Recent papers in Recontextualization
This article follows previous research arguing that skills of call center agents, which often include emotional labor, communication, procedural and substantive knowledge, and articulation work, are mostly invisible. Moving beyond... more
This article maps out and reviews work on textual trajectories and related concepts from sociolinguistics, linguistic ethnography, discourse and literacy studies. The first part of the article argues that work on entextualisation and... more
El caso fue escrito por el Profesor Asistente Jacobo Ramírez y el estudiante Sven Benjamin Modrow del Departamento de Comunicación y Administración Intercultural en Copenhague Business School (CBS), con el propósito de ser utilizado como... more
I have examined hundreds of literary tattoos, tattoos that are based on a literary work, a book, author, etc., and studied literature's role in them.
Zeitgenössische Kunst wird in den letzten Jahren vermehrt in aktiven Kirchenräumen ausgestellt. Während die Frage nach den Möglichkeiten und Grenzen solcher Installationen in der Forschung bereits ausführlich aus theologischer Perspektive... more
Documento de trabalho da linha de investigação ASPTI (análise do saber profissional em profissões de trabalho técnico-intelectual). Elaborado em Novembro de 2021 para finalidades pedagógicas e didáticas no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de... more
The aim of this article is to show how a suspect's statement travels through two stages of the criminal law process: the police interrogation and the trial, exhibited by two modes of production: talk and writing. I first discuss how the... more
Resumen: La traducción de reportajes de divulgación científica en la prensa española es un aspecto de la traducción periodística apenas estudiado, de tal modo que apenas existe bibliografía específica sobre este tema. Los reportajes son,... more
This article presents an analysis of politicians' laughter in broadcast news interviews and of mass media representations of Hillary Rodham Clinton's laughter during her failed bid for the Democratic nomination for President of the United... more
This article examines the discourses and Conversations involved in representative articles taken from the US Election 2012 news in the Spanish newspaper El País with a previous description of the same news in The New York Times. The... more
Merold Westphal’s method often consists in recontextualizing, or appropriating, various sources in order to either make his own argument or to make other’s arguments seem self-evident. This method is especially noteworthy in his use of... more
Since their emergence, discourses of sustainability have been widely resemioticised in different genres and have intertextually merged with other discourses and practices. This article examines the emergence of Integrated Reporting (IR)... more
The paper examines patterns of relatedness in exchanges built by the video responses to one of YouTube "Most Responded" videos. The analysis shows the presence of a diversified range of patterns, as a result of the interactants' creative... more
<i>We have no apartments</i> is a phrase repeated over and over again at the counselling centre for refugees on housing matters based in Vienna, Austria, where I conducted ethnographic fieldwork. Based on an analysis of processes of... more
presented at the Australian Systemic Functional Linguistics Association 2014 Conference, 2 October 2014, UNSW, Sydney Australia
Ideology is an important component of text production and reception, and therefore of translation. In the paper, we address the translation of ideology through the prism of the intergroup threat theory. The resulting intergroup mediation... more
Focusing on a long-running health campaign, this paper examines the UK government's use of a policy technique known as 'nudge', which draws on behavioural economics in order to shape civic behaviours towards more desirable ends. Public... more
This article presents a study of ongoing global and local changing practices by exploring the interaction between multimodal metaphor and narrative in advertising discourse. Thus, we make use of CMT and Conceptual Integration Theory to... more
From the Introduction: The adaptation of popular or folk songs is part of a tradition that extends from the playground to the political, from the religious to the risqué (see, for example, Barrett 2006, Kizer 1983, Randall 2005, Cray... more
This paper deals with a) the role of writer Karel Klostermann (1848-1923) and his work in the protracted debate over approaches to the administration of the Bohemian Forest National Park (BFNP), and b) a description of intertextual... more
Loo, S. (2018) Teachers and Teaching in Vocational and Professional Education. Abingdon: Routledge. This research... more
In the recontextualization of discourse, a number of choices or decisions are made with regard to the movement or translation of meaning-material across social contexts, e.g. what material should be moved from the original context, and... more
This chapter contends that the naïve referentialism of the New Historicists’ approach to reading (exemplified in their tacit ideological cornerstone that “history repeats its [old] self”) renders those critics vulnerable to the charge of... more
To recontextualise from the perspective of a religious tradition depends on a capacity to make that tradition meaningful, and this first involves a commitment to its meaningfulness. The best teachers of English are those who have seen... more
Per poter acquisire nuovi oggetti e arricchire la collezione egizia del museo torinese del quale era direttore, Ernesto Schiaparelli decise di fondare la Missione Archeologica Italiana in Egitto (M.A.I.), con lo scopo si reperire le... more
In the Catholic Church, which includes in its mission the provision of school education, the significant rise of “no religion” in Western societies prompts serious new questions about how this mission can be lived out. An important... more
This thesis seeks to explore the place and role of ideology in political communication under conditions of mediatization. Exploring the place of ideology, as I will argue, involves exploring the ways political meaning is produced through... more
In the visual arts of painting and photography the appropriation of “borrowed” imagery for reuse and re-contextualization has yielded resonant discourses on ideas of authorship, authenticity and even the definition of art. It need not be... more
Political discourse becomes more and more 'mediatized' nowadays but, as I argue in this article, mediatization should be considered neither as a testament to 'de-ideologization' nor as a restyling of the 'inherently ideological'... more
The paper presented here focuses on the idea of interpreting the digital culture as an image of the material culture rather than a mere copy of it. First of all, we should ask ourselves what an image really is; it is in investigating its... more
This article shows how the specific discourse situation and socio-cultural context influence the development and degree of entrenchment of metaphor in language. Two metaphors are analyzed and contrasted in two different communities and... more
This paper analyzes the coverage of Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, an American politician whose political discourse has aligned her with left-wing populism (LWP), by Tucker Carlson Tonight, a Fox News talk show hosted by a... more
Este estudio analiza en forma crítica los documentos oficiales de 24 universidades públicas colombianas en su visión, misión y metas que integran buena parte de su razón de ser. Se utilizó un análisis crítico del discurso (ACD) teniendo... more
This is a somewhat abbreviated, English version of a book review essay, first published in Magyar, of the first Hungarian publication of Anthony Giddens' textbook _Sociology_, intended as a required core material for Sociology courses in... more
Paper presented at at Linguistic Anthropology: Perspectives and Potentials. The first Stockholm roundtable in linguistic anthropology.
Th e paper focuses on crossposting, as a form of digital remediation consisting in the production and distribution of multimodal texts in multiple online spaces through embedding and sharing. Th e study sketches the analytical steps to... more
Many different projects work with the systems of the to digitally process and publish archaeological research and research data. Since 2018, the newly developed documentation system iDAI.field has been increasingly used to... more
ABSTRACT Figures such as graphs, illustrations, and photographs play important epistemological and pedagogic roles in the communication of science. In this presentation, I take as a case in point a figure from a research article published... more