10. EW model and constraints on new physics 1
Revised December 2003 by J. Erler (U. Mexico) and P. Langacker
(Univ. of Pennsylvania).
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Renormalization and radiative corrections
10.3 Cross-section and asymmetry formulas
10.4 W and Z decays
10.5 Experimental results
10.6 Constraints on new physics
arXiv:hep-ph/0407097v1 8 Jul 2004
10.1. Introduction
The standard electroweak model (SM) is based on the gauge
group [1] SU(2) × U(1), with gauge bosons Wµi , i = 1, 2, 3, and Bµ
for the SU(2) and U(1) factors, respectively, and the corresponding
g and g ′ . The left-handed fermion fields
of the ith fermion family transform as doublets
under SU(2), where d′i ≡ j Vij dj , and V is the Cabibbo-KobayashiMaskawa mixing matrix. (Constraints on V and tests of universality
are discussed in Ref. 2 and in the Section on the Cabibbo-KobayashiMaskawa mixing matrix.) The right-handed fields are SU(2) singlets.
In the minimal model there arethree fermion families and a single
ψi =
complex Higgs doublet φ ≡
After spontaneous symmetry breaking the Lagrangian for the
fermion fields is
gmi H
ψ i i 6 ∂ − mi −
LF =
g X
ψ i γ µ 1 − γ 5 T + Wµ+ + T − Wµ− ψi
− √
2 2 i
qi ψ i γ µ ψi Aµ
i 5
ψi Zµ .
ψ i γ µ gVi − gA
2 cos θW
θW ≡ tan−1 (g ′ /g) is the weak angle; e = g sin θW is the positron
electric charge; and A ≡ B cos θW
√ + W sin θW is the (massless)
photon field. W ≡ (W ∓ iW )/ 2 and Z ≡ −B sin θW + W 3 cos θW
are the massive charged and neutral weak boson fields, respectively.
T + and T − are the weak isospin raising and lowering operators. The
vector and axial-vector couplings are
gVi ≡ t3L (i) − 2qi sin2 θW ,
≡ t3L (i) ,
CITATION: S. Eidelman et al., Physics Letters B592, 1 (2004)
available on the PDG WWW pages (URL:
February 2, 2008
10. EW model and constraints on new physics
where t3L (i) is the weak isospin of fermion i (+1/2 for ui and νi ;
−1/2 for di and ei ) and qi is the charge of ψi in units of e.
The second term in LF represents the charged-current weak
interaction [3,4]. For example, the coupling of a W to an electron
and a neutrino is
Wµ− e γ µ 1 − γ 5 ν + Wµ+ ν γ µ 1 − γ 5 e . (10.3)
− √
2 2 sin θW
For momenta small compared to MW , this term gives rise to the
effective four-fermion interaction with the Fermi constant
√ given (at tree
2 .
level, i.e., lowest order in perturbation theory) by GF / 2 = g 2 /8MW
CP violation is incorporated in the SM by a single observable phase
in Vij . The third term in LF describes electromagnetic interactions
(QED), and the last is the weak neutral-current interaction.
In Eq. (10.1), mi is the mass of the ith fermion ψi . For the quarks
these are the current masses. For the light quarks, as described
in the Particle Listings, m
b u ≈ 1.5–4.5 MeV, m
b d ≈ 5–8.5 MeV,
and m
b s ≈ 80–155 MeV. These are running MS masses evaluated
at the scale µ = 2 GeV. (In this Section we denote quantities
defined in the MS scheme by a caret; the exception is the strong
coupling constant, αs , which will always correspond to the MS
definition and where the caret will be dropped.) For the heavier
quarks we use QCD sum rule constraints [5] and recalculate
their masses in each call of our fits to account for their direct
αs dependence. We find, m
b c (µ = m
b c ) = 1.290+0.040
−0.045 GeV and
b b (µ = m
b b ) = 4.206 ± 0.031 GeV, with a correlation of 29%.
The top quark “pole” mass, mt = 177.9 ± 4.4 GeV, is an average
of CDF results from run I [6] and run II [7], as well as the
DØ dilepton [8] and lepton plus jets [9] channels. The latter has
been recently reanalyzed, leading to a somewhat higher value. We
computed the covariance matrix accounting for correlated systematic
uncertainties between the different channels and experiments according
to Refs. 6 and 10. Our covariance matrix also accounts for a common
0.6 GeV uncertainty (the size of the three-loop term [11]) due to
the conversion from the pole mass to the MS mass. We are using
a BLM optimized [12] version of the two-loop perturbative QCD
formula [13] which should correspond approximately to the kinematic
mass extracted from the collider events. The three-loop formula [11]
gives virtually identical results. We use MS masses in all expressions
to minimize theoretical uncertainties. We will use above value for
mt (together with MH = 117 GeV) for the numerical values quoted
in Sec. 10.2–Sec. 10.4. See “The Note on Quark Masses” in the
Particle Listings for more information. In the presence of right-handed
neutrinos, Eq. (10.1) gives rise also to Dirac neutrino masses. The
possibility of Majorana masses is discussed in “Neutrino mass” in the
Particle Listings.
H is the physical neutral Higgs scalar which is the only remaining
part of φ after spontaneous symmetry breaking. The Yukawa coupling
of H to ψi , which is flavor diagonal in the minimal model, is
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10. EW model and constraints on new physics 3
gmi /2MW . In non-minimal models there are additional charged and
neutral scalar Higgs particles [14].
10.2. Renormalization and radiative corrections
The SM has three parameters (not counting the Higgs boson mass,
MH , and the fermion masses and mixings). A particularly useful set
(a) The fine structure constant α = 1/137.03599911(46), determined
from the e± anomalous magnetic moment, the quantum Hall
effect, and other measurements [15]. In most electroweak
renormalization schemes, it is convenient to define a running α
dependent on the energy scale of the process, with α−1 ∼ 137
appropriate at very low energy. (The running has also been
observed directly [16]. ) For scales above a few hundred MeV
this introduces an uncertainty due to the low-energy hadronic
contribution to vacuum polarization. In the modified minimal
subtraction (MS) scheme [17] (used for this Review), and
with αs (MZ ) = 0.120 for the QCD coupling at MZ , we have
b(mτ )−1 = 133.498 ± 0.017 and α
b(MZ )−1 = 127.918 ± 0.018.
These values are updated from Ref. 18 and account for the latest
results from τ decays and a reanalysis of the CMD 2 collaboration
results after correcting a radiative correction [19]. See Ref. 20
for a discussion in the context of the anomalous magnetic moment
of the muon. The correlation of the latter with α
b(MZ ), as well
as the non-linear αs dependence of α
b(MZ ) and the resulting
correlation with the input variable αs , are fully taken into account
in the fits. The uncertainty is from e+ e− annihilation data
below 1.8 GeV and τ decay data, from isospin breaking effects
(affecting the interpretation of the τ data), from uncalculated
higher order perturbative and non-perturbative QCD corrections,
and from the MS quark masses. Such a short distance mass
definition (unlike the pole mass) is free from non-perturbative
and renormalon uncertainties. Various recent evaluations of the
contributions of the five light quark flavors, ∆αhad , to the
conventional (on-shell) QED coupling, α(MZ ) =
, are
1 − ∆α
summarized in Table 10.1. Most of the older results relied on
e+ e− → hadrons cross-section measurements up to energies of
40 GeV, which were somewhat higher than the QCD prediction,
suggested stronger running, and were less precise. The most
recent results typically assume the validity of perturbative QCD
(PQCD) at scales of 1.8 GeV and above, and are in reasonable
agreement with each other. (Evaluations in the on-shell scheme
utilize resonance data from BES [36] as further input.) There is,
however, some discrepancy between analyzes based on e+ e− →
hadrons cross-section data and those based on τ decay spectral
functions [20]. The latter imply lower central values for the
extracted MH of O(10 GeV). Further improvement of this
dominant theoretical uncertainty in the interpretation of precision
data will require better measurements of the cross-section for
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10. EW model and constraints on new physics
e+ e− → hadrons below the charmonium resonances, as well as in
the threshold region of the heavy quarks (to improve the precision
in m
b c (m
b c ) and m
b b (m
b b )). As an alternative to cross-section scans,
one can use the high statistics radiative return events [37] at
e+ e− accelerators operating at resonances such as the Φ or the
Υ (4S). The method is systematics dominated. First preliminary
results have been presented by the KLOE collaboration [38].
Table 10.1: Recent evaluations of the on-shell ∆αhad (MZ ).
For better comparison we adjusted central values and errors to
correspond to a common and fixed value of αs (MZ ) = 0.120.
References quoting results without the top quark decoupled
are converted to the five flavor definition. Ref. [31] uses
ΛQCD = 380 ± 60 MeV; for the conversion we assumed
αs (MZ ) = 0.118 ± 0.003.
Martin & Zeppenfeld [21]
0.02744 ± 0.00036
Eidelman & Jegerlehner [22]
0.02803 ± 0.00065
Geshkenbein & Morgunov [23] 0.02780 ± 0.00006
Burkhardt & Pietrzyk [24]
Swartz [25]
Alemany, Davier, Höcker [26]
Krasnikov & Rodenberg [27]
Davier & Höcker [28]
0.0280 ± 0.0007
0.02754 ± 0.00046
0.02816 ± 0.00062
includes τ decay data
PQCD for s > 2.3 GeV
PQCD for s > 1.8 GeV
0.02778 ± 0.00016
0.02779 ± 0.00020
complete O(α2s )
converted from MS scheme
0.02737 ± 0.00039
0.02784 ± 0.00022
Kühn & Steinhauser [29]
Erler [18]
Davier & Höcker [30]
Groote et al. [31]
0.02770 ± 0.00015
0.02787 ± 0.00032
Martin, Outhwaite, Ryskin [32] 0.02741 ± 0.00019
Burkhardt & Pietrzyk [33]
0.02763 ± 0.00036
de Troconiz & Yndurain [34]
Jegerlehner [35]
PQCD for s > 3 GeV
PQCD for s > 40 GeV
O(αs ) resonance model
PQCD for s > 40 GeV
use of fitting function
use of QCD sum rules
use of QCD sum rules
includes new BES data
PQCD for s > 12 GeV
0.02754 ± 0.00010
PQCD for s > 2 GeV2
0.02766 ± 0.00013 converted from MOM scheme
(b) The Fermi constant, GF = 1.16637(1) × 10−5 GeV−2 , determined
from the muon lifetime formula [39,40],
× 1+
G2 m5µ
= F 3 F
25 π 2
3 m2µ
5 MW
α mµ
α2 mµ
+ C2
February 2, 2008
10. EW model and constraints on new physics 5
F (x) = 1 − 8x + 8x3 − x4 − 12x2 ln x ,
C2 =
67 4 53 2
156815 518 2 895
π −
ζ (3)+
π + π ln (2) , (10.4c)
α mµ
= α−1 −
≈ 136 .
The O(α2 ) corrections to µ decay have been completed
recently [40]. The remaining uncertainty in GF is from the
experimental input.
(c) The Z boson mass, MZ = 91.1876 ± 0.0021 GeV, determined
from the Z-lineshape scan at LEP 1 [41].
