musicalization for governance of a polarized society
Memorable musical configurations of 16 connectives?
Reframing the two voices formalized by oppositional logic and its geometry
Enabling AI-composed "musical accompaniment" to political debate?
AI-indication of "musical resolution" of political differences
Musical clarification of emotional connectives and spiritual connectives
Musical clarification of polarization -- "good" versus "evil"?
Framing "unacceptable" and "acceptable" in a 16-fold pattern of connectives
Implication of connectives in legal proceedings claiming to ensure justice
Physical violence versus structural violence as reframed through connectives
AI-identification of exemplary connectives in classical music
Reframing individual SDGs as "voices" in a choir
Elaborating a "musical compass" for strategic navigation of SDGs
Musicalization of the "voices" in entrenched conflicts through connectives
Recognizing connectives in political discourse through musicalization
Relevance of the pattern of connectives to reframing "two-state" reconciliation
Dynamic interweaving of connectives through alternation in epic cycles
Potential correspondences between logical, emotional, spiritual and practical modalities Identifi... more Potential correspondences between logical, emotional, spiritual and practical modalities Identification of pathways between cognitive modalities Chess and Go implications for Ukraine-Russia, Israel-Palestine, China-Taiwan, and the Koreas Implications for dialogue in addressing international conflicts Pathways between cognitive modalities in courtship Dynamics of bipedalism and quadrupedalism indicative of "cognitive gait" Connective "borrowing" between cognitive modalities Insightful representation of pathways of 4-fold cognitive patterns Systematic avoidance of complex modality patterns in governance Emergent integrative perspective from a 4-fold to a 5-fold modality Transcending the strange cognitive attractor of binary dynamics Corresponding intelligent connectives in animals and plants? Bridging pathways between cognitive modalities through humour AI analysis of connectives in the UN's Pact for the Future and its Global Digital Compact
SDGs as a polyhedral system of cycles?
Existential implications of effective engagement with SDG... more SDGs as a polyhedral system of cycles?
Existential implications of effective engagement with SDGs
Systemic indications from metabolic cycles of SDG viability for the collective
Towards a method of AI-enabled SDG cycle detection
Feasibility of change encoded by minimal degree of phase transition?
Refinement of hexagram-encoded cycle detection methods
Iterative development of a cycle detection algorithm
Reframing the method with an alternative AI
Varieties of cycle presented geometrically in 3D
Narrative interpretation of SDG cycles
Metabolic cycles as instructive analogues to SDG cycles
Development insight processing in the light of photosynthesis?
Disorderly sustainable development implied by metabolic disorders
Disruption of strategic logic by other patterns of connectives
Reframing UN reform as reform of knowledge organization
Historical development of systemic quantification from abacus to polyhedra? Meaningful "turbochar... more Historical development of systemic quantification from abacus to polyhedra? Meaningful "turbocharging" of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals? Detection and representation of cycles in 2D mappings Relevance of AI pattern recognition to detection of SDG cycles Constraints on cycle representation in 3D as metaphors for relative comprehension Memorable feedback cycles in 3D mappings of SDG relevance? Representation of SDG potential cycle dynamics in 3D Enhancing SDG comprehensibility and memorability through colorification Enhancing SDG comprehensibility and memorability through sonification Clarification of potential systemic significance of SDG cycles through narrative Relevance of a polyhedral abacus to turbocharging SDGs? Other cyclic possibilities and their enactivation as metaphors
Relevance of the truncated tesseract as a template for comprehensible mapping Mapping indications... more Relevance of the truncated tesseract as a template for comprehensible mapping Mapping indications offered by traditional metaphors Formal reframing of the mapping challenge? 16-fold pattern of logical connectives 16-fold emotional connectives, aesthetic connectives, and multiple intelligences? Topological patterns of sustainable change as catastrophe Disparate metaphors of potential complementary relevance Cognitive implications of organizing complementary metaphors Responding to polarization through apophatic discourse Requisite variety of memes and perspectives Implication of 64-fold patterns of genetic codons and mathematics? Values and goals in 8-fold and 16-fold patterns Enabling engagement with SDGs through a 64-fold pattern Reframing UN's Global Digital Compact as a coherent memorable pattern Colorification and sonification of 64-fold patterns of cycles Distinguishing 48-fold and 100-fold sets of koans as paradoxical insights
Methodological comment on experimental use of AI
