Lattice gauge theory
Recent papers in Lattice gauge theory
The average action per plaquette is calculated for the pure SU(N)/ZN, N = 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 gauge groups using strong coupling expansions up to 13th order for euclidean lattice gauge theory in four space-time dimensions. These expansions... more
The gluon condensate of &menslon 4 is determined for a pure gauge SU ( 3 ) lattice gauge theory A critical review of the existing procedures to extract the condensate ~s presented
The functional integral for QCD is reformulated by introducing explicitly an integration over the fluctuations of composite quarkantiquark bound states. Chiral symmetry breaking by the color singlet scalar field induces masses for the... more
This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States _: "_ Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied,... more
The effects of gauge interactions in graphene have been analyzed up to now in terms of effective models of Dirac fermions. However, in several cases lattice effects play an important role and need to be taken consistently into account. In... more
The interplay of symmetry, topology, and many-body effects in the classification of phases of matter poses a formidable challenge in condensed-matter physics. Such many-body effects are typically induced by inter-particle interactions... more
We represent QCD at the hadronic scale by means of an effective Hamiltonian, H, formulated in the Coulomb gauge. As in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model, chiral symmetry is explicity broken, however our approach is renormalizable and also... more
Dirac-Weyl fermions are massless relativistic particles with a well-defined helicity which arise in the context of high-energy physics. Here we propose a quantum simulation of these paradigmatic fermions using multicomponent ultracold... more
The physical phase space in gauge systems is studied. Effects caused by a non-Euclidean geometry of the physical phase space in quantum gauge models are described in the operator and path integral formalisms. The projection on the Dirac... more
Description/Abstract The lattice formulation of Quantum Field Theory (QFT) can be exploited in many ways. We can derive the lattice Feynman rules and carry out weak coupling perturbation expansions. The lattice then serves as a manifestly... more
We investigate the Taylor expansion of the baryon number susceptibility, and hence, pressure, in a series in the baryon chemical potential (µB) through a lattice simulation with light dynamical staggered quarks at a finer lattice cutoff a... more
We describe the current search for confinement mechanisms in lattice QCD. We report on a recent derivation of a lattice Ehrenfest-Maxwell relation for the Abelian projection of SU(2) lattice gauge theory. This gives a precise lattice... more
We propose a new algorithm to compute the order-order interface tension in SU(N) lattice gauge theories. The algorithm is trivially generalizable to a variety of models, e.g., spin models. In the case N = 3, via the perfect wetting... more
Vertices are of central importance for constructing QCD bound states out of the individual constituents of the theory, i.e. quarks and gluons. In particular, the determination of three-point vertices is crucial in non-perturbative... more
We investigate numerically on the lattice the interplay of universality classes of the threedimensional Yukawa model with U(1) chiral symmetry, using the Binder method of finite size scaling. At zero Yukawa coupling the scaling related to... more
We represent QCD at the hadronic scale by means of an effective Hamiltonian, H, formulated in the Coulomb gauge. As in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model, chiral symmetry is dynamically broken, however our approach is renormalizable and also... more
We present results for the heavy quark potential computed in SU(3) from magnetic monopoles and from center vortices. The monopoles are identified after fixing SU(3) lattice configurations to the maximal abelian gauge. The center vortices... more
We study planar random holonomy fields which are processes indexed by paths on the plane which behave well under the concatenation and orientation-reversing operations on paths. We define the Planar Markovian Holonomy Fields as planar... more
The low-lying eigenmodes of the Dirac operator associated with typical gauge field configurations in QCD encode, among other low-energy properties, the physics behind the solution to the U_A(1) problem (i.e. the origin of the η'... more
Lattice gauge theory is an essential tool for strongly interacting non-Abelian fields, such as those in quantum chromodynamics where lattice results have been of central importance for several decades. Recent studies suggest that quantum... more
Some features of the high temperature gluonic matter, such as the breakdown of the fundamental group symmetry by the kinetic energy, the screening of test quarks by some unusual gluon states and the explanation of the absence of isolated... more
