Pottery technology and function
Recent papers in Pottery technology and function
“The study of ceramic technological traditions at the LMI building complex of Vathypetro at Archanes, as a means of investigating the society and economy of neopalatial north-central Crete” (PhD Thesis, 2022, University of Athens)"
Ninina Cuomo di Caprio Series: Studia Archaeologica, 144 Format: 17 x 24 cm Binding: Hardcover with dustjacket Pages and Illustrations: 720, 200 b/w ill Publication Year: 2007 PDF ISBN 9788891317490 ISBN:... more
Bu tez çalışmasının amacı Protohistorya ve Önasya Arkeolojisi çerçevesinde Türkiye sınırları içerisinde tespit edilmiş seramik fırınlarının hepsini ilk kez bir araya getirerek incelemek ve tipolojisini karşılaştırmalı olarak ele almaktır.... more
SUMMARY: Chapter 8, in Renfrew & Bahn's textbook (Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice), covers what typically survives, what constitutes an "artifact", interpreting usage, obtaining materials (e.g., quarrying; mining),... more
IB f(;Ltsgo\v, 19()()), 3~)'1. op. cit. in note r(), II, no. :{c!,.'!-t. op. cit. in note I b. VL no :2 T~)~. I04 DEREK W. HALL AND DOREEN HUNTER The mansion of Stenhouse was built in IG22 by Sir \Villiam Bruce, second son of Sir... more
Επεξεργασία της εργασίας μου του Μ.Τ.Σ. στο Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο, με τίτλο "ΤΑ ΚΕΡΑΜΙΚΑ ΕΡΓΑΣΤΗΡΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΝΗΣΟΥ ΛΕΣΒΟΥ" (υπό τον κ. Παπανικολάου). Επιμέλεια έκδοσης: Ηλίας Μέλιος ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΗ ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕΑ: Από τον κ. Ηλία Κουρτζή, δια της... more
The aim of research presented in the article was to analyze the chemical and phase compositions of archaeological ceramic vessels. The studies used scanning electron microscopy coupled with X-ray microanalysis, an X-ray fluorescence... more
Evidence from five Late Archaic/Early Agricultural period sites located in the middle and lower Santa Cruz River valley indicates that the local development of a ceramic container technology occurred over a relatively long period that... more
In this paper we analyse the ceramic material belonging to the Wietenberg culture from the site of Bixad-“Vápavára” out of a typological and functional perspective. Furthermore we are placing this site in the broader context of Middle and... more
The purpose of this article is to investigate the storing behaviours in the South of France in the late Neolithic period, in plateaus and lowland structures. Plateaus are limestone formations that present multiple natural cavities for the... more
During the 16th and 17th centuries most of the Catalan Majolica production was done at Barcelona, Reus and Vilafranca del Penedès. Decorated Majolica making tradition is fully documented at Barcelona and Reus through written legal and... more
Achille Solano, nasce a Nicotera nel 1932. Docente, storico, scrittore e archeologo. Conclusi gli studi classici, si iscrisse all'Università conseguendo la laurea con specializzazione in Topografia tardo-antica e medievale. Esercitò per... more
PROIZVODNJA KERAMIKE-PITANJA SPECIJALIZACIJE I PODELE RADA Apstrakt Proučavanje proizvodnje keramike ne može biti odvojeno od proučavanja i sagledavanja okolnosti u kojima se ona odvija. Pored prirodnih faktora koji na te okolnosti utiču,... more
Ceramics has only a marginal role in the history of art. In this talk I consider the major excuses that have been given (ceramics is a “minor” art, and so forth). I conclude that it is best not to continue to fight to have ceramic art... more
Revisión del estado de la investigación sobre la industria alfarera en la ciudad de Málaga. Resultados de las excavaciones de urgencia y preventivas.
In Serbia, ethnoarchaeology is an entirely new discipline in archaeological practice. The project of the National Museum in Belgrade Intangible Heritage: Ethnoarchaeological research on traditional pottery-making techniques, the first of... more
Pasquale Ciampoli per diversi decenni portò avanti una importante attività commerciale per la comunità. Attività che vedeva non poche difficoltà per la produzione di laterizi. Il sito dove era ubicata la fornace, oggi non più visibile, è... more
En este documento se discuten las distintas técnicas de manufactura, así como los acabados de superficie de los artefactos cerámicos en el lapso de 1500 a.C. a la conquista española, aproximadamente 1550 d.C. 1 en lo que en la actualidad... more
Prapovijesno lončarstvo: mogućnosti eksperimentalnog pristupa
Traditional pottery making was very present in the European everyday lifestile until the mid- 20th century. After the WWII, the industrial production of metal and plastic kitchen wares reduce the demand for pottery. The end of the 20th... more
Content AD MEMORIAM I. O. Gavritukhin (Moscow, Russian Federation) The Danube “Stratum” of the Early Slavic Archaeology. A Word from the Editors 17 D. Jelínková (Brno, Czech Republic), I. O. Gavritukhin (Moscow, Russia) Lubor... more
This paper illustrates how different sections of pots are joined by potters in Mexico, Guatemala and among the ancient Incas. Potters in Ticul, Yucatan and Mexico join portions of vessels using moulding and large coils that are drawn up... more
Experimental archaeology serves as one of the most practical methods of archaeological interpretation which in addition also aids in understanding of pottery making practices.
This brief article introduces a new etbnoarchaeological project concerning potters 0f the Fustdt area in Cairo. Currently the potters are being euicted jiom their worhshops, which utill be replaced by new, gouernment-buib workshops. This... more
Im Spätmittelalter fertigten die überregional bedeutenden Mayener Töpfereien weiterhin in großen Mengen Keramik an. Neben der Massenware für den täglichen Gebrauch wurden auch exquisite Einzelstücke mit anthropomorphen Verzierungen... more
The pre-burial origin of early Anglo-Saxon cremation urns is a subject which has long been debated. Julian Richards (1987), for example, has suggested that they were produced for a specific individual at the time of their death, whilst... more
During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the industrial district of the North Staffordshire Potteries dominated the British earthenware industry, producing local goods that sold in global markets. Over this time the region... more
This paper explores the materiality of food production and consumption within the household in Bronze Age Cyprus. The focus is on embodied encounters with the “stuff of food” – the pots, pans and other kitchen implements that were used on... more
Way too often various handmade traditions present in Mainland Greece are classified under a common heading – usually that of Handmade Burnished Ware – which does not contribute to the proper understanding of their origin and significance.... more
This book is a study prepared on the forms and usage of the containers used for the purposes of Ancient Greek and Roman Era. These containers made of terracotta, stone, glass, wood and various metals, often used in religious ceremonies... more