Variety of geopolitical two-states articulated a... more Methodological comment on experimental use of AI Variety of geopolitical two-states articulated as a 64-fold pattern Identification of two-state roots polarizing strategic discourse Experimental articulation of a 64-fold pattern of discourse modalities Experimental articulation of 64-fold pattern of right-wrong / good-evil / innocence-guilt Exploring the problem-solution polarity as a 64-fold strategic pattern Recognition of 4-fold and 8-fold Western patterns of strategic relevance Images of organization as a 64-fold Western pattern of strategic relevance Exploring a 64-fold pattern of love-hate / like-dislike Symbolic encoding and the challenge to interpretation Towards a generic understanding of two-state patterns Finger-pointing challenge of potential miscommunication Cognitive exemplars and their questionable positive or negative appreciation Problematic assumptions regarding category articulation in a pattern language Reframing Sustainable Development Goals dynamically? Challenge of memorable comprehension of 64-fold patterns as "cognitive fusion" Mathematics Subject Classification as a 64-fold pattern language
Range of applications of the two-state concept
Two-state geopolitical proposals
Research on geopo... more Range of applications of the two-state concept Two-state geopolitical proposals Research on geopolitical two-state possibilities Blurring the relation between states beyond the "two-state" model Multi-state solutions beyond the "two-state" -- 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12? Extraterritorial enclaves, special jurisdictions and "special relationships" Challenge to "statehood" of indigenous cultures and alternative worlds Diasporas, reservations and micronations as challenges to traditional statehood Two-state focus as an exemplification of constrained "binary thinking" Deprecation of otherness as an instance of "binary thinking" Neglected dynamic of alternation in two-state modelling Dramatic reframing eliciting cognitive engagement Linguistic and cultural implications of "two-state" Questionable role of religion in reinforcing unfruitful two-state frameworks Potential reframing of two-state by mathematical theology Mythological reframing of two-state dynamics by the humanities? Collective consciousness and unconsciousness -- a psychosocial two-state dynamic? Challenge avoidance through "dialogue" and "interdisciplinary research"? Psychosocial inertia and procrastination in response to the two-state challenge
Justification for relatively complex polyhedra in integrative mapping
Triplicity triangulation as... more Justification for relatively complex polyhedra in integrative mapping Triplicity triangulation as a corrective for misrepresentation Relevance of Q-analysis to transcendence of cognitive disconnect? Polyhedral frameworks as "frozen" configurations of learning cycles Global comprehension of learning pathways with polyhedra Circuits of polyhedral edges indicating global learning pathways Polyhedral global reframing of polarization and diversity Spherical knowledge organization appropriate to global dialogue Global configuration of "mobility" in relation to learning pathways -- stories and robots Implications of Pentagramma Mirificum and Napier's Rules for global strategic navigation Implications of "Miller's Rule" as constraint on global knowledge organization Polyhedral configuration of AI responses in contrast to lists Examples of cyclic 48-edged and 64-edged dynamic configurations Challenge of communicating with AI as a valuable learning metaphor Dialogue transformation enabled by polyhedral transformation? Learnings from interaction with AI in program development
Questionable nature of "globality" in dialogue AI Insights on global discourse from a Zen perspec... more Questionable nature of "globality" in dialogue AI Insights on global discourse from a Zen perspective Challenging contrasts between AI perspectives Contrasting Western perspectives on dialogue AI validation of Chinese classical perspectives on dialogue? Contrasting "ways of seeing" in global dialogue Memorability of complementary learning cycles Questionable futility of conventional global dialogue Misrepresentation and misunderstanding of global unity and consensus Implications of music for unity in diversity Absence of exemplars of best practice in global dialogue Multipolar versus unipolar dialogue and it implications AI articulation of exemplary global dialogue? Psychosocial critique of AI-enabled dialogue? Recognition of the underworld of global dialogue In quest of the deadly question for global dialogue
AI Commentary on the initial Summit proposal
Potential role of artificial intelligence in summitr... more AI Commentary on the initial Summit proposal Potential role of artificial intelligence in summitry Requisite variety of roles and interventions for significant synthesis Potential insights from a Zen perspective Insightful implications of Zen koans Potential correspondence with micronutrients essential to life Rendering a 48-fold set of insights memorable through visualization Recognition of learning pathways and cycles towards sustainable synthesis Correspondence with Inner Development Goals (IDGs) Koan insights potentially associated with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Recognition of transformational learning pathways Higher dimensional reconciliation of patterns vital to synthesis Enabling cross-cultural pattern comprehension through visualization Cross-cultural synthesis as a cognitive challenge of paradoxes and riddles Humour as a traditional key to memorable strategic insight Appropriate reservations about potential mnemonic correspondences
Memorable mapping possibilities framed by the micronutrients of physical health?
