Recent papers in Supergravity
Forty years after theorists married General Relativity with Supersymmetry, Supergravity continues to carve out new directions in the search for a Unified Theory.
(Contribution to CERN Courier, Jan/Feb. 2017)
(Contribution to CERN Courier, Jan/Feb. 2017)
We construct the Killing(-Yano) tensors for a large class of charged black holes in higher dimensions and study general properties of such tensors, in particular, their behavior under string dualities. Killing(-Yano) tensors encode the... more
Contribution to "Enciclopedia della Scienza e della Tecnica", Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Treccani, 2003
This thesis compiles the results of six works which deal with - inflationary model building and estimation of cosmological parameters from various field theoretic setup, quantification of reheating temperature, studies of leptogenesis in... more
In this thesis, consisting of two main parts, we study observational signatures of cosmic (super)strings in the context of D-brane inflation and properties of scalar perturbations on generic homogeneous inflating backgrounds. In the first... more
Expository notes on Clifford algebras and spinors with a detailed discussion of Majorana, Weyl, and Dirac spinors. The paper is meant as a review of background material, needed, in particular, in now fashionable theoretical speculations... more
We review the major mathematical concepts involved in the dimensional reduction of D=11 N=1 supergravity theory over a Calabi-Yau manifold with non-trivial complex structure moduli resulting in ungauged D=5 N=2 supergravity theory with... more
A discussion of String Theory highlighting some key historical steps, the main achievements and some of the main open questions. Most of the presentation is aimed at the general public, but graduate students will be able to get more... more
Contribution aux actes du congrès sur « Conoscenza, trascendenza e carità », Université pontificale du Latran, Rome, 26 mai 2016
Adaptation française : ateliers de traduction 2018, Faculté de Traduction et d’Interprétation – UMONS
Adaptation française : ateliers de traduction 2018, Faculté de Traduction et d’Interprétation – UMONS
In this work, we have developed an elegant algorithm to study the cosmological consequences from a huge class of quantum field theories (i.e. superstring theory, supergrav-ity, extra dimensional theory, modified gravity etc.), which are... more
Prefazione al volume di Paolo Di Sia, "Supergravità nel superspazio: panoramica generale e analisi tecnica", Aracne, 2014
This paper is fundamentally a review, a thesis, of principal results obtained in some sectors of Number Theory and String Theory of various authoritative theoretical physicists and mathematicians. Precisely, we have described some... more
Consciousness is considered as a fundamental property of the universe in quantum theories of consciousness. We consider our physical universe as appeared by the phase-like transition of the energy waves, unfolded from 10 dimensions. The... more
In this paper my prime objective is to analyze the constraints on a sub-Planckian excursion of a single inflaton field within Effective Field Theory framework in a model independent fashion. For a generic single field inflationary... more
We find half-BPS vortex solitons, at both weak and strong coupling, in the N = 6 supersymmetric mass deformation of ABJM theory with U(N) × U(N) gauge symmetry and Chern-Simons level k. The strong coupling gravity dual is obtained by... more
P. Di Sia
“Relevant tools in building supergravity theories”
Integrated Journal of British (ISSN: 2349-9419), Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp. 1-5 (May-June 2015)
(2014 U.I.F.: 3.9345)
“Relevant tools in building supergravity theories”
Integrated Journal of British (ISSN: 2349-9419), Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp. 1-5 (May-June 2015)
(2014 U.I.F.: 3.9345)
The presence of RR and NS three-form fluxes in type IIB string compactification on a Calabi-Yau orientifold gives rise to a nontrivial superpotential W for the dilaton and complex structure moduli. This superpotential is computable in... more
It has been recently shown that the eigenvalues of the Dirac operator can be considered as dynamical variables of Euclidean gravity. The purpose of this paper is to explore the possibility that the eigenvalues of the Dirac operator might... more
We describe in detail the derivation of a superconformal off-shell formulation of the alternative N=2, d=5 ungauged supergravity of Nishino and Rajpoot, coupled to n Abelian vector multiplets, using a general dilaton-Weyl multiplet. We... more
In this paper I provide a general framework based on $\delta N$ formalism to study the features of unavoidable higher dimensional non-renormalizable K\"ahler operators for ${\cal N}=1$ supergravity (SUGRA) during primordial inflation from... more
We introduce a model of potential driven DBI Galileon inflation in background N=1,D=4 SUGRA. Starting from D4-$\bar{D4}$ brane-antibrane in the bulk N=2,D=5 SUGRA including quadratic Gauss-Bonnet corrections, we derive an effective... more
Aracne Editrice, via Raffaele Garofalo 133/A-B – 00173 Roma (Italy) (2014)
ISBN 978-88-548-7875-4
17 x 24 cm, 152 pp.