With these inputs, sin2 θW and the W boson mass, MW , can
be calculated when values for mt and MH are given; conversely
(as is done at present), MH can be constrained by sin2 θW and
MW . The value of sin2 θW is extracted from Z-pole observables and
neutral-current processes [41,42], and depends on the renormalization
prescription. There are a number of popular schemes [44–50] leading
to values which differ by small factors depending on mt and MH . The
notation for these schemes is shown in Table 10.2. Discussion of the
schemes follows the table.
Table 10.2: Notations used to indicate
the various schemes discussed in the text.
Each definition of sin θW leads to values
that differ by small factors depending on
mt and MH .
sMZ = sin θW
sbZ = sin θW
Effective angle
= sin θW
sbND = sin θW
= sin θW
(i) The on-shell scheme [44] promotes the tree-level formula sin2 θW =
2 /M 2 to a definition of the renormalized sin2 θ
1 − MW
W to all
2 /M 2 :
orders in perturbation theory, i.e., sin2 θW → s2W ≡ 1 − MW
MW =
sW (1 − ∆r)1/2
= W ,
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10. EW model and constraints on new physics
where cW ≡ cos θW , A0 = (πα/ 2GF )1/2 = 37.2805(2) GeV,
and ∆r includes the radiative corrections relating α, α(MZ ),
GF , MW , and MZ . One finds ∆r ∼ ∆r0 − ρt / tan2 θW , where
∆r0 = 1 − α/b
α(MZ ) = 0.06654(14)
is due to the running
of α, and ρt = 3GF m2t /8 2π 2 = 0.00992(mt/177.9 GeV)2
represents the dominant (quadratic) mt dependence. There are
additional contributions to ∆r from bosonic loops, including
those which depend logarithmically on MH . One has ∆r =
0.03434 ∓ 0.0017 ± 0.00014, where the second uncertainty is from
α(MZ ). Thus the value of s2W extracted from MZ includes an
uncertainty (∓0.00054) from the currently allowed range of mt .
This scheme is simple conceptually. However, the relatively large
(∼ 3%) correction from ρt causes large spurious contributions in
higher orders.
(ii) A more precisely determined quantity s2M can be obtained from
MZ by removing the (mt , MH ) dependent term from ∆r [45],
πα (MZ )
s2MZ c2MZ ≡ √
2 GF MZ2
Using α(MZ )−1 = 128.91 ± 0.02 yields s2M = 0.23108 ∓ 0.00005.
The small uncertainty in s2M compared to other schemes is
because most of the mt dependence has been removed by
definition. However, the mt uncertainty reemerges when other
quantities (e.g., MW or other Z-pole observables) are predicted
in terms of MZ .
Both s2W and s2M depend not only on the gauge couplings
but also on the spontaneous-symmetry breaking, and both
definitions are awkward in the presence of any extension of the
SM which perturbs the value of MZ (or MW ). Other definitions
are motivated by the tree-level coupling constant definition
θW = tan−1 (g ′ /g).
(iii) In particular, the modified minimal subtraction
(MS) scheme
introduces the quantity sin2 θbW (µ) ≡ gb ′2 (µ)/ gb 2 (µ) + b
g ′2 (µ) ,
where the couplings b
g and gb′ are defined by modified minimal
subtraction and the scale µ is conveniently chosen to be MZ for
many electroweak processes. The value of sb 2Z = sin2 θbW (MZ )
extracted from MZ is less sensitive than s2W to mt (by a factor
of tan2 θW ), and is less sensitive to most types of new physics
than s2W or s2M . It is also very useful for comparing with
the predictions of grand unification. There are actually several
variant definitions of sin2 θbW (MZ ), differing according to whether
or how finite α ln(mt /MZ ) terms are decoupled (subtracted from
the couplings). One cannot entirely decouple the α ln(mt /MZ )
terms from all electroweak quantities because mt ≫ mb breaks
SU(2) symmetry. The scheme that will be adopted here decouples
the α ln(mt /MZ ) terms from the γ–Z mixing [17,46], essentially
eliminating any ln(mt /MZ ) dependence in the formulae for
asymmetries at the Z-pole when written in terms of sb 2Z . (A
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10. EW model and constraints on new physics 7
similar definition is used for α
b.) The various definitions are
related by
sb 2Z = c (mt , MH ) s2W = c (mt , MH ) s2MZ ,
where c = 1.0381 ± 0.0019 and c = 1.0003 ∓ 0.0006. The
quadratic mt dependence is given by c ∼ 1 + ρt / tan2 θW and
c ∼ 1 − ρt /(1 − tan2 θW ), respectively. The expressions for MW
and MZ in the MS scheme are
MW =
sbZ (1 − ∆b
r W )1/2
= 1/2W ,
ρb b
and one predicts ∆b
r W = 0.06976 ± 0.00006 ± 0.00014. ∆b
r W has
no quadratic mt dependence, because shifts in MW are absorbed
into the observed GF , so that the error in ∆b
r W is dominated by
∆r0 = 1 − α/b
α(MZ ) which induces the second quoted uncertainty.
The quadratic mt dependence has been shifted into ρb ∼ 1 + ρt ,
where including bosonic loops, ρb = 1.0110 ± 0.0005.
(iv) A variant MS quantity sb 2ND (used in the 1992 edition of this
Review) does not decouple the α ln(mt /MZ ) terms [47]. It is
related to sb 2Z by
sb 2Z = sb 2ND / 1 + d ,
1 1
, (10.9b)
d =
3 sb 2
Thus, sb 2Z − sb 2ND ∼ −0.0002 for mt = 177.9 GeV.
(v) Yet another definition, the effective angle [48–50] s2f for the Z
vector coupling to fermion f , is described in Sec. 10.3.
Experiments are at a level of precision that complete O(α) radiative
corrections must be applied. For neutral-current and Z-pole processes,
these corrections are conveniently divided into two classes:
1. QED diagrams involving the emission of real photons or the
exchange of virtual photons in loops, but not including vacuum
polarization diagrams. These graphs often yield finite and gaugeinvariant contributions to observable processes. However, they
are dependent on energies, experimental cuts, etc., and must be
calculated individually for each experiment.
2. Electroweak corrections, including γγ, γZ, ZZ, and W W vacuum
polarization diagrams, as well as vertex corrections, box graphs,
etc., involving virtual W ’s and Z’s. Many of these corrections
are absorbed into the renormalized Fermi constant defined in
Eq. (10.4). Others modify the tree-level expressions for Z-pole
observables and neutral-current amplitudes in several ways [42].
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10. EW model and constraints on new physics
One-loop corrections are included for all processes. In addition,
certain two-loop corrections are also important. In particular,
two-loop corrections involving the top quark modify ρt in ρb, ∆r,
and elsewhere by
ρt → ρt [1 + R (MH , mt ) ρt /3] .
R(MH , mt ) is best described as an expansion in MZ2 /m2t . The
unsuppressed terms were first obtained in Ref. 51, and are known
analytically [52]. Contributions suppressed by MZ2 /m2t were
first studied in Ref. 53 with the help of small and large Higgs
mass expansions, which can be interpolated. These contributions
are about as large as the leading ones in Refs. 51 and 52.
In addition, the complete two-loop calculation of diagrams
containing at least one fermion loop and contributing to ∆r
has been performed without further approximation in Ref. 54.
The two-loop evaluation of ∆r was completed with the purely
bosonic contributions in Ref. 55. For MH above its lower direct
limit, −17 < R ≤ −13. Mixed QCD-electroweak loops of order
ααs m2t [56] and αα2s m2t [57] increase the predicted value of mt by
6%. This is, however, almost entirely an artifact of using the pole
mass definition for mt . The equivalent corrections when using the
MS definition m
b t (m
b t ) increase mt by less than 0.5%. The leading
electroweak [51,52] and mixed [58] two-loop terms are also known
for the Z → bb̄ vertex, but not the respective subleading ones.
O(ααs )-vertex corrections involving massless quarks have been
obtained in Ref. [59]. Since they add coherently, the resulting
effect is sizable, and shifts the extracted αs (MZ ) by ≈ +0.0007.
Corrections of the same order to Z → bb̄ decays have also been
completed [60].
Throughout this Review we utilize electroweak radiative corrections
from the program GAPP [61], which works entirely in the MS scheme,
and which is independent of the package ZFITTER [50].
10.3. Cross-section and asymmetry formulas
It is convenient to write the four-fermion interactions relevant to
ν-hadron, ν-e, and parity violating e-hadron neutral-current processes
in a form that is valid in an arbitrary gauge theory (assuming massless
left-handed neutrinos). One has
−L νHadron = √F ν γ µ 1 − γ 5 ν
ǫL (i) q i γµ 1 − γ 5 qi + ǫR (i) q i γµ 1 + γ 5 qi ,
νe 5
= √F ν µ γ µ 1 − γ 5 νµ e γµ gVνe − gA
γ e
February 2, 2008
10. EW model and constraints on new physics 9
(for νe -e or ν e -e, the charged-current contribution must be included),
−L eHadron = − √F
C1i e γµ γ 5 e q i γ µ qi + C2i e γµ e q i γ µ γ 5 qi . (10.13)
(One must add the parity-conserving QED contribution.)
νe , and C
The SM expressions for ǫL,R (i), gV,A
ij are given in
Table 10.3. Note, that gV,A and the other quantities are coefficients
of effective four-Fermi operators, which differ from the quantities
defined in Eq. (10.2) in the radiative corrections and in the presence
of possible physics beyond the SM.
A precise determination of the on-shell s2W , which depends only
very weakly on mt and MH , is obtained from deep inelastic neutrino
scattering from (approximately) isoscalar targets [62]. The ratio
N C /σ CC of neutral- to charged-current cross-sections has
Rν ≡ σνN
been measured to 1% accuracy by the CDHS [63] and CHARM [64]
collaborations at CERN, and the CCFR [65] collaboration at Fermilab
has obtained an even more precise result, so it is important to obtain
N C /σ CC to comparable
theoretical expressions for Rν and Rν ≡ σνN
accuracy. Fortunately, most of the uncertainties from the strong
interactions and neutrino spectra cancel in the ratio. The largest
theoretical uncertainty is associated with the c-threshold, which
mainly affects σ CC . Using the slow rescaling prescription [66] the
central value of sin2 θW from CCFR varies as 0.0111(mc [GeV] − 1.31),
where mc is the effective mass which is numerically close to the MS
mass m
b c (m
b c ), but their exact relation is unknown at higher orders.
For mc = 1.31 ± 0.24 GeV (determined from ν-induced dimuon
production [67]) this contributes ±0.003 to the total uncertainty
∆ sin2 θW ∼ ±0.004. (The experimental uncertainty is also ±0.003.)
