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"The presentation guides you to discover in a fresh way how TESOL is a partial and integral expression of the Christian path to wholeness by virtue of the process of cultural, linguistic and identity paradigm shifts. What a meta-cognitive... more
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This exploratory study invited 285 Japanese university students studying English as a foreign language (EFL) to reflect on what demotivated and remotivated them. Students charted the ups and downs of their English learning histories and... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyEducationTeaching English as a Second Language
This investigation conducted at a private faith-based university explored how graduate course work can impact teachers' knowledge, skills, and dispositions regarding English language development. Specifically, the investigators examined... more
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      TESOLProfessional DevelopmentTeaching MethodsSemantic Differential
Successful learners always apply learning strategies. However, despite ample research and textbooks on this topic, learners and teacher trainees are not explicitly taught the strategic content. Thus, realising the importance of learner... more
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      TESOLLearning StrategiesLearning MotivationCurriculum Renewal
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisHistory
Many second/foreign language (L2/FL) teachers do not see the relevance of research to their teaching. This article aims to help bridge this gap by addressing form-focused instruction (FFI), a current pedagogical and research issue of... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionVocabularyTESOL
The need to address culture in the language learning process has been emphasized as a means to promote both intercultural awareness and communicative language curricula. In countries such as Turkey, this has been an ongoing concern in the... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationTeaching English as a Second LanguageTESOLCulture
The year 2020 marked the 25th year since Bonny Norton published her influential TESOL Quarterly article, ‘Social identity, investment, and language learning’ (Norton Peirce, 1995) and the fifth year since we, Darvin and Norton (2015),... more
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      PsychologyLanguage and IdeologyTESOLLinguistics
In this chapter, we problematize language in education policies that consider a multilingual system of education against attitudes to language that can impact on the (non)success of these policies. We argue that without addressing... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageLanguages and LinguisticsTeacher EducationSociolinguistics
Teaching Vocabulary explores different approaches to teaching vocabulary in ESL/EFL classrooms. It provides an overview of the place and importance of vocabulary in English language learning and teaching in an easy-to-follow guide that... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionTeacher EducationSociolinguistics
There is a stereotype that takes for granted that a native speaker is by nature the best person to teach his/her foreign language. This assumption leaves little room for non-native teachers. A comparison of these two kinds of teachers is... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionTESOLApplied LinguisticsTeaching English As A Foreign Language
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      Languages and LinguisticsTESOLNon-Native English Speaking Professionals in TESOLApplied Linguistics
How humans possess the language ability is a matter of long controversy among the linguists. Some of them believe that the ability of language is the result of innate knowledge. Unlike other species humans possess that innate ability... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguages and LinguisticsSociolinguisticsPsycholinguistics
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      Online InstructionTESOLOnline LearningInclusive Education
Book review
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      Teacher EducationNarrativeTESOLPedagogy
In 2005, TESOL sponsored a survey to respond to the growing concerns of the organization's Adult Education Interest Section (AEIS). The results showed that interest section members were deeply concerned with inequitable workloads,... more
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      Adult EducationTESOLProfessional DevelopmentSurveys
(Last paragraph) This is actually a meta-interactional structure as students and teachers adjust to each other and try to find out what their different perceptions are of what they all think are the same events. It behooves us to remind... more
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      SociologyPositive PsychologyEducationSociology of Education
The demand for English as a lingua franca (ELF) around the world is inextricably linked to the global economy and the so-called global village. International communication is more than just big business; it is an economic, political, and... more
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      GlobalizationSociolinguisticsTESOLApplied Linguistics
This article presents a case study of academic language instruction in a high school “English Learner Science” course. It illustrates how a teacher's understanding of academic language affects her instruction and students’ opportunities... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEnglish for Academic PurposesTeaching English as a Second LanguageScience Education
Scholars are increasingly exploring service-learning as an approach to TESOL pedagogy, but little scholarship exists on the experiences of the community members who work with ELL students. This chapter draws on interviews with a high... more
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      Service LearningTESOLService Learning in Higher Education
This study aims to explore the feasibility of teaching critical reading—a practice based on critical language awareness—in local English language classes where learners tend to be receptive about the contents, and to describe the... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageLanguage Planning and PolicyTESOLApplied Linguistics
While a study by was able to explain how factors such as phonological salience, frequency, morphological regularity, semantic complexity, and syntactic complexity influence acquisition order, the examination of six similar morphological... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionTESOLEnglish GrammarEnglish as a Foreign Language (EFL)
This study investigates the extent to which phonological characteristics of Farsi speakers of English interfere with their intelligibility when they interact with L1 Australian English speakers. Many students who are learning English... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyLanguages and LinguisticsUsabilitySociolinguistics
Review of Dr John F. Fanselow's presentation at JALT '90 (The 16th Annual Conference of the Japan Association of Language Teachers), November 23-25, 1990 at Sonic City Convention Center, Omiya, Japan.
