Recent papers in Bricolage
L’étude de la présence afro-brésilienne dans le quartier de Bexiga à São Paulo dans les années 1920 et 1930 permet de comprendre à la fois la manière dont les élites de la ville prennent en considération ces habitants issus d’un esclavage... more
To cite this paper: Ford, Chris. (2012). “The Found Object in Design,” Forward 112: Process. AIA National Associates Committee, American Institute of Architects, July 2012. p38-51. --- While artists have an established record of... more
The development of smallholder irrigation is a policy priority in Ethiopia, yet little consideration has been given to the role state interventions play in enabling or constraining effective self-governance in farmer-managed schemes. To... more
ABSTRACTAbang None is a designation for Jakarta Tourism Ambassador. Researchers saw a phenomenon of self-transformation from a tourism ambassador to a celebrity. This phenomenon refers to case studies experienced by Maudy Koesnaedi,... more
[FR v.infra] The aim of this paper is to question the traditional polis religion model as it presents an artificial, static and distorted image of the religious conditions in the Roman West. The religious experienceof the individual and... more
When you visualize the term “punk,” what do you see? Many contemporary viewers have an inclination to associate “punk” with a specific visual image, composed of a selection of iconic dress artifacts, such as the Mohawk hairstyle, leather... more
Száz Pál kurzusa a Pesti Bölcsész Akadémián: Kultúraköziség és hibriditás Borbély Szilárd műveiben Az előadás-sorozat Borbély Szilárd azon műveit vizsgálja, melyekben a zsidó és keresztény (szöveg)hagyományok elemei sajátos módon... more
This presentation analyzes the connections between art, biography, and precariousness (considered broadly) in Paolo Sorrentino's 2013 film La grande bellezza (The Great Beauty).
Can we use the "polis religion" model for understanding religious activities in the Roman provinces? No! Models based on Classical Greece and religious institutions in Rome are not helpful for understanding developments in the Roman... more
This article examines how Alice Oswald’s book-length poem Dart complicates and extends debates about the local and global. Aspects of environmentalism that focus on a physical connection with a local environment have been criticised by... more
This study takes researcher and reader down the rabbit hole of story with its unique approach to the phenomena of professional identity, professional learning, and school change. It examines the perspectives of 14 educators: a range of... more
The aim of this essay is to give a brief introduction on Marches of the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-, and Transsexual Community (abbreviated with LGBT). First of all, the problematic of “authentically homosexual” space (Bell et al. qtd. in Hold and... more
Esta serie de 4 instructivos describe, paso a paso, la construcción y montaje de una estructura liviana (tubos de PVC) con cubierta textil (Tarpaulin), que puede servir de refugio transitorio para personas y enseres, en caso de... more
This research project is a first-person, practice-led endeavour which contributes to the fields of both medical humanities and the sonic arts. Through a reflexive, auto-ethnographic process, employing a wide range of audio-visual methods,... more
Studio sul lavoro di Jean-Marie Floch in "Identità visive", in particolare con riferimento ai saggi: - la via dei loghi - il coltello del bricoleur - estetica ed etica del total look chanel Lo scopo del lavoro è analizzare semioticamente... more
Research summary: The discovery of the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and the spread of COVID-19 have led many governments to take drastic measures. The lockdown of large parts of society and economic life has come as an exogenous shock to many... more
Nowadays, we can see the power of nature by its biodiversity. It is not only beneficial to mimic our nature, but also to create a human-friendly device. This study intends to present classroom lesson plans designed with the application of... more
An interview by Piotr Pietrzak exploring Tamara Albertini's philosophical journey and further plans.
Shifting Earth Archivers explores notions of human and non-human memory, solastalgia, and archiving in relation to North-Rhine Westphalian's lignite industry, focussing on both the current Hambacher Mine and the historical mines in the... more
""reviews: This groundbreaking book brings depth of meaning and intellectual scholarship to the field of human development while also lifting the human spirit by offering new dimensions of self-formation through the ancient medium of... more
This article addresses the use of political discourse and the shaping of institutionalized organizations in post-Soviet shamanism in the south Siberian Republic of Tuva. It argues that many organizational features of today's shamanism... more
Cette thèse a pour objectif de mettre en lumière divers aspects de la « culture des contraires » - une culture traduisant une propension pour la juxtaposition d'éléments à première vue fort différents. Dans le premier chapitre, nous... more
In this study a component of long-term peacebuilding practice - restorative justice processing - was examined in South Africa’s unequal, transitional context. Based on multidisciplinary literature, Galtung’s (1996) notion of... more
El proceso formativo del collage es análogo al del gusano de seda en el interior de su cápsula maravillosa; hilar continuamente e hilar delgado; son imprescindibles las siguientes dotes: Imaginación, memoria, si bien memoria visual,... more
Buskers—street performers—evince the creative tactics of self-conscious agents who are both produced by and productive of the social and material conditions within which they carry out their practices. In this article, I discuss my... more
Braconnage culturel débusquant la création dans la banalité de la vie quotidienne, l’art du bricolage ne peut être rangé ni dans un cadre disciplinaire ni dans un mouvement conceptuel ou esthétique. Aussi n’est-il pas sans interroger le... more
Abstract Current dissertation deals with the works of Szilárd Borbély, an author who passed awayrecently and who was one of the most influential representatives of the Hungarian contemporary poetry. It investigates intertextual and... more
Publicado na revista Lugar Comum, nº 52: Imaginando com o cinema de ficção científica um cenário de expansão da precarização da vida humana e o esgotamento das expectativas de... more
En este trabajo se describe cómo operan los discursos en relación a su carácter histórico-social, y se brindan herramientas prácticas para su comprensión, a través de la estratégia del Análisis Crítico del Discurso, para facilitar su uso... more
Despite the extent of intensive urbanisation and centuriation across Roman North Italy, Rome’s impact seems to have been less significant than often assumed. The religious landscape shows a number of non-Roman features, such as Celtic... more
This paper provides an introductory overview to the Humanities special issue on 'spatial bricolage'. The individual contributions that make up the special issue are outlined and salient themes pulled out that address and respond to some... more
Wissenschaft befindet sich in steter Veränderung. Die der Dissertation zugrunde liegende Studie zur Konstruktion eines Wissenschaftsfeldes untersucht diesen Wandel am Fallbeispiel der Schweizer Nanowissenschaften.
Résumé: Parmi les religiosités qui se substituent aux grandes traditions religieuses, les mouvances néopaïennes, associées aux religions antiques et médiévales préchrétiennes, connaissent un essor de plus en plus important. Le... more
It is commonly recognized by the design research community that there is a ‘designerly’ way of knowing, first articulated by Nigel Cross (1982, 2006) that is distinct from other types of knowledge. This concept of designerly knowing can... more
Metaphysical quest in the spirit of T S Eliot's The Waste Land (1922).