This uncertainty largely cancels, however, in the Paschos-Wolfenstein
ratio [68],
σ N C − σν̄N
R− = νN
CC − σ CC
It was measured recently by the NuTeV collaboration [69] for the
first time, and required a high-intensity and high-energy anti-neutrino
A simple zeroth -order approximation is
Rν = gL
+ gR
R − = gL
− gR
Rν = gL
≡ ǫL (u)2 + ǫL (d)2 ≈
− sin2 θW + sin4 θW ,
February 2, 2008
10. EW model and constraints on new physics
Table 10.3: Standard Model expressions for the neutral-current
parameters for ν-hadron, ν-e, and e-hadron processes. At tree
level, ρ = κ = 1, λ = 0. If radiative corrections are included,
bνN (hQ2 i = −12 GeV2 ) = 0.9978, κ
bνN (hQ2 i =
νN = 1.0086, κ
−35 GeV ) = 0.9965, λuL = −0.0031, λdL = −0.0025, and
λdR = 2 λuR = 7.5 × 10−5 . For ν-e scattering, ρνe = 1.0132 and
κνe = 0.9967 (at hQ2 i = 0.). For atomic parity violation and the
SLAC polarized electron experiment, ρ′eq = 0.9881, ρeq = 1.0011,
κ′eq = 1.0027, b
κeq = 1.0300, λ1d = −2 λ1u = 3.7 × 10−5 ,
λ2u = −0.0121 and λ2d = 0.0026. The dominant mt dependence
is given by ρ ∼ 1 + ρt , while κ
b ∼ 1 (MS) or κ ∼ 1 + ρt / tan2 θW
ǫL (u)
ǫL (d)
ǫR (u)
ǫR (d)
Standard Model Expression
− 2κ
bνN sb2Z + λuL
ρνN − + 1 κ
bνN sb2Z + λdL
ρνN − κ
bνN sb2Z + λuR
κνN sb2Z + λdR
ρνe − 1 + 2b
κνe sb2Z
ρνe − 1
ρ′eq − 1 + 4 b
κ′eq sb2Z + λ1u
− κ
b′eq sb2Z + λ1d
κeq sb2Z + λ2u
ρeq − + 2b
ρeq 1 − 2b
κeq sb2Z + λ2d
≡ ǫR (u)2 + ǫR (d)2 ≈
sin4 θW ,
CC /σ CC is the ratio of ν and ν charged-current crossand r ≡ σνN
sections, which can be measured directly. (In the simple parton model,
ignoring hadron energy cuts, r ≈ ( 1 + ǫ)/(1 + 1 ǫ), where ǫ ∼ 0.125
is the ratio of the fraction of the nucleon’s momentum carried by
antiquarks to that carried by quarks.) In practice, Eq. (10.15) must
be corrected for quark mixing, quark sea effects, c-quark threshold
effects, non-isoscalarity, W –Z propagator differences, the finite
muon mass, QED and electroweak radiative corrections. Details of
the neutrino spectra, experimental cuts, x and Q2 dependence of
structure functions, and longitudinal structure functions enter only
February 2, 2008
10. EW model and constraints on new physics 11
at the level of these corrections and therefore lead to very small
uncertainties. The CCFR group quotes s2W = 0.2236 ± 0.0041 for
(mt , MH ) = (175, 150) GeV with very little sensitivity to (mt , MH ).
The NuTeV collaboration finds s2W = 0.2277 ± 0.0016 (for the same
reference values) which is 3.0 σ higher than the SM prediction. The
2 = 0.3000 ± 0.0014,
discrepancy is in the left-handed coupling, gL
which is 2.9 σ low, while gR = 0.0308 ± 0.0011 is 0.6 σ high. It
is conceivable that the effect is caused by an asymmetric strange
sea [70]. A preliminary analysis of dimuon data [71] in the relevant
kinematic regime, however, indicates an asymmetric strange sea with
the wrong sign to explain the discrepancy [72]. Another possibility
is that the parton distribution functions (PDFs) violate isospin
symmetry at levels much stronger than generally expected. Isospin
breaking, nuclear physics, and higher order QCD effects seem unlikely
explanations of the NuTeV discrepancy but need further study. The
extracted gL,R
may also shift if analyzed using the most recent set of
QED and electroweak radiative corrections [73].
The laboratory cross-section for νµ e → νµ e or ν µ e → ν µ e elastic
scattering is
dσνµ ,ν µ
G2 me Eν
= F
νe 2
νe 2
× (gVνe ± gA
) + (gVνe ∓ gA
) (1 − y)2
νe2 y me
− gVνe2 − gA
where the upper (lower) sign refers to νµ (ν µ ), and y ≡ Ee /Eν (which
runs from 0 to (1 + me /2Eν )−1 ) is the ratio of the kinetic energy of
the recoil electron to the incident ν or ν energy. For Eν ≫ me this
yields a total cross-section
G2F me Eν
1 νe
νe 2
νe 2
(gV ± gA ) + (gV ∓ gA )
The most accurate leptonic measurements [74–77] of sin2 θW are
from the ratio R ≡ σνµ e /σ ν µ e in which many of the systematic
uncertainties cancel. Radiative corrections (other than mt effects)
are small compared to the precision of present experiments and
have negligible effect on the extracted sin2 θW . The most precise
experiment (CHARM II) [76] determined not only sin2 θW but gV,A
as well. The cross-sections for νe -e and ν e -e may be obtained from
νe by g νe + 1, where the 1 is due to the
Eq. (10.17) by replacing gV,A
charged-current contribution [77,78].
The SLAC polarized-electron experiment [79] measured the
parity-violating asymmetry
σR − σL
σR + σL
February 2, 2008
10. EW model and constraints on new physics
where σR,L is the cross-section for the deep-inelastic scattering of
a right- or left-handed electron: eR,L N → eX. In the quark parton
1 − (1 − y)2
1 + (1 − y)2
where Q2 > 0 is the momentum transfer and y is the fractional energy
transfer from the electron to the hadrons. For the deuteron or other
isoscalar targets, one has, neglecting the s-quark and antiquarks,
3 5
C1u − C1d ≈ √
− + sin θW ,
a1 = √
4 3
5 2πα
5 2πα
a2 = √
C2u − C2d ≈ √
sin2 θW −
. (10.21b)
5 2πα
5 2πα
There are now precise experiments measuring atomic parity
violation [80] in cesium (at the 0.4% level) [81], thallium [82],
lead [83], and bismuth [84]. The uncertainties associated with
atomic wave functions are quite small for cesium [85], and have
been reduced recently to about 0.4% [86]. In the past, the semiempirical value of the tensor polarizability added another source of
theoretical uncertainty [87]. The ratio of the off-diagonal hyperfine
amplitude to the polarizability has now been measured directly by the
Boulder group [86]. Combined with the precisely known hyperfine
amplitude [88] one finds excellent agreement with the earlier results,
reducing the overall theory uncertainty to only 0.5% (while slightly
increasing the experimental error). An earlier 2.3 σ deviation from
the SM (see the year 2000 edition of this Review) is now seen at
the 1 σ level, after the contributions from the Breit interaction have
been reevaluated [89], and after the subsequent inclusion of other
large and previously underestimated effects [90] (e.g., from QED
radiative corrections), and an update of the SM calculation [91]
resulted in a vanishing net effect. The theoretical uncertainties are 3%
for thallium [92] but larger for the other atoms. For heavy atoms one
determines the “weak charge”
QW = −2 [C1u (2Z + N ) + C1d (Z + 2N )]
≈ Z 1 − 4 sin2 θW − N .
The recent Boulder experiment in cesium also observed the parityviolating weak corrections to the nuclear electromagnetic vertex (the
anapole moment [93]) .
In the future it could be possible to reduce the theoretical wave
function uncertainties by taking the ratios of parity violation in different isotopes [80,94]. There would still be some residual uncertainties
from differences in the neutron charge radii, however [95].
The forward-backward asymmetry for e+ e− → ℓ+ ℓ− , ℓ = µ or τ , is
defined as
σ − σB
AF B ≡ F
σF + σB
February 2, 2008
10. EW model and constraints on new physics 13
where σF (σB ) is the cross-section for ℓ− to travel forward (backward)
with respect to the e− direction. AF B and R, the total cross-section
relative to pure QED, are given by
R = F1 ,
AF B = 3F2 /4F1 ,
F1 = 1 − 2χ0 gVe gVℓ cos δR + χ20 gVe2 + gA
gVℓ2 + gA
, (10.26a)
e ℓ
e ℓ e ℓ
F2 = −2χ0 gA
gA cos δR + 4χ20 gA
gA gV gV ,
tan δR =
χ0 = √ F h
2 2πα
MZ2 − s
i1/2 ,
M Z − s + M Z ΓZ
and s is the CM energy. Eq. (10.26) is valid at tree level. If the
data is radiatively corrected for QED effects (as described above),
then the remaining electroweak corrections can be incorporated [96,97]
(in an approximation adequate for existing PEP, PETRA, and
TRISTAN data, which are well below the Z-pole) by replacing χ0 by
χ(s) ≡ (1 + ρt )χ0 (s)α/α(s), where α(s) is the running QED coupling,
and evaluating gV in the MS scheme. Formulas for e+ e− → hadrons
may be found in Ref. 98.
At LEP and SLC, there were high-precision measurements
of various Z-pole observables [41,99–105], as summarized in
Table 10.4. These include the Z mass and total width, ΓZ , and
partial widths Γ(f f ) for Z → f f where fermion f = e, µ,
τ , hadrons, b, or c. It is convenient to use the variables MZ ,
ΓZ , Rℓ ≡ Γ(had)/Γ(ℓ+ ℓ− ), σhad ≡ 12πΓ(e+ e− )Γ(had)/MZ2 Γ2Z ,
Rb ≡ Γ(bb)/Γ(had), and Rc ≡ Γ(cc)/Γ(had), most of which are
weakly correlated experimentally. (Γ(had) is the partial width into
hadrons.) O(α3 ) QED corrections introduce a large anticorrelation
(−30%) between ΓZ and σhad [41], while the anticorrelation
between Rb and Rc (−14%) is smaller than previously [100]. Rℓ
is insensitive to mt except for the Z → bb vertex and final state
corrections and the implicit dependence through sin2 θW . Thus it
is especially useful for constraining αs . The width for invisible
decays [41], Γ(inv) = ΓZ − 3Γ(ℓ+ ℓ− ) − Γ(had) = 499.0 ± 1.5 MeV,
can be used to determine the number of neutrino flavors much
lighter than MZ /2, Nν = Γ(inv)/Γtheory (νν) = 2.983 ± 0.009 for
(mt , MH ) = (177.9, 117) GeV.
There were also measurements of various Z-pole asymmetries.
These include the polarization or left-right asymmetry
σL − σR
σL + σR
February 2, 2008
10. EW model and constraints on new physics
where σL (σR ) is the cross-section for a left-(right-)handed incident
electron. ALR has been measured precisely by the SLD collaboration
at the SLC [101], and has the advantages of being extremely
sensitive to sin2 θW and that systematic uncertainties largely cancel.
In addition, the SLD collaboration has extracted the final-state
couplings Ab , Ac [41], As [102], Aτ , and Aµ [103] from left-right
forward-backward asymmetries, using
LR (f ) =
σLF − σLB − σRF + σRB
+ σLB
+ σRF
+ σRB
A ,
4 f
where, for example, σLF is the cross-section for a left-handed incident
electron to produce a fermion f traveling in the forward hemisphere.
