Medieval Pottery
Recent papers in Medieval Pottery
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Ninina Cuomo di Caprio Series: Studia Archaeologica, 144 Format: 17 x 24 cm Binding: Hardcover with dustjacket Pages and Illustrations: 720, 200 b/w ill Publication Year: 2007 PDF ISBN 9788891317490 ISBN:... more
This is a published doctoral thesis in Turkish language at the Dokuz Eylül University, submitted by Gülseren Kan Şahin in 2015. In this dissertation pottery finds from Hadrianopolis and its chora in southwestern Paphlagonia (northwestern... more
A Cecilia, Angela ed Egidio, con l'auspicio che la vita gli sorrida, sempre Noi stiamo aprendo una strada. Qualcuno verrà, più giovane, più capace e con più mezzi, e la percorrerà per un altro tratto. Ma nessuno arriverà mai fino in fondo.
In Utrecht is de tot nu toe oudst bekende productie van pijpaarden voorwerpen in de Nederlanden aangetroffen. Tijdens een opgraving in het gebied Springweg, Strosteeg, Putsteeg en Blinde Steeg door de archeologische dienst van de gemeente... more
During the excavations conducted by the Soprintendenza of Agrigento near the Castello Nuovo of Sciacca, it was been found a dump into a pit, around a meter wide, which was filled with a considerable quantity of carbon, animal bones,... more
IB f(;Ltsgo\v, 19()()), 3~)'1. op. cit. in note r(), II, no. :{c!,.'!-t. op. cit. in note I b. VL no :2 T~)~. I04 DEREK W. HALL AND DOREEN HUNTER The mansion of Stenhouse was built in IG22 by Sir \Villiam Bruce, second son of Sir... more
a merovingian pottery kiln from Kessel-Hout, the Netherlands
Tijekom iskopavanja groblja iz 11. i 12./13. stoljeća u Stenjevcu (Zagreb), na položaju župnog voćnjaka crkve Uznesenja Blažene Djevice Marije, dokumentiran je i dio naselja iz razdoblja kasnog srednjeg vijeka. U radu je obrađena keramika... more
The article presents the archaeological collection found in the medieval shipwreck of the 13th century. The wreck site was located in the Sudak Bay, near small town resort Novy Svet, in the South-eastern part of the Crimean Peninsula.
During the 16th and 17th centuries most of the Catalan Majolica production was done at Barcelona, Reus and Vilafranca del Penedès. Decorated Majolica making tradition is fully documented at Barcelona and Reus through written legal and... more
"The article revisits what we know of the clay jar which held the early-medieval silver hoard discovered by S. J. Czarnowski in 1897. The jar was found during the exploration of the cave Jaskinia Okopy Wielka, Dolna, at Ojców, Cracow... more
In 2010 werd aangevangen met de heraanleg van het toenmalige Fochplein2 te Leuven (België). In het kader van deze heraanleg werd tussen 18 oktober 2010 en 3 maart 2011 een archeologische opgraving uitgevoerd door Studiebureau Archeologie... more
Discussion of the origins of middle Saxon Ipswich Ware, particularly with reference to the influence of the Frisians
De ondergrond van het terrein ‘De Krocht’ bestaat uit duinzand, dat vanaf het begin van de IJzertijd over een laag veen is gestoven. De oudste bewoningssporen bestonden uit enkele kuilen en greppels uit de Midden-IJzertijd en/of Romeinse... more
Harran Excavation Works in 2018 Excavations were carried out in 2018 at the Perfume Shop, Palace Bath and Mound by the Harran archeology excavation team. Also restoration and conservation works were carried out in Bazaar Bath. In this... more
Revisión del estado de la investigación sobre la industria alfarera en la ciudad de Málaga. Resultados de las excavaciones de urgencia y preventivas.
Hagyományosan az Árpád-kori településkutatás homlokterében a kerámiaművesség, a lakóépítmények, valamint a településszerkezet és településhálózat értékelése áll. A Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Régészettudományi Intézetének gondozásában... more
Registration link: Join international experts in ceramics from the Islamic world as they present new research on themes ranging from archaeological finds... more
Content AD MEMORIAM I. O. Gavritukhin (Moscow, Russian Federation) The Danube “Stratum” of the Early Slavic Archaeology. A Word from the Editors 17 D. Jelínková (Brno, Czech Republic), I. O. Gavritukhin (Moscow, Russia) Lubor... more
With the second volume of the "Archaeology of the border", in 1999 the Società Friulana di Archeologia (Friulian Society of Archaeology) publishes the proceedings of the study day held in Udine in 1996 on the theme "Ceramics from the Late... more
The coasts of southern India have historically been the center of an important commercial network that brought the West (and the Mediterranean) into contact with the Far East. After the fall of the Roman Empire, other commercial actors... more
The article reports on archaeological material – pottery vessels and metal artifacts –recovered from two motte sites, one at Tarnowice Stare, the other at Woźniki at present held by the Upper Silesian Museum in Bytom. Most of the... more
From the 6th century onwards there developed between Cologne and Bonn the pottery region of the so-called Vorgebirge. Here wheel-turned pottery of yellow earthenware was produced. Based upon the temper one can distinguish four different... more
Studie av tidigmedeltida yngre svartgods i kv. Liljan i Malmö.
Rdsum6. Les c6ramologues appellent les c6ramiques qui ornent les surfaces externes des 6difices << bacini vls m6t italien pour bassin. La plupart bacini sont de forme ouverte et se trouvent dans des 6glises des xl"-xvl" sidcles en... more
nella sua discussione sulla ceramica invetriata trovata in Liguria, ha fatto notare la maiolica arcaica sulla facciata di S. Lanl franco a Pavia, databile alla metà del XII secolo. < se sono di maiolica, italiani, e originari, allora... more
Deel 2: Catalogus. Catalogus van de omvangrijke inventarisatie van 67 door de Werkgroep Archeologie van Rura uitgevoerde archeologische onderzoeken in de regio Roermond (NL) en het daarbij ingezamelde vondstmateriaal (ruim 37.000... more
The pre-burial origin of early Anglo-Saxon cremation urns is a subject which has long been debated. Julian Richards (1987), for example, has suggested that they were produced for a specific individual at the time of their death, whilst... more
Technical and typological analysis of three ceramic assemblages from the 13th - 16th c. from the cistercian abbey of Herkenrode (Limburg, Belgium). A large 13th c. assemblage consists for 90% of Meuse valley pottery (Andenne type).... more
En este artículo se presentaron por primera vez piezas con este tipo de técnica y decoración, fechadas en época almohade (1195-1212), y de la cual no se tenía constancia para esta época. Encontradas en claros contextos almohades... more