Distinctive beha... more Memorable mapping possibilities framed by the micronutrients of physical health? Distinctive behaviours associated with psychosocial micronutrients Ill-health as indicative of a systematic cognitive disconnect Engendering "psychosocial rocks" in response to psychosocial confinement Polyhedral characteristics enabling comprehension and operational viability Intelligent design and engendering self-organization Triplicity of micronutrients as a comprehensible viable system model? Metabolic pathways and cycles of psychosocial transformation? Tuning systems as potentially "healthy" psychoacoustic soundscapes
Implications of going sessile
Implications for strategic sessility
Strategic initiatives as uncon... more Implications of going sessile Implications for strategic sessility Strategic initiatives as unconscious token compensation? Transformation of memories into symbols disassociated from current preoccupations Desperate compensatory quest for youthfulness and novelty Recognition of maturity and wisdom -- youth versus elderly? Manipulation by the wise to evoke respect for their authority Problematic dynamics between the wisdom traditions and those acclaimed as wise Cognitive implications of radical minimalism in going sessile Institutional sessility and going home? Going sessile as being "at home"
Overview of content and focus Challenge of authenticity in relation to spiritual intelligence Iss... more Overview of content and focus Challenge of authenticity in relation to spiritual intelligence Issues of dramatic global concern Questions asked versus Answers offered Facilitation of contributor dialogue by AI Indicative representation of insights in aesthetic forms Potential musical reframing of themes of a journal issue Potential symbolic implications of relevance to governance Comment on technical constraints
Ordering 3D configurations of curves of increasing complexity
Configurations of curves in 3D of i... more Ordering 3D configurations of curves of increasing complexity Configurations of curves in 3D of increasing complexity Configurations in 3D: -- single continuous curves (Group I) -- interlocking disjoint curves (Group II) -- animations offering a 3D perspective (Group III) -- fractional rotation of continuous curves with indication of increased spread (Group IV) -- animation of curves with indication of increased spread (Group V) -- animations of toroidal curves with indication of increased spread (Group VI) Interpretation of knot language? Psychosocial implications of configurations of curves? Static description of cycles versus the dynamics of Cyclic experience Implicit coherence speculatively explored? Relative interestingness and boringness of forms of coherence Sustainable dynamics "re-cognized" as knots? Articulation and complexification of cycles of sustainability Musical comprehension of unity versus diversity using four geometric parameters? Imagined potential of circular forms as a pattern language
Papers by Anthony Judge
Elaborating a controversial articulation with AI assistance
Evoking fruitful initiatives from promotion of problematic strategies
Articulation of the Unsustainable Development Goals of the United Nations?
Blameworthiness and the systemic attribution of blame
Poetic articulation of tragedy and potential?
Requisite variety of dimensions and voices
Transcending superficiality and tokenism through "duelling"
Transcending constraints of binary articulations
Challenging evocative role of a "court jester"
Paradox of any complacent meta-perspective?