Similarly, Aτ is measured at LEP [41] through the negative total τ
polarization, Pτ , and Ae is extracted from the angular distribution
of Pτ . An equation such as (10.30) assumes that initial state QED
corrections, photon exchange,
√ γ–Z interference, the tiny electroweak
boxes, and corrections for s 6= MZ are removed from the data,
leaving the pure electroweak asymmetries. This allows the use of
effective tree-level expressions,
ALR = Ae Pe ,
AF B =
Ae + Pe
1 + Pe Ae
Af ≡
2gV gA
g V + gA
g fV =
gA =
(f )
t3L − 2qf κf sin2 θW ,
ρf t3L .
(f )
Pe is the initial e− polarization, so that the second equality in
Eq. (10.30) is reproduced for Pe = 1, and the Z-pole forward(0,f )
backward asymmetries at LEP (Pe = 0) are given by AF B = 43 Ae Af
where f = e, µ, τ , b, c, s [104], and q, and where AF B refers to
the hadronic charge asymmetry. Corrections for t-channel exchange
and s/t-channel interference cause AF B to be strongly anticorrelated
with Re (−37%). The initial state coupling, Ae , is also determined
through the left-right charge asymmetry [105] and in polarized Bhabba
scattering at the SLC [103].
The electroweak radiative corrections have been absorbed into
corrections ρf − 1 and κf − 1, which depend on the fermion f and on
the renormalization scheme. In the on-shell scheme, the quadratic mt
dependence is given by ρf ∼ 1 + ρt , κf ∼ 1 + ρt / tan2 θW , while in MS,
bb ∼ 1 + 32 ρt ). In the MS scheme
ρbf ∼ κ
bf ∼ 1, for f 6= b (b
ρb ∼ 1 − 43 ρt , κ
February 2, 2008
10. EW model and constraints on new physics 15
s 2Z b
the normalization is changed according to GF MZ2 /2 2π → α
c 2Z .
(If one continues to normalize amplitudes by GF MZ /2 2π, as in the
1996 edition of this Review, then ρbf contains an additional factor
of ρb.) In practice, additional bosonic and fermionic loops, vertex
corrections, leading higher order contributions, etc., must be included.
bℓ = 1.0013,
For example, in the MS scheme one has ρbℓ = 0.9981, κ
ρbb = 0.9861, and b
κb = 1.0071. It is convenient to define an effective
angle s2f ≡ sin2 θW f ≡ κ
bf sb 2Z = κf s2W , in terms of which g V and g A
are given by ρf times their tree-level formulae. Because g ℓV is very
small, not only A0LR = Ae , AF B , and Pτ , but also AF B , AF B ,
AF B , and the hadronic asymmetries are mainly sensitive to s2ℓ . One
finds that b
κf (f 6= b) is almost independent of (mt , MH ), so that one
can write
s2ℓ ∼ sb 2Z + 0.00029 .
Thus, the asymmetries determine values of s2ℓ and sb 2Z almost
independent of mt , while the κ’s for the other schemes are mt
LEP 2 [41] has run at several energies above the Z-pole up to
∼ 209 GeV. Measurements have been made of a number of observables,
including the cross-sections for e+ e− → f f¯ for f = q, µ− , τ − ; the
differential cross-sections and AF B for µ and τ ; R and AF B for b and
c; W branching ratios; and W W , W W γ, ZZ, single W , and single Z
cross-sections. They are in agreement with the SM predictions, with
the exceptions of the total hadronic cross-section (1.7 σ high), Rb
(2.1 σ low), and AF B (b) (1.6 σ low). Also, the SM Higgs has been
excluded below 114.4 GeV [106].
The Z-boson properties are extracted assuming the SM expressions
for the γ–Z interference terms. These have also been tested
experimentally by performing more general fits [107] to the LEP 1 and
LEP 2 data. Assuming family universality this approach introduces
three additional parameters relative to the standard fit [41], describing
the γ–Z interference contribution to the total hadronic and leptonic
tot and j tot , and to the leptonic forward-backward
cross-sections, jhad
asymmetry, jℓfb . For example,
∼ gVℓ gVhad = 0.277 ± 0.065 ,
which is in good agreement with the SM expectation [41] of
−0.014 . Similarly, LEP data up to CM energies of 206 GeV were
used to constrain the γ–Z interference terms for the heavy quarks.
The results for jbtot , jbfb , jctot , and jcfb were found in perfect agreement
with the SM. These are valuable tests of the SM; but it should be
cautioned that new physics is not expected to be described by this
set of parameters, since (i) they do not account for extra interactions
beyond the standard weak neutral-current, and (ii) the photonic
amplitude remains fixed to its SM value.
Strong constraints on anomalous triple and quartic gauge couplings
have been obtained at LEP 2 and at the Tevatron, as are described in
the Particle Listings.
February 2, 2008
10. EW model and constraints on new physics
The left-right asymmetry in polarized Møller scattering e+ e− →
is being measured in the SLAC E158 experiment. A precision of
better than ±0.001 in sin2 θW at Q2 ∼ 0.03 GeV2 is anticipated. The
result of the first of three runs yields sb 2Z = 0.2279 ± 0.0032 [108]. In
a similar experiment and at about the same Q2 , Qweak at Jefferson
Lab [109] will be able to measure sin2 θW in polarized ep scattering
with a relative precision of 0.3%. These experiments will provide the
most precise determinations of the weak mixing angle off the Z peak
and will be sensitive to various types of physics beyond the SM.
e+ e−
The Belle [110], CLEO [111], and BaBar [112] collaborations
reported precise measurements of the flavor changing transition
b → sγ. The signal efficiencies (including the extrapolation to the full
photon spectrum) depend on the bottom pole mass, mb . We adjusted
the Belle and BaBar results to agree with the mb value used by CLEO.
In the case of CLEO, a 3.8% component from the model error of the
signal efficiency is moved from the systematic error to the model error.
The results for the branching fractions are then given by,
B [Belle] = 3.05 × 10−4 [1 ± 0.158 ± 0.124 ± 0.202 ± 0] ,
B [CLEO] = 3.21 × 10−4 [1 ± 0.134 ± 0.076 ± 0.059 ± 0.016] ,
B [BaBar] = 3.86 × 10−4 [1 ± 0.090 ± 0.093 ± 0.074 ± 0.016] ,
where the first two errors are the statistical and systematic
uncertainties (taken uncorrelated). The third error (taken 100%
correlated) accounts for the extrapolation from the finite photon
energy cutoff (2.25 GeV, 2.0 GeV, and 2.1 GeV, respectively) to
the full theoretical branching ratio [113]. The last error is from the
correction for the b → dγ component which is common to CLEO and
BaBar. It is advantageous [114] to normalize the result with respect to
the semi-leptonic branching fraction, B(b → Xeν) = 0.1064 ± 0.0023,
B (b → sγ)
= (3.39 ± 0.43 ± 0.37) × 10−3 .
B (b → Xeν)
In the fits we use the variable ln R = −5.69 ± 0.17 to assure an
approximately Gaussian error [115]. We added an 11% theory
uncertainty (excluding parametric errors such as from αs ) in the SM
prediction which is based on the next-to-leading order calculations of
Refs. 114,116.
The present world average of the muon anomalous magnetic
µ =
gµ − 2
= (1165920.37 ± 0.78) × 10−9 ,
is dominated by the 1999 and 2000 data runs of the E821 collaboration
at BNL [117]. The final 2001 data run is currently being analyzed. The
February 2, 2008
10. EW model and constraints on new physics 17
QED contribution has been calculated to four loops (fully analytically
to three loops), and the leading logarithms are included to five
loops [118]. The estimated SM electroweak contribution [119–121],
= (1.52 ± 0.03) × 10−9 , which includes leading two-loop [120]
and three-loop [121] corrections, is at the level of the current
uncertainty. The limiting factor in the interpretation of the result
is the uncertainty from the two-loop hadronic contribution [20],
+ −
µ = (69.63 ± 0.72) × 10 , which has been obtained using e e →
hadrons cross-section data. The latter are dominated by the recently
reanalyzed CMD 2 data [19]. This value suggests a 1.9 σ discrepancy
between Eq. (10.38) and the SM prediction. In an alternative analysis,
the authors of Ref. 20 use τ decay data and isospin symmetry (CVC)
to obtain instead ahad
= (71.10 ± 0.58) × 10−9 . This result implies
no conflict (0.7 σ) with Eq. (10.38). Thus, there is also a discrepancy
between the 2π spectral functions obtained from the two methods. For
example, if one uses the e+ e− data and CVC to predict the branching
ratio for τ − → ντ π − π 0 decays one obtains 24.52 ± 0.32% [20] while
the average of the measured branching ratios by DELPHI [122],
ALEPH, CLEO, L3, and OPAL [20] yields 25.43 ± 0.09%, which
is 2.8 σ higher. It is important to understand the origin of this
difference and to obtain additional experimental information (e.g.,
from the radiative return method [37]) . Fortunately, this problem is
less pronounced as far as ahad
is concerned: due to the suppression
at large s (from where the conflict originates) the difference is
only 1.7 σ (or 1.9 σ if one adds the 4 π channel which by itself
is consistent between the two methods). Note also that a part of
this difference is due to the older e+ e− data [20], and the direct
conflict between τ decay data and CMD 2 is less significant. Isospin
violating corrections have been estimated in Ref. 123 and found to be
under control. The largest effect is due to higher-order electroweak
corrections [39] but introduces a negligible uncertainty [124]. In
the following we view the 1.7 σ difference as a fluctuation and
average the results. An additional uncertainty is induced by the
hadronic three-loop light-by-light scattering contribution [125],
= (+0.83 ± 0.19) × 10−9 , which was estimated within a form
factor approach. The sign of this effect is opposite to the one quoted in
the 2002 edition of this Review, and has subsequently been confirmed
by two other groups [126].
hadronic effects at three-loop order
h Other
= (−1.00 ± 0.06) × 10−9 . Correlations
contribute [127], aµ
with the two-loop hadronic contribution and with ∆α(MZ ) (see
Sec. 10.2) were considered in Ref. 128, which also contains analytic
results for the perturbative QCD contribution. The SM prediction is
= (1165918.83 ± 0.49) × 10−9 ,
where the error is from the hadronic uncertainties excluding parametric
ones such as from αs and the heavy quark masses. We estimate its
correlation with ∆α(MZ ) as 21%. The small overall discrepancy
between the experimental and theoretical values could be due to
fluctuations or underestimates of the theoretical uncertainties. On the
February 2, 2008
10. EW model and constraints on new physics
other hand, gµ − 2 is also affected by many types of new physics,
such as supersymmetric models with large tan β and moderately light
superparticle masses [129]. Thus, the deviation could also arise from
physics beyond the SM.