budgets. An alternative approach uses compute nodes based on a commercial processor tightly coupled to a custom-designed network processor. Preliminary analysis shows that this solution offers good performance, but it also entails several... more
Nonperturbative renormalization group analysis of the standard model
We have simulated QCD using 2+1 flavors of domain wall quarks on a (2.74 fm) 3 volume with an inverse lattice scale of a −1 = 1.729(28) GeV. The up and down (light) quarks are degenerate in our calculations and we have used four values... more
The hadron mass spectrum is calculated in lattice QCD using a novel fatlink clover fermion action in which only the irrelevant operators in the fermion action are constructed using smeared links. The simulations are performed on a 16 3 ×... more
A scaling analysis is made of the order parameter describing monopole condensation at the deconfining transition of N_f=2 QCD around the chiral point. In accordance with scaling properties of the specific heat, studied in a previous... more
SU(3) lattice gauge theory is studied by means of an improved action where a 2 × 2 Wilson loop is supplemented to the standard plaquette term. By contrast to earlier studies using a tree level improvement, the prefactor of the 2 × 2... more
We study quantum electrodynamics in a (2+1)-dimensional space-time with two flavors of dynamical fermions by numerical simulations on the lattice. We discretize the theory using both the compact and the noncompact formulations and analyze... more
The slowly evolving gauge coupling of gauge-fermion systems near the conformal window makes numerical investigations of these models challenging. We consider finite size scaling and show that this often used technique leads to... more
Discretization of supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) theories is an old problem in lattice field theory. It has resisted solution until recently when new ideas drawn from orbifold constructions and topological field theories have been... more
The starting point of any lattice QCD computation is the generation of a Markov chain of gauge field configurations. Due to the large number of lattice links and due to the matrix multiplications, generating SU(N c ) lattice QCD... more
We investigate topological charge and the index theorem on finite lattices numerically. Using mean field improved gauge field configurations we calculate the topological charge Q using the gluon field definition with O(a 4 )-improved... more
I review the current status of several lattice QCD results. I concentrate on new analytical developments and on numerical results relevant to phenomenology.
We discuss some effects of the boundary conditions on the topological properties of lattice gauge theories.
Dramatic progress has been made over the last decade in the numerical study of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) through the use of improved formulations of QCD on the lattice (improved actions), the development of new algorithms and the rapid... more
The gluon propagator is investigated in Landau and in maximal center gauge for the gauge group SU(2) by means of lattice gauge simulations. We find that Gribov ambiguities arising from the implementation of Landau gauge have a small... more
We present lattice simulation results corresponding to an SU(2) pure gauge theory defined on the orbifold space E 4 × I 1 , where E 4 is the four-dimensional Euclidean space and I 1 is an interval, with the gauge symmetry broken to a U(1)... more
This paper is concerned with integrals which integrands are the monomials of matrix elements of irreducible representations of classical groups. Based on analysis on Young tableaux, we discuss some related duality theorems and compute the... more
Renormalization of composite fields is employed to suppress the statistical noise in lattice gauge calculations. We propose a new action which differs from the standard Wilson action by "irrelevant" operators, but suppresses the... more
We explore simulations on periodic lattices in the Tomboulis $SO(3) \times Z(2)$ formulation. We measure gauge invariant vortex counters for "thin", "thick" and "hybrid" vortex sheets in order to tag Wilson... more
The case is made in this paper for encouraging the scientist to become familiar with architectural features of the supercomputer in use. This is essential for a proper choice of an efficient computational procedure for a given problem, as... more
This paper is concerned with integrals which integrands are the monomials of matrix elements of irreducible representations of classical groups. Based on analysis on Young tableaux, we discuss some related duality theorems and compute the... more
Suppressing monopoles and vortices by introducing large chemical potentials for them in the Wilson action for the SU(2) lattice gauge theory, we study the nature of the deconfinement phase transition on N 3 σ × N τ lattices for N τ = 4,... more
We analyze the distribution of the chromoelectric field generated by a static quark-antiquark pair in the SU(3) vacuum and revisit previous results for SU(2). We find that the transverse profile of the flux tube resembles the dual version... more