Archaeometric analysis of pottery
Recent papers in Archaeometric analysis of pottery
The aim of research presented in the article was to analyze the chemical and phase compositions of archaeological ceramic vessels. The studies used scanning electron microscopy coupled with X-ray microanalysis, an X-ray fluorescence... more
Il Museo Nazionale Preistorico Etnografico «Luigi Pigorini» di Roma conserva una cospicua raccolta di manufatti cretesi giunti al museo a seguito delle missioni archeologiche italiane condotte a Creta (siti di Festòs ed Haghia Triada) tra... more
PANTELLERIAN WARE AND ITS CIRCULATION IN LATE ROMAN TIME This research concerning the cooking pottery production in late roman time in the Island of Pantelleria, located in the Sicily Channel. This coarse ware consisted in pans, pots,... more
Author: Ninina Cuomo di Caprio Publication Date: October 31 2017 Publisher: L'ERMA di BRETSCHNEIDER Series: Manuali L'ERMA, 2 ISBN: 978-88-913-1012-5 (Print) ISBN: 978-88-913-1014-9 (E-Book) Binding: Paperback Pages: 700, 260 ill. B/N... more
L.A.I.S Luminescence Dating in Archaeology published as peer reviewed selective articles MAA 2010 Vol.10.4 (2010) Free Downloaded from Cite excellent articles in luminescence dating!!! CONTENTS LUMINESCENCE DATING... more
Questo volume, che raccoglie gli Atti del LII Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia, svoltosi a Taranto dal 27 al 30 settembre 2012, è pubblicato dall'Istituto per la Storia e l'Archeologia della Magna Grecia, con il contributo della... more
An important Bronze Age settlement was discovered during an archaeological excavation in the Monte Meana karst cave in southwestern Sardinia (Italy) between 2007 and 2012. In this region, the caves were used since the Neolithic for... more
Main language: PT. Pattern-burnished pottery has been found in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, in archaeological contexts of the Late Bronze Age (LBA) / Early Iron Age (EIA). Although it was previously considered a “chronological... more
As part of the Topical Collection on the archaeometric study of ceramics, this paper focuses on terra sigillata ware. The main aims are to provide a review on the state of the art of the studies and to provide a guide to the most suitable... more
Augusta Vindelicum/Augsburg offers a significant assemblage of African Red Slip Ware, cooking ware and lamps from the late 1st to the first half of the 5th century AD. This paper concentrates on the range and origin of North African... more
"""Die Methode der Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse (RFA) wird schon seit vielen Jahren für archäometrische Untersuchungen von Keramik eingesetzt. Der technische Fortschritt der letzten Jahre und vor allem die fortschreitende Miniaturisierung... more
The influence of tempering on the mechanical performance of pottery is assessed. Emphasis is placed on the examination of the impact of temper shape (low vs. high sphericity) and extent of vitrification on the strength and toughness of... more
Der erste Teil befasst sich überwiegend mit der ostgriechischen Keramik aus Naukratis. Es war eines unserer wesentlichen Anliegen, bislang weniger berücksichtigte Fundgruppen, die in einer überraschend großen Anzahl in den Depots... more
Οι πρώτες αναλύσεις με την μέθοδο των «λεπτών τομών» (“thin sections”), και της portable X-ray fluorescence analysis (pXRF) στα οκτώ δείγματα που περιελήφθησαν στο πρόγραμμα του 2017-2018, και καλύπτουν ένα μεγάλο φάσμα μεταξύ λεπτοφυών,... more
The article deals with the issue of the Oder-zone painted pottery and encrusted pottery in Poland. A short review of theories and issues studies until today is presented and some new results by scientific approaches are obtained. Using... more
The Grosseto plain has undergone extensive morphological changes. The shoreline progression has been taking place during the last millennium and has deeply affected settlement, infrastructural, and socioeconomic dynamics. Consequently,... more
Gedruckt mit der Unterstützung des Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung Umschlagabbildung: Plan, Basilika am Staatsmarkt (Tafel 71) Umschlaggestaltung: Hannes Weinberger, ÖAW Die verwendete Papiersorte ist aus chlorfrei... more
This paper documents a comprehensive study of thirty-two stamped bricks found in territory of the ancient town of Cosa (Ansedonia, Grosseto). The geographical distribution of these materials distinguished ‘municipal’ productions, i.e.... more
This paper presents the somewhat unexpected findings of a preliminary archaeometric study of 'painted' early Neolithic pottery from the site of Dzhulyunitsa, north central Bulgaria. While there is still no consensus on the actual model of... more
The application of archaeometric methods on ancient potteries is nowadays a well-established approach in archaeological science. Ceramics are, in fact, made by natural geological materials, so that a proper characterization cannot exclude... more
We present details of the work carried out within the framework of a research project funded by the Regional Government of Galicia, Spain, titled "Pb and Sr Isotopes in archaeological pottery from Galicia: a provenance study of the raw... more
In Sudan the first ceramic containers appeared at the beginning of the 9th millennium BC, with the earliest dates c. 8700 BC from Sorourab 2, in Central Sudan, and c. 8600 BC from the district of Amara West, in Northern Sudan. This book... more
VII Congreso Nacional de Arqueometria (Argentina): Materialidad, Arqueologia, Patrimonio (VII Archaeometry National Congress - Argentina: Materiality, Archaeology, Patrimony)
This paper presents issues related to the X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF), or the so-called X-ray spectrometry, applied to the study of Late Medieval ceramic found at archaeological sites located in Solec-on-the-Vistula-River (Solec nad... more
One of the analytical difficulties that may appear in the analytical process of the archaeological materials is related to the complexity of matrices. In this sense, the abundant content of lipids in archaeological degraded material makes... more