Note added: After completion of this Section and the fits described
here, the E821 collaboration announced its measurement on the
anomalous magnetic moment of the negatively charged muon based
on data taken in 2001 [130]. The result, aµ = (1165921.4 ± 0.8 ±
0.3) × 10−9 , is consistent with the results on positive muons and
appears to confirm the deviation. There also appeared two new
+ −
evaluations [131,132] of ahad
µ . They are based on e e data only and
are generally in good agreement with each other and other e+ e−
based analyzes. τ decay data are not used; it is argued [131] that
CVC breaking effects (e.g., through a relatively large mass difference
between the ρ± and ρ0 vector mesons) may be larger than expected.
This may also be relevant in the context of the NuTeV discrepancy
discussed above [131].
10.4. W and Z decays
The partial decay width for gauge bosons to decay into massless
fermions f1 f 2 is
GF M 3
Γ W + → e+ νe = √ W ≈ 226.56 ± 0.24 MeV ,
6 2π
Γ W + → ui dj =
|Vij |2 ≈ (707.1 ± 0.7) |Vij |2 MeV ,
6 2π
Γ (Z → ψi ψ i ) =
gV + gA
6 2π
300.4 ± 0.2 MeV (uu) , 167.29 ± 0.07 MeV (νν),
≈ 383.2 ± 0.2 MeV (dd) , 84.03 ± 0.04 MeV e+ e− ,
375.8 ∓ 0.1 MeV (bb) .
For leptons C = 1, while for quarks C = 3 1 + αs (MV )/π +
1.409α2s /π 2 − 12.77α3s /π 3 , where the 3 is due to color and the
factor in parentheses represents the universal part of the QCD
corrections [133] for massless quarks [134]. The Z → f f widths
contain a number of additional corrections: universal (non-singlet)
top quark mass contributions [135]; fermion mass effects and further
QCD corrections proportional to m
b 2q (MZ2 ) [136] which are different
for vector and axial-vector partial widths; and singlet contributions
starting from two-loop order which are large, strongly top quark
mass dependent, family universal, and flavor non-universal [137].
All QCD effects are known and included up to three-loop order.
The QED factor 1 + 3αqf2 /4π, as well as two-loop order ααs and
α2 self-energy corrections [138] are also included. Working in the
February 2, 2008
10. EW model and constraints on new physics 19
3 ,
on-shell scheme, i.e., expressing the widths in terms of GF MW,Z
incorporates the largest radiative corrections from the running QED
coupling [44,139]. Electroweak corrections to the Z widths are then
incorporated by replacing g i2
V,A by g V,A . Hence, in the on-shell scheme
the Z widths are proportional to ρi ∼ 1 + ρt . The MS normalization
accounts also for the leading electroweak corrections [48]. There
is additional (negative) quadratic mt dependence in the Z → bb
vertex corrections [140] which causes Γ(bb) to decrease with mt . The
dominant effect is to multiply Γ(bb) by the vertex correction 1 + δρbb ,
where δρbb ∼ 10−2 (− 1 t2 + 1 ). In practice, the corrections are
included in ρb and κb , as discussed before.
For 3 fermion families the total widths are predicted to be
ΓZ ≈ 2.4968 ± 0.0011 GeV ,
ΓW ≈ 2.0936 ± 0.0022 GeV .
We have assumed αs (MZ ) = 0.1200. An uncertainty in αs of ±0.0018
introduces an additional uncertainty of 0.05% in the hadronic
widths, corresponding to ±0.9 MeV in ΓZ . These predictions are to be
compared with the experimental results ΓZ = 2.4952 ± 0.0023 GeV [41]
and ΓW = 2.124 ± 0.041 GeV (see the Particle Listings for more
February 2, 2008
10. EW model and constraints on new physics
Table 10.4: Principal Z-pole and other observables, compared
with the SM predictions for the global best fit values MZ =
91.1874±0.0021 GeV, MH = 113+56
−40 GeV, mt = 176.9±4.0 GeV,
αs (MZ ) = 0.1213 ± 0.0018, and α
b(MZ )−1 = 127.906 ± 0.019.
The LEP averages of the ALEPH, DELPHI, L3, and OPAL
results include common systematic errors and correlations [41].
The heavy flavor results of LEP and SLD are based on common
inputs and correlated, as well [100]. s2ℓ (AF B ) is the effective
angle extracted from the hadronic charge asymmetry, which has
some correlation with AF B which is currently neglected. The
values of Γ(ℓ+ ℓ− ), Γ(had), and Γ(inv) are not independent of
ΓZ , the Rℓ , and σhad . The mt values are from the lepton plus
jets channel of the CDF [6] and DØ [9] run I data, respectively.
Results from the other channels and all correlations are also
included. The first MW value is from UA2, CDF, and DØ [141],
while the second one is from LEP 2 [41]. The first MW and
MZ are correlated, but the effect is negligible due to the tiny
MZ error. The three values of Ae are (i) from ALR for hadronic
final states [101]; (ii) from ALR for leptonic final states and
from polarized Bhabba scattering [103]; and (iii) from the
angular distribution of the τ polarization. The two Aτ values
2 and
are from SLD and the total τ polarization, respectively. gL
gR are from NuTeV [69] and have a very small (−1.7%) residual
anticorrelation. The older deep-inelastic scattering (DIS) results
from CDHS [63], CHARM [64], and CCFR [65] are included, as
νe are
well, but not shown in the Table. The world averages for gV,A
dominated by the CHARM II [76] results, gV = −0.035 ± 0.017
νe = −0.503 ± 0.017. The errors in Q , DIS, b → sγ, and
and gA
gµ − 2 are the total (experimental plus theoretical) uncertainties.
The ττ value is the τ lifetime world average computed by
combining the direct measurements with values derived from
the leptonic branching ratios [5]; the theory uncertainty is
included in the SM prediction. In all other SM predictions, the
uncertainty is from MZ , MH , mt , mb , mc , α
b(MZ ), and αs , and
their correlations have been accounted for. The SM errors in ΓZ ,
Γ(had), Rℓ , and σhad are largely dominated by the uncertainty
in αs .
Standard Model
mt [GeV]
176.1 ± 7.4
176.9 ± 4.0
MW [GeV]
MZ [GeV]
ΓZ [GeV]
180.1 ± 5.4
80.454 ± 0.059
80.390 ± 0.018
2.4952 ± 0.0023
2.4972 ± 0.0012
80.412 ± 0.042
91.1876 ± 0.0021 91.1874 ± 0.0021
February 2, 2008
10. EW model and constraints on new physics 21
Table 10.4: (continued)
Γ(had) [GeV]
Γ(inv) [MeV]
Γ(ℓ+ ℓ− ) [MeV]
σhad [nb]
(0,τ )
s̄2ℓ (AF B )
QW (Cs)
QW (Tl)
1 (g − 2 − α )
2 µ
ττ [fs]
Standard Model
1.7444 ± 0.0020
499.0 ± 1.5
1.7435 ± 0.0011
501.81 ± 0.13
20.804 ± 0.050
20.785 ± 0.033
20.750 ± 0.012
20.751 ± 0.012
83.984 ± 0.086
41.541 ± 0.037
20.764 ± 0.045
0.21638 ± 0.00066
0.1720 ± 0.0030
0.0145 ± 0.0025
0.0169 ± 0.0013
0.0188 ± 0.0017
0.0997 ± 0.0016
0.0706 ± 0.0035
0.0976 ± 0.0114
0.2324 ± 0.0012
0.15138 ± 0.00216
0.1544 ± 0.0060
0.1498 ± 0.0049
84.024 ± 0.025
41.472 ± 0.009
20.790 ± 0.018
0.01626 ± 0.00025
0.21564 ± 0.00014
0.17233 ± 0.00005
0.1032 ± 0.0008
0.0738 ± 0.0006
0.1033 ± 0.0008
0.23149 ± 0.00015
0.1472 ± 0.0011
0.9347 ± 0.0001
0.30005 ± 0.00137
0.03076 ± 0.00110
0.30397 ± 0.00023
0.03007 ± 0.00003
−0.507 ± 0.014
−72.69 ± 0.48
−0.5065 ± 0.0001
−73.19 ± 0.03
−116.6 ± 3.7
× 10−3
4510.64 ± 0.92
290.92 ± 0.55
February 2, 2008
0.1439 ± 0.0043
0.925 ± 0.020
−0.040 ± 0.015
0.142 ± 0.015
0.136 ± 0.015
0.670 ± 0.026
0.895 ± 0.091
0.6678 ± 0.0005
0.9357 ± 0.0001
−0.0397 ± 0.0003
−116.81 ± 0.04
(3.23 ± 0.09) × 10−3
4509.13 ± 0.10
291.83 ± 1.81
10. EW model and constraints on new physics
10.5. Experimental results
The values of the principal Z-pole observables are listed in
Table 10.4, along with the SM predictions for MZ = 91.1874 ±
0.0021 GeV, MH = 113+56
−40 GeV, mt = 176.9 ± 4.0 GeV, αs (MZ ) =
0.1213 ± 0.0018, and α
b(MZ )−1 = 127.906 ± 0.019 (∆αhad ≈ 0.02801 ±
0.00015). The values and predictions of MW [41,141]; mt [6,9]; the
QW for cesium [81] and thallium [82]; deep inelastic [69] and νµ -e
scattering [74–76]; the b → sγ observable [110–112]; the muon
anomalous magnetic moment [117]; and the τ lifetime are also listed.
The values of MW and mt differ from those in the Particle Listings
because they include recent preliminary results. The agreement is
2 from NuTeV is currently showing a large (2.9 σ)
excellent. Only gL
deviation. In addition, the hadronic peak cross-section, σhad , and the
A0LR from hadronic final states differ by 1.9 σ. On the other hand,
AF B (2.2 σ) and gµ − 2 (1.6 σ, see Sec. 10.3) both moved closer to
the SM predictions by about one standard deviation compared to the
2002 edition of this Review, while MW (LEP 2) has moved closer by
0.8 σ. Observables like Rb = Γ(bb)/Γ(had), Rc = Γ(cc)/Γ(had), and
the combined value for MW which showed significant deviations in
the past, are now in reasonable agreement. In particular, Rb whose
measured value deviated as much as 3.7 σ from the SM prediction is
now only 1.1 σ (0.34%) high.
Ab can be extracted from AF B when Ae = 0.1501 ± 0.0016 is taken
from a fit to leptonic asymmetries (using lepton universality). The
result, Ab = 0.886 ± 0.017, is 2.9 σ below the SM prediction† , and also
1.5 σ below Ab = 0.925 ± 0.020 obtained from AF
LR (b) at SLD. Thus,
it appears that at least some of the problem in AF B is experimental.
Note, however, that the uncertainty in AF B is strongly statistics
dominated. The combined value, Ab = 0.902 ± 0.013 deviates by 2.5 σ.
It would be extremely difficult to account for this 3.5% deviation by
new physics radiative corrections since an order of 20% correction
to κ
bb would be necessary to account for the central value of Ab . If
this deviation is due to new physics, it is most likely of tree-level
type affecting preferentially the third generation. Examples include
the decay of a scalar neutrino resonance [142], mixing of the b quark
with heavy exotics [143], and a heavy Z ′ with family-nonuniversal
couplings [144]. It is difficult, however, to simultaneously account
for Rb , which has been measured on the Z peak and off-peak [145]
at LEP 1. An average of Rb measurements at LEP 2 at energies
between 133 and 207 GeV is 2.1 σ below the SM prediction, while
AF B (LEP 2) is 1.6 σ low.