Distinctive game roles with both cognitive and strategic implications
Traditional articulated arrays with cognitive and strategic implications
Knight-like gambit exemplifying creation or destruction
Perception of Swastika variants as the epitome of polarization
Representing the surprising transition between incommensurable cognitive modalities
Chaining connectives in a Knight's move transition
Metaphorical distinction of conditions within and between modalities
Interrelating incommensurable cognitive modalities as phases
Formulation of a memorable conjecture in contrast to a premature solution
Conjecture presentation as a challenging puzzle of strategic design
Paradox of strategic ambiguity in destruction and creation
Representation of stages of integration and disintegration
Relevant integrative perspectives on the swastika from 4D?
Envisaging a cognitive Rosetta Stone with the aid of AI
Clarification of methodology of analysis with original debate statements
Oversimplification of strategic debate through absence of connectives
Possibilities for further development of analysis of international strategic debate
Eliciting global strategic coherence through presentation of insights in non-textual media
Requisite variety of a pattern of connectives for systemic viability
Recognizing a coherent meta-pattern through a pattern of connectives
Poetry as enabling coherent global policy-making?
Transcending symbolic aesthetic tokenism of international institutions
Connective configuration as a strategic complement to "muddling through"
Problematic "compass" of directional directives of the UN?
Implications of connectives for UN reform and organization of knowledge
Implications of UN reform for future engagement with the public and AIs
Challenge of "alien" connectives to United Nations processes
Implications of duet musicalization for governance of a polarized society
Memorable musical configurations of 16 connectives?
Reframing the two voices formalized by oppositional logic and its geometry
Enabling AI-composed "musical accompaniment" to political debate?
AI-indication of "musical resolution" of political differences
Musical clarification of emotional connectives and spiritual connectives
Musical clarification of polarization -- "good" versus "evil"?
Framing "unacceptable" and "acceptable" in a 16-fold pattern of connectives
Implication of connectives in legal proceedings claiming to ensure justice
Physical violence versus structural violence as reframed through connectives
AI-identification of exemplary connectives in classical music
Reframing individual SDGs as "voices" in a choir
Elaborating a "musical compass" for strategic navigation of SDGs
Musicalization of the "voices" in entrenched conflicts through connectives
Recognizing connectives in political discourse through musicalization
Relevance of the pattern of connectives to reframing "two-state" reconciliation
Dynamic interweaving of connectives through alternation in epic cycles
Existential implications of effective engagement with SDGs
Systemic indications from metabolic cycles of SDG viability for the collective
Towards a method of AI-enabled SDG cycle detection
Feasibility of change encoded by minimal degree of phase transition?
Refinement of hexagram-encoded cycle detection methods
Iterative development of a cycle detection algorithm
Reframing the method with an alternative AI
Varieties of cycle presented geometrically in 3D
Narrative interpretation of SDG cycles
Metabolic cycles as instructive analogues to SDG cycles
Development insight processing in the light of photosynthesis?
Disorderly sustainable development implied by metabolic disorders
Disruption of strategic logic by other patterns of connectives
Reframing UN reform as reform of knowledge organization
Variety of geopolitical two-states articulated as a 64-fold pattern
Identification of two-state roots polarizing strategic discourse
Experimental articulation of a 64-fold pattern of discourse modalities
Experimental articulation of 64-fold pattern of right-wrong / good-evil / innocence-guilt
Exploring the problem-solution polarity as a 64-fold strategic pattern
Recognition of 4-fold and 8-fold Western patterns of strategic relevance
Images of organization as a 64-fold Western pattern of strategic relevance
Exploring a 64-fold pattern of love-hate / like-dislike
Symbolic encoding and the challenge to interpretation
Towards a generic understanding of two-state patterns
Finger-pointing challenge of potential miscommunication
Cognitive exemplars and their questionable positive or negative appreciation
Problematic assumptions regarding category articulation in a pattern language
Reframing Sustainable Development Goals dynamically?
Challenge of memorable comprehension of 64-fold patterns as "cognitive fusion"
Mathematics Subject Classification as a 64-fold pattern language
Two-state geopolitical proposals
Research on geopolitical two-state possibilities
Blurring the relation between states beyond the "two-state" model
Multi-state solutions beyond the "two-state" -- 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12?
