Papers by Alexandra Kasatkina
Public Debate in Russia, 2016
Russian Journal of Communication, 2017
In the age when data became big, the epistemological role of scaling and digital mechanism of dat... more In the age when data became big, the epistemological role of scaling and digital mechanism of datafication came to be on the agenda even in the areas of knowledge traditionally skeptical about any computations. Based on the example of the Obninsk digital project, the authors show how enlargement of data and new operations with them (open access and secondary use of big little data in particular) change design of qualitative research and urge researchers to revise ethical conventions of scholarship developed in the pre-digital age. The Obninsk digital project, which acts as a strategic operator of ethical issues arising in the process of digitalization of qualitative knowledge, they define as ethical dispositive.
Shagi / Steps, 2015
The paper contains a review of the conference, which was held in the School of Advanced Studies i... more The paper contains a review of the conference, which was held in the School of Advanced Studies in the Humanities, RANEPA, on 2014, September 12-13.
History: Journal of Education and Science
Форум Опасности поля: перспектива исследователя // Антропологический Форум № 48, 2021. С. 45-59. , 2021
Жизненный мир научно-технической и социально-гуманитарной интеллигенции: общее и особенное , 2015
Статья об обнинских ветеранах атомной индустрии, которые и на восьмом десятке жизни готовы прикла... more Статья об обнинских ветеранах атомной индустрии, которые и на восьмом десятке жизни готовы прикладывать значительные усилия, чтобы улучшить жизнь своего города. Их уникальные знания о своем городе и высокий профессионализм позволяют им занимать позицию экспертов по многим вопросам городской жизни и предлагать реальную помощь властям и таким образом предъявлять свое право на город. В статье я смотрю, какие смыслы вкладывают современные обнинские активисты - ИТР старшего поколения в свою общественную активность.
Музейные коллекции и современная культура народов Индонезии, Малайзии, Филиппин, Океании. — СПб.: МАЭ РАН , 2018
Editorial to a collection of papers on insular Southeast Asian and Oceanian museum collections a... more Editorial to a collection of papers on insular Southeast Asian and Oceanian museum collections and modern culture, published in an oldest Russian anthropological series "Sbornik MAE" (Collections of the Peter the great museum of anthropology and ethnography).
The paper tells the story of a set for genital piercing from Northeast Borneo that was brought by... more The paper tells the story of a set for genital piercing from Northeast Borneo that was brought by Albert Grubauer from the expedition in 1911 and then split between the two European Museums: what is now Museum Fünf Kontinente in München and St Petersburg Kunstkamera.
Experimental Collaborations Ethnography through Fieldwork Devices, Ed. by Adolfo Estalella and Tomás Sánchez Criado. Foreword by George E. Marcus. Afterword by Sarah Pink, 2018
Практики и Интерпретации: журнал филологических, образовательных и культурных исследований, 2017
В этом этнографическом этюде автор задается вопросом о связи голоса, интонирования и субъектной ... more В этом этнографическом этюде автор задается вопросом о связи голоса, интонирования и субъектной позиции, занимаемой рассказчиком в ситуации исследовательского интервью. Используется идея
полифонического текста М. Бахтина, диалогическая теория «я» Х. Херманса и инструментарий позиционного анализа Р. Харре. Позиции рассматриваются как пространственная проекция диалогического «я», которая позволяет увидеть, как оно разворачивается в высказывании, и таким образом объяснить противоречия и непоследовательность устной речи, связанные с ее полифоническим характером. Анализируя интервью с дачниками, которые вспоминают, как осваивали свои участки в последние советские годы, а значит, вынуждены занимать ту или иную позицию по отношению к самим себе в прошлом, автор показывает, как интонационное исполнение речи (тон, смех) позволяет рассказчику занимать, осваивать, совмещать и делегировать позиции.
Музейные коллекции и современная культура народов Индонезии, Малайзии, Филиппин, Океании. Сборник МАЭ LX, 2018
The article is focused on the ornaments made of fruits of the plant Coix lacryma-jobi (Job’s tear... more The article is focused on the ornaments made of fruits of the plant Coix lacryma-jobi (Job’s tears) from the collection MAE no. 2286 (North Borneo, cont. Sabah State, Malaysia) brought by a German collector Albert Grubauer. Detailed annotations are given for each
item under consideration composed according the author’s scheme, the main task of which is to bring together information necessary for researcher, including different versions of an item description from the inventories and archival documents. It is archival
documents of the 1930s, where a note of R.F. Barton was found with indication what plant the ornaments in question were made of. Experience of plants identification obtained by the American anthropologist and former employee of MAE RAS during his time in the Philippines, that he used more than 80 years ago composing inventories, now emerged from the past and made us a good service once again. A brief cultural and historical
commentary on the use and meanings of Job’s tears in the Island Southeast Asia and neighboring regions is also presented in the article.