† Alternatively, one can use Aℓ = 0.1481 ± 0.0027, which is from
LEP alone and in excellent agreement with the SM, and obtain
Ab = 0.898 ± 0.022 which is 1.7 σ low. This illustrates that some
of the discrepancy is related to the one in ALR .
February 2, 2008
10. EW model and constraints on new physics 23
The left-right asymmetry, A0LR = 0.15138 ± 0.00216 [101],
based on all hadronic data from 1992–1998 differs 1.9 σ from
the SM expectation of 0.1472 ± 0.0011. The combined value of
Aℓ = 0.1513 ± 0.0021 from SLD (using lepton-family universality and
including correlations) is also 1.9 σ above the SM prediction; but there
is now experimental agreement between this SLD value and the LEP
value, Aℓ = 0.1481 ± 0.0027, obtained from a fit to AF B , Ae (Pτ ), and
Aτ (Pτ ), again assuming universality.
Despite these discrepancies the goodness of the fit to all data is
excellent with a χ2 /d.o.f. = 45.5/45. The probability of a larger χ2
is 45%. The observables in Table 10.4, as well as some other less
precise observables, are used in the global fits described below. The
correlations on the LEP lineshape and τ polarization, the LEP/SLD
heavy flavor observables, the SLD lepton asymmetries, the deep
inelastic and ν-e scattering observables, and the mt measurements, are
included. The theoretical correlations between ∆αhad and gµ − 2, and
between the charm and bottom quark masses, are also accounted for.
Table 10.5: Values of sb 2Z , s2W , αs , and MH [in GeV] for various
(combinations of) observables. Unless indicated otherwise, the
top quark mass, mt = 177.9 ± 4.4 GeV, is used as an additional
constraint in the fits. The (†) symbol indicates a fixed parameter.
All data
sb 2Z
0.23120(15) 0.2228(4)
αs (MZ )
0.1213(18) 113+56
All indirect (no mt ) 0.23116(17) 0.2229(4)
Z pole (no mt )
0.23118(17) 0.2231(6)
LEP 1 (no mt )
0.23148(20) 0.2237(7)
0.1210(29) 140+192
0.23067(28) 0.2217(6)
0.1213 (†)
0.23185(28) 0.2244(8)
0.1213 (†)
0.23089(37) 0.2221(8)
0.1213 (†)
0.23117(15) 0.2227(5)
0.1213 (†)
117 (†)
DIS (isoscalar)
0.2274(16) 0.1213 (†)
117 (†)
0.2207(19) 0.1213 (†)
117 (†)
polarized Møller
0.2207(43) 0.1213 (†)
117 (†)
elastic νµ (νµ )e
0.2220(77) 0.1213 (†)
117 (†)
0.1213 (†)
117 (†)
elastic νµ (νµ )p
0.1213 (†)
117 (†)
February 2, 2008
10. EW model and constraints on new physics
The data allow a simultaneous determination of MH , mt , sin2 θW ,
and the strong coupling αs (MZ ). (m
b c, m
b b , and ∆αhad are also
allowed to float in the fits, subject to the theoretical constraints [5,18]
described in Sec. 10.1–Sec. 10.2. These are correlated with αs .) αs
is determined mainly from Rℓ , ΓZ , σhad , and ττ and is only weakly
correlated with the other variables (except for a 10% correlation
with m
b c ). The global fit to all data, including the CDF/DØ average,
mt = 177.9 ± 4.4 GeV, yields
MH = 113+56
−40 GeV ,
mt = 176.9 ± 4.0 GeV ,
sb 2Z = 0.23120 ± 0.00015 ,
αs (MZ ) = 0.1213 ± 0.0018 .
In the on-shell scheme one has s2W = 0.22280±0.00035, the larger error
due to the stronger sensitivity to mt , while the corresponding effective
angle is related by Eq. (10.34), i.e., s2ℓ = 0.23149 ± 0.00015. The mt
pole mass corresponds to m
b t (m
b t ) = 166.8 ± 3.8 GeV. In all fits, the
errors include full statistical, systematic, and theoretical uncertainties.
The sb 2Z (s2ℓ ) error reflects the error on s2f = 0.23150 ± 0.00016 from a
fit to the Z-pole asymmetries.
The weak mixing angle can be determined from Z-pole observables,
MW , and from a variety of neutral-current processes spanning a very
wide Q2 range. The results (for the older low-energy neutral-current
data see [42,43]) shown in Table 10.5 are in reasonable agreement
with each other, indicating the quantitative success of the SM.
The largest discrepancy is the value sb 2Z = 0.2358 ± 0.0016 from
DIS which is 2.9 σ above the value 0.23120 ± 0.00015 from the
global fit to all data. Similarly, sb 2Z = 0.23185 ± 0.00028 from the
forward-backward asymmetries into bottom and charm quarks, and
sb 2Z = 0.23067 ± 0.00028 from the SLD asymmetries (both when
combined with MZ ) are 2.3 σ high and 1.9 σ low, respectively.
The extracted Z-pole value of αs (MZ ) is based on a formula with
negligible theoretical uncertainty (±0.0005 in αs (MZ )) if one assumes
the exact validity of the SM. One should keep in mind, however,
that this value, αs = 0.1197 ± 0.0028, is very sensitive to such types
of new physics as non-universal vertex corrections. In contrast, the
value derived from τ decays, αs (MZ ) = 0.1221+0.0026
−0.0023 [5], is theory
dominated but less sensitive to new physics. The former is mainly due
to the larger value of αs (mτ ), but just as the hadronic Z-width the
τ lifetime is fully inclusive and can be computed reliably within the
operator product expansion. The two values are in excellent agreement
with each other. They are also in perfect agreement with other recent
values, such as 0.1202 ± 0.0049 from jet-event shapes at LEP [146],
and 0.121 ± 0.003 [147] from the most recent lattice calculation of
the Υ spectrum. For more details and other determinations, see our
Section 9 on “Quantum Chromodynamics” in this Review.
The data indicate a preference for a small Higgs mass. There is
a strong correlation between the quadratic mt and logarithmic MH
February 2, 2008
10. EW model and constraints on new physics 25
terms in ρb in all of the indirect data except for the Z → bb vertex.
Therefore, observables (other than Rb ) which favor mt values higher
than the Tevatron range favor lower values of MH . This effect is
enhanced by Rb , which has little direct MH dependence but favors
the lower end of the Tevatron mt range. MW has additional MH
dependence through ∆b
r W which is not coupled to m2t effects. The
strongest individual pulls toward smaller MH are from MW and A0LR ,
while AF B and the NuTeV results favor high values. The difference
in χ2 for the global fit is ∆χ2 = χ2 (MH = 1000 GeV) − χ2min = 34.6.
Hence, the data favor a small value of MH , as in supersymmetric
extensions of the SM. The central value of the global fit result,
MH = 113+56
−40 GeV, is slightly below the direct lower bound,
MH ≥ 114.4 GeV (95% CL) [106].
The 90% central confidence range from all precision data is
53 GeV ≤ MH ≤ 213 GeV .
Including the results of the direct searches as an extra contribution to
the likelihood function drives the 95% upper limit to MH ≤ 241 GeV.
As two further refinements, we account for (i) theoretical uncertainties
from uncalculated higher order contributions by allowing the T
parameter (see next subsection) subject to the constraint T = 0 ± 0.02,
(ii) the MH dependence of the correlation matrix which gives slightly
more weight to lower Higgs masses [148]. The resulting limits at 95
(90, 99)% CL are
MH ≤ 246 (217, 311) GeV ,
respectively. The extraction of MH from the precision data depends
strongly on the value used for α(MZ ). Upper limits, however, are
more robust due to two compensating effects: the older results
indicated more QED running and were less precise, yielding MH
distributions which were broader with centers shifted to smaller values.
The hadronic contribution to α(MZ ) is correlated with gµ − 2 (see
Sec. 10.3). The measurement of the latter is higher than the SM
prediction, and its inclusion in the fit favors a larger α(MZ ) and a
lower MH (by 4 GeV).
One can also carry out a fit to the indirect data alone, i.e.,
without including the constraint, mt = 177.9 ± 4.4 GeV, obtained
by CDF and DØ. (The indirect prediction is for the MS mass,
b t (m
b t ) = 162.5+9.2
−6.9 GeV, which is in the end converted to the pole
mass). One obtains mt = 172.4+9.8
−7.3 GeV, with little change in the
sin2 θW and αs values, in remarkable agreement with the direct
CDF/DØ average. The relations between MH and mt for various
observables are shown in Fig. 10.1.
Using α(MZ ) and sb 2Z as inputs, one can predict αs (MZ ) assuming
grand unification. One predicts [149] αs (MZ ) = 0.130 ± 0.001 ± 0.01
for the simplest theories based on the minimal supersymmetric
extension of the SM, where the first (second) uncertainty is from the
February 2, 2008
10. EW model and constraints on new physics
Figure 10.1: One-standard-deviation (39.35%) uncertainties in
MH as a function of mt for various inputs, and the 90% CL
region (∆χ2 = 4.605) allowed by all data. αs (MZ ) = 0.120 is
assumed except for the fits including the Z-lineshape data. The
95% direct lower limit from LEP 2 is also shown.
inputs (thresholds). This is slightly larger, but consistent with the
experimental αs (MZ ) = 0.1213 ± 0.0018 from the Z lineshape and the
τ lifetime, as well as with other determinations. Non-supersymmetric
unified theories predict the low value αs (MZ ) = 0.073 ± 0.001 ± 0.001.
See also the note on “Low-Energy Supersymmetry” in the Particle
One can also determine the radiative correction parameters ∆r:
from the global fit one obtains ∆r = 0.0347 ± 0.0011 and ∆b
rW =
0.06981 ± 0.00032. MW measurements [41,141] (when combined with
MZ ) are equivalent to measurements of ∆r = 0.0326 ± 0.0021, which
is 1.2 σ below the result from all indirect data, ∆r = 0.0355 ± 0.0013.
Fig. 10.2 shows the 1 σ contours in the MW − mt plane from the direct
and indirect determinations, as well as the combined 90% CL region.
The indirect determination uses MZ from LEP 1 as input, which is
defined assuming an s-dependent decay width. MW then corresponds
to the s-dependent width definition, as well, and can be directly
compared with the results from the Tevatron and LEP 2 which have
been obtained using the same definition. The difference to a constant
width definition is formally only of O(α2 ), but is strongly enhanced
since the decay channels add up coherently. It is about 34 MeV for
MZ and 27 MeV for MW . The residual difference between working
consistently with one or the other definition is about 3 MeV, i.e., of
typical size for non-enhanced O(α2 ) corrections [54,55].
Figure 10.2: One-standard-deviation (39.35%) region in MW
as a function of mt for the direct and indirect data, and the 90%
CL region (∆χ2 = 4.605) allowed by all data. The SM prediction
as a function of MH is also indicated. The widths of the MH
bands reflect the theoretical uncertainty from α(MZ ).