Extraterritorial enclaves, special jurisdictions and "special relationships"
Challenge to "statehood" of indigenous cultures and alternative worlds
Diasporas, reservations and micronations as challenges to traditional statehood
Two-state focus as an exemplification of constrained "binary thinking"
Deprecation of otherness as an instance of "binary thinking"
Neglected dynamic of alternation in two-state modelling
Dramatic reframing eliciting cognitive engagement
Linguistic and cultural implications of "two-state"
Questionable role of religion in reinforcing unfruitful two-state frameworks
Potential reframing of two-state by mathematical theology
Mythological reframing of two-state dynamics by the humanities?
Collective consciousness and unconsciousness -- a psychosocial two-state dynamic?
Challenge avoidance through "dialogue" and "interdisciplinary research"?
Psychosocial inertia and procrastination in response to the two-state challenge
Triplicity triangulation as a corrective for misrepresentation
Relevance of Q-analysis to transcendence of cognitive disconnect?
Polyhedral frameworks as "frozen" configurations of learning cycles
Global comprehension of learning pathways with polyhedra
Circuits of polyhedral edges indicating global learning pathways
Polyhedral global reframing of polarization and diversity
Spherical knowledge organization appropriate to global dialogue
Global configuration of "mobility" in relation to learning pathways -- stories and robots
Implications of Pentagramma Mirificum and Napier's Rules for global strategic navigation
Implications of "Miller's Rule" as constraint on global knowledge organization
Polyhedral configuration of AI responses in contrast to lists
Examples of cyclic 48-edged and 64-edged dynamic configurations
Challenge of communicating with AI as a valuable learning metaphor
Dialogue transformation enabled by polyhedral transformation?
Learnings from interaction with AI in program development
Potential role of artificial intelligence in summitry
Requisite variety of roles and interventions for significant synthesis
Potential insights from a Zen perspective
Insightful implications of Zen koans
Potential correspondence with micronutrients essential to life
Rendering a 48-fold set of insights memorable through visualization
Recognition of learning pathways and cycles towards sustainable synthesis
Correspondence with Inner Development Goals (IDGs)
Koan insights potentially associated with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Recognition of transformational learning pathways
Higher dimensional reconciliation of patterns vital to synthesis
Enabling cross-cultural pattern comprehension through visualization
Cross-cultural synthesis as a cognitive challenge of paradoxes and riddles
Humour as a traditional key to memorable strategic insight
Appropriate reservations about potential mnemonic correspondences
Distinctive behaviours associated with psychosocial micronutrients
Ill-health as indicative of a systematic cognitive disconnect
Engendering "psychosocial rocks" in response to psychosocial confinement
Polyhedral characteristics enabling comprehension and operational viability
Intelligent design and engendering self-organization
Triplicity of micronutrients as a comprehensible viable system model?
Metabolic pathways and cycles of psychosocial transformation?
Tuning systems as potentially "healthy" psychoacoustic soundscapes
Implications for strategic sessility
Strategic initiatives as unconscious token compensation?
Transformation of memories into symbols disassociated from current preoccupations
Desperate compensatory quest for youthfulness and novelty
Recognition of maturity and wisdom -- youth versus elderly?
Manipulation by the wise to evoke respect for their authority
Problematic dynamics between the wisdom traditions and those acclaimed as wise
Cognitive implications of radical minimalism in going sessile
Institutional sessility and going home?
Going sessile as being "at home"
Elaborating a controversial articulation with AI assistance
Evoking fruitful initiatives from promotion of problematic strategies
Articulation of the Unsustainable Development Goals of the United Nations?
Blameworthiness and the systemic attribution of blame
Poetic articulation of tragedy and potential?
Requisite variety of dimensions and voices
Transcending superficiality and tokenism through "duelling"
Transcending constraints of binary articulations
Challenging evocative role of a "court jester"
Paradox of any complacent meta-perspective?