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      Teacher EducationTESOLReadingTeaching Methodology
Educational terms, labels, and categories can create binary thinking and societal polarizations that reify normative assumptions, status quo educational procedures, and inequitable educational experiences for culturally and linguistically... more
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      TESOLEducational LinguisticsBilingual education (Education)Bilingual Special Education
Educational systems endemic of demotivation might signify a stagnating rather than nurturing ecology of learning, due in part to an obstruction in the loops of shared information between the organisms within these systems, i.e., teachers,... more
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      Information SystemsEducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language Acquisition
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      Discourse AnalysisPhonologyPhoneticsPragmatics
" I never teach my pupils, I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn. " This infamous quote of Albert Einstein is never too old for English teachers to reflect on. Bringing Einstein's context into English language... more
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    • TESOL
Learner motivation is considered a vital factor in second language instruction. An analysis of motivation types and degrees can reveal learners’ expectations and learning objectives. The present study analyzes the motivational patterns of... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageTeacher EducationLearning and TeachingTESOL
This· study discusses roles and responsibilities in team-teaching by English native-speaking ALTs (Assistant Language Teachers) and JTLs (Japanese Teachers of Language) in English classes at Japanese secondary schools. Mombukagakusho... more
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      EducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageLanguage AcquisitionTeacher Education
This study examined the gains in student affect, vocabulary, and reading fluency for 110 university students in an extensive reading program in Japan. It was important to measure all of these dimensions within a single study and a single... more
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      TESOLExtensive ReadingJapanCluster Analysis
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      Intercultural CommunicationLanguage EducationTESOLIntercultural Education
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesQueer TheoryTESOL
As a consequence of the Turkish educational system’s shift from a teacher-centred to student-centred approach in the academic year of 2005-2006, school curricula of all subject areas have moved towards the development of learner autonomy.... more
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      EducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageSociolinguisticsTESOL
In a classroom with communicative language ability as its goal, interaction between students clearly has a valuable role to play. However, some learners may find it quite taxing to be part of a class where all activities involve or even... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageTESOLSecond Language Teacher EducationTeaching English As A Foreign Language
This article reflects my ongoing development of a principled and flexible methodological framework beyond pre-packaged, one-size-fits-all methods; a framework free from traditional or dogmatic constraints, flexible enough to take into... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageTESOLTeaching of Foreign LanguagesSecond Language Teacher Education
It has been a while nearly from many years ago to the present day that two standard exams of IELTS and TOEFL have applied with the purpose of evaluating the candidates pursuing their higher-education goals and/or immigrating to the... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageTESOLTeaching EFL
This study examines the use of the first language (L1), here Kurdish or Arabic, from the perspective of teachers in the process of teaching and learning English in EFL classrooms at the English Department, College of Languages, University... more
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      TESOLApplied LinguisticsKurdish LanguageTeacher Education in Teaching English to Speakers of Second/Foreign Languages (TESOL)
In the modern era, many methods for the instruction of language principles and skills have been proposed, developed, and implemented to assist language learners with their advancement. In this paper, the unique concept of formulaic... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageLanguages and LinguisticsNatural Language ProcessingSemantics
There have been several studies that would like to explore on the effectiveness of reading English words aloud in recall of information. Numerous researchers have hypothesized that reading English words aloud would help an individual... more
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    • TESOL
Providing a timely and much-needed resource on LTAs, the book helps readers recognize the importance and nature of teachers' professional development, while also contributing to the process of educational change. In order to achieve a... more
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      PsychologyTeacher EducationTESOLProfessional Development
Faith and learning integration is a significant goal, yet there is a lack of research on whether it takes place in ESL/EFL at Christian universities, and if so, how. Outlining a study in ESL and EFL classes in the U.S. and Indonesia, this... more
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      TESOLApplied LinguisticsLanguage and ReligionELT
The TESOL/ELT landscape is inescapably under the synergy between theory and practice in both pre-service and in-service teacher education, without forgetting the critical transition undergone by novice teachers. To address teacher... more
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      TESOLSecond Language Teacher EducationTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageELT
I wrote this poem when I accepted who I had become over time: a Poster Boy. Playing the game of the colonizers, I had learned to climb up the ladder of “success”, as defined by the colonials and internalized by us. This ladder being one... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsTESOLApplied Linguistics
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      Higher EducationTESOLFeedback