Музейные коллекции и современная культура народов Индонезии, Малайзии, Филиппин, Океании. Сборник МАЭ LXV, 2018
The paper offers an analytical description of a series of hairpins brought by a German collector ... more The paper offers an analytical description of a series of hairpins brought by a German collector Albert Grubauer from several Dusun villages in North Borneo (now Sabah,
Malaysia). Basing on the comparison of these items and some other sources on the region, including opinions of experts on materials, some hypotheses on local traditions of shaping and ornamenting are offered and first steps to describing the Dusun ornamental complex are made. Detailed annotations are presented for each item under consideration composed according the author’s scheme. The main task of the scheme is to bring together information necessary for researcher, including different versions of an item description from the inventories and archival documents. The author follows the principles of systematic description of an ornamented item based on the research of S.V. Ivanov who worked with Siberian ornaments
Музейные коллекции и современная культура народов Индонезии, Малайзии, Филиппин, Океании. Сборник МАЭ LXV, 2018
This is a foreword to the two following papers describing two series of items from the collection... more This is a foreword to the two following papers describing two series of items from the collection MAE no. 2286 coming from North Borneo (cont. Sabah, Malaysia). The foreword contains general information about the collection and the history of its registration in MAE RAS; experimental principles of annotating an item for the electronic catalogue elaborated by the author are presented, which are further applied in the articles, the
structure of an annotation is described and grounded. Annotating is regarded as the first step of curating of an ethnographic item that aims to enable its participating in different semiotic alliances, as well as becoming a part of the global scientific cyberinfrastructure. The author also focuses on the issue of describing — a part of the process of annotating, which, as the author claims, keeps its function of translating technology even under the
current condition of digital possibilities of documenting
Этнография, 2019
The paper continues a series of preliminary notes for the digital catalogue of collections broug... more The paper continues a series of preliminary notes for the digital catalogue of collections brought by German ethnologist Albert Grubauer in 1911 from ex British North
Borneo (now state Sabah, Malaysia) and sold to the MAE in 1914. The author completes the work started by her predecessors in the museum on identification of two objects misrecognized when the collection was registered. Reconstructing museum biographies of the two tools for genital piercing, the author creates a textual model of digital publication in hope to show that a
properly organized digital infrastructure is able to facilitate not just museum records and exhibitions, but also research on museum collections. This experimental text is a collection of digital data objects: images of artifacts, fragments of documents and publications and their transcripts, commentaries of the researcher. The textual format makes the author put the objects in a certain rigid line, giving her at the same time possibility of metacommentary for her actions. An obvious limitation of digital publication of a museum collection is impossibility to digitize tactile qualities of an object which are so important for museum heuristics. Still, possibility to juxtapose images and excerpts from documents at the one surface of a digital page may significantly lower chances for identification failures and prompt to productive comparisons. With such a tool at hand, curator of a digitalized museum collection inevitably becomes also researcher.
This chapter is an account of the three authors’ fieldwork experiences of authorization in the pr... more This chapter is an account of the three authors’ fieldwork experiences of authorization in the process of preparing interviews for a digital archive: once audio records were transcribed, researchers were to come back to their interlocutors to authorize the transcripts for online publication. Describing three field cases, the authors reflect on the dynamics of the relationships with their research partners, and how they were shaped and transformed through those negotiations. Functioning as an experimental device for collaboration, authorization created a new and uncertain communicative space, in which all the participants constantly needed to improvise and compromise.