Distinctive game roles with both cognitive and strategic implications
Traditional articulated arrays with cognitive and strategic implications
Knight-like gambit exemplifying creation or destruction
Perception of Swastika variants as the epitome of polarization
Representing the surprising transition between incommensurable cognitive modalities
Chaining connectives in a Knight's move transition
Metaphorical distinction of conditions within and between modalities
Interrelating incommensurable cognitive modalities as phases
Formulation of a memorable conjecture in contrast to a premature solution
Conjecture presentation as a challenging puzzle of strategic design
Paradox of strategic ambiguity in destruction and creation
Representation of stages of integration and disintegration
Relevant integrative perspectives on the swastika from 4D?
Envisaging a cognitive Rosetta Stone with the aid of AI
Clarification of methodology of analysis with original debate statements
Oversimplification of strategic debate through absence of connectives
Possibilities for further development of analysis of international strategic debate
Eliciting global strategic coherence through presentation of insights in non-textual media
Requisite variety of a pattern of connectives for systemic viability
Recognizing a coherent meta-pattern through a pattern of connectives
Poetry as enabling coherent global policy-making?
Transcending symbolic aesthetic tokenism of international institutions
Connective configuration as a strategic complement to "muddling through"
Problematic "compass" of directional directives of the UN?
Implications of connectives for UN reform and organization of knowledge
Implications of UN reform for future engagement with the public and AIs
Challenge of "alien" connectives to United Nations processes
Implications of duet musicalization for governance of a polarized society
Memorable musical configurations of 16 connectives?
Reframing the two voices formalized by oppositional logic and its geometry
Enabling AI-composed "musical accompaniment" to political debate?
AI-indication of "musical resolution" of political differences
Musical clarification of emotional connectives and spiritual connectives
Musical clarification of polarization -- "good" versus "evil"?
Framing "unacceptable" and "acceptable" in a 16-fold pattern of connectives
Implication of connectives in legal proceedings claiming to ensure justice
Physical violence versus structural violence as reframed through connectives
AI-identification of exemplary connectives in classical music
Reframing individual SDGs as "voices" in a choir
Elaborating a "musical compass" for strategic navigation of SDGs
Musicalization of the "voices" in entrenched conflicts through connectives
Recognizing connectives in political discourse through musicalization
Relevance of the pattern of connectives to reframing "two-state" reconciliation
Dynamic interweaving of connectives through alternation in epic cycles
Existential implications of effective engagement with SDGs
Systemic indications from metabolic cycles of SDG viability for the collective
Towards a method of AI-enabled SDG cycle detection
Feasibility of change encoded by minimal degree of phase transition?
Refinement of hexagram-encoded cycle detection methods
Iterative development of a cycle detection algorithm
Reframing the method with an alternative AI
Varieties of cycle presented geometrically in 3D
Narrative interpretation of SDG cycles
Metabolic cycles as instructive analogues to SDG cycles
Development insight processing in the light of photosynthesis?
Disorderly sustainable development implied by metabolic disorders
Disruption of strategic logic by other patterns of connectives
Reframing UN reform as reform of knowledge organization
Variety of geopolitical two-states articulated as a 64-fold pattern
Identification of two-state roots polarizing strategic discourse
Experimental articulation of a 64-fold pattern of discourse modalities
Experimental articulation of 64-fold pattern of right-wrong / good-evil / innocence-guilt
Exploring the problem-solution polarity as a 64-fold strategic pattern
Recognition of 4-fold and 8-fold Western patterns of strategic relevance
Images of organization as a 64-fold Western pattern of strategic relevance
Exploring a 64-fold pattern of love-hate / like-dislike
Symbolic encoding and the challenge to interpretation
Towards a generic understanding of two-state patterns
Finger-pointing challenge of potential miscommunication
Cognitive exemplars and their questionable positive or negative appreciation
Problematic assumptions regarding category articulation in a pattern language
Reframing Sustainable Development Goals dynamically?
Challenge of memorable comprehension of 64-fold patterns as "cognitive fusion"
Mathematics Subject Classification as a 64-fold pattern language
Two-state geopolitical proposals
Research on geopolitical two-state possibilities
Blurring the relation between states beyond the "two-state" model
Multi-state solutions beyond the "two-state" -- 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12?