Most of the parameters relevant to ν-hadron, ν-e, e-hadron, and
e+ e− processes are determined uniquely and precisely from the data
in “model-independent” fits (i.e., fits which allow for an arbitrary
electroweak gauge theory). The values for the parameters defined in
Eqs. (10.11)–(10.13) are given in Table 10.6 along with the predictions
2 and
of the SM. The agreement is reasonable, except for the values of gL
ǫL (u, d), which reflect the discrepancy in the recent NuTeV results.
February 2, 2008
10. EW model and constraints on new physics 27
Table 10.6: Values of the model-independent neutral-current
parameters, compared with the SM predictions for the global
best fit values MZ = 91.1874 ± 0.0021 GeV, MH = 113+56
−40 GeV,
mt = 176.9 ± 4.0 GeV, αs (MZ ) = 0.1213 ± 0.0018, and
νe solution,
b(MZ )−1 = 127.906 ± 0.019. There is a second gV,A
given approximately by gV ↔ gA , which is eliminated by
e+ e− data under the assumption that the neutral current is
dominated by the exchange of a single Z. The ǫL , as well as
the ǫR , are strongly correlated and non-Gaussian, so that for
implementations we recommend the parametrization using gi
and θi = tan−1 [ǫi (u)/ǫi (d)], i = L or R. θR is only weakly
correlated with the gi , while the correlation coefficient between
θR and θL is 0.27.
ǫL (u)
ǫL (d)
ǫR (u)
ǫR (d)
0.326 ±0.013
−0.441 ±0.010
−0.175 +0.013
2.51 ±0.033
−0.040 ±0.015
−0.507 ±0.014
C1u + C1d
C1u − C1d
0.148 ±0.004
−0.597 ±0.061
0.62 ±0.80
−0.07 ±0.12
C2u + C2d
C2u − C2d
(The ν-hadron results without the new NuTeV data can be found in
the previous editions of this Review.). The off Z-pole e+ e− results are
difficult to present in a model-independent way because Z-propagator
effects are non-negligible at TRISTAN, PETRA, PEP, and LEP 2
energies. However, assuming e-µ-τ universality, the low-energy lepton
e )2 = 0.99 ± 0.05, in good agreement with
asymmetries imply [98] 4(gA
the SM prediction ≃ 1.
The results presented here are generally in reasonable agreement
with the ones obtained by the LEP Electroweak Working Group [41].
We obtain higher best fit values for αs and a higher and slightly more
precise MH . We trace most of the differences to be due to (i) the
February 2, 2008
10. EW model and constraints on new physics
inclusion of recent higher order radiative corrections, in particular, the
leading O(α4s ) contribution to hadronic Z decays [150]; (ii) a different
evaluation of α(MZ ) [18]; (iii) slightly different data sets (such as
the recent DØ mt value); and (iv) scheme dependences. Taking into
account these differences, the agreement is excellent.
10.6. Constraints on new physics
The Z-pole, W mass, and neutral-current data can be used to
search for and set limits on deviations from the SM. In particular,
the combination of these indirect data with the direct CDF and DØ
average for mt allows one to set stringent limits on new physics. We
will mainly discuss the effects of exotic particles (with heavy masses
Mnew ≫ MZ in an expansion in MZ /Mnew ) on the gauge boson
self-energies. (Brief remarks are made on new physics which is not
of this type.) Most of the effects on precision measurements can be
described by three gauge self-energy parameters S, T , and U . We will
define these, as well as related parameters, such as ρ0 , ǫi , and b
ǫi ,
to arise from new physics only. I.e., they are equal to zero (ρ0 = 1)
exactly in the SM, and do not include any contributions from mt or
MH , which are treated separately. Our treatment differs from most of
the original papers.
Many extensions of the SM are described by the ρ0 parameter,
ρ0 ≡ M W
/ MZ2 b
c 2Z ρb ,
which describes new sources of SU(2) breaking that cannot be
accounted for by the SM Higgs doublet or mt effects. In the
presence of ρ0 6= 1, Eq. (10.51) generalizes Eq. (10.8b) while
Eq. (10.8a) remains unchanged. Provided that the new physics
which yields ρ0 6= 1 is a small perturbation which does not
significantly affect the radiative corrections, ρ0 can be regarded as
a phenomenological parameter which multiplies GF in Eqs. (10.11)–
(10.13), (10.28), and ΓZ in Eq. (10.47). There is enough data to
determine ρ0 , MH , mt , and αs , simultaneously. From the global fit,
ρ0 = 0.9998+0.0008
−0.0005 ,
114.4 GeV < MH < 193 GeV ,
mt = 178.0 ± 4.1 GeV ,
αs (MZ ) = 0.1214 ± 0.0018 ,
where the lower limit on MH is the direct search bound. (If the direct
limit is ignored one obtains MH = 66+86
−30 GeV and ρ0 = 0.9993−0.0008 .)
The error bar in Eq. (10.52) is highly asymmetric: at the 2 σ level one
has ρ0 = 0.9998+0.0025
−0.0010 and MH < 664 GeV. Clearly, in the presence of
ρ0 upper limits on MH become much weaker. The result in Eq. (10.52)
is in remarkable agreement with the SM expectation, ρ0 = 1. It can
be used to constrain higher-dimensional Higgs representations to have
vacuum expectation values of less than a few percent of those of the
February 2, 2008
10. EW model and constraints on new physics 29
doublets. Indeed, the relation between MW and MZ is modified if
there are Higgs multiplets with weak isospin > 1/2 with significant
vacuum expectation values. In order to calculate to higher orders in
such theories one must define a set of four fundamental renormalized
parameters which one may conveniently choose to be α, GF , MZ , and
MW , since MW and MZ are directly measurable. Then sb 2Z and ρ0
can be considered dependent parameters.
Eq. (10.52) can also be used to constrain other types of new
physics. For example, non-degenerate multiplets of heavy fermions or
scalars break the vector part of weak SU(2) and lead to a decrease in
the value of MZ /MW . A non-degenerate SU(2) doublet ff1 yields a
positive contribution to ρ0 [151] of
∆m2 ,
8 2π 2
∆m2 ≡ m21 + m22 −
4m21 m22
≥ (m1 − m2 )2 ,
m21 − m22 m2
and C = 1 (3) for color singlets (triplets). Thus, in the presence of
such multiplets, one has
3GF X Ci
∆m2i = ρ0 − 1 ,
8 2π 2 i 3
where the sum includes fourth-family quark or lepton doublets, bt ′
or E
− , and scalar doublets such as b̃ in Supersymmetry (in the
absence of L − R mixing). This implies
X Ci
∆m2i ≤ (85 GeV)2
at 95% CL. The corresponding constraints
P on non-degenerate squark
and slepton doublets are even stronger, i Ci ∆m2i /3 ≤ (59 GeV)2 .
This is due to the MSSM Higgs mass bound, mh0 < 150 GeV, and the
very strong correlation between mh0 and ρ0 (79%).
Non-degenerate multiplets usually imply ρ0 > 1. Similarly, heavy
Z ′ bosons decrease the prediction for MZ due to mixing and
generally lead to ρ0 > 1 [152]. On the other hand, additional Higgs
doublets which participate in spontaneous symmetry breaking [153],
heavy lepton doublets involving Majorana neutrinos [154], and the
vacuum expectation values of Higgs triplets or higher-dimensional
representations can contribute to ρ0 with either sign. Allowing for the
presence of heavy degenerate chiral multiplets (the S parameter, to
be discussed below) affects the determination of ρ0 from the data, at
present leading to a smaller value (for fixed MH ).
February 2, 2008
10. EW model and constraints on new physics
A number of authors [155–160] have considered the general effects
on neutral-current and Z and W boson observables of various types of
heavy (i.e., Mnew ≫ MZ ) physics which contribute to the W and Z
self-energies but which do not have any direct coupling to the ordinary
fermions. In addition to non-degenerate multiplets, which break the
vector part of weak SU(2), these include heavy degenerate multiplets
of chiral fermions which break the axial generators. The effects of one
degenerate chiral doublet are small, but in Technicolor theories there
may be many chiral doublets and therefore significant effects [155].
Such effects can be described by just three parameters, S, T , and
U at the (electroweak) one-loop level. (Three additional parameters
are needed if the new physics scale is comparable to MZ [161]. ) T is
proportional to the difference between the W and Z self-energies at
Q2 = 0 (i.e., vector SU(2)-breaking), while S (S + U ) is associated
with the difference between the Z (W ) self-energy at Q2 = MZ,W
Q = 0 (axial SU(2)-breaking). Denoting the contributions of new
physics to the various self-energies by Πnew
ij , we have
W W (0) − ΠZZ (0) ,
MZ2 − Πnew
b (MZ )
ZZ (0)
S ≡
s Zb
c 2Z − sb 2Z ΠZγ MZ
, (10.60b)
c Z sb Z
2 − Πnew (0)
b (MZ )
(S + U ) ≡
s 2Z
c Z ΠZγ MZ
sb Z
b (MZ ) T ≡
S, T , and U are defined with a factor proportional to α
b removed, so
that they are expected to be of order unity in the presence of new
physics. In the MS scheme as defined in Ref. 46, the last two terms in
Eq. (10.60b) and Eq. (10.60c) can be omitted (as was done in some
earlier editions of this Review). They are related to other parameters
(Si , hi , b
ǫi ) defined in [46,156,157] by
T = hV = b
ǫ1 /α ,
S = hAZ = SZ = 4b
s 2Z b
ǫ3 /α ,
U = hAW − hAZ = SW − SZ = −4b
s 2Z b
ǫ2 /α .
A heavy non-degenerate multiplet of fermions or scalars contributes
positively to T as
ρ0 − 1 =
− 1 ≃ αT ,
1 − αT
where ρ0 is given in Eq. (10.58). The effects of non-standard Higgs
representations cannot be separated from heavy non-degenerate
February 2, 2008
10. EW model and constraints on new physics 31
multiplets unless the new physics has other consequences, such as
vertex corrections. Most of the original papers defined T to include
the effects of loops only. However, we will redefine T to include all
new sources of SU(2) breaking, including non-standard Higgs, so that
T and ρ0 are equivalent by Eq. (10.62).
A multiplet of heavy degenerate chiral fermions yields
t3L (i) − t3R (i) /3π ,
where t3L,R (i) is the third component of weak isospin of the
left-(right-)handed component of fermion i and C is the number
of colors. For example, a heavy degenerate ordinary or mirror
family would contribute 2/3π to S. In Technicolor models with
QCD-like dynamics, one expects [155] S ∼ 0.45 for an iso-doublet
of techni-fermions, assuming NT C = 4 techni-colors, while S ∼ 1.62
for a full techni-generation with NT C = 4; T is harder to estimate
because it is model dependent. In these examples one has S ≥ 0.
