Heritage language studies
Recent papers in Heritage language studies
This presentation examines non-standard syntactic structures in Wisconsin Standard High German (WSHG). Drawn from Professor Lester W. J. 'Smoky' Seifert's corpus of recorded German speech (1948)(1949), six speakers identified as speaking... more
Alice Joo. 2018. KHL learners' case particle substitution errors: an investigation of-i/ka,-un/nun,-ul/lul,-ey and-eyse. International Journal of Korean Language Education 4(2), 107-139. This paper examines the frequent Korean case... more
L'armenien occidental est la langue parlee par les Armeniens en diaspora, et est reconnu comme une des langues de France non territoriales par le Ministere de la culture. Elle a ete classee langue en danger par l'Unesco en fevrier... more
En aquests apunts ens concentrarem a explicar algunes característiques de l’alumnat d’origen brasiler a Catalunya i de la seva llengua de referència, el portuguès; a parlar d’algunes accions que grups locals duen a terme per donar a... more
This article presents a critical analysis of language ideologies in the instructional discourse of Spanish for heritage speakers in the United States. We focus on the discourse present in prefaces and introductions to Spanish for heritage... more
This study explores Korean-immigrant parents' language ideologies and practices with respect to their American-born children's language development. Participants were seven ethnic Korean families composed of immigrant parents and their... more
The paper presents patterns of language use of the schoolchildren who attend one of the two japanese educational establishments in Barcelona: the Japanese School of Barcelona and the Supplementary Japanese School of Barcelona. Based on... more
This article draws on data from an ethnographic multiple-case study on the identity, positioning, and interactions of Spanish as a heritage language (SHL) students in regular Canadian high school Spanish classes. Interview and classroom... more
Esta obra apresenta os fundamentos teóricos e práticos da Didática do Português Língua de Herança. Recorrendo a perspetivas disciplinares variadas, como sendo a Linguística, a Sociolinguística e a Didática, e a contextos nacionais e... more
Language contact phenomena that are audible and/or visible at surface level have been the topic of numerous linguistic studies. The domain of semantic transfers has recently moved more into the focus of scientific analysis. Such... more
The notion of 'heritage language and culture' has been gaining more attention from researchers. With the increase of immigration in today's world, there is an urgent need to portray heritage groups' positions in societies. With the help... more
The dual curriculum model ubiquitous to Orthodox Jewish day schools in North America typically bifurcates into religious (Judaic) studies and general studies. While most classes generally fit into one of those two halves of the... more
This report describes several textbooks, academic volumes, and online resources designed by and written for instructors who teach Spanish as a heritage language, as well as researchers who work in this field.
This article presents Slavic languages in diaspora (SLD) from a broad geographic and diachronic perspective, i.e., worldwide and including old and new Slavic migrant communities with diverse historical and political backgrounds.... more
The topic of this study is the language situation of third-generation Turkish immigrants in Germany with a focus on heritage language maintenance, language shift, language choice, and attitude. Third generation Turkish immigrants will... more
Ainu is the heritage language of the indigenous people of present-day southern Sakhalin, the Kurile Islands, present-day Hokkaido, and northeastern Honshu (mainland Japan). The UNESCO Interactive Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger... more
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a... more
Статья представляет предварительные наблюдения над способами конструирования собственных номинаций, отмеченными в русском языке как унаследованном (Russian as a heritage language) в Швеции и Германии. Предшествующие исследования... more
This study examines the background and motivations of first through fourth semester university-level Native American language learners at the University of Oklahoma. A survey of ten questions collected data concerning demographic... more
In the current debates on educational language policy, the focus is still on the second language competencies - especially the written language competencies - of students with a first language other than German. With this background, this... more
The paper presents a preparatory phase of a study aimed at the description of a contact version of Russian (the fourth wave of emigration) and the typisation of its morphological and syntactic features. We will base our study on a corpus... more
After a theoretical overview of the concept of heritage language (HL) from a plurilingual perspective, we will present the project “Images on the (teaching of) Portuguese Language abroad”. For this project, several drawings were... more
This study presents the findings of cross-sectional psycholinguistic research investigating the first-language acquisition of Turkish among heritage speakers in Germany. Studies in heritage language acquisition in the last decades have... more
van de cursus vertelde dat in deze lessen de deelnemers van de cursus 'het Brussels dialect van de vijfhoek' leren, en dus leren hoe Brusselssprekers van het centrum van Brussel praten.
Australia has been praised for the number of languages taught in govemn^ejit schools. In 2004, 50 LOTEs (languages other than English) were offered at Victorian schools, with 36 of those accredited as VCE (Victorian Certificate of... more
Este ensayo se enfoca en el proceso de adquisición de lengua de los hablantes de herencia, especialmente los hablantes de herencia de español en los Estados Unidos, y busca demostrar cómo este proceso de adquisición proporciona... more
Der Erhalt von Minderheitensprachen ist ein in der Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung aktuell vielfach diskutiertes Thema. Die Beschäftigung mit diesem Gegenstand stellt nicht nur das gängige Verständnis von „muttersprachlicher“ Kompetenz... more
Este capítulo de livro pretende explicar as origens do ativismo em torno do português como língua de herança (PLH) pela comunidade brasileira da diáspora. Suas origens remontam, por um lado, às ondas migratórias de brasileiros para o... more
This Forum challenges and problematizes the term incomplete acquisition, which has been widely used to describe the state of competence of heritage speaker (HS) bilinguals for well over a decade (see, e.g., Montrul, 2008). It is suggested... more
This article explores the Lithuanian heritage speakers'
I bring together two research strands that rarely interact and might even seem incom-mensurable, namely sociolinguistic approaches to linguistic fluidity and multi-competence on the one hand, and structural approaches to linguistic... more
The concept of ’natural heritage’ has become increasingly significant with the threat of dwindling resources, environmental degradation and climatic change. As humanity’s impact on the condition of life on earth has become more prominent,... more
Este libro ofrece un acercamiento a la sociolingüística y al estudio del lenguaje y la sociedad, que luego se aplica al análisis del español hablado en los Estados Unidos. Además de proporcionar información clave sobre la demografía y la... more
How can the language classroom be reinvented as a space for decolonization, transformation, and the development of critical consciousness? Language researchers and educators should not shy away from taking up these issues, as part of a... more
The present study investigates immigrant parents’ family language policies in regards to their children’s heritage language development and maintenance by utilizing Spolsky’s theoretical model on which research on family language policy... more