На примере группы «Ретро Обнинск» в социальной сети «ВКонтакте», где жители Обнинска делятся стар... more На примере группы «Ретро Обнинск» в социальной сети «ВКонтакте», где жители Обнинска делятся старыми фотографиями города из своих семейных архивов, в статье предлагается описание работы «исторической культуры соучастия» в условиях новых медиа. Понятие Тэлена, отсылающее к этическому режиму вернакулярной работы с прошлым, дополняется и корректируется с учетом «культуры соучастия» сетевых платформ и ее специфики для ресурса, посвященного истории. Демонстрируется, как посредством электронной инфраструктуры платформы «Вконтакте» ностальгическая очарованность участников группы старыми видами своего города конвертируется в архив особого исторического знания: полифонического, эгалитарного, открытого изменениям, нестабильного. Группа «Ретро Обнинск» функционирует как сцена городской памяти, которая, в отличие от печатных СМИ, литературы, музейных экспозиций или вечеров памяти, открыта для молодых поколений обнинцев, в силу возраста не являющихся авторитетными носителями памяти. «Культура соучастия», реализуемая на коммерческой платформе, без выраженной политической повестки и связи с оффлайн активностью, уязвима для деконструирующей критики марксистского толка. В статье предпринимается попытка реабилитировать потенциал подобных групп по интересам в социальных сетях для публичной истории и формирования вернакулярной исторической культуры.
Papers by Alexandra Kasatkina
полифонического текста М. Бахтина, диалогическая теория «я» Х. Херманса и инструментарий позиционного анализа Р. Харре. Позиции рассматриваются как пространственная проекция диалогического «я», которая позволяет увидеть, как оно разворачивается в высказывании, и таким образом объяснить противоречия и непоследовательность устной речи, связанные с ее полифоническим характером. Анализируя интервью с дачниками, которые вспоминают, как осваивали свои участки в последние советские годы, а значит, вынуждены занимать ту или иную позицию по отношению к самим себе в прошлом, автор показывает, как интонационное исполнение речи (тон, смех) позволяет рассказчику занимать, осваивать, совмещать и делегировать позиции.
item under consideration composed according the author’s scheme, the main task of which is to bring together information necessary for researcher, including different versions of an item description from the inventories and archival documents. It is archival
documents of the 1930s, where a note of R.F. Barton was found with indication what plant the ornaments in question were made of. Experience of plants identification obtained by the American anthropologist and former employee of MAE RAS during his time in the Philippines, that he used more than 80 years ago composing inventories, now emerged from the past and made us a good service once again. A brief cultural and historical
commentary on the use and meanings of Job’s tears in the Island Southeast Asia and neighboring regions is also presented in the article.
Malaysia). Basing on the comparison of these items and some other sources on the region, including opinions of experts on materials, some hypotheses on local traditions of shaping and ornamenting are offered and first steps to describing the Dusun ornamental complex are made. Detailed annotations are presented for each item under consideration composed according the author’s scheme. The main task of the scheme is to bring together information necessary for researcher, including different versions of an item description from the inventories and archival documents. The author follows the principles of systematic description of an ornamented item based on the research of S.V. Ivanov who worked with Siberian ornaments
structure of an annotation is described and grounded. Annotating is regarded as the first step of curating of an ethnographic item that aims to enable its participating in different semiotic alliances, as well as becoming a part of the global scientific cyberinfrastructure. The author also focuses on the issue of describing — a part of the process of annotating, which, as the author claims, keeps its function of translating technology even under the
current condition of digital possibilities of documenting
Borneo (now state Sabah, Malaysia) and sold to the MAE in 1914. The author completes the work started by her predecessors in the museum on identification of two objects misrecognized when the collection was registered. Reconstructing museum biographies of the two tools for genital piercing, the author creates a textual model of digital publication in hope to show that a
properly organized digital infrastructure is able to facilitate not just museum records and exhibitions, but also research on museum collections. This experimental text is a collection of digital data objects: images of artifacts, fragments of documents and publications and their transcripts, commentaries of the researcher. The textual format makes the author put the objects in a certain rigid line, giving her at the same time possibility of metacommentary for her actions. An obvious limitation of digital publication of a museum collection is impossibility to digitize tactile qualities of an object which are so important for museum heuristics. Still, possibility to juxtapose images and excerpts from documents at the one surface of a digital page may significantly lower chances for identification failures and prompt to productive comparisons. With such a tool at hand, curator of a digitalized museum collection inevitably becomes also researcher.
