Perception of Accents
Recent papers in Perception of Accents
Standard Croatian language has the pitch-accent system, which use both tone and stress to mark lexical accent. The accent system of standard Croatian is based on Neoštokavian dialect and therefore it contains four accent types:... more
Intelligibility of Non-native English: Norms, Attitudes and Listening Comprehension The use of English as an international language challenges traditional views on effective communication, communicative competence and native-speaker... more
It has been argued that depending on gender language is used in different ways in society, and the fact that language is surveyed differently leads to the thesis that men and women have ‘differentiated communicative competence’ (Coates,... more
It has been argued that depending on gender language is used in different ways in society, and the fact that language is surveyed differently leads to the thesis that men and women have ‘differentiated communicative competence’ (Coates,... more
It has been argued that depending on gender language is used in different ways in society, and the fact that language is surveyed differently leads to the thesis that men and women have ‘differentiated communicative competence’ (Coates,... more
It has been argued that depending on gender language is used in different ways in society, and the fact that language is surveyed differently leads to the thesis that men and women have ‘differentiated communicative competence’ (Coates,... more
in «Semicerchio. Rivista di poesia comparata» 44 (2011), pp. 9 – 21
Eddington and Taylor (2009), conducted a study to determine the linguistic and social factors connected with the use of the glottal stop in American English. Several methods have been used including 'Shadowing' and 'Task Reading'.... more
The present study looks at role of attitudes and identity from nonnative speakers (NNSs) of English from Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Korea and Iran towards their English accents and of other NNSs concerning their English accents and how... more
Previous research on the perception of foreign accent has focused on the ratings of native and near-native listeners and few studies have explored the perception of degree of foreign accent by nonnative listeners, despite the fact that it... more
Whilst differences in British English accents can be traditionally evidenced through variances in pronunciation, syntax and lexical choices, justification for these preferences are more complicated and contentious (Cheshire et al, 1989;... more
Whilst differences in British English accents can be traditionally evidenced through variances in pronunciation, syntax and lexical choices, justification for these preferences are more complicated and contentious (Cheshire et al, 1989;... more
Whilst differences in British English accents can be traditionally evidenced through variances in pronunciation, syntax and lexical choices, justification for these preferences are more complicated and contentious (Cheshire et al, 1989;... more
Overview of Classic Article Linking Perception and Production: Bradlow, Pisoni, Akahane-Yamada & Tohkura (1997), Article Presentation: Some effects of perceptual learning on speech production
This article deals with research into the importance of native or near native pronunciation of a person’s L2 or L3 and the prejudices faced by those who may speak an accented form of a majority language. In order to reach its conclusions,... more
There are two orthographic systems, Zhuyin fuhao (hereafter Zhuyin) and Hanyu pinyin (hereafter Pinyin), used to represent the pronunciation of Mandarin in Chinese communities around the world. The Language Research Centre at the... more
Гасан Гусейнов ГРУЗИНСКИЙ АКЦЕНТ В РУССКОМ ДИСКУРСЕ ПОЗДНЕСОВЕТСКОЙ И ПЕРВОЙ ЧЕТВЕРТИ ВЕКА ПОСТСОВЕТСКОЙ ЭПОХИ. - Россия–Грузия после империи: Cборник статей / Cост. Мирья Лекке, Елена Чхаидзе. — М.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2018, с.... more
It has been argued that depending on gender language is used in different ways in society, and the fact that language is surveyed differently leads to the thesis that men and women have ‘differentiated communicative competence’ (Coates,... more
El enfoque comunicativo en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras ha acabado por afianzarse, tal vez ya definitivamente, en nuestras aulas.