Extraterritorial enclaves, special jurisdictions and "special relationships"
Challenge to "statehood" of indigenous cultures and alternative worlds
Diasporas, reservations and micronations as challenges to traditional statehood
Two-state focus as an exemplification of constrained "binary thinking"
Deprecation of otherness as an instance of "binary thinking"
Neglected dynamic of alternation in two-state modelling
Dramatic reframing eliciting cognitive engagement
Linguistic and cultural implications of "two-state"
Questionable role of religion in reinforcing unfruitful two-state frameworks
Potential reframing of two-state by mathematical theology
Mythological reframing of two-state dynamics by the humanities?
Collective consciousness and unconsciousness -- a psychosocial two-state dynamic?
Challenge avoidance through "dialogue" and "interdisciplinary research"?
Psychosocial inertia and procrastination in response to the two-state challenge
Triplicity triangulation as a corrective for misrepresentation
Relevance of Q-analysis to transcendence of cognitive disconnect?
Polyhedral frameworks as "frozen" configurations of learning cycles
Global comprehension of learning pathways with polyhedra
Circuits of polyhedral edges indicating global learning pathways
Polyhedral global reframing of polarization and diversity
Spherical knowledge organization appropriate to global dialogue
Global configuration of "mobility" in relation to learning pathways -- stories and robots
Implications of Pentagramma Mirificum and Napier's Rules for global strategic navigation
Implications of "Miller's Rule" as constraint on global knowledge organization
Polyhedral configuration of AI responses in contrast to lists
Examples of cyclic 48-edged and 64-edged dynamic configurations
Challenge of communicating with AI as a valuable learning metaphor
Dialogue transformation enabled by polyhedral transformation?
Learnings from interaction with AI in program development
Potential role of artificial intelligence in summitry
Requisite variety of roles and interventions for significant synthesis
Potential insights from a Zen perspective
Insightful implications of Zen koans
Potential correspondence with micronutrients essential to life
Rendering a 48-fold set of insights memorable through visualization
Recognition of learning pathways and cycles towards sustainable synthesis
Correspondence with Inner Development Goals (IDGs)
Koan insights potentially associated with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Recognition of transformational learning pathways
Higher dimensional reconciliation of patterns vital to synthesis
Enabling cross-cultural pattern comprehension through visualization
Cross-cultural synthesis as a cognitive challenge of paradoxes and riddles
Humour as a traditional key to memorable strategic insight
Appropriate reservations about potential mnemonic correspondences
Distinctive behaviours associated with psychosocial micronutrients
Ill-health as indicative of a systematic cognitive disconnect
Engendering "psychosocial rocks" in response to psychosocial confinement
Polyhedral characteristics enabling comprehension and operational viability
Intelligent design and engendering self-organization
Triplicity of micronutrients as a comprehensible viable system model?
Metabolic pathways and cycles of psychosocial transformation?
Tuning systems as potentially "healthy" psychoacoustic soundscapes
Implications for strategic sessility
Strategic initiatives as unconscious token compensation?
Transformation of memories into symbols disassociated from current preoccupations
Desperate compensatory quest for youthfulness and novelty
Recognition of maturity and wisdom -- youth versus elderly?
Manipulation by the wise to evoke respect for their authority
Problematic dynamics between the wisdom traditions and those acclaimed as wise
Cognitive implications of radical minimalism in going sessile
Institutional sessility and going home?
Going sessile as being "at home"
Configurations of curves in 3D of increasing complexity
Configurations in 3D:
-- single continuous curves (Group I)
-- interlocking disjoint curves (Group II)
-- animations offering a 3D perspective (Group III)
-- fractional rotation of continuous curves with indication of increased spread (Group IV)
-- animation of curves with indication of increased spread (Group V)
-- animations of toroidal curves with indication of increased spread (Group VI)
Interpretation of knot language?
Psychosocial implications of configurations of curves?
Static description of cycles versus the dynamics of Cyclic experience
Implicit coherence speculatively explored?
Relative interestingness and boringness of forms of coherence
Sustainable dynamics "re-cognized" as knots?
Articulation and complexification of cycles of sustainability
Musical comprehension of unity versus diversity using four geometric parameters?
Imagined potential of circular forms as a pattern language