ISBN 978-88-548-7875-4
17 x 24 cm, 152 pp.
We study the large volume limit of the scalar potential in Calabi-Yau flux compactifications of type IIB string theory. Under general circumstances there exists a limit in which the potential approaches zero from below, with an associated... more
We construct four-dimensional domain wall solutions of N = 2 gauged supergravity coupled to vector and to hypermultiplets. The gauged supergravity theories that we consider are obtained by performing two types of Abelian gauging. In both... more
We review the origin of soft supersymmetry-breaking terms in N = 1 supergravity models of particle physics. We first consider general formulae for those terms in general models with a hidden sector breaking supersymmetry at an... more
We construct matter-coupled N = 2 supergravity in five dimensions, using the superconformal approach. For the matter sector we take an arbitrary number of vector, tensor and hypermultiplets. By allowing off-diagonal vector-tensor... more
This review is devoted to some aspects of non–linear Supersymmetry in four dimensions that can be efficiently described via nilpotent superfields, in both rigid and curved Superspace. Our focus is mainly on the partial breaking of rigid N... more
The general solutions of the radial attractor flow equations for extremal black holes, both for non-BPS with non-vanishing central charge Z and for Z = 0, are obtained for the so-called stu model, the minimal rank-3 N = 2 symmetric... more
In this revisited research thesis, we calculate some Ramanujan expressions concerning the "First letter to Hardy". We describe the possible mathematical connections with some equations and topics concerning the Supersymmetry Breaking,... more
In this paper we discuss candidate superconformal N = 2 gauge theories that realize the AdS/CFT correspondence with M-theory compactified on the homogeneous Sasakian 7-manifolds M 7 that were classified long ago. In particular we focus on... more
We attempt to reconcile seemingly conflicting experimental results on the Higgs boson mass, the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, null results in search for supersymmetry at the LHC within the 8 TeV data and results from B-physics,... more
We give the full supersymmetric and kappa-symmetric actions for the Dirichlet p-branes, including their coupling to background superfields of ten-dimensional type IIA and IIB supergravity.
We update the D3/D7-brane inflation model on K3×T 2 /Z 2 with branes and fluxes. For this purpose, we study the low energy theory including g s corrections to the gaugino condensate superpotential that stabilizes the K3 volume modulus.... more
An N = 1/2 supergravity in four Euclidean spacetime dimensions, coupled to both vector-and scalar-multiplet matter, is constructed for the first time. We begin with the standard N = (1, 1) conformally extended supergravity in four... more
We derive an exact expression for the Fourier coefficients of elliptic genera of Calabi-Yau manifolds. When applied to k-fold symmetric products of K3 surfaces the expression is well-suited to studying the AdS/CFT correspondence on AdS3 x... more
SPheno is a program that accurately calculates the supersymmetric particle spectrum within a high scale theory, such as minimal supergravity, gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking, anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking, or string... more
[hep-ph] is incorrect. Here we explicitly show why the sub-Planckian field excursion of the inflaton field can yield large observable tensor-to-scalar ratio, which satisfies both Planck and BICEP constraints.
In this research thesis, we describe various equations concerning the Volkov-Akulov-Starobinsky supergravity. We obtain new possible mathematical connections with several parameters of Number Theory and String Theory. Below the link of... more
Abdus Salam was a true master of 20th Century Theoretical Physics. Not only was he a pioneer of the Standard Model (for which he shared the Nobel Prize with S. Glashow and S. Weinberg), but he also (co)authored many other outstanding... more
The holomorphicity property of N = 1 superpotentials or of N = 2 F-terms involving vector multiplets is generalized to the case of N = 4 1/2-BPS effective operators defined in harmonic superspace. The resulting harmonicity equations are... more
The fortieth anniversary of the original construction of Supergravity provides an opportunity to combine some reminiscences of its early days with an assessment of its impact on the quest for a quantum theory of gravity.
We present a complete explicit N=1, d=4 supergravity action in an arbitrary Jordan frame with non-minimal scalar-curvature coupling of the form $\Phi(z, \bar z)\, R$. The action is derived by suitably gauge-fixing the superconformal... more