Recent papers in Nightlife
Between the gangsters, the beautiful girls, the vibrant nightlife and the gigantic scale of the city itself, full of its diverse millions and their struggles, the lurid and colorful world of Bangkok's notorious nightlife is brought to... more
Bangkok Noir/Southeast Asia Noir is fertile and deep and provides a rich almost infinite source of materials, ideas, stories and visual images for all sorts of writers, musicians, film-makers and artists.
Geographies of the night. This intervention invites us to explore "geographies of the night" at multiple levels, in different contexts and through different approaches. If this project seeks to map out the geographies of a particular... more
This research aims to compare the needs of nightclub and bar customers from two very different markets-the existing and well-established British late-night economy and emerging and developing Polish market by examining customer... more
According to historians Alain Cabantous and Chris Otter the introduction of Night lights allowed for the political governance of societies to be modernized. In particular, street lighting made possible the control of public spaces in... more
Before the rise of app-based cruising, and the suffocation of Sydney nightlife, there was the party – an opportunity for random friendships, unexpected conversation and a community of care
Recent researches have underlined that, despite local specificities, the degree of residential segregation in Southern European cities is generally low, somehow confirming long time assumptions. This paper however argues that other forms... more
La nuit n’est pas un espace-temps inexploré par le géographe [Deleuil, 1994 ; Fiori, 2000 ; Mosser et Devars, 2000 ; Paquot, 2000 ; Gwiazdzinski, 2002, 2005 ; Mos- ser, 2003, 2005, 2007 ; Mallet, 2009], mais il reste jeune et nécessite... more
Face aux difficultés d’émergence de la métropole parisienne et compte-tenu des enjeux économiques, environnementaux, culturels et sociaux, le géographe fait l’hypothèse de la nuit et du tourisme nocturne comme moteurs et laboratoires... more
Les activites du jour colonisent progressivement la nuit de nos villes : industrielles, commerciales, culturelles, festives... La mondialisation economique exerce une pression sur les villes pour qu'elles fonctionnent 24h sur 24... more
The public realm could appear in many ways to comprise the varied identity of place influenced by a person or object and culture or environment. The purpose of this paper is to show the leisure behaviour of the urban community in relation... more
Je suis géographe, professeur à l’ENSA de Toulouse après une douzaine d’années à l’Université Grenoble Alpes, et autant entre l’UTBM et l’Université Louis Pasteur à Strasbourg. Je travaille notamment sur les temps de la ville, les rythmes... more
During the thirty years of opening and reform the drinking bar (jiuba) has become part of the texture of urban Chinese life. The bar has been localized as a conventional setting for social activities including dating, business deals, game... more
Ao professor Paulo Cesar, ao qual devo um agradecimento diferenciado por sua insistência, paciência, carinho e dedicação ao longo desses últimos cinco anos para comigo. Espero que estes sejam apenas os primeiros anos de muitos que virão.
In a world that is constantly awake, illuminated and exposed, there is much to gain from looking into the darkness of times past. This fascinating and vivid picture of nocturnal life in Middle Eastern cities shows that the night in the... more
This review describes popular forms of nocturnal leisure in contemporary China and outlines the debates surrounding nightlife and nocturnal leisure in this context. It reviews the related concepts of night-time economy and nightlife, and... more
This study addresses a lack of holistic understanding of experiential consumption by developing and empirically testing a conceptual model that investigates the process of experiential consumption – antecedents, the experience itself, and... more
"Rennes et Paris sont des villes dynamiques et ouvertes. Or, elles sont connues et reconnues pour leur vie nocturne : la « rue de la soif » à Rennes, Montmartre à Paris. Le noctambulisme est associé au phénomène de « binge drinking », à... more
Après les travaux pionniers de la fin des années 90, un nouveau champ de recherches, celui des “Night studies” émerge et se structure peu à peu associant notamment des historiens, des géographes, des urbanistes, des sociologues, des... more
Deriving pleasure and meaning from one’s job is especially potent in the cultural industries, where workers routinely sacrifice monetary rewards, stability, and tidier careers for the nonmonetary benefits of self-expression, autonomy and... more
Beginning in the 1980s, bars and dance clubs re-emerged as important zones of intercultural interaction within Shanghai, particularly for expatriates with otherwise little casual social contact with Chinese citizens. Based on interviews... more
Le court terme hurlant ne doit pas occulter le long terme silencieux Edgar Pisani Le temps « synthèse progressive d'un haut niveau de complexité » (Elias, 1996) est longtemps resté une dimension peu abordée dans l'action publique urbaine... more
A campy, lesbian "minimagazine" : during three years of the late 1990's, Housewife was produced by Dana Wyse and Axelle Le Dauphin for the [in]famous "Pulp" Club in Paris. Along with the schedule of events, it delivered monthly a... more
Night studies. Crossing glances at the new faces of the night The night, in which key issues of economic, political, environmental and social importance are crystallized, is subject to ever-growing pressures. At its deepest levels,... more
In December 2010, nightclubs in Osaka were raided by Japan's police. Such raids quickly spread to Tokyo, and sparked a nationwide crack-down on nightclubs that drew global media attention to the fact that-unbeknownst to many Japanese-it... more
Este trabajo forma parte de un repertorio más amplio que aborda el estudio de la cultura nocturna como uno de los vectores en torno a los cuales se articula la jotería. Fusionando el trabajo de Carlos Monsiváis, Deborah Vargas, José... more
Keeping the question of what constitutes the “underground” open, this reading group seeks conceptual tools that are adequate to the task of analyzing the forms of pleasure, community, aesthetics, and politics that take shape in and as... more
Resumen: En este artículo se va a ofrecer una visión general de lo que supuso la venida de la noche para las gentes de la Edad Media. Así, hemos dividido el artícu-lo en tres puntos a tratar: el aspecto cotidiano, desde las actividades... more
This guide is written for those interested in developing and expanding the benefits that the evening and night time economy have created around the globe. It is written for mayors and their advisors, economic development professionals,... more
Depuis l’origine, l’homme n’a eu de cesse de domestiquer la nature et d’étendre son emprise sur l’ensemble de la planète. Dans cette conquête du système monde presque achevée, la nuit urbaine, terra incognita longtemps oubliée par les... more
Le 20 juin 2014, la Ville de Genève dévoile les contours de sa future politique de la nuit. Cette annonce résulte de quatre années de travail soutenues et supervisées principalement par le Département de la culture et du sport de la Ville... more
This paper discusses a combination of written and archaeological evidence for nocturnal activities in the Roman world. It considers methods of measuring the night, where the means of measuring time had to advance beyond the sundial: water... more
The factors that changed the reality and perception of the night in the Hellenistic period.
Le noctambulisme est un phénomène émergeant dans les villes métropolitaines dynamiques, telles que Paris et Madrid. Sortir en ville la nuit est une pratique démocratisée parmi les jeunes urbains, s’extériorisant des lieux marchands et... more
Queer analyses of Bollywood have, for the most part, attended to homosocial scenes and LGBT representation; this essay takes a different approach by tracing the mimicry of screen divas Madhuri Dixit and Sridevi by gay South Asian boys and... more
In this series of paintings from the Phnom Penh Night, I am following in the footsteps of the great German Expressionists, using distortion and extreme colors to dive below surface “Realism” into a deeper, darker more hidden part of the... more
Que deviennent nos villes, passée l'agitation de la journée ? Dans nos régions où le non-jour atteint en hiver les deux tiers d'une journée, il doit bien y avoir une vie après le jour. Un autre espace se met en place avec de nouveaux... more