However, the QCD-like models are excluded on other grounds (flavor
changing neutral-currents, and too-light quarks and pseudo-Goldstone
bosons [162]) . In particular, these estimates do not apply to models
of walking Technicolor [162], for which S can be smaller or even
negative [163]. Other situations in which S < 0, such as loops
involving scalars or Majorana particles, are also possible [164]. The
simplest origin of S < 0 would probably be an additional heavy Z ′
boson [152], which could mimic S < 0. Supersymmetric extensions
of the SM generally give very small effects. See Refs. 115,165 and
the Section on Supersymmetry in this Review for a complete set of
[115,165]. Most simple types of new physics yield U = 0, although
there are counter-examples, such as the effects of anomalous triple
gauge vertices [157].
The SM expressions for observables are replaced by
MZ2 = MZ0
= MW
1 − αT
2 S/2 2π
1 − GF MZ0
1 − GF MW 0 (S + U ) /2 2π
where MZ0 and MW 0 are the SM expressions (as functions of mt and
MH ) in the MS scheme. Furthermore,
M3β ,
1 − αT Z Z
βW ,
ΓW = M W
Ai =
Ai0 ,
1 − αT
ΓZ =
where βZ and βW are the SM expressions for the reduced widths
3 and Γ
ΓZ0 /MZ0
W 0 /MW 0 , MZ and MW are the physical masses, and
Ai (Ai0 ) is a neutral-current amplitude (in the SM).
February 2, 2008
10. EW model and constraints on new physics
The data allow a simultaneous determination of sb 2Z (from the
Z-pole asymmetries), S (from MZ ), U (from MW ), T (mainly from
ΓZ ), αs (from Rℓ , σhad , and ττ ), and mt (from CDF and DØ), with
little correlation among the SM parameters:
S = −0.13 ± 0.10 (−0.08) ,
T = −0.17 ± 0.12 (+0.09) ,
U =
0.22 ± 0.13 (+0.01) ,
and sb 2Z = 0.23119 ± 0.00016, αs (MZ ) = 0.1222 ± 0.0019, mt =
177.2 ± 4.2 GeV, where the uncertainties are from the inputs. The
central values assume MH = 117 GeV, and in parentheses we show
the change for MH = 300 GeV. As can be seen, the SM parameters
(U ) can be determined with no (little) MH dependence. On the other
hand, S, T , and MH cannot be obtained simultaneously, because the
Higgs boson loops themselves are resembled approximately by oblique
effects. Eqs. (10.66) show that negative (positive) contributions to the
S (T ) parameter can weaken or entirely remove the strong constraints
on MH from the SM fits. Specific models in which a large MH is
compensated by new physics are reviewed in [166]. The parameters
in Eqs. (10.66), which by definition are due to new physics only, all
deviate by more than one standard deviation from the SM values of
zero. However, these deviations are correlated. Fixing U = 0 (as is
done in Fig. 10.3) will also move S and T to values compatible with
zero within errors because the slightly high experimental value of MW
favors a positive value for S + U . Using Eq. (10.62) the value of ρ0
corresponding to T is 0.9987 ± 0.0009 (+0.0007). The values of the b
parameters defined in Eq. (10.61) are
ǫ3 = −0.0011 ± 0.0008 (−0.0006) ,
ǫ1 = −0.0013 ± 0.0009 (+0.0007) ,
ǫ2 = −0.0019 ± 0.0011 (−0.0001) .
Unlike the original definition, we defined the quantities in Eqs. (10.67)
to vanish identically in the absence of new physics and to correspond
directly to the parameters S, T , and U in Eqs. (10.66). There is
a strong correlation (80%) between the S and T parameters. The
allowed region in S − T is shown in Fig. 10.3. From Eqs. (10.66)
one obtains S ≤ 0.03 (−0.05) and T ≤ 0.02 (0.11) at 95% CL for
MH = 117 GeV (300 GeV). If one fixes MH = 600 GeV and requires
the constraint S ≥ 0 (as is appropriate in QCD-like Technicolor
models) then S ≤ 0.09 (Bayesian) or S ≤ 0.06 (frequentist). This
rules out simple Technicolor models with many techni-doublets and
QCD-like dynamics.
An extra generation of ordinary fermions is excluded at the
99.95% CL on the basis of the S parameter alone, corresponding to
NF = 2.92 ± 0.27 for the number of families. This result assumes
that there are no new contributions to T or U and therefore that
any new families are degenerate. In principle this restriction can be
February 2, 2008
10. EW model and constraints on new physics 33
relaxed by allowing T to vary as well, since T > 0 is expected from a
non-degenerate extra family. However, the data currently favor T < 0,
thus strengthening the exclusion limits. A more detailed analysis
is required if the extra neutrino (or the extra down-type quark) is
close to its direct mass limit [167]. This can drive S to small or
even negative values but at the expense of too-large contributions
to T . These results are in agreement with a fit to the number of
light neutrinos, Nν = 2.986 ± 0.007 (which favors a larger value for
αs (MZ ) = 0.1228 ± 0.0021 mainly from Rℓ and ττ ). However, the S
parameter fits are valid even for a very heavy fourth family neutrino.
Figure 10.3: 1 σ constraints (39.35%) on S and T from various
inputs. S and T represent the contributions of new physics only.
(Uncertainties from mt are included in the errors.) The contours
assume MH = 117 GeV except for the central and upper 90%
CL contours allowed by all data, which are for MH = 340 GeV
and 1000 GeV, respectively. Data sets not involving MW are
insensitive to U . Due to higher order effects, however, U = 0 has
to be assumed in all fits. αs is constrained using the τ lifetime
as additional input in all fits.
There is no simple parametrization that is powerful enough to
describe the effects of every type of new physics on every possible
observable. The S, T , and U formalism describes many types of heavy
physics which affect only the gauge self-energies, and it can be applied
to all precision observables. However, new physics which couples
directly to ordinary fermions, such as heavy Z ′ bosons [152] or mixing
with exotic fermions [168] cannot be fully parametrized in the S, T ,
and U framework. It is convenient to treat these types of new physics
by parameterizations that are specialized to that particular class of
theories (e.g., extra Z ′ bosons), or to consider specific models (which
might contain, e.g., Z ′ bosons and exotic fermions with correlated
parameters). Constraints on various types of new physics are reviewed
in Refs. [43,91,169,170]. Fits to models with (extended) Technicolor
and Supersymmetry are described, respectively, in Refs. [171],
and [115,172]. The effects of compactified extra spatial dimensions at
the TeV scale have been reviewed in [173], and constraints on Little
Higgs models in [174].
An alternate formalism [175] defines parameters, ǫ1 , ǫ2 , ǫ3 , ǫb
in terms of the specific observables MW /MZ , Γℓℓ , AF B , and Rb .
The definitions coincide with those for b
ǫi in Eqs. (10.60) and (10.61)
for physics which affects gauge self-energies only, but the ǫ’s now
parametrize arbitrary types of new physics. However, the ǫ’s are
not related to other observables unless additional model-dependent
assumptions are made. Another approach [176–178] parametrizes new
physics in terms of gauge-invariant sets of operators. It is especially
February 2, 2008
10. EW model and constraints on new physics
powerful in studying the effects of new physics on non-Abelian
gauge vertices. The most general approach introduces deviation
vectors [169]. Each type of new physics defines a deviation vector,
the components of which are the deviations of each observable from
its SM prediction, normalized to the experimental uncertainty. The
length (direction) of the vector represents the strength (type) of new
Table 10.7: 95% CL lower mass limits (in
GeV) from low energy and Z pole data on
various extra Z ′ gauge bosons, appearing
in models of unification and string theory.
ρ0 free indicates a completely arbitrary
Higgs sector, while ρ0 = 1 restricts to Higgs
doublets and singlets with still unspecified
charges. The CDF bounds from searches
for p̄p → e+ e− , µ+ µ− [183] and the LEP 2
e+ e− → f f¯ [41,184] bounds are listed in
the last two columns, respectively. (The
CDF bounds would be weakend if there
are open supersymmetric or exotic decay
ρ0 free
ρ0 = 1
CDF (direct)
One of the best motivated kinds of physics beyond the SM besides
Supersymmetry are extra Z ′ bosons. They do not spoil the observed
approximate gauge coupling unification, and appear copiously in
many Grand Unified Theories (GUTs), most Superstring models, as
well as in dynamical symmetry breaking [171,179] and Little Higgs
models [174]. For example, the SO(10) GUT contains an extra U(1)
as can be seen from its maximal subgroup, SU(5) × U(1)χ . Similarly,
the E6 GUT contains the subgroup SO(10) × U(1)ψ . The Zψ possesses
only axial-vector couplings to the ordinary fermions, and its mass is
p constrained. The Zη boson is the linear combination
3/8 Zχ − 5/8 Zψ . The ZLR boson occurs in left-right models
with gauge group SU(3)C × SU(2)L × SU(2)R × U(1)B –L ⊂ SO(10).
The sequential ZSM boson is defined to have the same couplings to
fermions as the SM Z boson. Such a boson is not expected in the
context of gauge theories unless it has different couplings to exotic
February 2, 2008
10. EW model and constraints on new physics 35
fermions than the ordinary Z. However, it serves as a useful reference
case when comparing constraints from various sources. It could also
play the role of an excited state of the ordinary Z in models with
extra dimensions at the weak scale. Finally, we consider a Superstring
motivated Zstring boson appearing in a specific model [180]. The
potential Z ′ boson is in general a superposition of the SM Z and
the new boson associated with the extra U(1). The mixing angle θ
M 2 0 − MZ2
tan θ = 2 1
MZ ′ − M 2 0
where MZ 0 is the SM value for MZ in the absence of mixing. Note,
that MZ < MZ 0 , and that the SM Z couplings are changed by the
mixing. If the Higgs U(1)′ quantum numbers are known, there will be
an extra constraint,
g2 MZ2
g1 MZ2 ′
where g1,2 are the U(1) and U(1)′ gauge couplings with g2 =
5 sin θ
W λ g1 . λ ∼ 1 (which we assume) if the GUT group breaks
directly to SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1) × U(1)′ . C is a function of vacuum
expectation values. For minimal Higgs sectors it can be found in
reference [152]. Table 10.7 shows the 95% CL lower mass limits
obtained from a somewhat earlier data set [181] for ρ0 free and
ρ0 = 1, respectively. In cases of specific minimal Higgs sectors where
C is known, the Z ′ mass limits are generally pushed into the TeV
region. The limits on |θ| are typically < few ×10−3. For more details
see [181,182] and the Section on “The Z ′ Searches” in this Review.
Also listed in Table 10.7 are the direct lower limits on Z ′ production
from CDF [183] and LEP 2 bounds [41,184]. The final LEP 1 value
for σhad , some previous values for QW (Cs), NuTeV, and AF B (for
family-nonuniversal couplings [185]) modify the results and might
even suggest the possible existence of a Z ′ [144,186].
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February 2, 2008
ΓZ, σhad, Rl, Rq
all data
90% CL
MH [GeV]
mt [GeV]
direct (1σ)
indirect (1σ)
all data (90% CL)
mW [GeV]
mt [GeV]
Oblique Parameters
constraints on gauge boson self-energies
ΓΖ, σhad, Rl, Rq
ν scattering
all: MH = 117 GeV
all: MH = 340 GeV
all: MH = 1000 GeV