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Среднестатистический нелюбознательный человек верит, что «весь мир говорит поанглийски» (поскольку об этом постоянно твердят СМИ и интернет) -хотя в реальности это верно лишь для международных аэропортов, шикарных отелей и прочих мест,... more
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      Esperanto as a Second LanguageEsperanto
Ankaŭ vi estas Fremdulo! estas la verketo, kiu prezentas teoriajn fundamentojn kaj historion de interkultura edukado. Krom scienceca analizo de ĉefaj nocioj kaj sociaj problemoj ligitaj kun kultura diverseco, ĝi enhavas riĉan gvidilon pri... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationIntercultural EducationEsperanto as a Second LanguageEsperanto
This paper is based on the fact that Esperanto, despite being a well-constructed auxiliary language, has failed to become a world language because of a number of internal and external factors.
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      Languages and LinguisticsSpanishChinese StudiesEnglish language
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      InterlinguisticsEsperanto as a Second LanguageEsperantoEsperanto Literature
Oficiale, laŭ traktato de Lisbono, Eŭropa Unio estas regata per demokratio, per justeco, per nediskriminacio. Sed fakte la estraro nur uzas la anglan lingvon, do la plejmulto de la loĝantoj, kiuj ne scipovas la anglan lingvo, estas... more
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      LanguagesEnglish languageEuropean UnionEsperanto as a Second Language
Esperanto appeared exactly when the 'Reform Movement' of foreign language teaching was flourishing, as an opposing alternative: improving not merely the method, but the taught language itself. However, for more than a century the trends... more
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesEsperanto as a Second LanguageEsperantoMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language Teaching
Se trata da IF-Sophia: revista eletrônica de investigações Filosófica, Científica e Tecnológica, nº VII
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      Esperanto as a Second LanguageEsperantoEsperanto LiteratureLingüística
Fare sociolinguistica dell'esperanto è davvero possibile? Questa domanda mi è stata rivolta di recente da un collega sociolinguista, alquanto perplesso che si possa studiare il rapporto tra lingua, cultura e visione del mondo in una... more
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      Esperanto as a Second LanguageEsperantoEsperantologioEsperanto, Esperantologio
hamlet em esperantof
traduçaõ de Zamenhof
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      Esperanto as a Second LanguageEsperantoEsperanto LiteratureShakespere's Hamlet
J.Korczak: Sole kun Dio. Preĝoj de tiuj, kiuj ne preĝas. / O sós com Deus. Orações dos que não oram. Editora Comenius, Bragança Paulista 2007 Tłumaczenie dzieła J.Korczaka na język Esperanto, opatrzenie wydania przedmową i przypisami.... more
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      Esperantic StudiesEsperanto as a Second LanguageEsperantoEsperanto Literature
Probal Dasgupta Mia libro Loghi en homaj lingvoj: la substancisma perspektivo prezentas esperantismon intime ligitan al la tradukologio, la semiotiko kaj la lingvoscienco. Trovighas en tiu prezento samtempe analizo (do teoria kompreno)... more
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      Cognitive ScienceDeconstructionSyntaxEsperanto as a Second Language
La nuna situacio kun abĥaza lingvo elvokas seriozan zorgemon kiel ĉe specialistoj, tiel en rondo de intelektularo, malgraŭ garantita en Konstitucio de Abĥazio altan staton de abĥaza lingvo kiel ŝtata. Laŭ takso de lingvoscientistoj abĥaza... more
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      Languages of the CaucasusEsperanto as a Second LanguageEsperantoAbkhaz language
A very quick introduction to the basic structures of Esperanto. Intended for a mixed audience of linguists and non-linguists.
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      Esperanto as a Second LanguageEsperantoConstructed LanguagesConlangs
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      Hebrew LanguageArabic Language and LinguisticsAramaicAfro-Asiatic Linguistics
Jest to wersja w języku esperanto książki „Spotkania z Innymi. Czytanki do edukacji międzykulturowej”. Została opracowana na potrzeby portalu edukacyjnego, w którym jest zamieszczona w postaci kursu do edukacji... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationIntercultural ManagementIntercultural EducationIntercultural Education (Education)
One of the core uses of Esperanto as a bridge language relates to the establishment of contacts between people from different origins and backgrounds – between national others – so as one can learn and exchange thanks to the other’s... more
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      Esperantic StudiesEsperanto as a Second LanguageEsperantoEsperantologio
Se alguém lhe perguntasse “O que é o esperanto?”, o que você responderia? Seria uma ideia? Um projeto de língua planejada para facilitar a comunicação internacional? Sim, mas há mais de cem anos que o esperanto pode ser definido dessa... more
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      LanguagesModern LanguagesCommunicationMulticulturalism
The review starts on p. 198.
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesEsperanto as a Second LanguageForeign language teaching and learningSecond Language Learning
Rivail kaj edukado. Pedagogiaj ideoj kaj aktivado de la kodiginto de spiritismo. Editora Comenius, Bragança Paulista 2004. (ISBN 978-85-98472-05-0) Kia estis A.Kardec - aǔ pli ĝuste Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail, ĉar tiam li portis... more
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      Esperanto as a Second LanguageEsperantoEsperanto LiteratureSpiritism
To our knowledge, there is to date no significant number of sociological studies dealing with the Esperanto movement, and there are even fewer sociolinguistic explorations of the whole Esperanto phenomenon. Concentrating on the Croatian... more
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      InterlinguisticsSociolinguisticsEsperantic StudiesEsperanto as a Second Language
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      Second Language AcquisitionPidgins & CreolesArtificial LanguageEsperanto as a Second Language
Cannot find a language fit enough for World-wide communication? No problem - just make one up! Sounds somewhat insane, but surprisingly many had this idea. What followed? Well, listen and you will hear all about it in this out-take of our... more
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      LanguagesCommunicationLanguages and LinguisticsEsperanto as a Second Language
(In Esperanto) The Learning and Teaching of Esperanto in Asia -- How to speak fluently and enable others speak fluently?
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      Esperanto as a Second LanguageEsperanto
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      Esperanto as a Second LanguageEsperantoRemy de GourmontEsperanto (International Language)
Opinia do wniosku Stowarzyszenia Europa-Demokracja-Esperanto o wpis języka esperanto jako nośnika kultury esperanckiej na krajową listę niematerialnego dziedzictwa kulturowego, sporządzona na potrzeby Departamentu Ochrony Zabytków... more
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      Esperanto as a Second LanguageEsperantoEsperanto LiteratureEuropa
Un interessante esempio pertinente al tema del nostro convegno è quello proposto dall'Accademia Internazionale delle Scienze San Marino (in breve: AIS). Si tratta di un'istituzione universitaria nata nel 1983 a San Marino per iniziativa... more
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    • Esperanto as a Second Language
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      Great WarWorld War IFirst World WarEsperanto as a Second Language