This article is intended to briefly overview the status of the native speaker norms within the English as Foreign Language (EFL) and French as a Foreign Language (FFL) context. Although extremely conformist and non-conformist stances... more
- by Gyuzal Akhmetova
- Non-Native English Speaking Professionals in TESOL, Accents, Educational Technology Project-based Language Teaching Second Language Acquisition Enquiry-based Language Learning TESOL Socio-cultural theory of Language Acquisition Teaching and Learning Languages in Second Life Education of Language Teachers, Teacher Education in Teaching English to Speakers of Second/Foreign Languages (TESOL)
This paper explores the linguistically naive descriptions which one set of EFL learners provided when identifying and describing accents. First and second-year English majors at a French university were asked to do two tasks. First, they... more
The present study looks at role of attitudes and identity from nonnative speakers (NNSs) of English from Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Korea and Iran towards their English accents and of other NNSs concerning their English accents and how... more
This study investigates developing linguistic prestige of the standard/local varieties in bidialectal kindergarteners whose linguistic environment has a high level of interference between two varieties of different social prestige. To... more
The objectives of this study are to elicit perceptions that Chinese users of English have towards a selection of world English varieties; to determine the effects of speaker gender and visual primes (ethnic faces) on perceptions; and also... more
Notre étude sur la perception d’accent porte sur le FLS qui, rappelons-le, se distingue du FL1, du FL2 et du FLE par son mode d’appropriation. A notre connaissance, cette étude est la première sur le FLS qui confronte les représentations... more
ABSTRACT The present study looks at role of attitudes and identity from nonnative speakers (NNSs) of English from Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Korea and Iran towards their English accents and of other NNSs concerning their English accents... more
Foreign accent is judged by the degree to which the non-native (L2) production is perceived differently from production patterns by native speakers (NL) [1]. Both segmental and suprasegmental features are shown influential in accent... more
An attempt to understand why the characters of Les MIsérables have no regional or social accents when they speak.
La metodología de la lingüística contrastiva exige que las lenguas se comparen a partir de una invariante compartida, un tertium comparationis conocido de antemano, para que las (dis)coincidencias halladas sean atribuibles a propiedades... more
Cette analyse est basée sur des enregistrements faits à Bamako (Mali) en décembre 2006 et d’un test de perception effectué en décembre 2008 / janvier 2009. Les tests de perception cherchent à déterminer les caractéristiques, réelles ou... more
Everybody has an accent (Stockwell, 2003) and these can be determined by social class, geographical location and other social variables (Wells, 1982). Many previous studies have presumed that people are relatively accurate at recognising... more
This paper examines how eight YouTubers in nine Accent Tag videos, focusing on phonological and lexical varieties, use English as a lingua franca to reveal their multiple L1, L2, and, occasionally, L3 identities and attitudes. Examining... more
This is a survey designed to assess the effects that the self-perception of a non-native accent, when speaking a foreign language, may have on a person's willingness to communicate. In particular, this survey is designed for native... more
Numéro thématique de Minorités linguistiques et sociétés, 12
Cet article repose sur des années d’observation de terrain dans un lycée situé en Seine Saint-Denis, en banlieue parisienne. Nous analysons les discours épilinguistiques de trois lycéennes banlieusardes d’origines différentes qui adoptent... more
Presentation at IAFPA 2015, Leiden, the Netherlands
The present study looks at role of attitudes and identity from nonnative speakers (NNSs) of English from Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Korea and Iran towards their English accents and of other NNSs concerning their English accents and how... more
Full text available here: Native-speaker listeners constantly predict upcoming units of speech as part of language processing, using various cues. However, this process is impeded in second-language listeners, as... more
This study focused on two of the most common lexical items in the English language, the conjunction ‘because’ and the verb ‘going’. It was an analysis of ten heterosexual boys aged between fourteen and nineteen and their usage, clippings... more
Group and race-based discrimination remains present in South Africa, in part as an Apartheid by-product, and can result in biased treatment. The study investigated whether and how accents influence perceptions of credibility, focussing on... more
The present study examined whether heritage speakers (HSs) of European Portuguese (EP) who were born or moved to a German-speaking country before the age of eight years were perceived as native speakers of EP. In particular, this study... more
Sociolinguistic research on language attitudes has revealed that non-standard accented speakers are usually perceived more negatively than members of the dominant speech community. Few studies, however, have examined whether a speaker’s... more
From a sociolinguistic point of view, the generically called upper classes are characterised by their insularity, as their members are a self-recognised group of people who “frequently meet face-to-face in social institutions of their... more