History of Egyptology
Recent papers in History of Egyptology
The current paper aims to report on and explore what has already been achieved and to identify work in progress, in art historical work in Egyptology. While the aim is to be objective, unavoidably the findings remain subjective. This... more
On a entrepris cette année une étude critique de la littérature égyptienne : consacrée à en tenter une définition, elle s'est intéressée également à la façon dont les égyptologues ont eux-mêmes défini les critères de ce qu'ils considèrent... more
Note that this paper is to be read in conjunction with THE DECORATED NORTH WALL IN THE TOMB OF TUTANKHAMUN (KV 62) (THE BURIAL OF NEFERTITI? II) (2019)... more
O presente artigo, ao homenagear Jaroslav Cerny, propõe-se a examinar as incontáveis e relevantes contribuições por ele aportadas aos estudos de Egiptologia, em especial as suas investigações sobre a cultura e modo de vida dos moradores... more
In 2007 the facsimile edition of an original manuscript written by a French soldier of Bonaparte’s Expedition in Egypt was published. Illustrated by naive coloured plates by the hand of the author, this document relates, almost day after... more
Ramesses II, King of Egypt (1279–1213 BC) ascended the throne as the third king of the Nineteenth Dynasty at the age of twenty-five. In his sixty-seven year reign he probably built more temples and sired more children than any other... more
The latest Czech issue of Prague Egyptological Studies (XVIII/2017) is devoted to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Professor Zbyněk Žába (1917–1971), one of the founders of the Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts at the... more
Epigraphers and archaeologists working in Egypt must navigate a host of complex relationships both on and off site. This chapter explores the multifaceted nature of local Egyptian peoples’ relationships with nearby monuments through the... more
Proceedings: Nachleben and the Cultural Memory of Ancient Egypt, Conference at the Warburg Institute, London, December 6–8, 2018
A History of World Egyptology is a ground-breaking reference work that traces the study of ancient Egypt. Spanning 150 years and global in purview, it enlarges our understanding of how and why people have looked, and continue to look,... more
The Exhibition at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo (Tahrir Place) is extented to the end of February 2018.
Organisers : Institut français d'archéologie orientale (IFAO) in Cairo and the University of Paul-Valéry in Montpellier, France.
Organisers : Institut français d'archéologie orientale (IFAO) in Cairo and the University of Paul-Valéry in Montpellier, France.
Exhibition catalogue "Treasures of the Citizens" Hannover: Museum August Kestner (12 September 2013 - 3 March 2014), chapter and object entires by C. E. Loeben on "Friedrich Wilhelm von Bissing" (p. 88-101).
Art Historian, Curator in the Egyptian department in Brooklyn and Professor of Egyptian Art at the Institute of Fine Arts in New York, Bernard V. Bothmer was one of the most important experts in Late Egyptian art. He spent his entire life... more
Known as the temple of Apis, the building in one of the parks of central Copenhagen was designed by Nicolai Abildgaard, the painter (1746-1809) around 1801 and built in 1802-1804. It derives its name from the gable decoration of a... more
When Kurt Sethe identified the phrase “speaking words” as dialogue on the Shabaka Stone in 1928, he incited a lively debate that continues to this day over the dramatic potential in certain ancient Egyptian texts. The question of whether... more
e Archaeological Review om Cambridge (ARC) is a biannual journal of archaeology. It is run on a non-pro t, voluntary basis by postgraduate research students at the University of Cambridge.
ABSTRACT: This documentary response sheet contains a series of sequential questions drawn from the video, BBC (Howard Carter Part 1): "The Search for Tutankhamun"; This video covers the early realization in the late 1800s of the existence... more
"Ex oriente nigri: "Captain of the Blacks" and the Fabrication of the Minoan Culture The fabrication of the Minoan culture is the specifically modern phenomenon, closely linked to the imperial and colonial conquest and appropriation of... more
المحتـــــــويات الصفـحة 7 ألول : افي الجغر وموقعها بالمدينة التعريف 31 ينة 31 لمدينة افي لجغر و ّ مجد 13 في األثرية حفائر و ّ مجد ونتائجها 13 لثاني : و ّ مجد الحـديدي و البـرونزي... more
Architecte The purpose of this article is the search of the project in the royal funerary complexes of the ancient Empire in Egypt. The searches performed by the author on the pyramid complexes of the ancient Empire, and on a lot of tombs... more
This paper explores the collection of artefacts from British excavations in Egypt and their dispersal to institutions across the world between 1880 and 1915. The scope, scale and complexity of these distributions is reviewed with a view... more
This is a timeline of every dynasty of Kemit
Songbook for ancient Egypt music video (http://music.ancientgebts.org). Includes exercises, plus sing a song in hieroglyphic lyrics! Learn the lyrics in Tigrigna, Amarigna, English and hieroglyphs and sing along! To have Legesse Allyn... more
Desde que el emperador Maximiliano desembarcó de la fragata SMS Novara en el puerto de Veracruz, el 28 de mayo de 1864, consideró que México contaba con todos los elementos necesarios para estar a la par con las grandes potencias... more
Controversy about museums’ possession and exhibition of human remains has usually affected those identified as ancestral remains by indigenous peoples. Egyptian mummies, with their long tradition of exhibition, seemed exempt from such... more
Tahuantinsuyo, in ancient Quechua language, is the name indicating the Inca Empire, one of the largest of the South American continent, much more than the Aztec and Maya Empire. In 1532 BC, the Inca Kings ruled over a geographical region... more
British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan 10 (2008): 1-37. This essay examines the conceptual development of Egyptian museums from the mid-nineteenth to the early twenty-first century. It is particularly concerned with the... more
The solution to the problems 56, 57, 58, 59 and 59B proposed in this study shows that the Egyptians knew the properties of the right triangle from the time of the Rhind Papyrus that, as the scribe Ahmes indicates, the original text dates... more
Hiroshi Yoshida (1876-1950), a Japanese painter and woodcutter, was known for his excellent landscape compositions, creating paintings using the European oil technique. He traveled the world and also experimented with traditional woodcut... more
Recensione alla mostra "Cleopatra. Roma e l'incantesimo dell'Egitto", Chiostro del Bramante.