полифонического текста М. Бахтина, диалогическая теория «я» Х. Херманса и инструментарий позиционного анализа Р. Харре. Позиции рассматриваются как пространственная проекция диалогического «я», которая позволяет увидеть, как оно разворачивается в высказывании, и таким образом объяснить противоречия и непоследовательность устной речи, связанные с ее полифоническим характером. Анализируя интервью с дачниками, которые вспоминают, как осваивали свои участки в последние советские годы, а значит, вынуждены занимать ту или иную позицию по отношению к самим себе в прошлом, автор показывает, как интонационное исполнение речи (тон, смех) позволяет рассказчику занимать, осваивать, совмещать и делегировать позиции.
item under consideration composed according the author’s scheme, the main task of which is to bring together information necessary for researcher, including different versions of an item description from the inventories and archival documents. It is archival
documents of the 1930s, where a note of R.F. Barton was found with indication what plant the ornaments in question were made of. Experience of plants identification obtained by the American anthropologist and former employee of MAE RAS during his time in the Philippines, that he used more than 80 years ago composing inventories, now emerged from the past and made us a good service once again. A brief cultural and historical
commentary on the use and meanings of Job’s tears in the Island Southeast Asia and neighboring regions is also presented in the article.
Malaysia). Basing on the comparison of these items and some other sources on the region, including opinions of experts on materials, some hypotheses on local traditions of shaping and ornamenting are offered and first steps to describing the Dusun ornamental complex are made. Detailed annotations are presented for each item under consideration composed according the author’s scheme. The main task of the scheme is to bring together information necessary for researcher, including different versions of an item description from the inventories and archival documents. The author follows the principles of systematic description of an ornamented item based on the research of S.V. Ivanov who worked with Siberian ornaments
structure of an annotation is described and grounded. Annotating is regarded as the first step of curating of an ethnographic item that aims to enable its participating in different semiotic alliances, as well as becoming a part of the global scientific cyberinfrastructure. The author also focuses on the issue of describing — a part of the process of annotating, which, as the author claims, keeps its function of translating technology even under the
current condition of digital possibilities of documenting
Borneo (now state Sabah, Malaysia) and sold to the MAE in 1914. The author completes the work started by her predecessors in the museum on identification of two objects misrecognized when the collection was registered. Reconstructing museum biographies of the two tools for genital piercing, the author creates a textual model of digital publication in hope to show that a
properly organized digital infrastructure is able to facilitate not just museum records and exhibitions, but also research on museum collections. This experimental text is a collection of digital data objects: images of artifacts, fragments of documents and publications and their transcripts, commentaries of the researcher. The textual format makes the author put the objects in a certain rigid line, giving her at the same time possibility of metacommentary for her actions. An obvious limitation of digital publication of a museum collection is impossibility to digitize tactile qualities of an object which are so important for museum heuristics. Still, possibility to juxtapose images and excerpts from documents at the one surface of a digital page may significantly lower chances for identification failures and prompt to productive comparisons. With such a tool at hand, curator of a digitalized museum collection inevitably becomes also researcher.
A.A. Lebedeva. Weaving craft in Micronesia (Historical aspect, field
and museum material).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
M.V. Stanyukovich. Coco cup, bamboo cup. Ethnography and ethnobotany of alcohol in Southeast Asia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
A.K. Kasatkina. Towards the Catalogue of Materials Brought by Albert Grubauer from North Borneo .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
A.K. Kasatkina. Dusun Hairpins (North Borneo; cont. Sabah, Malaysia)
in the collection MAE no. 2286 . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
A.K. Kasatkina. Ornaments made of Job’s tears (Coix lacryma-jobi)
in the collection MAE no. 2286 . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Australia and Oceania
T.I. Shaskolskaya. From the Archive of Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography: the article by A.B. Piotrovskiy “Games of the peoples of Australia and Oceania” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
A.A. Lebedeva. Collection of Dr Otto Finsch in MAE stored in Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, Russian Academy of Science . . . . . . 118
P.L. Belkov. The card-indexes of the Department of Australia and Oceania. From the history of the studies of early Oceanic collections in MAE . . . . . . . . . . . 129
E.V. Revunenkova. Historical and Cultural context of the model
of the Traditional Karo Batak Village (Kunstkamerа). . . . . . . . . . . 140
E.V. Revunenkova. «Fates interlacing…» (From lives of researchers
and gatherers of Indonesian collections). .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Section 3. IN MEMORIAM
E.V. Revunenkova. Lyudmila Alekseevna Ivanova . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Bibliography of works by L.A. Ivanova (compiler T.I. Shaskolskaya) .. 210
Abstracts and references.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
About the authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
List of abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237